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The western terranes exposed east of the Pan-African suture in western Hoggar (southwest Algeria), are reexamined in the light of new structural, petrologic and by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe data on metamorphic micas and amphiboles. To the north, the Tassendjanet nappe includes the Paleoproterozoic basement, its Mesoproterozoic cover and mafic rocks representing the roots of a ca. 680 Ma arc overlain by Late Neoproterozoic andesites and volcanic greywackes. The nappe preserved at rather shallow crustal level in the east was emplaced southward (D1a) to southeastward (D2). In the south, two metamorphic suites are distinguished. The Tideridjaouine–Tileouine high-pressure metamorphic belt (T=550–600 °C, P=1.4–1.8 GPa) represents a slab of subducted continental material exposed along the western edge of the In Ouzzal granulite unit interpreted as a microcontinent. Differential exhumation of tectonic slices from the high-pressure belt occurred around 615–600 Ma through a system of west-directed recumbent folds (D1b). The Egatalis high grade belt in the west was intruded by syn-metamorphic gabbro–norite bodies. It includes unretrogressed low-pressure granulite facies rocks (T around 750–800 °C, P0.45 GPa) cooled at a rate of 15°/m.y. between 600 and 580 Ma, and followed by the emplacement of several late-kinematic granitic plutons. Final exhumation of the low-pressure, high-temperature metamorphic rocks, that are not found as pebbles in the molasse, took place in the Late Cambrian. The early and relatively fast cooling of the high-pressure and high-temperature metamorphic rocks of the southern part of the Tassendjanet terrane is at variance with the slow cooling of central Hoggar where repeated magmatic activity as young as Late Cambrian occurred [Lithos 45 (1998) 245].  相似文献   

An integrated geological study of the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the metamorphic complex of Beloretzk (MCB) which is part of the eastern Bashkirian mega-anticlinorium (BMA), SW Urals, Russia shows that the main lithological units are Neoproterozoic (Riphean and Vendian age) siliciclastic to carbonate successions. Granitic, syenitic and mafic intrusions together with subaerial equivalents comprise the Neo- and Mesoproterozoic magmatic rocks. The metamorphic grade ranges from diagenetic and very low grade in the western BMA to high-grade in the MCB. The N–S trending Zuratkul fault marks the change in metamorphic grade and structural evolution between the central and eastern BMA. Structural data, Pb/Pb-single zircon ages, 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages and the provenance signature of Riphean and Vendian siliciclastic rocks in the western BMA give evidence of Mesoproterozoic (Grenvillian) rifting, deformation and eclogite-facies metamorphism in the MCB and a Neoproterozoic (Cadomian) orogenic event in the SW Urals. Three pre-Ordovician deformation phases can be identified in the MCB. The first SSE-vergent, isoclinal folding phase (D1) is younger than the intrusion of mafic dykes (Pb/Pb-single zircon: 1350 Ma) and older than the eclogite-facies metamorphism. High P/low T eclogite-facies metamorphism is bracketed by D1 and the intrusion of the Achmerovo granite (Pb/Pb-single zircon: ≤970 Ma). An extensional, sinistral, top-down-to-NW directed shearing (D2) is correlated with the first exhumation of the MCB. E-vergent folding and thrusting (D3) occurred at retrograde greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. The tremolite 40Ar/39Ar cooling age (718±5 Ma) of amphibolitic eclogite and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages (about 550 Ma) of mica schists indicate that a maximum temperature of 500±50 °C was not reached during the Neoproterozoic orogeny. The style and timing of the Neoproterozoic orogeny show similarities to the Cadomian-aged Timan Range NW of the Polar Urals. Geochronological and thermochronological data together with the abrupt change in structural style and metamorphism east of the Zuratkul fault, suggest that the MCB is exotic with respect to the SE-margin of the East European Platform. Thus, the MCB is named the ‘Beloretzk Terrane’. Recognition of the ‘Beloretzk Terrane’ and the Neoproterozoic orogeny at the eastern margin of Baltica has important implications for Neoproterozoic plate reconstruction and suggests that the eastern margin of Baltica might have lain close to the Avalonian–Cadomian belt.  相似文献   

The amphibolite facies grade North Qinling metamorphic unit forms the centre of the Qinling orogenic belt. Results of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar amphibole and biotite dating reveal its Palaeozoic tectonic history. U-Pb zircon dating of migmatitic orthogneiss and granite dykes constrains the age of two possible stages of migmatization at 517 ± 14 Ma and 445 ± 4.6 Ma. A subsequent granite intrusion occurred at 417 ± 1.6 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of amphibole ranging from 397 ± 33 Ma to 432 ± 3.4 Ma constrain the cooling of the Qinling complex below ca. 540 °C and biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages at about 330–368 Ma below ca. 300 °C. The ages are used to construct a cooling history with slow/non-exhumation during 517– 445 Ma, a time-integrated cooling at a rate < 2.5 °C/Ma during the period of 445–410 Ma, an acceleration of cooling at a rate of 8 °C/Ma from 397 Ma to 368 Ma, and subsequently slow/non-cooling from 368 to 330 Ma. The data show a significant delay in exhumation after peak metamorphic conditions and a long period of tectonic quiescence after the suturing of the North China and South China blocks along the Shangdan suture. These relationships exclude classical exhumation models of formation and exhumation of metamorphic cores in orogens, which all imply rapid cooling after peak conditions of metamorphism.  相似文献   

黑龙江杂岩构造折返的岩石学与年代学证据   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3  
赵亮亮  张兴洲 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1227-1234
黑龙江杂岩主要出露在佳木斯地块西缘,沿牡丹江断裂分布,为佳木斯地块与松嫩地块拼合过程中形成的构造混杂岩。杂岩以强烈变形的糜棱岩为主体,其中含有大量规模不等、变形程度不同的变橄榄岩、变辉长岩、蓝闪石片岩(变玄武岩)及变硅质岩和大理岩等岩块或岩片。蓝闪石片岩岩块多经强烈的构造置换呈宽度和延伸有限的条带或岩片与长英质糜棱岩相间分布,发育以青铝闪石、冻蓝闪石、黑硬绿泥石、多硅白云母和钠长石等为代表的新生变质矿物组合,变形叶理呈北东向展布。但在局部地区仍保存有规模较大,且未受变形作用改造的蓝闪石片岩岩块,以不定向生长的蓝闪石、钠长石和绿帘石变质矿物组合为特征。块状蓝闪石片岩边部变形特征明显,变形叶理与周围糜棱岩叶理产状一致。岩块与变形岩石的组构关系表明,黑龙江杂岩至少经历了两期重要的变质事件,即以蓝闪石片岩岩块为代表的早期高压变质事件和以糜棱岩为代表的晚期变质-变形事件。在桦南地区长英质糜棱岩中获得的白云母40Ar/39Ar年龄分别为176.5±1.9Ma和184.5±2.1Ma,该年龄在黑龙江杂岩的变形岩石中普遍存在。鉴于蓝闪石片岩岩块被这一变质-变形事件所改造,以及变质矿物组合由高压向低压的转变关系,表明黑龙江杂岩在早-中侏罗世经历了一次快速的构造抬升事件。这一事件不但使佳木斯地块西缘以蓝片岩为代表的俯冲杂岩发生构造折返,而且对该区晚中生代盆地的形成与演化起着重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):267-282
The interaction of distinct geologic processes involved during late orogenic extensional exhumation history of the metamorphic units in the Eastern Rhodope is refined by new and reviewing 40Ar/39Ar geochronological and structural data. Minerals with different closure temperatures from metamorphic rocks investigated in this study are combined with those from magmatic and ore-forming hydrothermal rocks in two late stage metamorphic domes – the Kesebir-Kardamos and the Biala reka-Kehros domes. The 38-37 Ma muscovite and biotite cooling ages below 350°-300°C characterize basement metamorphic rocks that typified core of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome, constraining their exhumation at shallow crustal levels in the footwall of detachment. These ages are interpreted as reflecting last stage of ductile activity on shear zone below detachment, which continued to operate under low-temperature conditions within the semi-ductile to brittle field. They are close to and overlap with existing cooling ages in southern Bulgaria and northern Greece, indicating supportively that the basement rocks regionally cooled between 42-36 Ma below temperatures 350°-300°C. The spatial distribution of ages shows a southward gradual increase up structural section, suggesting an asymmetrical mode of extension, cooling and exhumation from south to the north at latitude of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome. The slightly younger 36.5-35 Ma crystallization ages of adularia in altered rocks from the ore deposits in the immediate hanging-wall of detachments are attributed to brittle deformation on high-angle normal faults, which further contributed to upper crustal extension, and thus constraining the time when alteration took place and deformation continued at brittle crustal levels. Silicic dykes yielded ages between 32-33 Ma, typically coinciding with the main phase of Palaeogene magmatic activity, which started in Eastern Rhodope region in Late Eocene (Priabonian) times. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from the above distinct rock types span time interval lasting approximately ca. 6 Ma. Consequently, our geochronologic results consistently indicate that extensional tectonics and related exhumation and doming, epithermal mineralizations and volcanic activity are closely spaced in time. These new 40Ar/39Ar age results further contribute to temporal constraints on the timing of tectonic, relative to ore-forming and magmatic events, suggesting in addition that all above mentioned processes interfered during the late orogenic extensional collapse in the Eastern Rhodope region.  相似文献   

Structural and thermochronological studies of the Kampa Dome provide constraints on timing and mechanisms of gneiss dome formation in southern Tibet. The core of Kampa Dome contains the Kampa Granite, a Cambrian orthogneiss that was deformed under high temperature (sub-solidus) conditions during Himalayan orogenesis. The Kampa Granite is intruded by syn-tectonic leucogranite dikes and sills of probable Oligocene to Miocene age. Overlying Paleozoic to Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks decrease in peak metamorphic grade from kyanite + staurolite grade at the base of the sequence to unmetamorphosed at the top. The Kampa Shear Zone traverses the Kampa Granite — metasediment contact and contains evidence for high-temperature to low-temperature ductile deformation and brittle faulting. The shear zone is interpreted to represent an exhumed portion of the South Tibetan Detachment System. Biotite and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology from the metasedimentary sequence yields disturbed spectra with 14.22 ± 0.18 to 15.54 ± 0.39 Ma cooling ages and concordant spectra with 14.64 ± 0.15 to 14.68 ± 0.07 Ma cooling ages. Petrographic investigations suggest disturbed samples are associated with excess argon, intracrystalline deformation, mineral and fluid inclusions and/or chloritization that led to variations in argon systematics. We conclude that the entire metasedimentary sequence cooled rapidly through mica closure temperatures at  14.6 Ma. The Kampa Granite yields the youngest biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of  13.7 Ma immediately below the granite–metasediment contact. We suggest that this age variation reflects either varying mica closure temperatures, re-heating of the Kampa Granite biotites above closure temperatures between 14.6 Ma and 13.7 Ma, or juxtaposition of rocks with different thermal histories. Our data do not corroborate the “inverse” mica cooling gradient observed in adjacent North Himalayan gneiss domes. Instead, we infer that mica cooling occurred in response to exhumation and conduction related to top-to-north normal faulting in the overlying sequence, top-to-south thrusting at depth, and coeval surface denudation.  相似文献   

The 5158-m-deep main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD-MH) penetrated granitic gneisses, paragneisses, eclogites, retrograde eclogites, amphibolites and ultramafic rocks in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, eastern China. The CCSD-MH consists of four petro-structural units separated by three SE-dipping ductile shear zones DFa (835-1280 m), DFb (2010-2280 m) and DFc (2920-3225 m), which are correspondent with the regional shear zones in the northern Sulu UHP supracrustal zone. Using the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique, we investigated the lattice-preferred orientations (LPOs) of omphacite, diopside and quartz in core samples from the CCSD-MH. Omphacite from eclogites and diopside from garnet pyroxenites display very strong LPOs, which are characterized by the maximum concentration of [001]-axes parallel to the lineation and (010)-poles normal to the foliation. Quartz in para- and granitic mylonites/gneisses from the shear zones DFa, DFb and DFc developed multiple slip systems. 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite in para- and granitic gneisses from the CCSD-MH yields 223-202 Ma, which constrains the formation ages of the quartz high-temperature prism slip systems {m}<a> and {m}[c]. The asymmetric LPOs of omphacite, diopside, olivine and quartz with respect to the structural frame reveal three deformation phases in the Sulu terrane. In the Middle Triassic, the northward subduction of the Yangtze plate to depths > 100 km produced a top-to-the-south shear sense in LPOs of omphacite, diopside and olivine, and a nearly N-S-striking foliation and a subhorizontal N-S-trending lineation in eclogites and ultramafic rocks. In the Late Triassic, the UHP rocks were exhumed to the lower crust and quartz developed high-temperature slip systems with a top-to-the-NW shear sense, which is consistent with the regional SE-dipping foliation and SE-plunging lineation in the ductile shear zones. In the Cretaceous the UHP rocks were exhumed to the middle crust when the migmatization and granitic intrusion formed a NE-striking antiform structure. As a result, the activation of quartz low-temperature basal slip (0001)<a> is characterized by a top-to-the-SE shear sense in the south, but a top-to-the-NW shear sense in the north.  相似文献   

Mikbi intrusion(MI) is a part of the Neoproterozoic Nubian Shield located along the NE-SW trending major fracture zones prevailing southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. In this study, we present for the first time detailed mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data to infer some constraints on the parental magma genesis and to understand the tectonic processes contributed to MI formation. Lithologically, it is composed of fresh peridotite, clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, anorthosite, gabbronorite, pyroxene amphibole gabbro, amphibole gabbro and diorite. All rocks have low Th/La ratios(mostly <0.2) and lack positive Zr and Th anomalies excluding significant crustal contamination. They show very low concentrations of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf together with sub-chondritic ratios of Nb/Ta(2-15) and Zr/Hf(19-35),suggesting that their mantle source was depleted by earlier melting extraction event. The oxygen fugacity(logfO_2) estimated from diorite biotite is around the nickel-nickel oxide buffer(NNO) indicating crystallization from a relatively oxidized magma. Amphiboles in the studied mafic-ultramafic rocks indicate relative oxygen fugacity(i.e. ΔNNO; nickel-nickel oxide) of 0.28-3 and were in equilibrium mostly with 3.77-8.24 wt.% H_2 Omelt(i.e. water content in the melt), consistent with the typical values of subduction-related magmas. Moreover, pressure estimates(0.53-6.79 kbar) indicate polybaric crystallization and suggest that the magma chamber(s) was located at relatively shallow crustal levels. The enrichment in LILE(e.g., Cs, Ba, K and Sr) and the depletion in HFSE(e.g., Th and Nb) relative to primitive mantle are consistent with island arc signature. The olivine, pyroxene and amphibole compositions also reflect arc affinity. These inferences suggest that their primary magma was derived from partial melting of a mantle source that formerly metasomatized in a subduction zone setting. Clinopyroxene and bulkrock data are consistent with orogenic tholeiitic affinity. Consequently, the mineral and bulk-rock chemistry strongly indicate crystallization from hydrous tholeiitic magma. Moreover, their trace element patterns are subparallel indicating that the various rock types possibly result from differentiation of the same primary magma. These petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics show that the MI is a typical Alaskan-type complex.  相似文献   

Kinematic data from the internal zones of the Western Alps indicate both top-to-SE and top-to-NW shearing during synkinematic greenschist facies recrystallisation. Rb/Sr data from white micas from different kinematic domains record a range of ages that does not represent closure through a single thermal event but reflects the variable timing of synkinematic mica recrystallisation at temperatures between 300 and 450 °C. The data indicate an initial phase of accretion and foreland-directed thrusting at ca. 60 Ma followed by almost complete reworking of thrust-related deformation by SE-directed shearing. This deformation is localised within oceanic units of the Combin Zone and the base of the overlying Austroalpine basement, and forms a regional scale shear zone that can be traced for almost 50 km perpendicular to strike. The timing of deformation in this shear zone spans 9 Ma from 45 to 36 Ma. The SE-directed shear leads to local structures that cut upwards in the transport direction with respect to tectonic stratigraphy, and such structures have been interpreted in the past as backthrusts in response to ongoing Alpine convergence. However, on a regional scale, the top-to-SE deformation is related to crustal extension, not shortening, and is coincident with exhumation of eclogites in its footwall. During this extension phase, deformation within the shear zone migrated both spatially and temporally giving rise to domains of older shear zone fabrics intercalated with zones of localised reworking. Top-NW kinematics preserved within the Combin Zone show a range of ages. The oldest (48 Ma) may reflect the final stages of emplacement of Austroalpine Units above Piemonte oceanic rocks prior to the onset of extension. However, much of the top-to-NW deformation took place over the period of extension and may reflect either continuing or episodic convergence or tectonic thinning of the shear zone.40Ar/39Ar data from the region are complicated due to the widespread occurrence of excess 40Ar in eclogite facies micas and partial Ar loss during Alpine heating. Reliable ages from both eclogite and greenschist facies micas indicate cooling ages in different tectonic units of between 32 and 40 Ma. These ages are slightly younger than Rb/Sr deformation ages and suggest that cooling below ca. 350 °C occurred after juxtaposition of the units by SE-directed extensional deformation.Our data indicate a complex kinematic history involving both crustal shortening and extension within the internal zones of the Alpine Orogen. To constrain the palaeogeographic and geodynamic evolution of the Alps requires that these data be integrated with data from the more external zones of the orogen. Complexity such as that described is unlikely to be restricted to the Western Alps and spatially and temporally variable kinematic data are probably the norm in convergent orogens. Recognising such features is fundamental to the correct tectonic interpretation of both modern and ancient orogens.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks of Kolet Um Kharit (KUKh) in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt have been traditionally regarded as a bimodal island-arc sequence. However, geological and geochemical arguments presented here make this interpretation doubtful. Geochemically, these rocks are classified into mafic (tholeiitic basalts) and felsic (high-K rhyodacites to rhyolites) groups. Both the KUKh mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks show similar geochemical characteristics, implying a genetic link. They have comparable trace element ratios, such as Zr/Nb (27–30 vs. 20–36), Y/Nb (5.44–6.25 vs. 5.05–5.9), K/Rb (577–1164 vs. 573–937), Ba/La (4.29–25–9 vs. 11.4–16.2), Nb/Yb (1.82–2.03 vs. 1.76–1.99). Similarly both groups have parallel LREE-enriched patterns (La/YbCN=2.37–2.81 vs. 2.55–3.17); and negative Nb and Ta anomalies (Nb/Lapm=0.51–0.58 vs. 0.45–0.52 and Ta/Lapm=0.51–0.62 vs. 0.49–0.55). The observed negative Nb and Ta anomalies in the KUKh metavolcanic rocks cannot be attributed to crustal contamination or fractional crystallization. These rocks could represent either a remnant of break-up LIP or were derived from an enriched mantle source containing subduction components beneath an intraoceanic back-arc basin. The recognition of the KUKh rocks as derived from an enriched mantle source revives interest in models that involve enrichment from “plume” interaction during the evolution of the Arabian-Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence for the involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic zircons in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, a Neoproterozoic crustal tract that is generally regarded to be juvenile. The source and significance of these xenocrystic zircons are not clear. In an effort to better understand this problem, older and younger granitoids from the Egyptian basement complex were analyzed for chemical composition, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages, and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions. Geochemically, the older granitoids are metaluminous and exhibit characteristics of I-type granites and most likely formed in a convergent margin (arc) tectonic environment. On the other hand, the younger granites are peraluminous and exhibit the characteristics of A-type granites; these are post-collisional granites. The U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons revealed the ages of magmatic crystallization as well as the presence of slightly older, presumably inherited zircon grains. The age determined for the older granodiorite is 652.5 ± 2.6 Ma, whereas the younger granitoids are 595–605 Ma. Xenocrystic zircons are found in most of the younger granitoid samples; the xenocrystic grains are all Neoproterozoic, but fall into three age ranges that correspond to the ages of other Eastern Desert igneous rocks, viz. 710–690, 675–650 and 635–610 Ma. The analyzed granitoids have (+3.8 to +6.5) and crystallization ages, which confirm previous indications that the Arabian–Nubian Shield is juvenile Neoproterozoic crust. These results nevertheless indicate that older Neoproterozoic crust contributed to the formation of especially the younger granite magmas.  相似文献   

林木森  彭松柏  乔卫涛 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3137-3146
腾冲芒棒地区广泛发育新近纪以来的火山岩,本文首次对该区粗面安山岩进行的高精度40Ar/39Ar同位素定年,其坪年龄分别为2.1±0.1Ma和2.0±0.1Ma,代表其喷溢时代为早更新世。岩石地球化学特征研究显示,粗面安山岩属高钾钙碱性系列,富集大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素,具有弧火山岩与大陆板内火山岩的双重属性,推测其形成于后造山环境。综合研究表明,腾冲地块更新世火山岩的形成与印度-欧亚板块俯冲-碰撞造山隆升后的伸展垮塌、富集地幔部分熔融作用密切相关,而印支陆块向东南逃逸以及腾冲弧形走滑断裂带(龙川江断裂带、大盈江断裂带)的活化促使了该期火山岩的喷发与侵位。  相似文献   

New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology places time constraints on several stages of the evolution of the Penninic realm in the Eastern Alps. A 186±2 Ma age for seafloor hydrothermal metamorphic biotite from the Reckner Ophiolite Complex of the Pennine–Austroalpine transition suggests that Penninic ocean spreading occurred in the Eastern Alps as early as the Toarcian (late Early Jurassic). A 57±3 Ma amphibole from the Penninic subduction–accretion Rechnitz Complex dates high-pressure metamorphism and records a snapshot in the evolution of the Penninic accretionary wedge. High-pressure amphibole, phengite, and phengite+paragonite mixtures from the Penninic Eclogite Zone of the Tauern Window document exhumation through ≤15 kbar and >500 °C at 42 Ma to 10 kbar and 400 °C at 39 Ma. The Tauern Eclogite Zone pressure–temperature path shows isothermal decompression at mantle depths and rapid cooling in the crust, suggesting rapid exhumation. Assuming exhumation rates slower or equal to high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure terrains in the Western Alps, Tauern Eclogite Zone peak pressures were reached not long before our high-pressure amphibole age, probably at ≤45 Ma, in accordance with dates from the Western Alps. A late-stage thermal overprint, common to the entire Penninic thrust system, occurred within the Tauern Eclogite Zone rocks at 35 Ma. The high-pressure peak and switch from burial to exhumation of the Tauern Eclogite Zone is likely to date slab breakoff in the Alpine orogen. This is in contrast to the long-lasting and foreland-propagating Franciscan-style subduction–accretion processes that are recorded in the Rechnitz Complex.  相似文献   

The metamorphic core of the Himalaya in the Kali Gandaki valley of central Nepal corresponds to a 5-km-thick sequence of upper amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks. This Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) thrusts over the greenschist to lower amphibolite facies Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) along the Lower Miocene Main Central Thrust (MCT), and it is separated from the overlying low-grade Tethyan Zone (TZ) by the Annapurna Detachment. Structural, petrographic, geothermobarometric and thermochronological data demonstrate that two major tectonometamorphic events characterize the evolution of the GHS. The first (Eohimalayan) episode included prograde, kyanite-grade metamorphism, during which the GHS was buried at depths greater than c. 35 km. A nappe structure in the lowermost TZ suggests that the Eohimalayan phase was associated with underthrusting of the GHS below the TZ. A c. 37 Ma 40Ar/39Ar hornblende date indicates a Late Eocene age for this phase. The second (Neohimalayan) event corresponded to a retrograde phase of kyanite-grade recrystallization, related to thrust emplacement of the GHS on the LHS. Prograde mineral assemblages in the MCT zone equilibrated at average T =880 K (610 °C) and P =940 MPa (=35 km), probably close to peak of metamorphic conditions. Slightly higher in the GHS, final equilibration of retrograde assemblages occurred at average T =810 K (540 °C) and P=650 MPa (=24 km), indicating re-equilibration during exhumation controlled by thrusting along the MCT and extension along the Annapurna Detachment. These results suggest an earlier equilibration in the MCT zone compared with higher levels, as a consequence of a higher cooling rate in the basal part of the GHS during its thrusting on the colder LHS. The Annapurna Detachment is considered to be a Neohimalayan, synmetamorphic structure, representing extensional reactivation of the Eohimalayan thrust along which the GHS initially underthrust the TZ. Within the upper GHS, a metamorphic discontinuity across a mylonitic shear zone testifies to significant, late- to post-metamorphic, out-of-sequence thrusting. The entire GHS cooled homogeneously below 600–700 K (330–430 °C) between 15 and 13 Ma (Middle Miocene), suggesting a rapid tectonic exhumation by movement on late extensional structures at higher structural levels.  相似文献   

The Dulong-Song Chay tectonic dome lies on the border of China (SE Yunnan Province) and northern Vietnam, and consists of two tectonic and lithologic units: a core complex and a cover sequence, separated by an extensional detachment fault. These two units are overlain unconformably by Late Triassic strata. The core complex is composed of gneiss, schist and amphibolite. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating results for the orthogneiss yield an age of 799±10 Ma, which is considered to be the crystallization age of its igneous protolith formed in an arc-related environment. A granitic intrusion within the core complex occurred with an age of 436–402 Ma, which probably formed during partial closure of Paleotethys. Within the core complex, metamorphic grades change sharply from upper greenschist-low amphibolite facies in the core to low greenschist facies in the cover sequence. There are two arrays of foliation within the core complex, detachment fault and the cover sequence: S1 and S2. The pervasive S1 is the axial plane of intrafolial S0 folds. D1 deformation related to this foliation is characterized by extensional structures. The strata were structurally thinned or selectively removed along the detachment faults, indicating exhumation of the Dulong-Song Chay tectonic dome. The major extension occurred at 237 Ma, determined by SHRIMP zircon U–Pb and 39Ar/40Ar isotopic dating techniques. Regionally, simultaneous tectonic extension was associated with pre-Indosinian collision between the South China and Indochina Blocks. The S2 foliation appears as the axial plane of NW-striking S1 buckling folds formed during a compressional regime of D2. D2 is associated with collision between the South China and Indochina Blocks along the Jinshajiang-Ailao Shan suture zone, and represents the Indosinian deformation. The Dulong granites intruded the Dulong-Song Chay dome at 144±2, 140±2 and 116±10 Ma based on 39Ar/40Ar measurement on muscovite and biotite. The dome was later overprinted by a conjugate strike-slip fault and related thrust fault, which formed a vortex structure, contemporaneously with late Cenozoic sinistral movement on the Ailao Shan-Red River fault.  相似文献   

王兴安  李世超 《岩石学报》2020,36(8):2447-2462
通过对中亚造山带东段南缘发育的解放营子韧性剪切带的构造学研究,揭示出该地区岩石圈减薄后发生了一期强烈的伸展变形事件。野外观测和岩相学分析显示该韧性剪切带呈北东-南西走向,变形带内发育有大量的A型褶皱,矿物和砾石拉伸线理以及同构造花岗质岩墙。S-C组构、σ型角闪石残斑、压力影构造、斜长石书斜构造以及云母鱼等显微构造,指示该韧性剪切带为右旋剪切。多晶石英的波状消光、晶粒边界迁移重结晶、多晶石英条带等显微变形组构表现出中温(300~500℃)的变形条件。动态重结晶颗粒的粒径统计分析和岩石有限应变分析显示该韧性剪切带形成于一个地壳中等层次的伸展变形环境。剪切带内同构造白云母40Ar/39Ar阶段加热同位素年代学分析以及同构造花岗岩的锆石U-Pb同位素年代学测试显示,该韧性剪切带的伸展变形时代为晚三叠世(219~227Ma)。该期伸展变形事件在华北板块北缘和中亚造山带形成了低硅型和高硅型两种花岗质岩浆的侵入。其中中亚造山带内发育的低硅型岩石的岩浆源区为亏损型地幔岩石圈,并进一步演化出高硅型岩石;而华北板块北缘发育的低硅型岩浆起源于富集型岩石圈地幔,同时混入了亏损的软流圈地幔组分。  相似文献   

D.R. Gray  D.A. Foster   《Tectonophysics》2004,385(1-4):181-210
Structural thickening of the Torlesse accretionary wedge via juxtaposition of arc-derived greywackes (Caples Terrane) and quartzo-feldspathic greywackes (Torlesse Terrane) at 120 Ma formed a belt of schist (Otago Schist) with distinct mica fabrics defining (i) schistosity, (ii) transposition layering and (iii) crenulation cleavage. Thirty-five 40Ar/39Ar step-heating experiments on these micas and whole rock micaceous fabrics from the Otago Schist have shown that the main metamorphism and deformation occurred between 160 and 140 Ma (recorded in the low grade flanks) through 120 Ma (shear zone deformation). This was followed either by very gradual cooling or no cooling until about 110 Ma, with some form of extensional (tectonic) exhumation and cooling of the high-grade metamorphic core between 109 and 100 Ma. Major shear zones separating the low-grade and high-grade parts of the schist define regions of separate and distinct apparent age groupings that underwent different thermo-tectonic histories. Apparent ages on the low-grade north flank (hanging wall to the Hyde-Macraes and Rise and Shine Shear Zones) range from 145 to 159 Ma (n=8), whereas on the low-grade south flank (hanging wall to the Remarkables Shear Zone or Caples Terrane) range from 144 to 156 Ma (n=5). Most of these samples show complex age spectra caused by mixing between radiogenic argon released from neocrystalline metamorphic mica and lesser detrital mica. Several of the hanging wall samples with ages of 144–147 Ma show no evidence for detrital contamination in thin section or in the form of the age spectra. Apparent ages from the high-grade metamorphic core (garnet–biotite–albite zone) range from 131 to 106 Ma (n=13) with a strong grouping 113–109 Ma (n=7) in the immediate footwall to the major Remarkables Shear Zone. Most of the age spectra from within the core of the schist belt yield complex age spectra that we interpret to be the result of prolonged residence within the argon partial retention interval for white mica (430–330 °C). Samples with apparent ages of about 110–109 Ma tend to give concordant plateaux suggesting more rapid cooling. The youngest and most disturbed age spectra come from within the ‘Alpine chlorite overprint’ zone where samples with strong development of crenulation cleavage gave ages 85–107 and 101 Ma, due to partial resetting during retrogression. The bounding Remarkables Shear zone shows resetting effects due to dynamic recrystallization with apparent ages of 127–122 Ma, whereas overprinting shear zones within the core of the schist show apparent ages of 112–109 and 106 Ma. These data when linked with extensional exhumation of high-grade rocks in other parts of New Zealand indicate that the East Gondwana margin underwent significant extension in the 110–90 Ma period.  相似文献   

The Gaoligong and Chongshan shear systems (GLSS and CSSS) in western Yunnan, China, have similar tectonic significance to the Ailaoshan–Red River shear system (ASRRSS) during the Cenozoic tectonic development of the southeastern Tibetan syntaxis. To better understand their kinematics and the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of SE Asia, this paper presents new kinematic and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data for these shear systems. All the structural and microstructural evidence indicate that the GLSS is a dextral strike-slip shear system while the CSSS is a sinistral strike-slip shear system, and both were developed under amphibolite- to greenschist-grade conditions. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of synkinematic minerals revealed that the strike-slip shearing on the GLSS and CSSS at least began at  32 Ma, possibly coeval with the onset of other major shear systems in SE Asia. The late-stage shearing on the GLSS and CSSS is dated at  27–29 Ma by the biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages, consistent with that of the Wang Chao shear zone (WCSZ), but  10 Ma earlier than that of the ASRRSS. The dextral Gaoligong shear zone within the GLSS may have separated the India plate from the Indochina Block during early Oligocene. Combined with other data in western Yunnan, we propose that the Baoshan/Southern Indochina Block escaped faster southeastward along the CSSS to the east and the GLSS to the west than the Northern Indochina Block along the ASRRSS, accompanying with the obliquely northward motion of the India plate during early Oligocene (28–36 Ma). During 28–17 Ma, the Northern Indochina Block was rotationally extruded along the ASRRSS relative to the South China Block as a result of continuously impinging of the India plate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The high-grade migmatitic core to the southern Brittany metamorphic belt has mineralogical and textural features that suggest high-temperature decompression. The chronology of this decompression and subsequent cooling history have been constrained with 40Ar/39 Ar ages determined for multigrain concentrates of hornblende and muscovite prepared from amphibolite and late-orogenic granite sheets within the migmatitic core, and from amphibolite of the structurally overlying unit. Three hornblende concentrates yield plateau isotope correlation ages of c. 303–298 Ma. Two muscovite concentrates record well-defined plateau ages of c. 306–305 Ma. These ages are geologically significant and date the last cooling through temperatures required for intracrystalline retention of radiogenic argon. The concordancy of the hornblende and muscovite ages suggest rapid post-metamorphic cooling. Extant geochronology and the new 40Ar/39Ar data suggest a minimum time-integrated average cooling rate between c. 725 °C and c. 125 °C of c. 14 ± 4°C Ma-1, although below 600 °C the data permit an infinitely fast rate of cooling. Mineral assemblages and reaction textures in diatexite migmatites suggest c. 4 kbar decompression at 800–750 °C. This must have pre-dated the rapid cooling. Emplacement of two-mica granites into the metamorphic belt occurred between 345 and 300 Ma. The youngest plutons were emplaced synkinematically along shallow-dipping normal faults interpreted to be reactivated Eo-Variscan thrusts. A penetrative, west-plunging stretching lineation developed in these granites suggests that extension was orogen-parallel. Extension was probably related to regional uplift and gravitational collapse of thermally weakened crust during constrictional (escape) tectonics in this narrow part of the Variscan orogen. This followed slab breakoff during the terminal stages of convergence between Gondwana and Laurasia; detachment may have been consequent upon a change in kinematics leading to dextral displacement within the orogen. Dextral ductile strike-slip displacement was concentrated in granites emplaced synkinematically along the South Armorican Shear Zone. Rapid cooling is interpreted to have resulted from tectonic unroofing with emplacement of granite along decollement surfaces. The high-grade migmatitic core of the southern Brittany metamorphic belt represents a type of metamorphic core complex formed during orogen-parallel extensional unroofing and regional-scale ductile flow.  相似文献   

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