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Using a prospective audit, we have evaluated the efficacy of an integrated autotransfusion regimen which comprised predepositing and intra- and postoperative blood salvage in major orthopaedic surgery. We examined prospectively the records of 1785 patients (1198 females, 5867 males, mean age 62 (range 16-90) yr, preoperative haemoglobin concentration 13.4 (SD 1.4) g dl-1) undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA, 1229 patients), THA after removal of internal fixation devices (RFD + THA, 18 patients), total knee arthroplasty (TKA, 263 patients), revision surgery of the hip (HR cup + stem revision, 197 patients; cup revision, 53 patients; stem revision, 16 patients) and total knee revision (TKR, nine patients). We estimated that the number of predonations (MSBOS = maximum surgery blood order schedule) was 2 u. for THA, TKA and TKR, and 3 u. for partial or total hip revision and total hip arthroplasty with fixation removal. We found that it was possible to obtain the MSBOS in 1597 patients (89.5%). Homologous red blood cell (HRBC) transfusions were carried out in 131 patients (7.3%). We found that the need to use HRBC was significantly associated with failure to meet the number of MSBOS, female sex, lower preoperative haemoglobin concentration, use of calcium heparin for antithrombosis prophylaxis, more extensive surgery, higher ASA rating and co-existing diseases such as coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

The double free-muscle transfer technique has restored prehension in patients following complete avulsion of the brachial plexus. This achievement was almost inconceivable as recently as several years ago and has now given new hope for these patients to be able to use their otherwise useless limbs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhaled nitric oxide gas selectively decreases pulmonary artery pressure without affecting systemic arterial pressure. To determine if the selective pulmonary vasodilating effect of inhaled nitric oxide gas is due to inactivation by hemoglobin, we studied the ability of whole blood to inhibit the vasodilator activity of effluent from isolated lungs exposed to inhaled nitric oxide. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effluent from ventilated, Krebs-perfused rabbit lungs was passed directly over 3- to 4-mm rabbit aortic rings. Inhaled nitric oxide (150 ppm for 3 minutes) reduced pulmonary perfusion pressure, elevated by a continuous infusion of U46619, by 35 +/- 7% (mean +/- SEM, n = 5). Lung effluent from this series of experiments caused 40 +/- 13% relaxation of phenylephrine-preconstricted aortic rings. When blood was added to the combined lung/ring perfusion cascade (final hemoglobin concentration, 1 g/dL), inhaled nitric oxide again significantly reduced pulmonary perfusion pressure, but the effluent now failed to relax the aortic rings (30 +/- 6% [control] versus 1.5 +/- 1% [blood]). Both reduction in pulmonary perfusion pressure and relaxation of the rings during nitric oxide exposure were unchanged from control values after discontinuing the blood infusion. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of hemoglobin, even in extremely small amounts, restricts the vasodilating effect of inhaled nitric oxide gas to the pulmonary circulation.  相似文献   

While much is known about the functional significance of strategic decisions in animal fighting, relatively little is understood about the mechanisms that underlie the making of those decisions. In mechanistic terms, strategic decisions, such as either escalating a fight or giving up, are made in relation to the proximate costs that opponents inflict (or can potentially inflict) upon one another. These costs include physical injury and also the physiological consequences of engaging in an energetically demanding activity. We studied the role of injury and energy metabolism during fights between male cichlid fish, Tilapia zillii. In relation to injuries incurred during fights, scale loss differed depending on whether the winner was smaller or larger than its opponent; smaller winners inflicted significantly more damage on their opponents than they received, whereas this difference was not apparent in those fights won by the larger fish. In relation to energy metabolism, escalated fighting resulted in a significant depletion of total sugar reserves in the muscle and the liver. It appears that the muscle energy reserves are respired anaerobically, as was evident from the accumulation of lactate in the muscle. Losers had significantly higher levels of muscle lactate than winners. Together, the injury data and the metabolic data suggest that escalated fighting is costly for both winners and losers, but especially so for losers. These data are discussed in relation to models of animal decision making and we conclude that the difference between opponents in the proximate costs incurred during fighting is likely to underlie the making of decisions such as continuing, giving up or escalating the fight. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to determine the role of pulmonary endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression in the development of pulmonary hypertension in infants with congenital cyanotic heart disease. METHODS: Two groups of 4-week-old piglets were studied. In one group, the piglets were raised in an environment of 10% oxygen from 2 days of age (cyanotic, n = 6), and in the other group the piglets were raised at room air (control, n = 5). Pulmonary hemodynamics were measured in vivo for each animal, and peripheral lung biopsy specimens were obtained for Western blot analysis with the use of antiendothelial nitric oxide synthase antibody and for activity analysis with the use of the tritiated L-arginine assay. RESULTS: The piglets in the chronically hypoxic group had significant increases in mean pulmonary arterial pressure (44.0 +/- 3.8 mm Hg vs 14.8 +/- 1.2 mm Hg in controls, p = 0.0007) and pulmonary vascular resistance (7272.0 +/- 871.1 dyne x cm x sec(-5) vs 1844.5 +/- 271.2 dyne x cm x sec(-5) in controls, p = 0.002). These changes in the pulmonary hemodynamics of the hypoxic piglets were accompanied by a twofold increase in the expression of pulmonary endothelial nitric oxide synthase (p = 0.0043) but no corresponding increase in nitric oxide synthase activity. CONCLUSIONS: Raising infant piglets in an environment of 10% oxygen for 4 weeks results in significant pulmonary arterial hypertension accompanied by increased expression of nitric oxide synthase within the lung endothelium. Furthermore, the increased levels of nitric oxide synthase within the lungs of the hypoxic swine were not accompanied by a proportional increase in enzyme activity. These findings suggest that the development of pulmonary hypertension in infants with congenital cyanotic disease is not due to decreased expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, but instead may be related to a decreased ability of the enzyme to produce sufficient nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Accusations of rape or sexual harassment are currently very high-profile in the military. This article discusses rape allegations in the military legal system from a psychiatric perspective. The original definition of "rape trauma syndrome" and subsequent psychiatric thinking about the diagnosis are briefly outlined. Common reactions seen in military victims in this era are described. A prototypical military case is presented. An adequate evaluation of an alleged victim is outlined. Credentials and preparation of an expert witness are also briefly discussed, with cautions about the use of expert testimony in cases of alleged sexual assault and rape trauma syndrome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We describe the hemodynamic response to initiation and withdrawal of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) in infants with pulmonary hypertension after surgical repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. METHODS: Between January 1, 1992, and January 1, 1995, 20 patients underwent repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. Nine patients had postoperative pulmonary hypertension and received a 15-minute trial of inhaled NO at 80 parts per million. Five of these patients received prolonged treatment with NO at 20 parts per million or less. RESULTS: Mean pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 35.6 +/- 2.4 to 23.7 +/- 2.0 mm Hg (mean +/- standard error of the mean) (p = 0.008), and pulmonary vascular resistance decreased from 11.5 +/- 2.0 to 6.4 +/- 1.0 U.m2 (p = 0.03). After prolonged treatment with NO, pulmonary artery pressure increased transiently in all patients when NO was discontinued. CONCLUSIONS: After operative repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, inhaled NO selectively vasodilated all patients with pulmonary hypertension. Withdrawal of NO after prolonged inhalation was associated with transient rebound pulmonary hypertension that dissipated within 60 minutes. Appreciation of rebound pulmonary hypertension may have important implications for patients with pulmonary hypertensive disorders when interruption of NO inhalation is necessary or when withdrawal of NO is planned.  相似文献   

We observed clinical response to inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) in 12 neonates with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Clinical response was defined as a decrease in oxygenation index (OI) by 40%. Ten of 12 neonates had response to iNO showing decrease OI from 46.1+/-7.6 to 14.4+/-6.8 at 1 hour after inhalation. Sustained improvement of OI was achieved in 8 neonates and two neonates were relapsed. In the group of neonates who had OI above 40 (n=7), 6 of them showed the decrease of OI from 66.1+/-4.8 to 18.3+/-8.0 at 1 hour. In two groups, one had OI of 40 or greater, and the other OI of 40 or less, there were no differences in pattern of response and early death rate. The response rates according to underlying diseases were as follows; idiopathic PPHN 100%, respiratory distress syndrome 100%, and diaphragmatic hernia 66.7%. Relapse was observed in one neonate with sepsis caused by pneumonia and in one infant with meconium aspiration syndrome. Two infants showed no response to iNO (one diaphragmatic hernia and one suspected pulmonary hypoplasia). We conclude that iNO therapy could improve oxygenation in high percentage of newborn infants with severe PPHN of various underlying conditions except pulmonary hypoplasia.  相似文献   

In 6 anesthetized mechanically ventilated pigs we have studied the effects of inhalation of 80 ppm of nitric oxide (NO) before and after platelet-activating factor (PAF) administration (50 ng/kg iv). Our results show that NO inhalation causes a decrease in pulmonary arterial pressure and in heart rate without affecting other circulatory parameters. PAF administration causes a pulmonary hypertension and a prompt and brief decrease in systemic pressure. Inhalation of NO reduces the pulmonary hypertension, without completely reversing PAF-dependent vasoconstriction. PAF administration to pigs pretreated with indomethacin produces a lesser increase in pulmonary vascular pressure. In this case, NO inhalation can restore to baseline values. Pretreatment of 3 of the 6 pigs with NG-nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester did not prevent the prompt and brief PAF-induced systemic hypotension. In conclusion, our results show that NO reduces basal pulmonary vascular tone, acts as a pulmonary vasodilator on PAF-preconstricted vessels and is not involved in the brief systemic hypotension consequent to PAF administration.  相似文献   

The addition of 10-20 parts per million nitric oxide to the inspired gas was successful in controlling near fatal pulmonary hypertension after surgical repair of a congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a neonate. A preceding prostacyclin infusion was unable to prevent the failure of pulmonary perfusion. No side effect of nitric oxide therapy was observed, and ventilatory support could be substantially reduced as a result of the treatment. On the basis of the striking and lifesaving effects of nitric oxide therapy demonstrated in this child, we believe that nitric oxide treatment will prove to be a major contribution to the management of postoperative pulmonary hypertensive crises.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A retrospective study was done to assess the correlation between endometrial cells on routine cervical cytology and carcinoma of the endometrium. METHODS: In a 4-year period, endometrial cells of some type were identified on the Papanicolaou (Pap) smears of 61 women, of whom 52 had further diagnostic evaluation of the endometrium. Data were analyzed with a multivariate stepwise logistic regression. RESULTS: The results indicated an association of endometrial cells in Pap smears with carcinoma of the endometrium in seven patients (13.5%). In 45 patients (86.5%), the final diagnosis was benign. Factors that impacted the diagnosis of carcinoma were the findings of atypical or cancerous endometrial cells on Pap smear and abnormal vaginal bleeding. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate the importance of further diagnostic evaluation with endometrial sampling in postmenopausal patients with endometrial cells seen in Pap smears, especially those with abnormal bleeding.  相似文献   

The pressure and volume demands of the right and left ventricles may dramatically change following selective pulmonary vasodilation in newborns with pulmonary hypertension. Thus, ventricular planimetry was performed by two-dimensional echocardiography in 35 newborns with lung disease and increased pulmonary vascular resistance who were treated with inhaled nitric oxide to determine the influence of therapy on right and left ventricular size and function. The end-diastolic and end-systolic areas of each ventricle were measured from apical 4-chamber images before, and 30 to 60 minutes after, the onset of 20 parts per million inhaled nitric oxide. Estimates of ventricular function were determined by the systolic decrease in ventricular area, (diastolic area - systolic area) x 100/diastolic area. Heart rate, systemic blood pressure, and left ventricular areas did not change. However, the oxygenation index, the proportion of right-to-left ductal shunt (nonrestrictive ductus arteriosus, n = 22), the systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (closed or restrictive ductus arteriosus, n = 13), and the right ventricular diastolic and systolic areas were decreased after nitric oxide inhalation. The baseline systolic decrease in left ventricular area was lower in a subgroup of patients who developed an increase in left ventricular diastolic area following nitric oxide inhalation. Thus, nitric oxide improves pulmonary hemodynamics and decreases right ventricular size in newborns with lung disease and pulmonary hypertension. However, newborns may develop an increase in left ventricular size if left ventricular function is decreased prior to therapy.  相似文献   

Increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and mismatch in ventilation-to-perfusion ratio characterize acute lung injury (ALI). Pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) decreases when nitric oxide (NO) is inhaled during hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV); thus NO inhalation may reduce PVR and improve gas exchange in ALI. We studied the hemodynamic and gas exchange effects of NO inhalation during HPV and then ALI in eight anesthetized open-chest mechanically ventilated dogs. Right atrial pressure, Ppa, and left ventricular and arterial pressures were measured, and cardiac output was estimated by an aortic flow probe. Shunt and dead space were also estimated. The effect of 5-min exposures to 0, 17, 28, 47, and 0 ppm inhaled NO was recorded during hyperoxia, hypoxia, and oleic acid-induced ALI. During ALI, partial beta-adrenergic blockade (propranolol, 0.15 mg/kg i.v.) was induced and 74 ppm NO was inhaled. Nitrosylhemoglobin (NO-Hb) and methemoglobin (MetHb) levels were measured. During hyperoxia, NO inhalation had no measurable effects. Hypoxia increased Ppa (from 19.8 +/- 6.1 to 28.3 +/- 8.7 mmHg, P < 0.01) and calculated PVR (from 437 +/- 139 to 720 +/- 264 dyn.s.cm-5, P < 0.01), both of which decreased with 17 ppm NO. ALI decreased arterial PO2 and increased airway pressure, shunt, and dead space ventilation. Ppa (19.8 +/- 6.1 vs. 23.4 +/- 7.7 mmHg) and PVR (437 +/- 139 vs. 695 +/- 359 dyn.s.cm-5, P < 0.05) were greater during ALI than during hyperoxia. No inhalation had no measureable effect during ALI before or after beta-adrenergic blockade. MetHb remained low, and NO-Hb was unmeasurable. Bolus infusion of nitroglycerin (15 micrograms) induced an immediate decrease in Ppa and PVR during ALI.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin (ET) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Chronic ETA antagonist therapy reduces PH in monocrotaline (MCT)-treated rats. Interactions between the L-arginine-NO pathway and the ET system have been described. We therefore studied the effect of long-term treatment with an oral ETA antagonist (LU 135252) on NO-related vasodilation in isolated lungs from control rats and rats with MCT-induced PH. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three weeks after MCT injection, PH was associated with an increase in right ventricular pressure (from 27.4 +/- 0.9 to 66.6 +/- 4.1 mm Hg) and a decrease in endothelium-independent vasodilation in response to sodium nitroprusside (10(-10) to 10(-5) mol/L; delta Emax, from 11.1 +/- 0.9 to 2.7 +/- 0.3 mm Hg). Endothelium-dependent vasodilation in response to acetylcholine (10(-9) to 10(-4) mol/L) and the calcium ionophore A23187 (10(-9) to 10(-7) mol/L) remained unaffected. Treatment with LU 135252 did not significantly affect the endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilations in control rats. However, in MCT-treated rats, LU 135252 therapy significantly reduced right ventricular pressure (39.7 +/- 2.1 mm Hg), potentiated acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation (delta Emax, from 1.6 +/- 0.2 to 3.7 +/- 0.4 mm Hg), and improved the responses to sodium nitroprusside (delta Emax, from 2.7 +/- 0.3 to 5.6 +/- 0.6 mm Hg). LU 135252 did not significantly alter the non-receptor-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation to A23187 or pulmonary constitutive NO synthase activity. CONCLUSIONS: MCT PH is associated with a reduced smooth muscle responsiveness to NO but a maintained endothelium-dependent vasodilatory potency. Long-term ETA antagonist therapy not only restores smooth muscle responsiveness to NO but also increases endothelium-dependent dilation in response to acetylcholine. This mechanism may contribute to the therapeutic benefit of ETA antagonists in PH.  相似文献   

Whether radiofrequency (RF) fields are carcinogenic is controversial; epidemiological data have been inconclusive and animal tests limited. The aim of the present study was to determine whether long-term exposure to pulse-modulated RF fields similar to those used in digital mobile telecommunications would increase the incidence of lymphoma in E mu-Pim1 transgenic mice, which are moderately predisposed to develop lymphoma spontaneously. One hundred female E mu-Pim1 mice were sham-exposed and 101 were exposed for two 30-min periods per day for up to 18 months to plane-wave fields of 900 MHz with a pulse repetition frequency of 217 Hz and a pulse width of 0.6 ms. Incident power densities were 2.6-13 W/m2 and specific absorption rates were 0.008-4.2 W/kg, averaging 0.13-1.4 W/kg. Lymphoma risk was found to be significantly higher in the exposed mice than in the controls (OR = 2.4. P = 0.006, 95% CI = 1.3-4.5). Follicular lymphomas were the major contributor to the increased tumor incidence. Thus long-term intermittent exposure to RF fields can enhance the probability that mice carrying a lymphomagenic oncogene will develop lymphomas. We suggest that such genetically cancer-prone mice provide an experimental system for more detailed assessment of dose-response relationships for risk of cancer after RF-field exposure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In the setting of acute pulmonary artery hypertension, techniques to reduce right ventricular energy requirements may ameliorate cardiac failure and reduce morbidity and mortality. Inhaled nitric oxide, a selective pulmonary vasodilator, may be effective in the treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension, but its effects on cardiopulmonary interactions are poorly understood. METHODS: We therefore developed a model of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction that mimics the clinical syndrome of acute pulmonary hypertension. Inhaled nitric oxide was administered in concentrations of 20, 40, and 80 ppm. RESULTS: During hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, the administration of nitric oxide resulted in a significant improvement in pulmonary vascular mechanics and a reduction in right ventricular afterload. These improvements were a result of selective vasodilation of small pulmonary vessels and more efficient blood flow through the pulmonary vascular bed (improved transpulmonary vascular efficiency). The right ventricular total power output diminished during the inhalation of nitric oxide, indicating a reduction in right ventricular energy requirements. The net result of nitric oxide administration was an increase in right ventricular efficiency. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that nitric oxide may be beneficial to the failing right ventricle by improving pulmonary vascular mechanics and right ventricular efficiency.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine if the failure of neonatal pulmonary arteries to dilate is due to a lack of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). METHODS: A monoclonal antibody to endothelial NOS was used to demonstrate the distribution and density of NOS in the developing porcine lung after a period in hypobaric hypoxia. Newborn piglets were made hypertensive by exposure to hypobaric hypoxia (50.8 kPa) from < 5 minutes of age to 2.5 days of age, 3-6 days of age or 14-17 days of age. A semiquantitative scoring system was used to assess the distribution of endothelial NOS by light microscopy. RESULTS: NOS was present in the arteries in all hypoxic animals. However, hypoxia from birth caused a reduction in NOS compared with those lungs normal at birth and those normal at 3 days. Hypoxia from 3-6 days led to a high density of NOS compared with normal lungs at 6 days. Hypoxia from 14-17 days had little effect on the amount of NOS. On recovery in room air after exposure to hypoxia from birth there was a transient increase in endothelial NOS after three days of recovery, mirroring that seen at three days in normal animals. CONCLUSIONS: Suppression of NOS production in the first few days of life may contribute to pulmonary hypertension in neonates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is characterized by pulmonary hypertension, increased pulmonary capillary permeability, and hypoxemia. Treatment is limited to descent to lower altitude and administration of oxygen. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied the acute effects of inhaled nitric oxide (NO), 50% oxygen, and a mixture of NO plus 50% oxygen on hemodynamics and gas exchange in 14 patients with HAPE. Each gas mixture was given in random order for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes washout with room air. All patients had severe HAPE as judged by Lake Louise score (6.4+/-0.7), PaO2 (35+/-3. 1 mm Hg), and alveolar to arterial oxygen tension difference (AaDO2) (26+/-3 mm Hg). NO had a selective effect on the pulmonary vasculature and did not alter systemic hemodynamics. Compared with room air, pulmonary vascular resistance fell 36% with NO (P<0.001), 23% with oxygen (P<0.001 versus air, P<0.05 versus NO alone), and 54% with NO plus 50% oxygen (P<0.001 versus air, P<0.005 versus oxygen and versus NO). NO alone improved PaO2 (+14%) and AaDO2 (-31%). Compared with 50% oxygen alone, NO plus 50% oxygen had a greater effect on AaDO2 (-18%) and PaO2 (+21%). CONCLUSIONS: Inhaled NO may have a therapeutic role in the management of HAPE. The combined use of inhaled NO and oxygen has additive effects on pulmonary hemodynamics and even greater effects on gas exchange. These findings indicate that oxygen and NO may act on separate but interactive mechanisms in the pulmonary vasculature.  相似文献   

Inhalation of nitric oxide (NO) causes selective pulmonary vasodilation, but demands continuous supply of the gaseous agent. We investigated the suitability of aerosolization of NO-donor drugs for achieving sustained reduction of pulmonary vascular tone. In buffer-perfused rabbit lungs, stable pulmonary hypertension was achieved by continuous infusion of the thromboxane-analogue U46619. The NO-donor drugs molsidomine, 3-morpholinosydnone-imine (SIN-1), sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and glyceryl-trinitrate reduced the pulmonary hypertension in a dose-dependent fashion, whether admixed to the perfusate or inhaled as alveolar-accessible aerosol particles (aerosolization time 3-6 min), with an efficiency ranking of SNP > SIN-1 > molsidomine and glyceryl-trinitrate. Notably, nearly identical dose-response curves were obtained when corresponding molar quantities of the most potent agents, SNP and SIN-1, were applied either via transbronchial or via intravascular routes, with respect to rapidity of onset, extent (pressure reduction to near baseline) and duration (>90 min) of vasorelaxation. Appearance of sydnonimines in the perfusate after aerosolization and reduction of SIN-1 efficacy when nebulized in nonrecirculatingly perfused lungs demonstrated substantial entry of this prodrug into the vascular space after alveolar deposition. In contrast, undiminished vasodilatory efficacy of aerosolized SNP under conditions of non-recirculating perfusion suggested predominant efficacy via local NO release for this agent. We conclude that short aerosolization maneuvers of NO-donor drugs are suitable to achieve dose-dependent, extensive and sustained vasodilation in the pulmonary circulation, thus offering a new therapeutic approach in pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

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