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Variations in abundance, biomass, vertical profile and cell size of heterotrophic dinoflagellates (HDFs) between summer and winter and its controlling factors were studied in the northern South China Sea (SCS). It was found that HDF abundance and carbon biomass were 4–102 × 103 cells L−1 and 0.34–12.3 mg C L−1 in winter (February 2004), respectively, while they were 2–142 × 103 cells L−1 and 0.22–31.4 μg C L−1 in summer (July, 2004), respectively, in the northern SCS. HDF abundance and carbon biomass decreased from the estuary to inshore and then offshore. Vertical profiles of HDF abundance were heterogeneous, which accorded well with that of chlorophyll a (Chl.a). Higher abundance of HDFs was often observed at a depth of 30–70 m offshore waters, matching well with the Chl.a maximum, while it showed high abundance at the surface in some coastal and estuary stations. Small HDFs (≤20 μm) dominated the assemblage in term of abundance accounting for more than 90%. However, large HDFs (>20 μm) generally contributed equally in terms of carbon biomass, accounting for 47% on average. HDFs showed different variation patterns for the different study regions; in the estuarine and continental shelf regions, abundance and biomass values were higher in summer than those in winter, while it was the reverse pattern for the slope waters. Hydrological factors (e.g. water mass, river outflow, monsoon and eddies) associated with biological factors, especially the size-fractionated Chl.a, seemed to play an important role in regulating HDF distribution and variations in the northern South China Sea.  相似文献   

南海珠江口盆地深部烃类微渗漏的分子地球化学揭示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南海珠江口盆地Site4B站位柱状沉积物可溶有机质中正构烷烃进行详细分析,结果显示海底以下65~70cm、80~85cm和85~90cm存在明显的似成熟烃类分布。在气相色谱质谱图上(GCMS),该处存在明显的UCM分布;在烃类分布上,该处以可溶有机质中高碳数正构烷烃奇偶优势趋于消失为特征,CPI为1.15~1.45。同时,整个剖面其他层段沉积有机质中可溶烃类仍以典型的近/现代沉积有机质输入为标志。结合区域地质背景,以及该区域天然气水合物的勘探发现事实,推断Site4B站位海底以下65~70cm、80~85cm和85~90cm烃类异常可能系深部烃类微渗漏所致。  相似文献   

珠江口海域环境污染研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
由于人类活动影响, 珠江口海域环境已受到较严重污染, 对该海域环境污染规律的研究也日益受到关注。本文对珠江口海域富营养化特征和持久性毒害污染物为主的污染规律研究进展进行了综述。结果表明, 过量的氮磷输入已导致水体高度富营养化, 富营养化是诱发该海域赤潮发生的重要因素, 水体层化和富营养化耦合导致局部海域出现底层季节性缺氧, 持久性毒害污染物主要在沉积物和生物体中富集, 柱状沉积物的记录反映出沉积物中污染物积累与近30年来珠江三角洲经济快速发展密切相关。最后指出, 当前和今后该海域环境污染急需加强研究的重要方向主要包括: 持久性毒害污染物在生物体组织中的传递过程和在食物链中累积规律、富营养化条件下的复合污染效应、污染物的微生物降解机制、污染控制策略等。  相似文献   

珠江河口的能量传播和能量耗散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了包括河网区、河口湾区和近海水域的ECOMSED-3D数学模型,计算了珠江河口的能量传播和能量耗散特征。研究表明:1)珠江河口能量来源受潮汐和径流共同作用,季节性变化明显;2)珠江河口存在若干高能耗区,其单位面积能耗率比上下游河段平均能耗率高1—2个量级,它们和一定的动力结构与地貌单元相联系。根据地貌特征和消能特点,可以划分为以下3种类型:门的高能耗区、曲折河段高能耗区和分汊汇流高能耗区。  相似文献   

Substantial changes are taking place in the coastal landscape as a result of rapid urbanization. A series of environmental and resource problems have emerged owing to rapid urban development, including encroachment of agricultural land, land reclamation, silt deposition in rivers, and severe flooding. These problems have had a significant impact on sustainable development in Lingding Bay, the largest estuary of the Pearl River. This paper demonstrates that remote sensing can be effective in monitoring the dynamics of coastal zones, such as coastline movement, urban expansion, land-use changes, and migration of shoals and deep-water channels. Remote sensing data from 1978 to 1998 were used to detect the accelerating changes that have taken place in the study area. A hybrid approach has proved to be an effective way of improving remote sensing image classification, with multi-temporal compound imaging, for coastal change analysis. Geographic information system (Intergraph's modular GIS environment, MGE) software was used to assist planners in the analysis of such changes, by combining the maps from 1974, 1989 to 1997 and integrating the multiple (spatial and attribute) databases. The result demonstrates that: (1) the Pearl River estuary is being reclaimed, estuarine waterways are getting narrower; the area of water near Humen town has narrowed by 4–6 km; (2) shoals in Lingding Bay have reduced the area of water by 114 km2 over the past 23 years; the area of deep-water channels has declined by ∼24 km2, even with dredging; on average, the area of water has decreased by 5.9 km2 annually; western channels migrated eastwards 0.8 and 1.1 km during the first and second 10-year period, respectively; according to this scenario, the western channel will disappear from Lingding Bay in approximately 183 years; (3) land-use changes: 92% of shoal reclamation occurred in the 1980s and 80% of waterway reclamation happened during the 1990s; Panyu District of Guangzhou city leads the table in land reclamation, Zhongshan city is second, and Zhuhai city third; the area of reclamation in the last 10 years is slightly more (1.18 times) than in the previous 10 years, in particular, there was a 1.6- and 1.8-fold increase, respectively, for the Zhongshan and Zhuhai coastal regions; at the current rate of reclamation, Tangjia Bay in Zhuhai and Jiaoyi Bay in Dongwan will vanish in approximately 25 and 70 years, respectively; the decline of the bays will cause large-scale destruction of the aquatic environment—the consequences should not be ignored. The impact of such changes on flood control and prevention, and coastal planning, are also discussed. We stress the importance of regulating and controlling the long-term development of coastal areas in the Pearl River Delta.  相似文献   

旨在了解珠江口栖息的中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)、宽脊江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)和点斑原海豚(Stenella attenuate)免疫相关基因MHC-I(Major Histocompatibility Complex)的多态性及其表达情况,以期为这3种鲸豚的保育工作提供基础资料。通过克隆测序的方法,首次证实MHC-I基因在这3种鲸豚体内表达。选择压力分析,表明MHC-I基因在这3种鲸豚中均受到强烈的正选择作用,提示其具有重要的免疫功能。3种鲸豚的MHC-I基因在系统发育树上相互混杂在一起,表明MHC-I基因存在跨物种多态性。结合选择压力分析和跨物种多态性,发现MHC-I基因受到平衡选择作用。珠江口3种鲸豚MHC-I基因多态性可能由平衡选择维持。  相似文献   

The Pearl River Canyon system is a typical canyon system on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea, which has significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Through swath bathymetry in the canyon area combined with different types of seismic data, we have studied the morphotectonics and controlling factors of the canyon by analyzing its morphology and sedimentary structure, as well as the main features of the continental slope around the canyon. Results show that the Pearl River Canyon can be separated into three segments with different orientations. The upper reach is NW-oriented with a shallowly incised course, whereas the middle and lower reaches, that are located mainly in the Baiyun Sag, have a broad U-shape and have experienced consistent deposition. Seventeen deeply-cut canyons have developed in the slope north of the Baiyun Sag, playing an important role in the sedimentary processes of the middle and lower reaches of the Pearl River Canyon. These canyons display both asymmetrical V- and U-shapes along their lengths. Numerous buried channels can be identified below the modern canyons with unidirectionally migrating stacking patterns, suggesting that the canyons have experienced a cyclic evolution with several cut and fill phases of varying magnitude. These long established canyons, rather than the upper reach of the Pearl River Canyon, are the main conduits for the transport of terrigenous materials to the lower slope and abyssal basin during lowstand stage, and have contributed to the formation of vertically stacked deep-water fans in the middle reach. Canyon morphology is interpreted as a result of erosive sediment flows. The Pearl River Canyon and the 17 canyons in the slope area north of the Baiyun Sag probably have developed since the Miocene. Cenozoic tectonics, sea level change and sediment supply jointly control the morphology and sedimentary structure. The middle and lower reaches of the Pearl River Canyon developed on the paleo-terrain of the Baiyun Sag, which has been a persistently rapid depositional environment, receiving most of the materials transported via the canyons.  相似文献   

珠江口浮游桡足类摄食研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据珠江口2002年7月(夏季)、2003年1月(冬季)和2003年4月(春季)3个航次浮游桡足类现场调查及其肠道色素实验数据,分析了浮游桡足类食性特点、肠道色素含量及其对浮游植物和初级生产力的摄食压力。根据齿缘指数对珠江口浮游桡足类食性分析,发现捕食性桡足类种数高于草食和杂食的滤食性种数,而其丰度低于后两者。珠江口桡足类个体肠道色素平均含量为冬季高于春季和夏季,而对浮游植物现存量和表层初级生产力的摄食压力均为夏季高于春季和冬季。夏、冬季桡足类肠道色素含量与水体叶绿素a浓度呈正相关,春季不相关。  相似文献   

珠江口最大浑浊带的形成与季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用Delft3D研究了珠江口最大浑浊带的分布以及影响因素。盐度和悬沙浓度的垂向分布揭示出最大浑浊带范围的变化。最大浑浊带在干季的悬沙浓度比湿季更大,而其中心位置与湿季相比向上游移动10 km。最大浑浊带的形成受到潮汐、径流和地形的综合影响,而沉积物的再悬浮和垂向环流为影响最大浑浊带的主要因素。  相似文献   

选择长江口盐沼典型高程部位(高潮滩上部、中潮滩下部、光滩)柱状样,采用小间隔(1 cm)取样,通过粒度、颗粒有机碳(POC)含量与碳稳定同位素组成(δ13C)分析,研究盐沼滩面发育的沉积和地球化学特征,结果表明,盐沼沉积物的粒度参数、POC含量与δ13C值随深度变化明显;在盐沼典型高程部位沉积物的颗粒组成与地球化学特征差异显著,有明显的滩面趋势,这与滩面的规律性演化密切相关.柱样有限深度内有明显的相对淤积期与冲刷作用相对较强时期的交替,表明长江口盐沼滩面发育过程并不是线性的.盐沼沉积物黏粒含量对POC含量和δ13C值的垂向变化及滩面趋势影响显著,表明流域来水来沙明显制约河口盐沼的发育.对于沉积动力环境复杂、冲淤过程频繁、厚度为毫米级的砂质纹层和泥质纹层发育的河口盐沼,在沉积和地球化学研究中采用小间隔取样的效果明显,有助于揭示盐沼发育过程的更多信息,为年际滩面冲淤演变研究提供新途径.  相似文献   

南海北部及珠江口细菌生产力研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年2~3月和2004年8~9月两个航次中对珠江口及南海北部海域的异养浮游细菌生物量、生产力及其调控机制进行了观测研究.结果表明,营养物质的供应对调查区域真光层水体内的细菌生物量和生产力起着主要控制作用,从而导致冬季航次珠江口-陆架-外海调查断面表层细菌生物量和生产力呈现沿盐度梯度向外海逐渐降低的特征.就南海北部调查区域而言,冬季真光层异养细菌生物量(C)平均为(712±290)mg/m2,夏季平均为(937±397)mg/m2;真光层细菌生产力(C)冬季平均为(65.1±42.8)mg/(m2·d),夏季平均(52.5±28.6)mg/(m2·d).本调查中,南海北部海区IBP和IPP比值范围是4%~96%,平均为26%,IBP和IPP比值与初级生产力呈负相关,其分布特征与新生产力f比的分布趋势相反,显示了异养细菌在真光层物质循环过程中所发挥的作用在南海近岸富营养海域和外海寡营养海域之间的差异.  相似文献   

珠江口海域春季富营养化现状与影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着珠江三角洲经济圈的迅速发展,珠江口海域环境污染日趋严重,于2014年春季对珠江口邻近海域进行环境现状调查,并通过因子分析法和聚类分析法就珠江口调查海域管辖城市和邻近区域的环境现状对珠江口海域环境污染的贡献率进行排序和分类.结果表明:珠江口调查海域营养盐污染较为严重,无机氮含量范围为0.213~1.963 mg/dm~3,平均值为0.888 mg/dm~3;活性磷酸盐含量范围为0.009~0.063 mg/dm~3,平均值为0.033 mg/dm~3.无机氮和活性磷酸盐在珠江口上游和中游均超过海水水质第四类标准,珠江口下游无机氮含量符合海水水质第四类标准,活性磷酸盐含量符合海水水质第二类标准.无机氮以硝氮为主,氨氮次之,亚硝氮含量最低.珠江口调查海域DIN/P变化范围为8.5~168.0,平均值为31.8;富营养化指数E变化范围为0.3~45.1,平均值为8.2,富营养化较为严重.来自广州、东莞、佛山、中山的四大口门排入的污染物对珠江口海域环境影响最大,其次是深圳西部海域沿岸和前海湾、深圳湾排入的污染物,最后是珠海、澳门和香港带入的污染物.从珠江口邻近海域环境现状对珠江口海域环境影响进行较为深入地分析和探讨,为珠江口海域环境的治理和修复提供一些意见和建议.  相似文献   

根据2002—2003年珠江口12个航次的调查资料,分析探讨了不同调查时间和区域浮游幼虫的组成类型、丰度变化和环境因子的影响。以表层盐度(S)变化将调查海域划分成三个区域:I区(S<25)、II区(2530)。12个航次的调查结果显示:调查海域共出现浮游幼虫12个类型,隶属5个动物门,II区和III区的类型数一般高于I区,软体动物门和棘皮动物门的幼虫只出现在II区和III区。其中2002年7月(夏季)、2003年1月(冬季)和4月(春季)的3个大航次结果表明珠江口浮游幼虫的平均丰度为61ind/m3,三个区域的平均丰度比较为II区(124ind/m3)>I区(33ind/m3)>III区(27ind/m3),春夏季的丰度高于冬季。另外在I区进行了9个小航次调查的研究表明:I区浮游幼虫平均丰度较高,月份之间的丰度差别明显,不同站位之间也有差别。温度和食料是影响珠江口浮游幼虫丰度变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

The first Chinese experimental wave power plant, i. e., the shoremountcd experimental wave power plant at the Pearl River Estuary was successful in trial power generation on February 15, 1990. The plant is on the south shore of the Dawanshan Island in the Pearl River Estuary, facing the vast waving South China Sea. With a designed wave condition of H1/10= 1.5 m and T= 6.5 s, the planned installed capacity is 8 kW comprising the first unit of 3 kW brushless clawpole generator which delivers 110 V DC current and the second unit of 5 kW brushless single phase synchro AC generator which delivers 220 V AC current. At present, the first unit has been put into trial operation.  相似文献   

Owing to the intensive human activities, the Modaomen Estuary has been significantly modified since 1950s, which has resulted in considerable changes of hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in the area. In this paper, the effects of the anthropogenic activities on the hydrodynamics and morphological evolution in the estuary at different stages are systematically assessed based on the detailed bathymetric data and field survey. The results show that the human activities have caused the channelization of the enclosed sea area in the Modamen Estuary;fast seaward movement of the mouth bar with high siltation;expansion of the channel volume due to channel deepening. The paper also highlights the main hydrodynamic changes in the estuary, including the rise of the water level;the distinguishing changes of tidal range before and after the 1990s (decrease and increase respectively); as well as the increase of the divided flow ratio. It is found that reclamation is the main factor promoting the transition of nature of the estuary from runoff dominant to runoff and wave dominant, and sand mining activities are mainly to strengthen the tidal dynamic and to low the water level. The results provide useful guidance for better planning of the future developments in the estuary and further research in the area.  相似文献   

Owing to the intensive human activities, the Modaomen Estuary has been significantly modified since 1950s, which has resulted in considerable changes of hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in the area. In this paper, the effects of the anthropogenic activities on the hydrodynamics and morphological evolution in the estuary at different stages are systematically assessed based on the detailed bathymetric data and field survey. The results show that the human activities have caused the channelization of the enclosed sea area in the Modamen Estuary; fast seaward movement of the mouth bar with high siltation; expansion of the channel volume due to channel deepening. The paper also highlights the main hydrodynamic changes in the estuary, including the rise of the water level; the distinguishing changes of tidal range before and after the 1990s (decrease and increase respectively); as well as the increase of the divided flow ratio. It is found that reclamation is the main factor promoting the transition of nature of the estuary from runoff dominant to runoff and wave dominant, and sand mining activities are mainly to strengthen the tidal dynamic and to low the water level. The results provide useful guidance for better planning of the future developments in the estuary and further research in the area.  相似文献   

Estimation of Bed Shear Stresses in the Pearl River Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mean and fluctuating velocities were measured by use of a pulse coherent acoustic Doppler profiler(PC-ADP) and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter in the tidal bottom boundary layer of the Pearl River Estuary.The bed shear stresses were estimated by four different methods:log profile(LP),eddy correlation(EC),turbulent kinetic energy(TKE),and inertial dissipation(ID).The results show that(a) all four methods for estimating bed stresses have advantages and disadvantages,and they should be applied simultaneously to obtain reliable frictional velocity and to identify potential sources of errors;(b) the LP method was found to be the most suitable to estimate the bed stresses in non-stratified,quasi-steady,and homogeneous flows;and(c) in the estuary where the semi-diurnal tidal current is dominant,bed shear stresses exhibit a strong quarter-diurnal variation.  相似文献   

A bottom-mounted instrumental tripod was deployed in the tidally energetic Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary to examine the contrasting properties of the bottom boundary layer (BBL) flows between estuarine and tide-affected river systems. Three aspects of the BBL flows were investigated to understand the mechanism of the turbulence responses to the large-scale ambient forcing: the flow structures (profile, anisotropy, and spectra), shearing strains and stresses, and the balance of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Single log-law profiles and turbulence anisotropy predominated in the two systems, but the non-log regime and stronger anisotropy occurred more frequently at the slack tide in the estuary. The ADV-based turbulence intensities and shearing strains both exceeded their low-frequency counterparts (frictional velocities and mean shears) derived from the logarithmic law. On the contrary, the ADV-based Reynolds stresses were smaller than the log profile-derived bottom stresses, so the hypothesis of a constant stress layer cannot be well satisfied, especially in the river. The bandwidth of the inertial subrange in the river was of one decade larger than in the estuary. The balance between shear production and viscous dissipation was better achieved in the straight river. This first-order balance was significantly broken in the estuary and in the meandering river, by non-shear production/dissipation due to wave-induced fluctuations or salinity/sediment stratification. All these disparities between two systems in turbulence properties are essentially controlled by the anisotropy induced by the large-scale processes such as secondary currents, density stratification. In conclusion, the acceleration of unsteady flows determines the profile structure of the BBL flow, and turbulence anisotropy results in the invalidation of the phenomenological relations such as the constant stress hypothesis and the first-order TKE balance.  相似文献   

张恒  李适宇 《海洋学报》2010,32(1):34-46
通过建立一个珠江口三维水质模型,对夏季珠江口溶解氧垂向输运进行研究。结果表明:潮汐、风及上升流间歇性破坏层化,令溶解氧垂向对流及扩散通量的方向和大小随潮汐发生周期性变化。在西四口门海域,由于水体层化稳定,垂向上对流及扩散作用产生的溶解氧输运通量都较小,且相互平衡;在伶仃洋内的深槽,径流与潮汐的相互作用强烈,层化被间歇性地打破,溶解氧的垂向对流通量大于扩散通量,导致底层溶解氧浓度产生波动;在伶仃洋内的西部浅滩上,层化相对稳定,溶解氧的垂向扩散通量大于对流通量。这表明在珠江口不同区域,垂向的对流扩散作用对溶解氧垂向输运起不同作用,从而影响表底层溶解氧的浓度。  相似文献   

河口是河流系统与海洋系统之间的界面,它首先是河流与海洋之间的物质界面。河流水体与海洋水体间最大的物质差异是盐分,因此,采用盐度作为河口界面的界定标准,将河口界面界定为盐度为0.5~30的由冲淡水控制的河口中心区域。在此基础上应用界面理论,分析了河口的渗透性和防御性及其动力、沉积、生物与地貌响应。借鉴Gilbert三角洲的动力分类方法,将河口界面按动力结构分为径流优势型、潮汐优势型、波浪优势型及其过渡类型。每一种河口界面又可细分为动力、沉积、地貌及生态等次一级界面。在珠江三角洲地区,磨刀门、蕉门河口等径流优势型河口界面主要承担泄洪任务,而虎门、崖门等潮汐优势型河口界面在纳潮能力上更有优势,其间通过河道支汊相互沟通和联系,形成了珠江河口界面的多层次结构。河口界面动力的复杂性,构成了河口界面形态和功能的复杂性。这些功能包括开发利用功能、生态功能、防洪功能和社会服务功能。河口管理的最高目标是河口的永续健康、结构和功能彼此协调,保持河口界面结构和功能的完整性。河口界面的复杂性对河口管理提出了更高的要求,要注重河口管理内容的综合性、问题的复杂性和管理效应的长周期性。针对珠江河口生境退化、海岸侵蚀、污染严重、咸潮活动加剧和口门淤积造成排水不畅等诸多问题,以及河口无序开发利用、管理体制混乱、公众参与少的管理现状,结合珠江河口界面整体、动态、彼此联系的特点,提出珠江河口管理"科学、和谐、安全和预警"的管理理念,由行政管理转变为服务管理,切实做好珠江河口管理工作。  相似文献   

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