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This paper presents a novel approach to the 3D CAD model retrieval, whereby the 3D models are treated and matched as undirected graphs. While there is much success made in the matching of graphs based on their spectral decomposition, most of these approaches consider smooth surfaces and are not suitable for CAD models because of their complex topology and singular structure. In the proposed approach, the models are simplified based on the piecewise flat properties of the surfaces first, and a perturbed Laplacian spectrum approach is then applied to characterize the shape. These spectral values are used as samples for spectral distribution estimation. The perturbed spectral distributions of different models are then compared by their KL-divergence for model retrieval. The proposed approach is tested with models from known 3D CAD database for verification.  相似文献   

裴焱栋  顾克江 《计算机应用》2020,40(7):1863-1872
多媒体信息的检索是信息复用的重要途径。三维模型检索作为三维建模过程中的关键技术之一,近年来随着三维建模的广泛运用而被深入研究。针对目前三维模型检索技术的进展,首先介绍了基于内容的检索技术,按照提取的特征将其分为四类:基于统计数据、基于几何外形、基于拓扑结构和基于视觉特征,分别介绍各类技术的主要成果和优缺点;然后介绍考虑语义信息,解决“语义鸿沟”现象的基于语义的检索方法,根据切入角度将其分为三类:相关性反馈、主动学习和本体技术,随后介绍了各类技术的相互关系与特点;最后总结和提出了三维模型检索的未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

普林斯顿形状基准数据库已经成为当前三维模型检索研究人员使用最为广泛的基准数据库之一。但是该基准数据库存在着一个重要的缺陷,那便是模型类别之间的相似性没有被考虑,这导致在对检索结果进行性能评价时出现与人类直观感觉不一致的结论。为了克服这个缺陷,提出了一种新的基准数据库分类方案,并且在此基础上提出了一种基于相似性序列分析的检索性能评估方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a shape retrieval method using triangle-area representation for nonrigid shapes with closed contours. The representation utilizes the areas of the triangles formed by the boundary points to measure the convexity/concavity of each point at different scales (or triangle side lengths). This representation is effective in capturing both local and global characteristics of a shape, invariant to translation, rotation, and scaling, and robust against noise and moderate amounts of occlusion. In the matching stage, a dynamic space warping (DSW) algorithm is employed to search efficiently for the optimal (least cost) correspondence between the points of two shapes. Then, a distance is derived based on the optimal correspondence. The performance of our method is demonstrated using four standard tests on two well-known shape databases. The results show the superiority of our method over other recent methods in the literature.  相似文献   

三维模型检索中的预处理技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着三维建模技术和数字化技术的发展,基于内容的三维模型检索技术应运而生.由于三维模型是一种自由度很高的信息,在特征提取之前对三维模型进行坐标系归一化预处理,从而保证所提取特征的平移不变性、比例不变性和旋转不变性,使得同样的三维模型在不同的坐标系下具有相同的相似度,这样可以提高基于内容的三维模型相似性比较算法的准确性.而预处理的效果对检索性能有着很大的影响,对PCA和各向异性变换这两种主要预处理技术进行了研究.  相似文献   

根据多分辨率Reeb图(MRG)原理,依据测地线函数分割模型,有效地提取反映模型拓扑结构的Reeb图骨架。进而,映射Reeb图为树结构,分析各骨架节点的拓扑属性,并提取其相应区域的离散曲率信息作为局部形状属性。最终,有效结合拓扑和几何形状特征,计算模型的相差度。该方法突出了模型的总体拓扑特征以及模型的表面细节,一系列的实验结果验证了其高效性、鲁棒性。  相似文献   

对基于内容的三维模型检索的应用背景和现有算法进行了研究。结合物理学的基本原理,提出了一种静电场电通量描述子,在三维模型的模拟电场中设置测试球壳,计算各个测试球壳内部的电通量,用以描述三维模型。该描述子具有平移、旋转和缩放不变的特征,并对噪声有较强的鲁棒性。实验证明该描述子具有较强的检索能力。  相似文献   

为了更加高效地从三维模型库中检索出相似模型,提出了一种基于切片的三维模型检索算法。首先应用主元分析对三维模型进行预处理;然后对预处理后的模型在不同位置和不同方向上进行切片,根据所得切片断面的相对面积进行三维模型检索。基于该算法设计并实现了三维模型检索系统。实验采用PSB(PrincetonShape Benchmark)提供的三维模型数据库,结果表明把模型的切片截面作为三维模型的特征描述,能有效地区分不同模型,并取得了较好的检索效果。  相似文献   

A survey of content based 3D shape retrieval methods   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
Recent developments in techniques for modeling, digitizing and visualizing 3D shapes has led to an explosion in the number of available 3D models on the Internet and in domain-specific databases. This has led to the development of 3D shape retrieval systems that, given a query object, retrieve similar 3D objects. For visualization, 3D shapes are often represented as a surface, in particular polygonal meshes, for example in VRML format. Often these models contain holes, intersecting polygons, are not manifold, and do not enclose a volume unambiguously. On the contrary, 3D volume models, such as solid models produced by CAD systems, or voxels models, enclose a volume properly. This paper surveys the literature on methods for content based 3D retrieval, taking into account the applicability to surface models as well as to volume models. The methods are evaluated with respect to several requirements of content based 3D shape retrieval, such as: (1) shape representation requirements, (2) properties of dissimilarity measures, (3) efficiency, (4) discrimination abilities, (5) ability to perform partial matching, (6) robustness, and (7) necessity of pose normalization. Finally, the advantages and limitations of the several approaches in content based 3D shape retrieval are discussed.
Remco C. Veltkamp (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper proposes a novel scheme for 3D model compression based on mesh segmentation using multiple principal plane analysis. This algorithm first performs a mesh segmentation scheme, based on fusion of the well-known k-means clustering and the proposed principal plane analysis to separate the input 3D mesh into a set of disjointed polygonal regions. The boundary indexing scheme for the whole object is created by assembling local regions. Finally, the current work proposes a triangle traversal scheme to encode the connectivity and geometry information simultaneously for every patch under the guidance of the boundary indexing scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm obtains good performance in terms of compression rate and reconstruction quality.  相似文献   

基于形状分布算法提出了一种加强细节检索的算法。该算法首先将经过预处理的模型分割为N个子模块并分别进行特征提取,然后构造每个子模块的形状分布直方图,最后通过比较子模块的相似度来计算模型的相似度。该算法相比形状分布算法比较准确地计算出了模型间的相似性,有效地提高了细节的分辨,解决了外形相近但细节不同的问题。  相似文献   

The technique of relevance feedback has been introduced to content-based 3D model retrieval, however, two essential issues which affect the retrieval performance have not been addressed. In this paper, a novel relevance feedback mechanism is presented, which effectively makes use of strengths of different feature vectors and perfectly solves the problem of small sample and asymmetry. During the retrieval process, the proposed method takes the user’s feedback details as the relevant information of query model, and then dynamically updates two important parameters of each feature vector, narrowing the gap between high-level semantic knowledge and low-level object representation. The experiments, based on the publicly available 3D model database Princeton Shape Benchmark (PSB), show that the proposed approach not only precisely captures the user’s semantic knowledge, but also significantly improves the retrieval performance of 3D model retrieval. Compared with three state-of-the-art query refinement schemes for 3D model retrieval, it provides superior retrieval effectiveness only with a few rounds of relevance feedback based on several standard measures.
Biao LengEmail:

Due to the popularity of the Internet, multimedia searching is becoming more and more an important research area. It allows us to search the Internet for media objects by specifying some feature criteria or providing sample objects. Although a lot of work has been conducted on searching images, videos and audio, there has been very limited work on searching 3D object models and most of the proposed methods only show the performance of the proposed method, without a comparison with other methods. In this paper, we survey some representative work in this area. We show how they are implemented and compare their performances with each other using a common geometry database. We also propose the Haar wavelets method for 3D model matching. This method is simple to implement, has a very good retrieval performance, and small feature size, as demonstrated in our experiments.  相似文献   

由于对三维模型检索查全率与查准率的要求不断提高,在研究模型整体特征的同时,对于模型局部特征的研究越来越多。分析并讨论了几种主流的局部特征提取方法,深入研究了局部区分区域方法,并对此方法做出了改进以适应检索需求,经过试验证明,使用局部区分区域可以提高三维模型检索的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于二维正交投影图像的三维模型相似性比较算法。首先计算三维模型的二维正交投影图像,然后提取二维正交投影图像的边缘轮廓夹角特征,并比较这些二维正交投影图像的相似性,最后通过二维正交投影图像的轮廓相似性来获取三维模型的相似性。实验验证了该算法的可行性,并且其对于三维模型检索所要求的平移、旋转和缩放不变性具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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