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Dairy byproduct proteins are considered natural functional additives having the ability to interact with the starch and gluten network in a dough system and thus behave as dough improvers. Native whey proteins have negative effect in bread making so whey protein concentrates modified to increase viscosity in solution (mWPC) might overcome undesirable weakening of the gluten network which usually occurs in frozen dough products during prolonged times in frozen storage. The objective of this research project was to determine the effect of mWPC on empirical and fundamental dynamic rheological properties of wheat flour dough. The results for empirical rheological studies showed that addition of mWPC had significant effects on mixographic parameters and also increased values of mixing time and peak height percentage. The results for the fundamental mechanical properties of the frozen dough revealed an increase in the values of G′ with the increase in the frequency, along with an upward trend with increasing temperature, but the highest values were obtained after cooling. Addition of mWPC in the dough treatments induced softening in the dough system, as shown by the decrease in the values of the viscoelastic moduli. Rheological and textural changes in the bakery products made from frozen dough could be imparted by the incorporation of modified whey protein concentrates as dough improvers.  相似文献   

Ten commercial samples of dry dairy products used for protein fortification in a low fat yoghurt model system at industrial scale were studied. The products employed were whey protein concentratres, milk protein concentrates, skimmed milk concentrates and skimmed milk powder which originated from different countries. The gross chemical composition of these dried products were determined, including polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) and isoelectric focusing of the proteins, and minerals such as Na, Ca, K and Mg. Yoghurts were formulated using a skim milk concentrated as a milk base enriched with different dry dairy products up to a 43 g kg−1 protein content. Replacement percentage of skim milk concentrated by dry dairy products in the mix was between 1.49 and 3.77%. Yoghurts enriched with milk protein concentrates did not show significantly different viscosity (35.12 Pa s) and syneresis index (591.4 g kg−1) than the two control yoghurts obtained only from skimmed milk concentrates (35.6 Pa s and 565.7 g kg−1) and skimmed milk powder (32.77 Pa s and 551.5 g kg−1), respectively. Yoghurt fortified with the whey protein concentrates, however, was less firm (22.59 Pa s) and had less syneresis index (216 g kg−1) than control yoghurts. Therefore, whey protein concentrates may be useful for drinking yoghurt production. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Summary The physico-chemical properties are reported for a group of whey protein powders prepared on a commercial or semi-commercial scale by three companies and chemically characterized as described elsewhere (Holt et al ., 1999). The dependence of the apparent β-lactoglobulin % on the recovered % showed that the nine samples could be placed in three distinct groups with β-lactoglobulin weight % of 70.9 ± 1.1 (Group 1), 62.0 ± 3.4 (Group 2) and 39.5 ± 4.9 (Group 3). Measurements by 1H-NMR spectroscopy, on 3 of the samples confirmed that the native fold still predominated in the β-lactoglobulin. β-lactoglobulin could be crystallized from all the powders and the normal space group and cell dimensions were determined for the 8 samples that gave crystals of good enough quality for X-ray studies. Differential scanning microcalorimetry of samples dispersed in a phosphate buffer showed a clear difference between Goups 1 and 2 with a more prominent peak due to α-lactalbumin in the Group 2 samples. Light scattering and size exclusion chromatography showed that two types of aggregates were present to a variable extent in all the samples and after a heat treatment, the larger aggregates tended to predominate in Group 2. The rheology measurements, also made in the phosphate buffer, showed a difference of gel stiffness during heat treatment between the Group 1 and Group 2 samples with the exception of the BORCwpc+ sample. Within each group, gel stiffness increased with the degree of lactoslylation of the β-lactoglobulin. Interfacial measurements on samples dispersed in water presented a more complex pattern of behaviour although surface tension measurements at the air water interface of the Group 2 samples showed a two-step pattern of surface tension decrease with time, compared to a single step pattern in the Group 1 samples.  相似文献   

酪蛋白与乳清蛋白比例对酸奶凝胶性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了乳中酪蛋白和乳清蛋白比例对凝固型酸奶流变学特性和微观结构的影响,结果表明,固定蛋白质质量分数、降低酪蛋白和乳清蛋白的比例,可以明显提高酸奶凝胶的质量.乳中蛋白质质量分数一致时,酸奶凝胶的硬度、黏度、持水力随着酪蛋白和乳清蛋白比例的减小而增大,凝胶网络结构变得更规则、致密,孔隙更小.在低蛋白质质量分数下,降低乳中酪...  相似文献   

Summary Thermally induced gelation of commercial whey protein samples from the Molecular Basis of the Aggregation, Denaturation, Gelation and Surface Activity of Whey Proteins ( MADGELAS ) survey has been studied in order to develop a current status report on their rheological properties. Solutions of 10% protein (w/v) were prepared in distilled water, 200 mm NaCl or 10 mm CaCl2 at neutral pH. Small-scale deformation of the samples was measured by dynamic oscillatory rheometry using a Bohlin CS Rheometer. Large-scale deformation at penetration mode was measured using a Texture Analyser (Stable Micro Systems, Surrey, UK). For solutions containing salts, there was a general trend for gel point to decrease and G' values to increase, the effect being more marked in the presence of NaCl. Similarly, force values at failure also tended to increase in the presence of salts. Results obtained with samples of similar protein composition dissolved in water were highly scattered, these differences being reduced in the presence of added salts.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):4903-4914
Goat milk whey protein concentrates were manufactured by microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF). When MF retentate blended with cream, which could be used as a starting material in yogurt making. The objective of this study was to prepare goat milk whey protein concentrates by membrane separation technology and to investigate the effects of polymerized goat milk whey protein (PGWP) on the physicochemical properties and microstructure of recombined goat milk yogurt. A 3-stage MF study was conducted to separate whey protein from casein in skim milk with 0.1-µm ceramic membrane. The MF permeate was ultrafiltered using a 10 kDa cut-off membrane to 10-fold, followed by 3 step diafiltration. The ultrafiltration-diafiltration-treated whey was electrodialyzed to remove 85% of salt, and to obtain goat milk whey protein concentrates with 80.99% protein content (wt/wt, dry basis). Recombined goat milk yogurt was prepared by mixing cream and MF retentate, and PGWP was used as main thickening agent. Compared with the recombined goat milk yogurt without PGWP, the yogurt with 0.50% PGWP had desirable viscosity and low level of syneresis. There was no significant difference in chemical composition and pH between the recombined goat milk yogurt with PGWP and control (without PGWP). Viscosity of all the yogurt samples decreased during the study. There was a slight but not significant decrease in pH during storage. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt samples remained above 106 cfu/g during 8-wk storage. Scanning electron microscopy of the recombined goat milk yogurt with PGWP displayed a compact protein network. Results indicated that PGWP prepared directly from raw milk may be a novel protein-based thickening agent for authentic goat milk yogurt making.  相似文献   

This study compared the functional properties of serum protein concentrate (SPC) with whey protein concentrate (WPC) made from the same milk and with commercial WPC. The experimental SPC and WPC were produced at 34% or 80% protein from the same lot of milk. Protein contents of WPC and SPC were comparable; however, fat content was much lower in SPC compared with WPC and commercial WPC. The effect of drying methods (freeze vs. spray drying) was studied for 34% WPC and SPC. Few differences due to drying method were found in turbidity and gelation; however, drying method made a large difference in foam formation for WPC but not SPC. Between pH 3 and 7, SPC was found to have lower turbidity than WPC; however, protein solubility was similar between SPC and WPC. Foaming and gelation properties of SPC were better than those of WPC. Differences in functional properties may be explained by differences in composition and extent of denaturation or aggregation.  相似文献   

Acid whey resulting from the production of soft cheeses is a disposal problem for the dairy industry. Few uses have been found for acid whey because of its high ash content, low pH, and high organic acid content. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of recovery of whey protein from cottage cheese acid whey for use in yogurt. Cottage cheese acid whey and Cheddar cheese whey were produced from standard cottage cheese and Cheddar cheese-making procedures, respectively. The whey was separated and pasteurized by high temperature, short time pasteurization and stored at 4°C. Food-grade ammonium hydroxide was used to neutralize the acid whey to a pH of 6.4. The whey was heated to 50°C and concentrated using ultrafiltration and diafiltration with 11 polyethersulfone cartridge membrane filters (10,000-kDa cutoff) to 25% total solids and 80% protein. Skim milk was concentrated to 6% total protein. Nonfat, unflavored set-style yogurts (6.0 ± 0.1% protein, 15 ± 1.0% solids) were made from skim milk with added acid whey protein concentrate, skim milk with added sweet whey protein concentrate, or skim milk concentrate. Yogurt mixes were standardized to lactose and fat of 6.50% and 0.10%, respectively. Yogurt was fermented at 43°C to pH 4.6 and stored at 4°C. The experiment was replicated in triplicate. Titratable acidity, pH, whey separation, color, and gel strength were measured weekly in yogurts through 8 wk. Trained panel profiling was conducted on 0, 14, 28, and 56 d. Fat-free yogurts produced with added neutralized fresh liquid acid whey protein concentrate had flavor attributes similar those with added fresh liquid sweet whey protein but had lower gel strength attributes, which translated to differences in trained panel texture attributes and lower consumer liking scores for fat-free yogurt made with added acid whey protein ingredient. Difference in pH was the main contributor to texture differences, as higher pH in acid whey protein yogurts changed gel structure formation and water-holding capacity of the yogurt gel. In a second part of the study, the yogurt mix was reformulated to address texture differences. The reformulated yogurt mix at 2% milkfat and using a lower level of sweet and acid whey ingredient performed at parity with control yogurts in consumer sensory trials. Fresh liquid acid whey protein concentrates from cottage cheese manufacture can be used as a liquid protein ingredient source for manufacture of yogurt in the same factory.  相似文献   

Whey protein and cellulose derivatives are abundant and renewable raw materials that provide an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel sources used for food packaging. A novel biodegradable composite film comprising whey protein concentrates (WPC) aqueous solutions (10%, w/v) with different concentrations of Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 wt% of WPC) was prepared in the present study. The effect of transglutaminase (TG) on the functional properties of the film was investigated. SDS-PAGE profiles indicated that TG modulated the formation of intermolecular cross-linking of WPC. FT-IR results showed that HPMC modified the mechanical properties of WPC. Incorporation of HPMC decreased the transparency and improved the tensile strength and extensibility of the film. TG addition led to a significant enhancement of the mechanical properties of the film. These findings indicated that TG promoted the formation of WPC-HPMC composite film with improved mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic properties of corn starch (CS) gels were more dependent on heating temperature, while the properties of whey protein isolate (WPI) gels were more dependent on pH. Thus heating temperature (75, 85, 95 °C) and pH (5, 7, 9) were varied to obtain a series of mixed gels with interesting viscoelastic properties. WPI gels showed extensive stress relaxation (SR) indicative of a highly transient network structure, while CS gels relaxed very little in 2000 s. Based on SR results, it appeared that CS/WPI mixed gels with 25 and 50% CS formed compatible network structures at 15% total solids only at pH 9. This supposition was supported by SEM microstructures obtained for dehydrated gels and a synergistic increase in the large‐strain fracture stress for these gels. Some synergy was also found for mixed gels at 30% total solids at pH 9, while at pH 7 the mixed gels seemed to contain separate additive WPI and CS networks unlike the case for pH 7 at 15% total solids. In both cases (15 and 30% total solids) the degree of elasticity of the mixed gels decreased as the WPI content increased. Mixed gels (CS:WPI = 0.5) at pH 9 showed increased fracture stress and fracture strain relative to the same gels at pH 7. This suggests that a unique chemical compatibility exists at pH 9 and results in gels that combine the elasticity of CS and the internal stress dissipation of WPI. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10485-10499
Consumers are not always ready to compromise on the loss of texture and increased syneresis that nonfat stirred yogurts display compared with yogurts that contain fat. In this study, we investigated milk protein composition and smoothing temperature as a means to control nonfat yogurt microstructure, textural properties, and syneresis. Yogurts were prepared with different ratios of casein to whey protein (R1.5, R2.8, and R3.9). Yogurts were pumped through a smoothing pilot system comprising a plate heat exchanger set at 15, 20, or 25°C and then stored at 4°C until analysis (d 1, 9, and 23). Yogurt particle size and firmness were measured. Yogurt syneresis and water mobility were determined, respectively, by centrifugation and time domain low-frequency proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-LF-NMR). Increasing the smoothing temperature increased gel firmness and microgel (dense protein aggregates) sizes independently of the whey protein content. Also, yogurt microgel sizes changed with storage time, but the evolution pattern depended on protein ratio. Yogurt R1.5 showed the largest particles, and their sizes increased with storage, whereas R2.8 and R3.9 had smaller microgels, and R3.9 did not show any increase in microgel size during storage. Micrographs showed a heterogeneous gel with the empty area occupied by serum for R1.5, whereas R2.8 and R3.9 showed fewer serum zones and a more disrupted gel embedding microgels. Induced syneresis reduced with greater whey protein content and time of storage. This is in agreement with 1H-LF-NMR showing less bulk water mobility with increasing whey protein content during storage. However, 1H-LF-RMN revealed higher values of spontaneous serum separation during storage for R1.5 and R3.9 yogurts, whereas these were lower and stable for R2.8 yogurt. Microgels play an important structural role in yogurt textural attributes, and their characteristics are modulated by whey protein content and smoothing temperature. Optimization of these parameters may help improve nonfat stirred dairy gel.  相似文献   

Milk serum protein concentrates (SPC) are proteins found in cheese whey that are removed directly from milk. Because SPC are not exposed to the cheese-making process, enzymatic or chemical reactions that can lead to off-flavors are reduced. The objectives of this study were to identify and compare the composition, flavor, and volatile components of 80% protein SPC and whey protein concentrates (WPC). Each pair of 80% SPC and WPC was manufactured from the same lot of milk and this was replicated 3 times. At each replication, spray-dried product from each protein source was collected. Commercial 80% WPC were also collected from several manufacturers for sensory and volatile analyses. A trained sensory panel documented the sensory profiles of the rehydrated powders. Volatile components were extracted by solid-phase microextraction and solvent extraction followed by solvent-assisted flavor evaporation with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-olfactometry. Consumer acceptance testing of acidified 6% protein beverages made with 80% SPC and WPC produced in the pilot plant and with WPC from commercial sources was conducted. The SPC was lower in fat and had a higher pH than the WPC produced in the pilot plant or commercial WPC. Few sensory differences were found between the rehydrated SPC and WPC manufactured in this study, but their flavor profiles were distinct from the flavor of rehydrated commercial WPC. The pilot-plant WPC had higher concentrations of lipid oxidation products compared with SPC, which may be related to the higher fat content of WPC. There was a large difference in appearance between 80% SPC and WPC: solutions of SPC were clear and those of WPC were opaque. Concentrations of lipid oxidation products in commercial WPC were generally higher than those in pilot-plant SPC or WPC. Sensory profiles of the peach-flavored protein beverage included cereal, free fatty acid, and soapy flavors and bitter taste in beverages made from pilot-plant products, whereas cardboard flavors were detected in those made with commercial WPC. Consumer liking scores for the beverages made with SPC were ranked highest or equally high with beverages made with WPC for aroma, appearance, and mouthfeel, but the beverages made with SPC had lower flavor and overall liking scores compared with beverages made with 3 of the 4 WPC.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Viability of yogurt starter cultures and Bifidobacterium animalis was assessed during 28 d storage in reduced-fat yogurts containing 1.5% milk fat supplemented with 1.5% fructooligosaccharide or whey protein concentrate. These properties were examined in comparison with control yogurts containing 1.5% and 3% milk fat and no supplement. Although fructooligosaccharide improved the viability of Streptococcus thermophilus , Lactobacillus delbrueckii subs. bulgaricus, and Bifidobacterium animalis , the highest growth was obtained when milk was supplemented with whey protein concentrate in reduced-fat yogurt ( P < 0.05). Supplementation with 1.5% whey protein concentrate in reduced-fat yogurt increased the viable counts of S. thermophilus , L. delbrueckii subs. bulgaricus, and B. animalis by 1 log cycle in the 1st week of storage when compared to control sample. Similar improvement in the growth of both yogurt bacteria and B. animalis was also obtained in the full-fat yogurt containing 3% milk fat and no supplement. Addition of whey protein concentrate also resulted in the highest content of lactic and acetic acids ( P < 0.05). A gradual increase was obtained in organic acid contents during the storage.  相似文献   


为研究双孢蘑菇粉对酸奶理化性质的影响,以酸奶为原料,探究将不同质量分数(0.0%、1.5%、3.0%、4.5%、6.0%和7.5%)的双孢蘑菇粉(Agaricus bisporus powder,ABP)添加到酸奶中,并对在不同ABP添加量下的酸奶流变学和质构特性进行研究。结果表明:当ABP添加量为1.5%时,酸奶的动态黏弹性、表观黏度、稠度、硬度和内聚性对比对照组均有所降低;而当ABP添加量高于1.5%时,酸奶的动态黏弹性、表观黏度、稠度、硬度和内聚性会随ABP添加量的增加而增大;扫描电镜结果表明,ABP添加量为0.0%和1.5%的酸奶表现为具有较多空隙的酪蛋白纤维状网络结构,并且随着ABP添加量的增加,纤维网络中的空隙逐渐被ABP颗粒所填充,形成致密连续的空间结构,使酸奶的硬度、粘稠度和稳定性得到增强。综合分析可知,当ABP的添加量为1.5%~3.0%时,可使酸奶具有较好的流变性和质构特性。本研究结果为双孢蘑菇风味乳制品的研究和开发提供了理论和数据支持。


《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):11401-11412
Acid whey, a byproduct of Greek yogurt production, has little commercial value due to its low protein content and is also environmentally harmful when disposed of as waste. However, as a product of microbial fermentation, acid whey could be a rich source of beneficial metabolites associated with fermented foods. This study increases understanding of acid whey composition by providing a complete metabolomic profile of acid whey. Commercial and laboratory-made Greek yogurts, prepared with 3 different bacterial culture combinations, were evaluated. Samples of uncultured milk and cultured whey from each batch were analyzed. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry metabolomics were used to separate and identify 477 metabolites. Compared with uncultured controls, acid whey from fermented yogurt showed decreases in some metabolites and increases in others, presumably due to the effects of microbial metabolism. Additional metabolites appeared in yogurt whey but not in the uncultured control. Therefore, the effect of microbial fermentation is complex, leading to increases or decreases in potentially bioactive bovine metabolites while generating new microbial compounds that may be beneficial. Metabolite production was significantly affected by combinations of culturing organisms and production location. Differences between laboratory-made and commercial samples could be caused by different starting ingredients, environmental factors, or both.  相似文献   

Summary Analytical results are given for whey powders prepared on a commercial or semi-commercial scale by three companies. Altogether, five preparations enriched in β-lactoglobulin, four whey protein isolates and a fraction enriched in α-lactalbumin were analyzed for protein composition, including %β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, casein (glyco) macropeptide and the main triglycerides. Protein composition was determined by high pressure gel permeation and reversed phase liquid chromatography and by capillary zone electrophoresis. The extent of modification of the native β-lactoglobulin structure was also measured through the degree of lactosylation and the fraction of accessible free sulphydryl groups. One significant finding was that the calculated recovery of protein following quantitation of the chromatogram or electropherogram was seldom above 90% and occasionally below 60% of that loaded onto the column or capillary, raising doubts as to the reliability of the analytical results. Extrapolation by linear regression to 100% recovery allowed estimates to be made of the true β-lactoglobulin composition of the samples. The nine samples could be placed into three distinct groups with estimated true β-lactoglobulin weight % of 70.9 ± 1.1, 62.0 ± 3.4 and 39.5 ± 4.9. Physico-chemical properties of the group of samples are reported elsewhere (Holt et al ., 1999).  相似文献   

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