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We have investigated the transport of ranitidine and ondansetron across the Caco-2 cell monolayers. The apparent permeability co-efficients (Papp) were unchanged throughout the concentration range studied, indicating a passive diffusion pathway across intestinal mucosa. No metabolism was observed for ranitidine and ondansetron during the incubation with Caco-2 cell monolayers. Papp values for ranitidine and ondansetron (bioavailability of 50 and approximately 100% in humans, respectively) were 1.03 +/- 0.17 x 10(-7) and 1.83 +/- 0.055 x 10(-5) cm/sec, respectively. The Papp value for ranitidine was increased by 15- to 20-fold in a calcium-free medium or in the transport medium containing EDTA, whereas no significant change occurred with ondansetron, indicating that paracellular passive diffusion is not rate determining for ondansetron. Uptake of ondansetron by Caco-2 cell monolayers was 20- and 5-fold higher than that of ranitidine when the uptake study was carried out under sink conditions and at steady state. These results suggest that ranitidine and ondansetron are transported across Caco-2 cell monolayers predominantly via paracellular and transcellular pathways, respectively.  相似文献   

The X-AG system, a sodium-dependent, acidic amino-acid transport system has been implicated in the transport of L-aspartate and L-glutamate across monolayers of human Caco-2 cells, an in vitro model of intestinal absorption. This system, which shares many properties with the L-glutamate carrier present in the human jejunum, is highly saturable (> 95% at 50 microM), vectorial (apical-to-basolateral > basolateral-to-apical) and sodium-, pH- and temperature-dependent. L-Aspartate was also transported against a 10-fold reverse concentration gradient. These data are consistent with a major (saturable) carrier-mediated pathway superimposed onto a minor non-saturable (diffusional) pathway. The carrier has an absolute sodium-dependence and the Michaelis constants for the sodium-dependent transport component (Km) for L-aspartate and L-glutamate were 56 +/- 3 microM and 65 +/- 6 microM, respectively. Cross-inhibition studies showed that strong interaction with the carrier was limited to close analogues of the natural substrates. Potent inhibitors included L-aspartate, D-aspartate (Ki, 70 microM), L-glutamate (Ki 180 microM) and threo-beta-hydroxy-DL-aspartate (Ki, 55 microM), while partial inhibitors included alpha-methyl-DL-aspartate, D-glutamate, L-asparagine, L-proline and L-alanine. Replacement of the side-chain -COO- group (aspartate) with -SO-3 (L-cysteate, Ki, 65 microM) or -(H)P(O)O- (DL-3-(hydroxyphosphoryl)alanine, Ki, 60 microM) maintained strong interaction with the carrier while -As(O)(OH)O- (DL-3-arsonoalanine, Ki, 1100 microM) and -P(O)(OH)O- (DL-3-phosphonoalanine, Ki, 3270 microM) were much more weakly bound, with the larger, but probably less ionised, arsono analogue being more tightly bound than the phosphono compound. The corresponding analogues of glutamate (homologous extension of the methylene chain) showed negligible interaction. We conclude that Caco-2 monolayers are a relevant experimental model for the study of the transport of acidic amino acids and their analogues in man.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether the expression and activity of the P-glycoprotein (P-GP) drug efflux pump vary with the culture age of Caco-2 cell monolayers. METHODS: Caco-2 cell monolayers were grown for 3-27 days on tissue culture-treated Transwells. P-GP efflux function was determined by measuring transmonolayer fluxes of cyclosporin A (CsA) and verapamil, while P-GP expression level was evaluated by Western blot analysis using monoclonal antibody C219. RESULTS: The apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) of CsA (0.5 microM) in the basolateral-to-apical (B-->A) direction increased with culture age and was higher than the apical-to-basolateral (A-->B) direction at all times. Net secretory Papp significantly increased from day 17 onward compared to that observed during day 3 through 13. Verapamil (100 microM) significantly inhibited CsA transport in the B-->A direction from day 17 to 27, while elevating CsA transport in the A-->B direction from day 6 to 27. Interestingly, the Papp of verapamil (0.5 microM) in the B-->A direction was significantly higher than in the A-->B direction from day 6 to 27, rendering increases in net secretory Papp of verapamil with culture age. Western analysis revealed that P-GP expression level was in the order of 4 weeks approximately 1 week > 3 weeks > 2 weeks at equal loading of cell proteins. CONCLUSIONS: P-GP is continuously expressed throughout the culture period, but it may not be fully functional at an early age. Caco-2 cell monolayers of day 17 to 27 appear to be a good model to evaluate the functional role of P-GP in drug efflux.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The intent of this study was to identify the pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins that couple met-enkephalin to the inhibition of cholinergically stimulated secretion in rabbit lacrimal gland acini. METHODS: The authors detected G proteins in membranes from freshly isolated glands, freshly isolated acini, and cultured lacrimal acini from rabbits by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Antibodies against the alpha subunits of Gi1, Gi1 and Gi2, or Gi3 were used in cultured acini permeabilized by streptolysin-O to determine the role of the G proteins in met-enkephalin inhibition of cholinergic stimulation of lacrimal acinar protein release. RESULTS: Western blot analysis showed the presence of the alpha subunits of Gi2 and Gi3, but not Gi1, in all three membrane preparations. The met-enkephalin analog D-Ala2-methionine enkephalinamide (DALA) inhibited cholinergic stimulation of secretion by cultured rabbit acinar cells to near basal levels. Inhibition of secretion by DALA was blocked by insertion of antibody to a peptide sequence common to Gialpha1 and Gialpha2, but was not blocked by antibody against a specific Gialpha1 sequence. The inhibitory effect of DALA also was blocked by antibody to a Gialpha3 sequence. At low doses of anti-Gialpha1/2 and anti-Gialpha3 in combination, the effect on reversal of inhibition was additive. However, at higher doses, the effect of the combination was no greater than the effect of either antibody alone. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that met-enkephalin inhibition of cholinergic secretion is mediated by way of the pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins Gi2 and Gi3 in cultured rabbit lacrimal acini. Because the effects of the G proteins are not additive, the intracellular events distal to G protein activation most likely converge at some point before exocytosis.  相似文献   

Intestinal calcium absorption has been shown to include two processes, a saturable transcellular movement and a non-saturable paracellular pathway. The potential utility of cell monolayers for studying transepithelial intestinal calcium transport has already been demonstrated; however, simultaneous evaluation of the contribution of the saturable transcellular and of the non-saturable paracellular processes to the total transepithelial transport has not yet been attempted. The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution both of transcellular and paracellular transport processes to the total transepithelial calcium transport in two cell culture monolayers. Caco-2 cells and a clone derived from HT-29 cells (HT29-Cl.19A), two cell lines derived from colon adenocarcinomas which are known to be able to exhibit typical enterocytic differentiation, were used. Cell monolayers were grown on a permeable support and used after 15 days of culture when these cells express enterocytic differentiation and high transepithelial resistance. Isotopic transport rate measurements were performed in the absence of a chemical gradient. The paracellular route was evaluated using [3H]mannitol. Calcium and [3H]mannitol transport rates across cell monolayers were not significantly different. Augmentation of calcium uptake by 200 mM sorbitol did not significantly increase calcium or mannitol transepithelial transport; however, calcium accumulation in the cells was increased by about 200%. Modulation of the monolayer permeability by addition of 10 nM vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) or 0.5 mM carbachol treatment, which respectively increased and decreased the transepithelial resistance, consequently modified calcium and mannitol transport in a parallel manner. Our results show that Caco-2 and HT29-Cl.19A cell monolayers are good models for studying the calcium paracellular transport pathway.  相似文献   

Clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from blood adhered to and penetrated intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers to a greater degree than did isolates from sputum, with a concomitant drastic decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance. PAO-PR1, an avirulent exotoxin A mutant of PAO1, did not cause a decrease in the resistance. The Caco-2 monolayer system may be useful for the evaluation of certain P. aeruginosa virulence factor activities.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of repetitive deformation during peristaltic distension and contraction or repetitive villus shortening on the proliferation and differentiation of the intestinal epithelium. We sought to characterize the effects of repetitive deformation of a physiologically relevant magnitude and frequency on the proliferation and differentiation of human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells, a common cell culture model for intestinal epithelial biology. Human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells were cultured on collagen-coated membranes deformed by -20 kPa vacuum at 10 cycles/minute, producing an average 10% strain on the adherent cells. Proliferation was assessed by cell counting and 3H-thymidine incorporation. Alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl dipeptidase specific activity were measured in cell lysates. Since cells at the membrane periphery experience higher strain than cells in the center, the topography of brush border enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical staining was analyzed for strain-dependence. Cyclic strain stimulated proliferation compared to static cells. Proliferation was highest in the membrane periphery where strain was maximal. Strain also modulated differentiation independently of its mitogenic effects, selectively stimulating dipeptidyl dipeptidase while inhibiting alkaline phosphatase. Strain-associated enzyme changes were also maximal in areas of greatest strain. The PKC inhibitors staurosporine and calphostin C ablated strain mitogenic effects while intracellular PKC activity was increased by strain. The strain-associated brush border enzyme changes were attenuated but not blocked by PKC inhibition. Thus, strain of a physiologically relevant frequency and magnitude promotes proliferation and modulates the differentiation of a well-differentiated human intestinal epithelial cell line in an amplitude-dependent fashion. PKC may be involved in coupling strain to increased proliferation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The effects of sodium N-[8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)amino]caprylate (SNAC) on heparin intestinal absorption were studied using rat in situ ileal and colonic instillations and Caco-2 monolayers. METHODS: The flux of heparin was tested in the following groups: i) heparin alone, ii) heparin in the presence of SNAC, iii) heparin in the presence of propylene glycol (PG), and iv) heparin in the presence of SNAC and PG. Heparin absorption was measured by the APTT assay in the in situ models and by the anti-Factor Xa assay in Caco-2. SNAC and [3H]-SNAC fluxes were assessed by HPLC and by scintillation counting respectively. RESULTS: In the rat ileal and colonic in situ instillations SNAC (17-35 mg) promoted heparin absorption in the presence and absence of PG without damaging the tissue. PG alone did not alter heparin absorption in situ, but it amplified the effect of SNAC. In Caco-2, enhanced heparin fluxes were variable in the presence of non-cytotoxic concentrations of SNAC (< 10 mg/ml) and these effects could not be discriminated from those of PG. Papp values for SNAC alone were 2.2 x 10(-5) cm/s and 2.0 x 10(-5) cm/s in the mucosal-to-serosal and serosal-to-mucosal directions respectively, suggesting a substantial passive transcellular flux. Transport of SNAC was significantly reduced in the presence of heparin and/or PG, perhaps indicating physical association between the agents. CONCLUSIONS: SNAC augmented heparin absorption alone and in combination with PG in the rat in situ models without causing toxicity. Caco-2 had limitations for testing increased heparin absorption due to cytotoxic effects of high concentrations of SNAC and PG. However, SNAC itself was well absorbed across Caco-2 and its mechanism of permeation was determined.  相似文献   

The transport-enhancing effects of medium-chain fatty acids (caproic, caprylic, and capric acids) and their acylglycerols (mono-, di-, and triacylglycerols) were investigated by using Caco-2 cell monolayers as a model of the human intestinal epithelium. Penicillin V was used as a model for a hydrophilic bioactive compound. Among the fatty acids and acylglycerols tested, 1,2-dicaproin, monocaprin, monocaprylin, and capric acid sodium salt effectively enhanced the transport rate, whereas other substances enhanced the rate only slightly or not at all. With each of these four substances, the rate of enhancement was proportional to the concentration at low concentrations, but leveled off at high concentrations. The transport-enhancing effects were well correlated with the reduction in surface tension and with a physico-chemical parameter, denoted by the surface energy-lowering coefficient, characterizing the surface activity of a substance.  相似文献   

The bidirectional transepithelial fluxes of ciprofloxacin, an antibacterial fluoroquinolone, across the human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell-line show marked asymmetry. Basal-to-apical flux of ciprofloxacin (10 microM) exceeds apical-to-basal flux indicating net secretion. Net ciprofloxacin secretion is abolished by azide/2-deoxy-D-glucose treatment, displays saturation kinetics (Km = 0.89 +/- 0.23 mM, Vmax 44.3 +/- 4.9 nmol cm-2.h) and competition by other fluoroquinolones. A specific, active secretion in Caco-2 epithelia may explain the transintestinal elimination of ciprofloxacin observed in pharmacokinetic studies in man.  相似文献   

Cholesterol absorption from bile acid micelles is suppressed by phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the micelles. The effects of micellar phospholipid composition on absorption, metabolism, and secretion of lipids were examined in Caco-2 cells incubated with micelles composed of taurocholic acid, cholesterol, oleic acid, monooleoylglycerol, and phospholipid. Significant amounts of all micelle lipids were absorbed from micelles lacking phospholipid. Cholesterol absorption was accompanied by cholesterol esterification and secretion. Micellar oleic acid was also absorbed and reesterified primarily into triacylglycerol which was also secreted. Lipid absorption and secretion from micelles containing lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) were similar to that obtained with phospholipid-free micelles. LPC was also extensively absorbed. In contrast, incubations with PC-containing micelles resulted in large reductions in the absorption, esterification, and secretion of cholesterol without significant decreases in oleic acid absorption, conversion to acylated lipids, or triacylglycerol secretion. A relatively small reduction in monoacylglycerol absorption from PC-containing micelles was detected. Retinol absorption was not affected by micellar PC. Substitution of LPC for half or more of the PC reversed the PC-dependent decrease in cholesterol absorption. Pancreatic phospholipase A2 (pPLA2) enhanced cholesterol absorption from PC-containing micelles. The pPLA2-dependent increase in cholesterol absorption was inhibited by the pPLA2 inhibitor FPL 67047XX. The results indicate micellized cholesterol absorption by enterocytes is uniquely dependent on the elimination of micellar phosphatidylcholine and thus directly dependent on the lipolytic action of pancreatic phospholipase A2 (pPLA2). Consequently, pPLA2 inhibitors may be a new and novel class of cholesterol absorption inhibitors for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study characterized the cellular uptake mechanism and hydrolysis of the amino acid ester prodrugs of nucleoside antiviral drugs in the transiently transfected Caco-2 cells overexpressing a human intestinal peptide transporter, hPEPT1 (Caco-2/hPEPT1 cells). METHODS: Amino acid ester prodrugs of acyclovir and AZT were synthesized and their apical membrane permeability and hydrolysis were evaluated in Caco-2/hPEPT1 cells. The cellular uptake mechanism of prodrugs was investigated through the competitive inhibition study in Caco-2/hPEPT1 cells. RESULTS: L-Valyl ester of acyclovir (L-Val-ACV) was approximately ten fold more permeable across the apical membrane than acyclovir and four times more permeable than D-valyl ester of acyclovir (D-Val-ACV). Correspondingly, L-valyl ester of AZT (L- Val-AZT) exhibited three fold higher cellular uptake than AZT. Therefore, amino acid ester prodrugs significantly increased the cellular uptake of the parent drugs and exhibited the D,L-stereoselectivity. Furthermore, prodrugs were rapidly hydrolyzed to the parent drugs by the intracellular hydrolysis, following the apical membrane transport. In the inhibition studies, cephalexin and small dipeptides strongly inhibited the cellular uptake of L-Val-ACV while L-valine had no effect, indicating that the peptide transporter is primarily responsible for the apical membrane transport of L-Val-ACV. In addition, the cellular uptake of L-Val-ACV was five times higher in Caco-2/hPEPT1 cells than the uptake in the untransfected Caco-2 cells, implying the cellular uptake of L-Val-ACV was related to the enhancement of the peptide transport activity in Caco-2/hPEPT1 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Caco-2/hPEPT1 system is an efficient in vitro model for the uptake study of peptidyl derivatives. Amino acid ester prodrugs significantly improved the cellular uptake of the parent drugs via peptide transport mechanism and were rapidly converted to the active parent drugs by the intracellular hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A synthetic heptapeptide corresponding to the C-terminal heptapeptide of caerulein but characterized by a nor-leucyl residue replacing the methyonyl residue of caerulein, when given by i.v. infusion (2 mug/kg/h), inhibited by 70-80% pentagastrin (4 mug/kg/h)-stimulated gastric secretion...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Menopause is associated with critical changes in the cardiovascular system, and the possible effect of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) on these changes is under investigation. The aim of our study was to evaluate in postmenopausal women the effects of HRT and clonidine on the response of plasma calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) to the upright posture test and the saline infusion test respectively. METHODS: CGRP and ANP levels were measured with specific radioimmunological assays and expressed in pmol/l (means +/- S.E.M). DESIGN: Postmenopausal women (age 46-53 years) (n = 18) were studied before and after 3 months of HRT (n = 13) or clonidine treatment (n = 5). RESULTS: After HRT or clonidine treatment plasma CGRP levels (14.9 +/- 1.6 and 15.9 +/- 3.8 pmol/l) were significantly higher than before (9.8 +/- 0.6 and 10.5 +/- 1.6 pmol/l) (P < 0.01). The assumption of upright posture caused no change in plasma CGRP levels before treatment, while after HRT, but not after clonidine treatment, an increase in plasma CGRP levels was observed (P < 0.01 at 5 and 20 min). Basal plasma ANP levels significantly decreased after both HRT and clonidine treatment (P < 0.01). In untreated women the saline infusion test did not induce any change in plasma ANP levels; a significant response to the test was restored after HRT but not after clonidine treatment (P < 0.01 at 90 and 120 min). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that some of the adaptive responses modified by menopausal changes are restored by HRT but not clonidine treatment, suggesting a modulatory role for sex steroid hormones in cardiovascular function and salt and water balance.  相似文献   

The frequency of dark-cored vesicles is compared with the content in catecholamines in the adrenal medulla and carotid body of normal and reserpine-treated cats. Reserpine produces important diminution in the content of catecholamines but the frequency of the dark-cored vesicles does not parallel this descent. In the carotid body there is no relation between the content in catecholamines and the number of granules. The diameter of the dark cores does not change with the number of secretion vesicles present in normal or treated specimens. It is concluded that there is not partial discharge of the content of the vesicles. An all-or-nothing mechanism of discharge of exocytotic type is proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium salicylate and sodium tauro-24,25-dihydrofusidate (STDHF) on the aqueous permeability of confluent monolayers of Caco-2 cells were studied. Measurements of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) showed a concentration-dependent effect of both compounds after apical incubation for 1 hr. Reductions in TEER resulting from EC50 concentrations (2.8 mM for STDHF; 173 mM for salicylate) were reversible within 5.75 hr. The transpithelial fluxes of two hydrophilic model compounds, sodium fluorescein F (molecular weight 376) and a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (mean molecular weight 4000) was significantly increased by STDHF (2.8 mM). Sodium salicylate (173 mM) only enhanced the transport of sodium fluorescein significantly. At the EC50 concentrations, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) visualized both fluorescent tracers mainly in the paracellular route. With higher enhancer concentrations (373 mM sodium salicylate and 8 mM STDHF), both transport markers appeared intracellularly as a result of cell death. STDHF rapidly extracted an exogenous lipophilic membrane probe, 5-(N-hexadecanoyl)aminofluorescein (HEDAF), from the apical part of Caco-2 plasma membranes, indicating qualitatively that STDHF interacts with the lipid portion of cell membranes. These results suggest that both sodium salicylate and STDHF can be used to reversibly increase paracellular permeability of Caco-2 cell monolayers, whereby STDHF appears to be advantageous compared to sodium salicylate. By adapting the Costar cell culture system to CLSM, we have shown that this technique is suitable to study membrane interactions qualitatively and for visualizing transport routes of hydrophilic tracers through nonfixed, filter-grown monolayers.  相似文献   

We examined the action mechanism of oleanolic acid 3-O-monodesmoside, momordin Ic (1), and oleanolic acid 3-O-glucuronide (2) for the inhibitory effect on the increase in serum glucose levels in oral glucose-loaded rats. Although 1 and 2 dose-dependently inhibited the increase in serum glucose levels in oral glucose-loaded rats, these compounds showed no significant effects on serum glucose levels in normal rats, intraperitoneal glucose-loaded rats, and alloxane-induced diabetic mice. Furthermore, 1 and 2 were found to suppress gastric emptying in rats, and also to inhibit the glucose uptake in rat small intestine concentration dependently in vitro. These results indicate that 1 and 2 given orally have neither insulin-like activity nor insulin releasing-activity. 1 and 2 apparently inhibited glucose absorption by suppressing the transfer of glucose from the stomach to the small intestine and by inhibiting the glucose transport system at the small intestinal brush border.  相似文献   

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