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华北某农药厂周边的滴滴涕污染状况初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对华北某从事滴滴涕加工的农药厂周边的土壤和植物样品进行了取样分析,利用气相色谱/电子捕获检测器(GC/ECD)法测定了样品中的滴滴涕含量.结果表明,在生产区域下风向900 m内采集的土壤样品中的滴滴涕超过《土壤环境质量标准》规定的三级标准(1.0 mg/kg);植物样品中的滴滴涕均大于0.2 mg/kg,超出《粮食、蔬菜等食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量标准》的相关限值.  相似文献   

Moore MT  Lizotte RE  Knight SS  Smith S  Cooper CM 《Chemosphere》2007,67(11):2184-2191
Three oxbow lakes in northwestern Mississippi, USA, an area of intensive agriculture, were assessed for biological impairment from historic and current-use pesticide contamination using the amphipod, Hyalella azteca. Surface water and sediment samples from three sites in each lake were collected from Deep Hollow, Beasley, and Thighman Lakes from September 2000 to February 2001. Samples were analyzed for 17 historic and current-use pesticides and selected metabolites. Ten-day H. azteca survival and growth (as length and dry weight) were measured to determine the degree of biological impairment. Maximum number of detectable pesticides in surface water from Deep Hollow, Beasley and Thighman Lakes was 10, 11, and 17, respectively. Maximum number of detectable pesticides in lake sediments was 17, 17, and 15, respectively. Bioassay results indicated no observable survival effects on H. azteca exposed to surface water or sediment from any lake examined and no growth impairment in animals exposed to lake sediments. However, growth was significantly impaired in surface water exposures from Deep Hollow Lake (2 sites) and Beasley Lake (1 site). Statistically significant relationships between growth impairment (length) and cyanazine, methyl parathion, λ-cyhalothrin, chlorfenapyr, and pp′DDE surface water concentrations in Deep Hollow Lake as well as trifluralin, atrazine, and methyl parathion in Beasley Lake were observed. Although pesticide frequency and concentrations were typically greater in sediment than surface water, bioassay results indicated decreased availability of these pesticides in sediment due to the presence of clay and organic carbon. Growth impairment observed in surface water exposures was likely due to complex interaction of pesticide mixtures that were present.  相似文献   

Herbicide contamination of surficial groundwater in Northern Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data on herbicide pollution in groundwater are rather scarce; monitoring data are based on single investigation, focussing on limited area and on few compounds of interest. The large number of approved active ingredients (approximately 600 chemicals) makes difficult to obtain an accurate and actual information on herbicide application in different countries, even if herbicides are the second most important class of pesticides used in the European Union. The results of a two-year monitoring campaign undertaken in two areas intensively cultivated at Lombardy, Northern Italy, showed a diffuse groundwater contamination due to active ingredients and their metabolites. More than 50% of samples overcame M.A.C. and the most common herbicides were Atrazine, Terbuthylazine and Metolachlor, while DEA and DET metabolites were often characterized by greater concentrations than their relative active principles.  相似文献   

Sulfide oxidation in a carbonate environment produces groundwater contamination with high sulfate making the water unsuitable for drinking supplies. The zinc-lead mines near Shullsburg, Wisconsin are located in the Galena-Platteville Formation, a carbonate aquifer that was dewatered during mining. Sulfate levels have reached as high as 40 nmol/l in some local wells and eleven wells were abandoned.Geochemical modeling of chemical reactions and isotope effects using the USGS computer program PHREEQE showed the importance of dolomite, calcite, CO2, and siderite or iron hydroxide in controlling the water chemistry. The decrease in sulfate levels with time indicated that dilution by incoming recharge water was an ongoing process. The results of carbon isotope reaction modeling are consistent with dilution of contaminated water. The evidence for localization of contamination and dilution means that area farmers have seen the worst of the contamination. The mechanism of contamination was further examined by microbiological sampling and sulfur isotope determinations, which indicated that bacteria of the Thiobacillus species that thrive under neutral pH conditions may have catalyzed sulfide oxidation.Research into the chemical evolution of contamination in this environment not only explains how sulfide oxidation causes contamination despite buffering by carbonate rocks, but also suggests how oxidation is initiated in the case of acid mine drainage.  相似文献   

Assessment of sediment contamination in Casco Bay, Maine, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current status of contaminant concentrations in Casco Bay, decadal trends of these contaminants and changes in their geographical distribution are assessed using sediment samples collected approximately 10 years apart. In general, regulated contaminants appeared to be decreasing in concentration. Total PAH and dioxins/furans concentrations did not significantly change over this period. Total organochlorine pesticides, 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDD, total DDT, PCB, tributyltin and total butyltin decreased in concentration. Trace element concentrations in sediments decreased at the majority of the sampling sites for chromium, nickel, and selenium while arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, silver, and zinc remained relatively constant. None of the contaminants measured has increased by more than a factor of 2. Selected sites located in the Inner Bay, where concentrations are higher and new inputs were more likely, showed increased concentrations of contaminants. Most contaminants were not found at concentrations expected to adversely affect sediment biota based on ERL/ERM guidelines.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater is the major freshwater resource in urban and rural areas of India that provides potable water. The quality evaluation of existing...  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides and metabolites were measured in grassland-nesting passerines that breed in North America. We also examined testes of male birds for abnormalities that may have resulted from pesticide exposure. Forty-four of 99 individuals contained one or more organochlorine pesticides above the detection limit, representing nine of 10 species. The most prevalent compound detected was p,p'-DDE (minimum-maximum levels: 7.55-285.85 ng/g, carcass concentration). Insectivorous birds had significantly higher levels of p,p'-DDE than both omnivores and granivores. Birds that frequented moist grassland habitats had significantly higher levels of p,p'-DDE than those that frequented drier grassland habitats. No evidence of feminization was observed in any of the testes analyzed, however, other endpoint effects of contamination (e.g. hormone levels and immunological parameters) should be investigated in future studies.  相似文献   

Increasing application of nitrogen fertilizers in the irrigated lands of the studied area is likely to create a blanket non-point source of nitrate. Groundwater contamination from fertilizers, in this context, has been reported as derived from N03, K+ and 180 composition of groundwater. The data suggest both point and non-point sources of groundwater pollution. Thirty-three percent of the groundwater samples showed nitrate contents exceeding the general acceptable limit of 20 p.p.m. and 15% of the samples crossed the maximum permissible limit of 45 p.p.m. High nitrate levels are associated with high δ18O values, clearly indicating that significant quantities of evaporated (isotopically enriched) irrigation water infiltrate along with fertilizer nitrate to the groundwater system. Different δ18O---N03 trends suggest isotopically distinct, non-point source origins which vary spatially and temporally, due to different degrees of evaporation/recharge and amounts of fertilizer applied. A scatter diagram of N03 vs K+ suggests a common source of these ions when the concentration is less than 40 p.p.m. The investigation indicates that a combination of isotope (180) and hydrochemical data can clearly characterize the impact of fertilizer on groundwater. Application of high nitrate, high potassium groundwater irrigation can minimize the requirement for inorganic fertilizers and bring down the cost of cultivation considerably, through appropriate management of fertilizer and water and modifications in agronomic practices and strategies on crops grown. Such practices will help protect groundwater from further degradation.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The presence of toxic substances in aquifers, particularly potentially toxic heavy metals, is an important environmental and social concern worldwide....  相似文献   

This investigation was under taken to evaluate the groundwater resources contamination due to intensive agricultural practices (particularly greenhouses). The study-area is located in the coastal area of the Ragusa province (South-East Sicily), where numerous existing greenhouses may cause the contamination of groundwater systems (unconfined and confined aquifers) beneath the cropped land. The pollution risk is mainly related with the seepage process of macro-elements nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), held in the irrigation water and the massive use of fertilizers and pesticides, that may pass through the unsaturated zone of the soil profile. Moreover, the area is characterized by the presence of several wells (about 15 wells/km2) for agricultural use that cause the aquifer overexploitation and the consequent risk of seawater intrusion. The agriculture practices adopted in the study area (irrigation volumes, fertilizer concentrations, use of pesticides…) were monitored since February 2009; moreover, the pollution risk of the aquifers was evaluated through the analysis of groundwater water samples collected (monthly) in the monitoring wells; in particular, nitrogen compounds, soluble phosphorous (PO?2?), potassium, as well as the main pesticides commonly used in the study area, were measured.The results show that electrical conductivity and chloride concentration values can cause reduction of production and leaf damage problems, respectively, for most of the monitored farm systems. The high nitrogen compounds concentrations observed in the monitored wells can cause health and environmental problems. Moreover high pesticide contamination of groundwater was found in two of the five monitored wells.  相似文献   

Amphibians, turtles, birds (mostly passerines) and mice collected from a conservation area in northwestern Costa Rica were analyzed for organochlorine (OC) pesticide contamination. Six of 39 amphibians (three of eight species), three of six turtles (two species), one of eight mice (one species) and 19 of 55 birds (five of seven species) contained OCs at levels up to 580 ng/g. The most frequently detected compound in 23 of 108 organisms was p,p'DDE. Dieldrin, delta-BHC, heptachlor, p,p'DDD, and endosulfan II were each found in at least four organisms, while eight other OCs were found in at least one organism. The presence of OCs in taxa from the conservation area indicates the likelihood of long-distance transport of such compounds through the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The current study describes the preliminary assessment and securing activities of the largest and most hazardous POPs-contaminated sites in Kyrgyzstan. In 2010, cattle died and population were found with high pesticide levels in blood, human milk, and placenta. In the first phase of the study, a historic assessment of the pesticide dumping at the landfill/dump sites have been conducted. In the second phase, soil analysis for organochlorine pesticides in the areas of the pesticide disposal sites, the former pesticides storehouses, agro-air strips, and the cotton-growing fields were conducted. By this assessment, a first overview of the types and sources of pollution and of the scale of the problem is compiled including information gaps. From major pesticides used, DDT, DDE, and HCH were measured in the highest concentrations. With the limited analytical capacity present, a reasonable risk assessment could be performed. This paper also reports on practical risk reduction measures that have been carried out recently at the two major pesticide disposal sites with support of a Dutch environmental engineering company, an international NGO (Green Cross Switzerland) and local authorities from the Suzak region within an UN project. Local population living near the sites of the former pesticide storehouses and agro-airstrips are advised not to cultivate vegetables and melons or to raise cattle on these areas. Instead, it is recommended to grow technical crops or plant trees. Further recommendations on monitoring and assessment is given including the suggestion to consider the findings in the National Implementation Plan of Kyrgyzstan.  相似文献   

In this paper, the integral groundwater investigation method is used for the quantification of PCE and TCE mass flow rates at an industrialized urban area in Linz, Austria. In this approach, pumping wells positioned along control planes perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction are operated for a time period on the order of days and sampled for contaminants. The concentration time series of the contaminants measured during operation of the pumping wells are then used to determine contaminant mass flow rates, mean concentrations and the plume shapes and positions at the control planes. The three control planes used in Linz were positioned downstream of a number of potential source zones, which are distributed over the field site. By use of the integral investigation method, it was possible to identify active contaminant sources, quantify the individual source strength in terms of mass flow rates at the control planes and estimate the contaminant plume position relative to the control planes. The source zones emitting the highest PCE and TCE mass flow rates could be determined, representing the areas where additional investigation and remediation activities will be needed. Additionally, large parts of the area investigated could be excluded from further investigation and remediation activities.  相似文献   

A superficial water quality survey in a watershed of the Paraíba do Sul River, the main water supply for the most populated cities of southeastern Brazil, was held in order to assess the impact of the expansion of agricultural activity in the near border of the Atlantic Rain Forest. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of priority organochlorine pollutants in soils and superficial waters of Atlantic rainforest fragments in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro State. Soil sample preparations were compared by using ultrasound, microwave assisted extraction and Soxhlet extraction. Recoveries of matrix spiked samples ranged from 70 to 130%. Analysis of a certified soil material showed recoveries ranging from 71 to 234%. Although low concentrations of organochlorine residues were found in water and soil samples, this area is of environmental importance and concern, thus demanding a monitoring program of its compartments.  相似文献   

自然衰减监控技术在农药污染场地的实践应用较少,作用机制尚不明确.为此,以农药污染场地监控自然衰减实际工程案例为基础,对地下水中氯代甲烷烃的自然衰减能力、作用机制及降解时间进行了分析.Mann-Kendall趋势检验结果表明,作为污染源的MW1-17点位地下水中的四氯化碳和氯仿随时间呈现下降趋势,在4 a内降解率分别在9...  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells along an area of intensive fruit production. Different types of correlations were investigated between soil physicochemical characteristics, depths and agricultural practices with pesticide detection frequency. In the three analyzed periods azinphos methyl, S-(3,4-diydro-4-oxobenzo[d]-[1,2,3]-triazin-3-ylmethyl)-O,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioate, showed a definite seasonal behavior related to the application pattern, increasing its concentration in the aquifer from October to November-December and then decreasing towards March. Samples obtained during the non-spraying season showed that azinphos methyl residues were lower than detection limit (LOD).An inverse correlation was observed between azinphos methyl concentration and the time elapsed since the last pesticide application. Seasonal events such as rain and irrigation influence the chemical concentration in the well, while no correlation was obtained between soil characteristics and azinphos methyl concentration. The soil attenuation capacity was not enough to prevent the presence of azinphos methyl in the aquifer during the application season.  相似文献   

Estimating risks of groundwater contamination often require schemes for representing and propagating uncertainties relative to model input parameters. The most popular method is the Monte Carlo method whereby cumulative probability distributions are randomly sampled in an iterative fashion. The shortcoming of the approach, however, arises when probability distributions are arbitrarily selected in situations where available information is incomplete or imprecise. In such situations, alternative modes of information representation can be used, for example the nested intervals known as “possibility distributions”. In practical situations of groundwater risk assessment, it is common that certain model parameters may be represented by single probability distributions (representing variability) because there are data to justify these distributions, while others are more faithfully represented by possibility distributions (representing imprecision) due to the partial nature of available information. This paper applies two recent methods, designed for the joint-propagation of variability and imprecision, to a groundwater contamination risk assessment. Results of the joint-propagation methods are compared to those obtained using both interval analysis and the Monte Carlo method with a hypothesis of stochastic independence between model parameters. The two joint-propagation methods provide results in the form of families of cumulative distributions of the probability of exceeding a certain value of groundwater concentration. These families are delimited by an upper cumulative distribution and a lower distribution respectively called Plausibility and Belief after evidence theory. Slight differences between the results of the two joint-propagation methods are explained by the different assumptions regarding parameter dependencies. Results highlight the point that non-conservative results may be obtained if single cumulative probability distributions are arbitrarily selected for model parameters in the face of imprecise information and the Monte Carlo method is used under the assumption of stochastic independence. The proposed joint-propagation methods provide upper and lower bounds for the probability of exceeding a tolerance threshold. As this may seem impractical in a risk-management context, it is proposed to introduce “a-posteriori subjectivity” (as opposed to the “a-priori subjectivity” introduced by the arbitrary selection of single probability distributions) by defining a single indicator of evidence as a weighted average of Plausibility and Belief, with weights to be defined according to the specific context.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Overexploitation of groundwater has resulted in seawater intrusion in many semiarid and arid coastal areas. This study illustrates the origin of...  相似文献   

Two headwaters located in southwest France were monitored for 3 and 2 years (Auvézère and Aixette watershed, respectively) with two sampling strategies: grab and passive sampling with polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS). These watersheds are rural and characterized by agricultural areas with similar breeding practices, except that the Auvézère watershed contains apple production for agricultural diversification and the downstream portion of the Aixette watershed is in a peri-urban area. The agricultural activities of both are extensive, i.e., with limited supply of fertilizer and pesticides. The sampling strategies used here give specific information: grab samples for higher pesticide content and POCIS for contamination background noise and number of compounds found. Agricultural catchments in small headwater streams are characterized by a background noise of pesticide contamination in the range of 20–70 ng/L, but there may also be transient and high-peak pesticide contamination (2000–3000 ng/L) caused by rain events, poor use of pesticides, and/or the small size of the water body. This study demonstrates that between two specific runoff events, contamination was low; hence the importance of passive sampler use. While the peak pesticide concentrations seen here are a toxicity risk for aquatic life, the pesticide background noise of single compounds do not pose obvious acute nor chronic risks; however, this study did not consider the risk from synergistic “cocktail” effects. Proper tools and sampling strategies may link watershed activities (agricultural, non-agricultural) to pesticides detected in the water, and data from both grab and passive samples can contribute to discussions on environmental effects in headwaters, an area of great importance for biodiversity.  相似文献   

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