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新年伊始,2007年春节又即将来到,我们也要抢先给大家拜个早年,预祝您春节愉快,来年工作、学习步步登高,家庭、生活幸福快乐。我们更希望来年继续得到各位一如既往的支持,让我们共同努力,创造一个更加美好的2007!正所谓新年新气象,在此,我很荣幸地带给大家2007年本刊全新风格的第一期专刊。这里,我们将努力尝试,打破传统媒体评测专题的局限,以超大篇幅的版面空间,轻松易读的形势,从广大用户实际应用角度出发,充分利用我们评测、技术、应用  相似文献   

Who Are You? The Trade-Off between Information Utility and Privacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There's no doubt that personal information can be valuable to companies. People are willing to give up information about themselves not because they're stupid or because they're being tricked by evil corporations, but because it can sometimes be in their best interests to do so. From this perspective, the important questions are how users can provide or limit access to that information, what benefits they might receive in exchange for a bit of information, and how they perceive the value of those benefits.  相似文献   

Are the desks and chairs at school appropriate?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of the current study was to find out how the measures of chairs and desks match with the anthropometrics of schoolchildren and how schoolchildren sit during a lesson in their classroom. This paper reports the baseline measurements of an intervention study. Participants of this study were 6th and 8th grade (12 and 14 year old) schoolchildren from two comprehensive schools in Finland (N = 101, 57 girls and 44 boys). The main outcome measures were the differences between desk height and elbow-floor height, and chair height and popliteal height. Forty-three participants were randomized for sitting posture analysis by video recordings. The study showed that desks were on average 13 cm above elbow-floor height and chairs 2 cm below popliteal height. For 56% of time participants sat with their backs flexed >20 degrees and/or rotated >45 degrees . For 70% of time they sat with their necks flexed >20 degrees or rotated >45 degrees. The results indicate that there is a mismatch between school furniture and the anthropometrics of schoolchildren. Schoolchildren sit in disadvantaged postures for a substantial part of school lessons.  相似文献   

The underlying property, its definition, and representation play a major role when monitoring a system. Having a suitable and convenient framework to express properties is thus a concern for runtime analysis. It is desirable to delineate in this framework the sets of properties for which runtime analysis approaches can be applied to. This paper presents a unified view of runtime verification and enforcement of properties in the Safety-Progress classification. First, we extend the Safety-Progress classification of properties in a runtime context. Second, we characterize the set of properties which can be verified (monitorable properties) and enforced (enforceable properties) at runtime. We propose in particular an alternative definition of ??property monitoring?? to the one classically used in this context. Finally, for the delineated sets of properties, we define specialized verification and enforcement monitors.  相似文献   

Although the importance of secure computing is increasingly being recognized in the context of enterprise systems, currently little attention is focused on domestic users and the need to protect their systems. In the context of an increasingly Internet-dependent society, this could prove to be a problem. This paper builds on a theme that was identified in my previous article in Computer Fraud & Security, — namely that, even if we could successfully eradicate security vulnerabilities within company settings, it would effectively come to nothing if domestic systems became the targets instead1. The discussion further explores this issue, but broadens the scope to consider why insecure home PCs have the potential to amplify the problems facing enterprise systems.  相似文献   

This study explores high school graduates’ understanding of technology careers and reasons they choose not to major in technology fields. We employed two data collection methods (surveys and focus groups) in three data collection stages to explore student views in greater depth. Pre-survey and focus group results suggest that steps should be taken to provide a more enjoyable experience for high school students and teach them relevant skills that they will recognize as beneficial. Post-survey results demonstrate that introductory technology classes that introduce students to MIS careers can lead them to a more accurate understanding of MIS careers. The study offers insights into specific ways high school courses can be improved to increase understanding of MIS, resulting in a greater likelihood that students will consider and therefore choose technology careers. Findings suggest that increased understanding of technology careers can result in more consideration of these careers by high school students.  相似文献   

Syntactic semantics is a holistic, conceptual-role-semantic theory of how computers can think. But Fodor and Lepore have mounted a sustained attack on holistic semantic theories. However, their major problem with holism (that, if holism is true, then no two people can understand each other) can be fixed by means of negotiating meanings. Syntactic semantics and Fodor and Lepores objections to holism are outlined; the nature of communication, miscommunication, and negotiation is discussed; Bruners ideas about the negotiation of meaning are explored; and some observations on a problem for knowledge representation in AI raised by Winston are presented.  相似文献   

微软新一代操作系统Windows7已在今年10月发布,那么目前市场上有哪些主流处理器适合运行Wndwos7?它们有什么技术特点?购买时我们应该注意些什么?  相似文献   

人物:周娟职务:56.com(我乐网)创始人兼CEO领域:视频事件:人人网收购我乐网融资无望,待售成必然。对于周娟来说,不管将56网卖给谁,都算是个好交易。9月27日,人人网宣布将以8000万美元全资收购视频分享网站,而56网现任CEO  相似文献   

当你读到本文的时候,微软大概已经公开发布了Internet Explorer(IE)7.0的beta测试版,即将到来的Web浏览器。IE7.0在目前IE6.x版本上提供了大量的改进,包括标签页浏览界面,更好的浏览器插件管理和对Web标准更好的支持。而本次的头条新闻则围绕着安全展开:IE70构建在更加安全的IE版本之上,也就是去年随着Windows XP Service Pack2发布的IE版本。下面就是关于IE7.0你需要了解的一些安全特性。  相似文献   

即使配备了3GHZ的处理器,将内存升级成2GB容量。您是否还觉得自己的电脑很慢呢?这是因为硬盘在拖系统的后腿。在单磁盘环境下。即使硬盘突破15000RPM,但是它还是系统中最慢的一个环节。为了解决这个问题,众多存储行业的专家都将目光瞄向了没有机械结构的闪存组织。微软无疑是技术改革的先行者。伴随着微软最新的操作系统Vista的发布,引入了众多新特性,其中一项新技术的名字叫做readyboot技术,这项技术实际上是利用闪存来加速操作系统。  相似文献   

Code reviews in pull-based model are open to community users on GitHub. Various participants are taking part in the review discussions and the review topics are not only about the improvement of code contributions but also about project evolution and social interaction. A comprehensive understanding of the review topics in pull-based model would be useful to better organize the code review process and optimize review tasks such as reviewer recommendation and pull-request prioritization. In this paper, we first conduct a qualitative study on three popular open-source software projects hosted on GitHub and construct a fine-grained two-level taxonomy covering four level-1 categories (code correctness, pull-request decision-making, project management, and social interaction) and 11 level-2 subcategories (e.g., defect detecting, reviewer assigning, contribution encouraging). Second, we conduct preliminary quantitative analysis on a large set of review comments that were labeled by TSHC (a two-stage hybrid classification algorithm), which is able to automatically classify review comments by combining rule-based and machine-learning techniques. Through the quantitative study, we explore the typical review patterns. We find that the three projects present similar comments distribution on each subcategory. Pull-requests submitted by inexperienced contributors tend to contain potential issues even though they have passed the tests. Furthermore, external contributors are more likely to break project conventions in their early contributions.  相似文献   

从微软第一次承诺客户会发布Windows XP的下一个版本算起,经过了漫长的三年以后,微软终于在Windows Vista(以前的代号是Longhorn)的实际开发日程表上向前移动了。Vista将会是一个主要的windows版本。它整合了革命性的UI(用户界面),引人注目的增强Explorer外壳,基于图形的部署工具,以及可能是最为重要的、巨大的安全改进。既然现在Vista Beta版已经发布可用,我就花费了些时间来评估微软已经做了哪些修改,并且也能够更准确地探讨为什么它比Windows XP更优秀。我们今天就来看一下Vista Beta版中有哪些安全改进。  相似文献   

We aim to identify the salient objects in an image by applying a model of visual attention. We automate the process by predicting those objects in an image that are most likely to be the focus of someone's visual attention. Concretely, we first generate fixation maps from the eye tracking data, which express the ground truth of people's visual attention for each training image. Then, we extract the high-level features based on the bag-of-visual-words image representation as input attributes along with the fixation maps to train a support vector regression model. With this model, we can predict a new query image's saliency. Our experiments show that the model is capable of providing a good estimate for human visual attention in test images sets with one salient object and multiple salient objects. In this way, we seek to reduce the redundant information within the scene, and thus provide a more accurate depiction of the scene.  相似文献   

This article discusses what kind of entity the proposed semantic Web is, principally by reference to the relationship of natural language structure to knowledge representation. The concept of the SW has two distinct origins, and this, bifurcation persists in two differing lines of SW research: one closely allied to notions of documents and natural language processing (NLP) and one not. These differences of emphasis or content carry with them different commitments about what it is to interpret a KR and what the interpretation method has to do with meaning in natural language.  相似文献   

Despite the desire to utilize proactive safety metrics, research results indicate imbalances can arise between economic performance metrics and safety metrics. Imbalances can arise, first, because there are fewer proactive metrics available relative to the data an organization can compile to build reactive metrics. Second, there are a number of factors that lead organizations to discount proactive metrics when they conflict with shorter‐term and more definitive reactive metrics. This paper introduces the Q4‐Balance Framework to analyse economy‐safety trade‐offs. Plotting the sets of metrics used by an organization in the four‐quadrant visualization can be used to identify misalignments, overlap and false diversity. It results in a visualization of the set of metrics an organization uses and where these conflict or reinforce each other. The framework also provides a way to assess an organization's safety energy as a kind of analysis of an organization's capability to be proactive about safety.  相似文献   

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