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This article focuses on the role that housing markets play in structuring patterns of social disadvantage in Australian cities, specifically Sydney and Melbourne. It explores the relationship between housing tenure and social disadvantage at the local scale (Census collector districts) for the two cities, following a discussion of the various stands of literature on housing tenure and socio-spatial polarisation in Australian cities. It analyses the relationship between areas of high social disadvantage and housing tenure. The analysis, which uses the ABS Index of Disadvantage, distinguishes locations where comparable levels of social disadvantage are associated with very different housing markets, one where public housing is prominent and others which are primarily areas of private sector housing. The social profiles of both types of area are described, drawing out differences between the two cities, as are changes in the extent of these areas over time. The policy implications for the areas of private sector housing are then discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role that housing markets play in structuring patterns of social disadvantage in Australian cities, specifically Sydney and Melbourne. It explores the relationship between housing tenure and social disadvantage at the local scale (Census collector districts) for the two cities, following a discussion of the various stands of literature on housing tenure and socio-spatial polarisation in Australian cities. It analyses the relationship between areas of high social disadvantage and housing tenure. The analysis, which uses the ABS Index of Disadvantage, distinguishes locations where comparable levels of social disadvantage are associated with very different housing markets, one where public housing is prominent and others which are primarily areas of private sector housing. The social profiles of both types of area are described, drawing out differences between the two cities, as are changes in the extent of these areas over time. The policy implications for the areas of private sector housing are then discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses current active transport usage in a car-dependent metropolis using household travel survey data. A major conclusion emerges: most people and households did not undertake any reportable active transport usage, despite increasing policy support, education and promotion encouraging uptake. Less than a quarter of the population recorded travel on foot and just over 2% by bicycle, although there are differences by gender and age. There are important implications for policy development and urban design interventions aimed at encouraging greater use of the active modes. This research shows we still have some way to go to achieve the levels of active transport uptake necessary for the creation of environmentally sustainable and healthy communities.  相似文献   

利用社会网络分析方法,分析程度中心性、结构洞等社会网络结构特征对安全知识传播效果的影响,设计访谈和调查问卷,以武汉地铁工程建筑工人为例,运用 Ucinet 6 和 SPSS 19.0 软件分析了工人的社会网络结构和安全知识传播效果,对影响关系进行了实证分析。研究表明,建筑工人安全知识传播效果与社会网络程度中心性呈正相关。提出了识别建筑工人社会网络中的核心人物,即意见领袖,充分发挥他们的作用;关注社会网络结构中处于边缘位置的工人;避免出现结构洞等改善建筑工人的社会网络结构,促进建筑工人之间安全知识有效传播的建议和措施。  相似文献   

知识型员工的需求与激励   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪,组织最有价值的资产将是知识型员工及其生产率。在当今激烈的市场竞争中,知识型员工的生产率将对组织竞争优势产生重要影响。文章结合洛阳实际,在需求分析的基础上,提出以规范管理为激励基础、哑巴式管理为激励方式、建立学习型组织营造激励环境、结合多样需求设计激励方案的构想。  相似文献   

以论文合作为媒介的知识网络是新时期研究城市创新系统的重要视角.研究基于2002—2006年和2012—2016年Web of Science上科研论文合著数据,利用大数据技术和社会网络分析,以地级以上城市为节点,构建中国城市知识创新网络,进而探讨其等级与区域特征的时空演化及原因.结果发现:(1)从空间格局看,2006—...  相似文献   


Australian cities have observed a “consensus turn” expressed as broad public support of greater accessibility and public transport provision as revealed in metropolitan strategic plans. In contrast large-scale road projects proposed to traverse the inner-city of three major Australian cities reveals an ongoing and deep-seated attachment by some to car-based travel in Australian urban transport planning. Comparative case studies of these three road projects in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth explores the impact that an antagonistic relationship between the state and community has on the culture of transport planning. Through observational insights, policy and media analysis and interviews with community groups, we show that this antagonistic planning culture arises when there is a fracture between metropolitan strategic plan-making and project planning, and when clear channels of communication and deliberation are undermined.  相似文献   

知识经济和(生态)可持续发展是当代人类社会尤其是城市发展的重要背景,知识城市和生态城市有关联发展的趋势.研究采用原型法和关联分析方法,以知识城市和生态城市的表征代替知识城市与生态城市纷繁复杂的现象与特征,根据多原则筛选核心表征指标,采用直接对比分析、专家群决策评价分析与基于SAS统计分析系统的主成分与线性回归分析,证实了城市发展中知识表征与生态表征之间存在高关联度,确认了关联发展的趋势.在此基础上,借鉴知识生态学的DICE理论模型,探寻遵循生态系统自组织规律的、满足知识功能网络需求的城市空间组织模式.以生态学竞争原则为指导,探讨知识与生态关联的城市空间竞争发展的背景与特征,指出竞争导致空间组合的多种可能性和不确定性,既有协同与共生效应,也有竞争与取代效应.在两者共同作用下,城市空间呈现土地利用高度兼容混合、土地利用比例的结构性调整、弹性多中心城市空间布局模式等新特征.  相似文献   

新加坡适应知识经济的土地利用形式管理和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新加坡经济从以转口贸易为主转向以制造业和服务业为主,从劳动密集型转向资金、技术密集型,知识经济发展水平举世瞩目。为顺应知识经济的迅变特点,新加坡政府规划管理部门采用灵活、弹性的管理方式,为知识经济发展营造了良好的外部环境。在近10年来的概念规划、总体规划和以宪报形式出台的其他计划、土地利用规划指引中充分体现了适应知识经济的城市土地利用形式管理控制思路。  相似文献   

失败及其原因具有阶层性,形成金字塔形状,越是下层的失败发生越频繁,越到上层的失败影响范围越大.分析失败,将失败教训知识化是传播失败经验教训的前提,失败知识化过程包括记述、建档、知识化、传达等步骤.建立失败知识库,合理设计失败知识库表结构,进行基于PDCA循环的知识更新是管理和传播失败知识的有效途径.  相似文献   

李建平 《山西建筑》2002,28(10):102-103
结合建筑企业中知识型员工比例逐年递增的实际,并针对其特点,提出了企业思想政治工作要转变观念,与时俱进,在内容、形式、方法等方面要不断创新,阐述了建筑企业知识型员工思想政治工作的重要性。  相似文献   

Ethnographic methodologies developed in social anthropology and sociology hold considerable promise for addressing practical, problem-based research concerned with the construction site. The extended researcher-engagement characteristic of ethnography reveals rich insights, yet is infrequently used to understand how workplace realities are lived out on construction sites. Moreover, studies that do employ these methods are rarely reported within construction research journals. This paper argues that recent innovations in ethnographic methodologies offer new routes to: posing questions; understanding workplace socialities (i.e. the qualities of the social relationships that develop on construction sites); learning about forms, uses and communication of knowledge on construction sites; and turning these into meaningful recommendations. This argument is supported by examples from an interdisciplinary ethnography concerning migrant workers and communications on UK construction sites. The presented research seeks to understand how construction workers communicate with managers and each other and how they stay safe on site, with the objective of informing site health-and-safety strategies and the production and evaluation of training and other materials.

Les méthodologies ethnographiques développées en anthropologie sociale et en sociologie sont extrêmement prometteuses pour aborder des recherches pratiques, basées sur la résolution de problèmes et portant sur le chantier de construction. La caractéristique étendue chercheur-engagement de l'ethnographie est révélatrice de riches enseignements, mais est néanmoins peu souvent utilisée pour comprendre comment les réalités du lieu de travail sont vécues sur les chantiers de construction. De plus, les études faisant effectivement appel à ces méthodes sont rarement présentées dans les revues consacrées à la recherche dans le bâtiment. Cet article défend l'idée selon laquelle les innovations récentes dans les méthodologies ethnographiques offrent de nouvelles voies, qu'il s'agisse de poser des questions; de comprendre les socialités sur le lieu de travail (c'est-à-dire les qualités des relations sociales qui se développent sur les chantiers de construction); d'en apprendre plus sur les formes, les usages et la communication des savoirs sur les chantiers de construction; et de transformer cela en des recommandations utiles. Cette argumentation est appuyée par des exemples issus d'une ethnographie interdisciplinaire qui concerne les travailleurs migrants et la communication sur les chantiers de construction britanniques. Le travail de recherche présenté vise à comprendre comment les ouvriers du bâtiment communiquent avec leur encadrement et entre eux et comment ils maintiennent leur sécurité sur les chantiers, l'objectif étant d'influer sur les stratégies relatives à la sécurité et à la protection de la santé sur les chantiers, ainsi que sur la production et l'évaluation des matériels de formation et autres.

Mots clés: chantier de construction, ouvriers du bâtiment, recherches ethnographiques, connaissances indigènes, pratiques informelles, connaissances pratiques, savoir local  相似文献   

Living in the suburbs is founded on mobility, as residents move to the periphery of the city, commute to work and travel for shops, schools and leisure. While there have been numerous studies raising critical questions on the vulnerability of outer suburban residents to loneliness, financial and mortgage stress, the actual experiences and challenges posed by the dependence of suburban life on mobility is rarely singled out for attention. Through purposive sampling and then snowballing, eight outer suburban residents participated in photo-elicited interviewing to detail their lifeworlds and mobility experiences. Problems ranged from getting to work to accessing schools, shops and even neighbourhood services as the suburban car culture was embraced but also constrained patterns of movement. However, there was also an array of positive experiences and alternatives to these patterns, including the pleasures to be found in traffic jams and the suburban environment and local actions to establish new pathways and means of movement as well as set up local employment options. Mobility constraint thereby generated a range of unexpected strategies, as residents exercised their agency to shape their experiences, create alternatives and to build suburban centred lives.  相似文献   

The aim of the research is to investigate whether the structure of knowledge networks and the variety of the local industrial structure are important for regional innovation and if the interplay between these two forces has an additional effect on local innovativeness. The research analyses co-patenting collaborations at firm level in the Italian provinces in three five-year intervals in the period 2001–2016. Results show that the structure of knowledge networks and agglomeration economies of inventors boost local inventive capacity. It also highlights how these forces have an increasing impact on innovation as the variety of the area increases.  相似文献   

The life course framework guides us towards investigating how dynamic life course careers affect residential mobility decision-making and behaviour throughout long periods of individual lifetimes. However, most longitudinal studies linking mobility decision-making to subsequent moving behaviour focus only on year-to-year transitions. This study moves beyond this snapshot approach by analysing the long-term sequencing of moving desires and mobility behaviour within individual lives. Using novel techniques to visualise the desire–mobility sequences of British Household Panel Survey respondents, the study demonstrates that revealing the meanings and significance of particular transitions in moving desires and mobility behaviour requires these transitions to be arranged into mobility biographies. The results highlight the oft-neglected importance of residential stability over the life course, uncovering groups of individuals persistently unable to act in accordance with their moving desires.  相似文献   

针对工程项目进度和施工人员进场记录数据存在异常值的问题,提出一种基于箱形图和隔离森林的施工人次数据处理方法。将历史工程项目进行分类并计算各工程项目每人次的效率值,采用箱形图法剔除效率值异常的样本;结合各类型工程项目投资和投入施工人次的数据可视化情况,通过隔离森林隔离出属性值异常的数据点;采用剔除异常值后的样本作为线性回归预测模型的学习样本,使用测试集进行预测精度测试。并以某施工单位的实测数据为具体对象,根据所提算例结果显示,该方法能实现异常值的定位与分离,有效提高施工人次预测的精确度。  相似文献   

Expert technical knowledge has a central role in decision-making for urban transport and is subject to public scrutiny for major investments. This paper examines how expertise is produced and contested by advocacy groups in Auckland, New Zealand. A network of advocates has emerged, garnering considerable influence as “experts” on urban transport and planning. In response to the perceived over-reliance on outdated approaches to transport, advocates mobilised alternative expertise using blogs and social media. Internet platforms enabled groups to extend the public sphere online, creating spaces for deliberation and contestation. Their activities targeted the technocratic logics embedded in forecasting models, reasserted transport infrastructure’s function as urban space, and highlighted how transport infrastructure shapes everyday experience. This case shows how advocates countered the postpolitical condition by re-ordering the polity of transport in Auckland. Advocates have been instrumental in appropriating globally mobile policies and successfully promoted improvements to public transport and cycling. However, those interviewed showed limited consideration of equity issues related to income, race and gender. This raises questions over whether the expertise mobilised favoured privileged groups, as advocates may be unaware of marginalisation that they rarely experience themselves. Alliances with community groups and local researchers can support broader engagement with distributional issues.  相似文献   

建设工程管理知识创新发展的内在规律和建设工程管理知识体系框架的研究日益受到学者们的关注。针对建设工程的单件性和开发工程对管理知识及其创新的依赖程度越发提高的特点,分析了工程管理知识体系及其发展维度,包括思维发展维度和知识结构模块发展维度;给出了工程管理知识创新模式和结构模式;梳理并提出了在工程思维模式下工程管理知识体系框架,包括工程管理研究所依据的基础知识体系框架和工程管理可应用的知识体系框架。  相似文献   

历史上,许多国家的承办城市将世界博览会选址于城市滨水地区。本文以布里斯班南岸公园为主,并结合其它案例的分析 从世博园建设与河流整治的结合,世博园建设带动城市滨水区开发,以及世博园后续开发与城市建设的关系等3个方面对滨水世博园进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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