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正镶白旗在农区三乡建成管灌、喷灌、畦灌等226.7hm^2水浇地,均收到可观的经济效益,为使对节水灌溉效益的认识由定性上升为定量,在跟踪服务、技术指导等各环节调查后完成了《节水灌溉经济效益分析》。  相似文献   

为解决吨粮田建设中因施用化肥多而导致灌水量大、小麦倒伏减产、生产成本高的问题,经过三个不同水文年的试验、示范验证和推广,提出了高产节水灌溉体系,包括输水渠道防渗、合理灌水、保护利用土壤水、降低生物水消耗等几个方面。应用该技术体系,除可节约灌溉用水39.6%外,还可调节地温、改土肥田、抑草、节能、省肥、增产,作物全年耗水量仅740mm,水分生产率为2.31kg/m~3,吨粮成本可降低29.8%。  相似文献   

滴、喷、沟灌以及非充分供水和河井双灌区利用涝年汛期弃水,通过引洪灌溉补充地下水等节水措施的推进,都因分户经营土地少又分散而受阻。先将各户分散土地分户集中连片,就有条件把机开沟的沟灌推开,使现有畦灌区的节水增产效益大幅提升,同时使引洪灌溉补充地下水、非充分供水都变得可行。  相似文献   

节水灌溉是一种农业发展趋势,强化管理是发挥节水灌溉工程效益的必要条件,采用科学灌溉广泛,优化产业结构,是取得良好的经济效益和社会效益的关键。  相似文献   

毛景生  贾士权 《治淮》1993,(7):22-23
建国以来,淮阴市的灌溉事业蓬勃发展,全市已建灌溉面积万亩以上灌区54处,其中30万亩以上的大型灌区11处,形成了比较完整的,功能齐全的蓄、引、提、灌、排、降的灌溉网络。水稻面积由解放初期的142万亩发展到1992年的近700万亩,水稻产量占全市粮食总产量的45.8%,使淮阴市成为全国商品粮基地之一。可是现有的灌溉管理水平,粗放的灌水方式及较低的灌溉效率已逐步成为制约全市粮食增长、影响全市农业经济发展的重要因素。多年  相似文献   

1 概况 我市水资源比较丰富,素称江南水乡。全市河网密布,有市、镇、村、队四级河道6200条,总长4100多km,其中,市级河道24条,镇级河道207条,村队级河道5969条,水面积占总面积的10%左右。但河道只能起到  相似文献   

我国是水资源比较贫乏的国家之一,人均量只为世界人均数的25%,而我省人均值又仅是全国人均量的14.3%,并且分布上西少东多。因此,干旱在一直困扰着我省农业稳定发展,而且有加重的趋势。统计表明,年均受灾面积50年代为21.3万公顷,60年代为30.5万公顷,到70年代为49.5万公顷,比上一个年代增加近20万公顷,而80年代为97.1万公顷。90年代前三年增至147.4万公顷。  相似文献   

宁夏灵武市针对节水灌溉实验区灌溉现状,根据作物生长发育规律及生产实际需要,在满足农作物生长发育的基础上,通过有目的地调整灌溉时间、灌溉定额、灌溉方式,有效控制了水量和作物营养生长。实践证明,采用先进的适宜当地条件的节水灌溉技术,能够获得十分显著的节水增产效益。  相似文献   

我省节水农业的技术体系与发展思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文论述了我省节水农业的重大战略意义,并提出出了节水灌溉技术体系和发展思路。  相似文献   

本文在对我省大型灌区水资源现状进行分析的基础上,指出了大型灌区目前存在的主要问题,提出了对大型灌区进行节水改造的基本思路和具体设想,并在对节水改造产出进行分析的基础上,提出顾节水改造的巨大潜力主要在于:缓解了水资源的供需矛盾;提高了灌区的经济效益;对当地及全省国民经济的发展也将起到重要作用。  相似文献   

The Conchos basin is the largest tributary to the lower part of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo basin. During recent years a severe drought has affected México’s ability to deliver water from the Conchos basin as required by the 1944 Treaty. In addition, it has generated not only economic problems in the USA and México but also political frictions between these two countries. The Mexican Conchos river has historically contributed with the highest amount of water to USA as established on the water treaty. A Decision Support System (DSS) was developed for the Conchos basin in order to gain a better understanding of the water resources management process in the basin, and to identify the alternatives to improve the cited process. The DSS is a semi-distributed model, based on System Dynamics, and developed using Powersim software. The DSS has been used to evaluate 25 long and short tem water resources allocation alternatives for the two main basin’s users: Irrigation Districts and Water Treaty. Some of the most important factors being tested on the 25 water management alternatives include National Commission of Water’s yearly water allocation policy, reservoir operation rules, improvement on water distribution efficiencies, etc. The DSS model shows that the historic water resources allocation implemented by the Federal government produces adequate results as compared with the other tested water management alternatives. However, for short term drought scenarios, it is showed that there could be other management alternatives that could perform better than the current water management allocation. In general, the DSS shows what we already expect of dynamic models of systems to provide that understanding the effects of multiple interacting variables in necessary to develop good natural resource management policies.  相似文献   

本文以国网新源控股有限公司水电生产管理信息系统建设为背景,阐述了公司水电厂反事故措施管理标准,构建了系统反事故措施管理功能和标准流程,实现了反事故措施管理的信息化,对反事故措施下发、上报、变更、计划执行进行全过程闭环管理,提高了水电厂设备反事故措施管理能力和设备健康水平。  相似文献   

The Use of System Dynamics Simulation in Water Resources Management   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
In this paper we discuss the use of system dynamics as a methodology with which to address dynamically complex problems in water resources management. Problems in regional planning and river basin management, urban water management, flooding and irrigation exhibit important short-term and long-term effects, and are often contentious issues with high potential for conflict. We argue that system dynamics combined with stakeholder involvement provides an appropriate methodology to address these issues effectively. We trace the theoretical and practical evolution of system dynamics in these areas over the past 50 years. From this review of the literature and selected case studies we identify and discuss a number of best practices and common pitfalls in applications of system dynamics simulation.  相似文献   

本文以国网新源控股有限公司水电生产管理信息系统建设为背景,阐述了公司水电厂检修标准作业流程,提出了水电厂检修作业修前策划、修中过程控制、修后总结信息管理设计,将水电厂检修作业指导手册、作业策划、开工报告、修中实施、竣工报告、修后总结、自查报告结构化,实现了检修作业管理的信息化,通过系统在国网新源控股有限公司大集中应用,提升了公司水电厂检修管理的标准化水平,提升了水电厂服务电网的可靠性。  相似文献   

1泰安市岱岳区水利工作的基本现状十年九旱、旱涝交替是岱岳区的一个典型气候特点。多年来,岱岳区历届党委、政府都高度重视水利工作,始终把水利建设放在国民经济发展的战略地位,作为促进国民经济持续快速发展的基础性措施来抓,先后兴建了一大批水利工程。  相似文献   

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