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Tropical cyclone genesis potential index(GPI) is a useful metric for gauging the performance of global climate models in the simulation of tropical cyclone(TC) genesis.The performance of LASG/IAP AGCM GAMIL2.0 in the simulation of GPI over the western North Pacific(WNP) is assessed in this paper.Since GPI depends on large scale environmental factors including low-level vorticity at 850 hPa,relative humidity at 700 hPa,vertical wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa,maximum potential intensity(MPI),and vertical velocity,the bias of GPI simulation is discussed from the perspective of thermal and dynamical factors.The results are compared with the ECMWF reanalysis data(ERA40).The analyses show that both the climatological spatial pattern and seasonal cycle of GPI over the WNP are reasonably simulated by GAMIL2.0,but due to the overestimation of relative humidity,the simulated GPI extends to 170°E,about 10°east to that in the reanalysis data.It is demonstrated that the bias in the simulation of monsoon trough,which is about 5°north to the reanalysis,leads to an overestimation of GPI during May-June and September-October,but an underestimation during July-August.Over the WNP,the response of GPI to ENSO is well captured by GAMIL2.0,including the eastward(westward) shift of TC genesis location during El Nin o(La Nin a) years.However,the anomalous convective center associated with El Nin o shifts westward about 20°in comparison to ERA40,which leads to the biases in both vertical velocity and relative humidity.These eventually result in the westward deflection of the boundary between the positive and negative GPI centers along 20°-30°N.The results from this study provide useful clues for the future improvement of GAMIL2.0.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall in the western North Pacific (WNP) is investigated using the high-resolution Climate Prediction Center's morphing technique (CMORPH) products obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). From January 2008 to October 2010, 72 TCs and 389 TC rainfall days were reported by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center's (JTWC) best-track record. The TC rain rate was partitioned using the Objective Synoptic Analysis Technique (OSAT) and interpolated into Local Standard Time (LST). Harmonic analysis was applied to analyze the diurnal variation of the precipitation. Obvious diurnal cycles were seen in approximately 70% of the TC rainfall days. The harmonic amplitude and phase of the mean TC rainfall rate vary with TC intensity, life stage, season, and spatial distribution. On the basis of intensity, tropical depressions (TDs) exhibit the highest precipitation variation amplitude (PVA), at approximately 30%, while super typhoons (STs) contain the lowest PVA, at less than 22%. On the basis of lifetime stage, the PVA in the decaying stage (more than 37%) is stronger than that in the developing (less than 20%) and sustaining (28%) stages. On the basis of location, the PVA of more than 35% (less than 18%) is the highest (lowest) over the high-latitude oceanic areas (the eastern ocean of the Philippine Islands). In addition, a sub-diurnal cycle of TC rainfall occurs over the high-latitude oceans. On the basis of season, the diurnal variation is more pronounced during summer and winter, at approximately 30% and 32%, respectively, and is weaker in spring and autumn, at approximately 22% and 24%, respectively.  相似文献   

1949—2009年西北太平洋热带气旋气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘喆  白洁  张文军  杨文凯 《气象科技》2012,40(2):249-255
利用1949—2009年中国气象局热带气旋(TC:Tropical Cyclone)最佳路径数据集,对西北太平洋TC生成源地的时空分布、生成和登陆我国TC的年、月频数分布、强度分布和地理分布等气候特征进行统计分析。研究结果表明:在这61年中生成的TC呈减少趋势,登陆我国的TC数量比较稳定,不过近10年来登陆的较强TC数量却呈现出上升趋势;每年6—10月是TC高发期,强度等级越高的TC生成季节越偏晚,而8月是生成和登陆数量最多的月份;TC平均生命期随强度等级的增加而增大,且逐渐表现出单峰值分布特征;TC频数的地理分布以我国南海和菲律宾以东洋面为中心,向四周呈辐射状减少,近10年来其活动范围有所西伸加强。  相似文献   

西北太平洋大气准双周振荡对热带气旋活动的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王磊  陈光华  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2009,33(3):416-424
利用JRA逐日风场资料、 NOAA/NCEP的逐日OLR场资料以及美国联合台风预报中心的热带气旋 (TC) 数据, 通过对西北太平洋 (WNP) 上空10~20天大气准双周振荡 (QBWO) 不同位相的划分, 深入分析了QBWO对WNP区域生成TC的调制作用。研究结果表明: 在西北太平洋准双周尺度上, 对流与纬向风表现出沿热带地区向西偏北传播的特性。不同位相合成的季风槽位置和强度也发生相应的改变, 由此可见, QBWO是WNP上空季风槽季内变化的重要影响因子。当处于位相1、 4时, WNP生成TC的概率较低, 且登陆我国TC的数量也较少; 当处于位相2、 3时, WNP发生TC的概率较高, 特别是处于位相3时, 不仅TC发生概率最高, 而且登陆我国的TC数量也最多。沿热带地区西传的天气尺度波动 (周期10天以下) 在WNP通过季风槽的纬向风辐合作用, 易于转变为波数较大、 波长较短的热带低压 (TD) 型扰动, 这种扰动在季风槽区通过能量的转换有利于发展成为TC。  相似文献   

陈光华  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2009,33(2):205-214
利用全球再分析资料以及美国联合台风预报中心的热带气旋(TC)数据, 从动力和能量转换方面深入分析了西北太平洋上空30~60天大气低频振荡(MJO)对西北太平洋区域TC生成的调制作用。研究结果表明, 当西北太平洋西侧为MJO的西风位相所控制时, MJO通过纬向风的辐合作用使得在辐合区传播的波动发生波数增加, 波长减短的结构改变, 从而触发较大尺度波动向天气尺度波动的演变; 西风位相期间纬向风的纬向辐合与经向切变可以使得低频波动动能向高频波动的转换得到加强, 从而使得在此区域TC生成的数量明显偏多。相反, 当西北太平洋西侧为MJO的东风位相时, TC生成的数量得到抑制。此外, 随着西风位相中西风的加强(东风位相中东风的加强), TC的生成概率将得到增加 (减少)。但是, 在西北太平洋东侧海域, MJO对TC活动的调制作用要减弱许多。对MJO活动年际变化的研究表明, 在西太暖池处于暖状态年时, 西北太平洋西侧的MJO活动频繁, 西风位相活跃, 从而有利于此区域TC的生成, 而冷年的情况正好相反。  相似文献   

This paper describes the access to, and the content, characteristics, and potential applications of the tropical cyclone(TC) database that is maintained and actively developed by the China Meteorological Administration, with the aim of facilitating its use in scientific research and operational services. This database records data relating to all TCs that have passed through the western North Pacific(WNP) and South China Sea(SCS) since 1949. TC data collection has expanded over recent decades via continuous TC monitoring using remote sensing and specialized field detection techniques,allowing collation of a multi-source TC database for the WNP and SCS that covers a long period, with wide coverage and many observational elements. This database now comprises a wide variety of information related to TCs, such as historical or real-time locations(i.e., best track and landfall), intensity, dynamic and thermal structures, wind strengths, precipitation amounts, and frequency. This database will support ongoing research into the processes and patterns associated with TC climatic activity and TC forecasting.  相似文献   

应明  余晖 《气象》2011,37(4):454-461
2009年西北太平洋及南海海域共生成23个风暴以上等级的热带气旋(TC),比常年偏少,但登陆我国的频数(10个)多于常年,台风以上等级TC的活动强于常年.TC源地较常年偏西,并且季节性纬向迁移特征明显,而经向位移并无显著异常,在南海海域生成的TC比例(26.1%)远高于气候均值;路径以西行和西北行为主.登陆华南TC较多...  相似文献   

The Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index (GPI) was employed to investigate possible impacts of global warming on tropical cyclone genesis over the western North Pacific (WNP). The outputs of 20th century climate simulation by eighteen GCMs were used to evaluate the models’ ability to reproduce tropical cyclone genesis via the GPI. The GCMs were found in general to reasonably reproduce the observed spatial distribution of genesis. Some of the models also showed ability in capturing observed temporal vari...  相似文献   

利用挪威卑尔根的全球大气-海洋-海冰耦合模式的300年气候态数值积分结果,结合观测资料,分析了夏季亚洲-太平洋涛动(APO)的年际变化对与西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数相关联的大尺度环流背景的影响。模式结果表明,当夏季APO异常偏强(弱)时,西太平洋副热带高压位置偏东(西)偏北(南),南亚高压位置偏北(南),西北太平洋低层大气异常辐合(辐散),高层大气异常辐散(辐合),对流活动加强(减弱)。这种环流背景条件有(不)利于西北太平洋热带气旋的发生发展,西北太平洋热带气旋频数因而偏多(少)。  相似文献   

印度洋海盆增暖及ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陶丽  程守长 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1223-1235
本文主要分析1950~2010年间印度洋海盆增暖和西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)活动的关系, 并与ENSO对西北太平洋TC活动的影响相比较, 结果表明:印度洋海盆异常增暖与西北太平洋地区总TC生成年频数尤其是弱TC相关较好, 印度洋海盆异常增暖, 西北太平洋地区为异常的反气旋, 对流抑制, 降水偏少, 不利于TC的生成, 反之亦然。而ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋的影响, 主要体现在对强TC的年生成频数的影响, El Ni?o 发展年, 季风槽加深东伸, TC生成位置偏东, 由于TC在海洋上的生命史较长, TC的平均强度偏强, 因而强TC年生成频数偏多;La Ni?a发展年, 季风槽较浅, TC生成位置偏西, TC的平均强度偏弱, 强TC年生成频数偏少。但是ENSO指数与强TC年频数的相关有着年代际的变化, 在1950~1969年和1990~2009年间, ENSO指数和强TC年频数相关很好, 分别为0.532和0.687, 而在1970~1989这二十年间, 两者相关很弱, 只有0.081。  相似文献   

Vertical wind shear fundamentally influences changes in tropical cyclone (TC) intensity. The effects of vertical wind shear on tropical cyclogenesis and evolution in the western North Pacific basin are not well understood. We present a new statistical study of all named TCs in this region during the period 2000-2006 using a second-generation partial least squares (PLS) regression technique. The results show that the lower-layer (between 850 hPa and 10 m above the sea surface) wind shear is more important than the commonly analyzed deep-layer shear (between 200 and 850 hPa) for changes in TC intensity during the TC intensification period. This relationship is particularly strong for westerly low-level shear. Downdrafts induced by the lower-layer shear bring low θ e air into the boundary layer from above, significantly reducing values of θ e in the TC inflow layer and weakening the TC. Large values of deep-layer shear over the ocean to the east of the Philippine Islands inhibit TC formation, while large values of lower-layer shear over the central and western North Pacific inhibit TC intensification. The critical value of deep-layer shear for TC formation is approximately 10 ms-1 , and the critical value of lower-layer shear for TC intensification is approximately ±1.5 ms-1 .  相似文献   

本文利用美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)、中国气象局上海台风研究所(CMA)及日本气象厅东京台风中心(JMA)3 套热带气旋(TC)数据集,分别选取TC 达到生命史极值强度时、达到台风等级时以及达到热带风暴等级时所在的位置作为研究指标,分析了1980—2013 年5—11 月西北太平洋TC 达到不同强度时所在位置的长期变化趋势。研究得出如下结论:西北太平洋TC 在达到生命史极值强度时所处的位置表现为显著向北移动的趋势,3 个不同数据集向北移动趋势值分别为90、93、113 km/10a。同时TC 在达到台风和热带风暴级别时还存在相对明显的向北和向西移动趋势。本文进一步从环境场出发,分析了垂直风切变、海表温度以及潜在生成指数等影响因子的变化特征,为TC达不同强度时所处位置的长期变化趋势给出可能的物理解释。  相似文献   

The present study applies a space-time filter to identify three dominant types of tropical waves: Madden-Julian oscillations (MJOs), equatorial Rossby (ER) waves, and tropical depression (TD)-type disturbances. The impacts of these waves on tropical cyclones (TCs) were investigated based on 131 observations during the period 2000-07. The results suggest that 72% of TC geneses were related to the joint impacts of more than one type of wave. The composites for cases in different categories reveal that TCs related to the concurrence of the three types of waves have strong and large initial vortices at the time of TC genesis. In the absence of the MJO, ER- and TD-related TC genesis, embedded in easterly flow, exhibits a relatively fast initiation process and gives rise to a relatively small scale vortex. In contrast, without the ER wave contribution, TCs associated with ER and TD waves did not require strong convection at the time of genesis because an initial vortex can rapidly develop in the MJO active phase through persistent energy transfer. The MJO-related TC geneses were scattered in geographic distribution, as opposed to the clustered and eastward shift observed for genesis cases without contributions from MJOs.  相似文献   

A new seasonal prediction model for annual tropical storm numbers(ATSNs)over the western North Pacific was developed using the preceding January-February(JF)and April-May(AM)grid-point data at a resolution of 2.5°×2.5°.The JF and AM mean precipitation and the AM mean 500-hPa geopotential height in the Northern Hemisphere,together with the JF mean 500-hPa geopotential height in the Southern Hemisphere,were employed to compose the ATSN forecast model via the stepwise multiple linear regression technique.All JF and AM mean data were confined to the Eastern Hemisphere.We established two empirical prediction models for ATSN using the ERA40 reanalysis and NCEP reanalysis datasets,respectively,together with the observed precipitation.The performance of the models was verified by cross-validation.Anomaly correlation coefficients(ACC)at 0.78 and 0.74 were obtained via comparison of the retrospective predictions of the two models and the observed ATSNs from 1979 to 2002.The multi-year mean absolute prediction errors were 3.0 and 3.2 for the two models respectively,or roughly 10% of the average ATSN.In practice,the final prediction was made by averaging the ATSN predictions of the two models.This resulted in a higher score,with ACC being further increased to 0.88,and the mean absolute error reduced to 1.92,or 6.13% of the average ATSN.  相似文献   

This study compares the atmosphere-only HighResMIP simulations from FGOALS-f3-H(FGOALS) and MRIAGCM3-2-S(MRI) with respect to tropical cyclone(TC) characteristics over the Western North Pacific(WNP) for the July–October months of 1985–2014. The focus is on investigating the role of the tropical easterly jet over the Western Pacific(WP_TEJ) in modulating the simulation biases in terms of their climatological distribution and interannual variability of WNP TC genesis frequency(TCGF) based on the a...  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone (TC) activities in the North Indian Ocean (NIO) peak in May during the pre-monsoon period, but the TC frequency shows obvious inter-annual variations. By conducting statistical analysis and dynamic diagnosis of long-term data from 1948 to 2016, the relationship between the inter-annual variations of Indian Ocean SST and NIO TC genesis frequency in May is analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the potential mechanism concerning the effect of SST anomaly on TC frequency is also investigated. The findings are as follows: 1) there is a broadly consistent negative correlation between NIO TC frequency in May and SST in the Indian Ocean from March to May, with the key influencing area located in the southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO); 2) the anomalies of SST in SWIO (SWIO-SST) are closely related to a teleconnection pattern surrounding the Indian Ocean, which can significantly modulate the high-level divergence, mid-level vertical motion and other related environmental factors and ultimately influence the formation of TCs over the NIO; 3) the increasing trend of SWIO-SST may play an essential role in the downward trend of NIO TC frequency over the past 69 years.  相似文献   

Using a statistical model for simulating tropical cyclone (TC) formation and a trajectory model for simulating TC tracks, the influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the peak-season (July-September) TC prevailing tracks in the western North Pacific basin is assessed based on 14 selected El Nino and 14 selected La Nina years during the period 1950-2007. It is found that the combination of statistical formation model and a trajectory model can simulate well the primary features of TC prevai...  相似文献   

Future changes in tropical cyclone(TC)activity over the western North Pacific(WNP)under the representative concentration pathway RCP4.5 are investigated based on a set of 21 st century climate change simulations over East Asia with the regional climate model RegCM4 driven by five global models.The RegCM4 reproduces the major features of the observed TC activity over the region in the present-day period of 1986-2005,although with the underestimation of the number of TC genesis and intensity.A low number of TCs making landfall over China is also simulated.By the end of the 21st century(2079-98),the annual mean frequency of TC genesis and occurrence is projected to increase over the WNP by16%and 10%,respectively.The increase in frequency of TC occurrence is in good agreement among the simulations,with the largest increase over the ocean surrounding Taiwan Island and to the south of Japan.The TCs tend to be stronger in the future compared to the present-day period of 1986-2005,with a large increase in the frequency of strong TCs.In addition,more TCs landings are projected over most of the China coast,with an increase of~18%over the whole Chinese territory.  相似文献   

Variations in the high-frequency oscillations of tropical cyclones(TCs) over the western North Pacific(WNP) are studied in numerical model simulations. Power spectrum analysis of maximum wind speeds at 10 m(MWS_(10)) from an ensemble of15 simulated TCs shows that oscillations are significant for all TCs. The magnitudes of oscillations in MWS_(10) are similar in the WNP and South China Sea(SCS); however, the mean of the averaged significant periods in the SCS(1.93 h) is shorter than that in the open water of the WNP(2.83 h). The shorter period in the SCS is examined through an ensemble of simulations,and a case simulation as well as a sensitivity experiment in which the continent is replaced by ocean for Typhoon Hagupit(2008). The analysis of the convergence efficiency within the boundary layer suggests that the shorter periods in the SCS are possibly due to the stronger terrain effect, which intensifies convergence through greater friction. The enhanced convergence strengthens the disturbance of the gradient and thermal wind balances, and then contributes to the shorter oscillation periods in the SCS.  相似文献   

Recent publications have investigated the interactions between the extratropical transitions (ETs) of tropical cyclones (TCs) and midlatitude circulations; however, studies of ET events have rarely considered the relationship between the storm and the nearby subtropical high. The TC best-track data provided by the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center-Tokyo Typhoon Center of the Japan Meteorology Agency are used in conjunction with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to discuss the potential effects of the subtropical high on ETs over the western North Pacific basin. When the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) is weakened and withdrawn toward the east, more TCs follow recurving paths and the midlatitude trough activity is intensified. These changes lead to enhanced ET activity. By contrast, when the WPSH strengthens and extends westward, the number of TCs that follow direct westward paths increases and the midlatitude trough is relatively inactive. These conditions lead to reduced occurrences of ET cases. Abnormal activity of the WPSH should be considered as an important factor in determining ET activity.  相似文献   

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