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大地电磁与地震正则化同步联合反演   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
文中在于鹏等提出的电阻率和速度随机分布的大地电磁与地震联合反演方法的基础上,将Tikhonov正则化思想引入到联合反演中,加入先验信息进行模型约束,以最小模型为稳定器,采用L曲线方法来确定近似最佳的正则化因子。考虑到线性寻优算法容易陷入局部极小,文中采用非线性的模拟退火方法来实现大地电磁与地震的同步联合反演。通过模型试验的对比分析,我们认为加入有效模型约束的正则化联合反演可以比单纯考虑数据拟合的联合反演和单独反演方法更有效地提高解的稳定性和计算效率,获得更接近实际而且稳定的解。  相似文献   

在对仿真退火算法研究的基础上,将非常快速仿真退火的连续模型空间改为可变的离散化形式,理论模型试算表明,使用本文方法可提高工作效率5-10倍. 为适应联合反演的需要, 对非常快速仿真退火的误差"单判断"检验准则改为误差"双判断"检验准则,避免Metrop olis接受准则的判断失误. 在此基础上,实现了一维及二维起伏地形条件下大地电磁与地震资料多参量信息的联合反演. 理论模型的试算及实例说明了约束联合反演的有效性.  相似文献   

大地电磁与地震资料仿真退火约束联合反演   总被引:32,自引:11,他引:21  
在对仿真退火算法研究的基础上,将非常快速仿真退火的连续模型空间改为可变的离散化形式,理论模型试算表明,使用本文方法可提高工作效率5-10倍. 为适应联合反演的需要, 对非常快速仿真退火的误差"单判断"检验准则改为误差"双判断"检验准则,避免Metrop olis接受准则的判断失误. 在此基础上,实现了一维及二维起伏地形条件下大地电磁与地震资料多参量信息的联合反演. 理论模型的试算及实例说明了约束联合反演的有效性.  相似文献   

Three methods for least-squares inversion of receiver array-filtered seismic data are investigated: (1) point receiver inversion where array effects are neglected; (2) preprocessing of the data with an inverse array filter, followed by point receiver inversion; (3) array inversion, where the array effects are included in the forward modelling. The methods are tested on synthetic data generated using the acoustic wave equation and a horizontally stratified earth model. It is assumed that the group length and the group interval are identical. For arrays that are shorter than the minimum wavelength of the emitted wavefield, and when the data are appropriately muted, point receiver inversion (first method) gives satisfactory results. For longer arrays, array inversion (third method) should be used. The failure of the inverse array filter (second method) is due to aliasing problems in the data.  相似文献   

利用联合反演技术进行反射地震的波速成象   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了根据反射地震数据进行波速成象的一种方法,其基础为多种反演技术的综合。由于要求的波速图象C(x,z)具有间断性,除利用走时数据T(x,t)外,在地层比较水平的情况下,还利用了均方根速度V(x,t)和统计子波W(t)的数据来成象。计算机层析成象过程分为三步:首先重做速度分析,取得与初次反射走时一致的均方根速度数据;然后用反射走时与均方根速度联合反演对应分析道的层速度和界面深度;最后由联合反演结果和反射面走时求波速图象函数的数字化版。文中还给出了波速成象方法在我国西北某沉积盆地上的应用及验证结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了根据反射地震数据进行波速成象的一种方法,其基础为多种反演技术的综合。由于要求的波速图象C(x,z)具有间断性,除利用走时数据T(x,t)外,在地层比较水平的情况下,还利用了均方根速度V(x,t)和统计子波W(t)的数据来成象。计算机层析成象过程分为三步:首先重做速度分析,取得与初次反射走时一致的均方根速度数据;然后用反射走时与均方根速度联合反演对应分析道的层速度和界面深度;最后由联合反演结果和反射面走时求波速图象函数的数字化版。文中还给出了波速成象方法在我国西北某沉积盆地上的应用及验证结果。  相似文献   

Model-based inversion of seismic reflection data is a global optimization problem when prior information is sparse. We investigate the use of an efficient, global, stochastic optimization method, that of simulated annealing, for determining the two-way traveltimes and the reflection coefficients. We exploit the advantage of an ensemble approach to the inversion of full-scale target zones on 2D seismic sections. In our ensemble approach, several copies of the model-algorithm system are run in parallel. In this way, estimation of true ensemble statistics for the process is made possible, and improved annealing schedules can be produced. It is shown that the method can produce reliable results efficiently in the 2D case, even when prior information is sparse.  相似文献   

二维反射地震成象—界面与速度的联合反演   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了利用反射走时联合反演地震界面起伏形态和速度横向分布的方法。正问题采用了一种简单而有效的二维介质中两点射线追踪方法,反问题在广义最小二乘意义下求解,描述界面和速度的两类参数不必要先进行分离,数值模拟的结果表明方法是有效的。处理了通过唐山震区的各庄-丰南-丰宁深地震测深剖面,得到了意义的结果。  相似文献   

本文从大地电磁扬的色散关系出发,阐述了进行大地电磁资料一维联合反演的物理意义。论证了对于以色散关系相联系的一对大地电磁响应函数,特别是阻抗实部和虚部视电阻率进行联合反演的必要性和可能的应用前景。对比研究了大地电磁阻抗各单参量及其联合反演的效果。结果表明,在加快反演迭代速度,限定反演解的非唯一性、保证反演迭代的稳定进行等方面,联合反演比单参量反演具有明显的优越性;在大多数情况下,阻抗实部视电阻率和阻抗虚部视电阻率联合反演的效果要比通常所采用的常规视电阻率和阻抗相位的联合反演效果好。实际大地电磁资料的试验表明,各种不同平均阻抗的利用和综合反演解释将有助于获得更为可靠的结果。  相似文献   

王夫运  张先康 《地震学报》2006,28(2):158-166
为了更好地利用地震测深波形数据,提出了地震体波波形反演的遗传算法. 正演使用能精确快速计算互层结构响应的广义反、透射系数理论地震图算法;反演采用遗传算法,实现了地震体波波形反演的遗传算法. 数值试验表明,该算法具有分辨壳内低速层、高低速薄互层结构和一定的抗噪能力. 青藏高原东北缘泽库、夏河、临洮3炮地震测深P波波形反演,得到了上地壳底部低速层和中、下地壳,以及上地幔顶部薄互层的细结构图象.   相似文献   

The dynamic inversion of reflection seismic data is investigated with reference to the influence of noise on pseudo-impedance logs. Model traces are calculated with 0, 5, 15 and 50% noise, respectively. In solving the inversion problem, the algorithm of Marquardt and Levenberg is used in connection with singular value decomposition (SVD). The results are within a 1% error range so that there was no visible change in the logs. Further signal analysis show that there is no dependence on the phase content of the wavelet used if all other parameters of the model are known.  相似文献   

First breaks of 2D deep reflection data were used to construct velocity-depth models for improved static corrections to a deeper datum level and for geological interpretations. The highly redundant traveltime data were automatically picked and transformed directly into a velocity-depth model by maximum depth methods such as the Giese- and the Slichter-method. Comparisons with the results of synthetic calculations and a tomographic approach using iterative inversion methods (ART, SIRT) showed that maximum depth methods provide reliable velocity models as a basis for the computation of static corrections. These methods can economically be applied during data acquisition in the field. They provide particularly long-period static anomalies, which are of the order of 20–40 ms (0.5-1 wavelength) within CMP gathers of an example of a deep reflection profile in SW-Germany sited on crystalline basement. Reprocessing of this profile, which was aimed at the comparison between the effects of the originally used and the new statics, did not result in dramatically improved stacking quality but showed a subtle influence on the detailed appearance of deep crustal events.  相似文献   

This is the first of a series of papers giving the solution of the inverse problem in seismic exploration. The acoustic approximation is used together with the assumption that the velocity field has the form . The forward problem is then linearized (thus neglecting multiple reflected waves) and the inverse problem of estimating δ is set up. Its rigorous solution can be obtained using an iterative algorithm, each step consisting of a classical Kirchhoff migration (hyperbola summation) plus a classical forward modeling step (circle summation).  相似文献   

The one-dimensional seismic inverse problem consists of recovering the acoustic impedance (or reflectivity function) as a function of traveltime from the reflection response of a horizontally layered medium excited by a plane-wave impulsive source. Most seismic sources behave like point sources, and the data must be corrected for geometrical spreading before the inversion procedure is applied. This correction is usually not exact because the geometrical spreading is different for primary and multiple reflections. An improved algorithm is proposed which takes the geometrical spreading from a point source into account. The zero-offset reflection response from a stack of homogeneous layers of variable thickness is used to compute the thickness, velocity and density of each layer. This is possible because the geometrical spreading contains additional information about the velocities.  相似文献   

利用大地测量资料反演地震震源参数的若干问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张祖胜 《地震学报》1984,6(2):167-181
本文利用大地测量资料反演地震震源参数的一般理论,归纳为震源模型的建立、最优化计算的实施和观测资料的使用等三部分.文中着重研究了后两部分:提出了利用原始观测资料(地面长度、角度、高差、倾斜、应变的变化值)直接进行反演的严密方法;改进了单纯形最优化计算方法,加速了迭代的收敛并给出了收敛准则;按逐渐趋近法进行观测资料的标准化,保证了标准化后的各类资料都属于同一正态分布.文中根据地震前、后的大地测量资料,对1976年唐山7.8级地震的震源参数进行了反演,并对成果的稳定性和可靠性进行了检验,得到地震断层长度为112公里,走向为北东56,倾角为90,断层破裂至地面,断层面延深(宽)15公里,水平错距(右旋)2.51米,垂直错距(东南盘下降)0.70米,断层迹线中点位置为北纬3936'6、东经11811'4.由此计算得到的地震矩为1.451027达因厘米,应力降为37.2巴,应变降为5.610-5.这个结果与根据地震波及震时其它地球物理资料求得的结果相近,因此认为本次地震前(或后),发生相当于主震规模的断层蠕动的可能性不大.  相似文献   

A common example of a large-scale non-linear inverse problem is the inversion of seismic waveforms. Techniques used to solve this type of problem usually involve finding the minimum of some misfit function between observations and theoretical predictions. As the size of the problem increases, techniques requiring the inversion of large matrices become very cumbersome. Considerable storage and computational effort are required to perform the inversion and to avoid stability problems. Consequently methods which do not require any large-scale matrix inversion have proved to be very popular. Currently, descent type algorithms are in widespread use. Usually at each iteration a descent direction is derived from the gradient of the misfit function and an improvement is made to an existing model based on this, and perhaps previous descent directions. A common feature in nearly all geophysically relevant problems is the existence of separate parameter types in the inversion, i.e. unknowns of different dimension and character. However, this fundamental difference in parameter types is not reflected in the inversion algorithms used. Usually gradient methods either mix parameter types together and take little notice of the individual character or assume some knowledge of their relative importance within the inversion process. We propose a new strategy for the non-linear inversion of multi-offset reflection data. The paper is entirely theoretical and its aim is to show how a technique which has been applied in reflection tomography and to the inversion of arrival times for 3D structure, may be used in the waveform case. Specifically we show how to extend the algorithm presented by Tarantola to incorporate the subspace scheme. The proposed strategy involves no large-scale matrix inversion but pays particular attention to different parameter types in the inversion. We use the formulae of Tarantola to state the problem as one of optimization and derive the same descent vectors. The new technique splits the descent vector so that each part depends on a different parameter type, and proceeds to minimize the misfit function within the sub-space defined by these individual descent vectors. In this way, optimal use is made of the descent vector components, i.e. one finds the combination which produces the greatest reduction in the misfit function based on a local linearization of the problem within the subspace. This is not the case with other gradient methods. By solving a linearized problem in the chosen subspace, at each iteration one need only invert a small well-conditioned matrix (the projection of the full Hessian on to the subspace). The method is a hybrid between gradient and matrix inversion methods. The proposed algorithm requires the same gradient vectors to be determined as in the algorithm of Tarantola, although its primary aim is to make better use of those calculations in minimizing the objective function.  相似文献   

李延峰  朱胜伟  谢庆和 《高原地震》2012,24(1):60-63,59
通过对格尔木井模拟水氡和数字化气氡年动态和月动态曲线的对比,结果表明,二者的变化趋势及均值变化有一定的相似性和差异性,数字化气氡观测受气温、气压等自然因素影响较多,而模拟水氡观测精度较低,受人为影响因素较多。  相似文献   

文中利用福建数字地震台网1998年建网以来记录的2.5级以上地震的波形资料,采用Atkinson等提出的方法计算了福建地区地震波非弹性衰减系数、几何扩散系数和台站场地响应。考虑到该方法在计算台站场地响应时得到的结果是相对场地响应,利用Moya等提出的方法对台站场地响应进行重新计算,对震源谱的低频水平和拐角频率进行联合反演,并计算了参与反演的地震的新参数(地震矩、应力降和破裂半径),同时讨论了它们之间的关系。反演结果表明福建地区地壳平均Q值与频率的关系为Q=504.1×f0.332,而场地响应均表现为与频率相关并基本在1附近波动,这与福建数字地震台站基本建立在基岩之上的实际情况相符合。震源参数的计算结果表明,地震矩与震级以及震源谱拐角频率的相关性较好,而地震矩与应力降以及应力降与震源半径之间的依赖关系不很明确,这可能与参与计算的地震数量以及震级范围有关  相似文献   

二维地震资料波动方程非线性反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对反演的要求和实际问题的需要,提出利用地震资料叠前数据进行二维波动方程反演,采用最小平方拟合修正模型参数的非线性反演方法,构造了问题的加速迭代算法.反演算法充分利用了冗余的叠前数据和多道相关性,可以分离噪声和信号,使噪声不参与或很少参与反演,算法抗噪能力强.数值模拟例子表明算法有效和稳定,得到了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

利用多分辨率小波网络进行地震资料反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋维琪  赵万金  吴华  冯磊 《地震地质》2005,27(1):98-104
在讨论小波网络理论方法的基础上,研究了利用地震纪录小波多尺度分解属性资料进行虚井声波时差反演的技术方法。分析了利用地震信号进行小波分解和网络学习、训练的理论方法。研究中发现:对于相邻的地震道,较小一段的相似性比整个地震道的相似性要好。据此,利用小波时-频分析技术方法,可以把相邻道的信息外推到其它地震道上。通过以上综合研究及对实际资料进行反演计算、分析,认为小波网络与人工神经网络相比其网络结构要容易选定,并且收敛速度快。同时,利用地震资料分段时-频分析的相似性较好和小波网络学习、训练及记忆能力较强的特点,可以较好地把井旁道的高、低频信息转换到相邻道上。这样在提高分辨率的同时,又增加了反演结果的真实可靠性  相似文献   

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