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黄磊  刘中宪  张雪  李程程 《地震学报》2020,42(6):657-668
结合单相介质动力格林函数和流体域格林函数,将间接边界元方法拓展到含流体层河谷对地震波散射的求解,并结合具体算例进行大量参数分析。研究结果表明,含流体层河谷地形对平面P波、SV波入射时的地震响应受控于入射波频率、入射波角度及流体深度等多种因素。总体来看:① 在低频域内,含流体河谷底部及附近地表的频谱特性与不含流体的河谷反应基本一致;② P波入射时在水层体系共振频率处,河谷底部位移缩小效应显著,而此频率处流体表面位移达到最大;③ 流体层具有吸收地震波能量的作用,流体深度越大,河谷表面及附近地表的地震动位移越小。研究成果可在一定程度上为河谷地形附近地震动效应的评估及防震减灾工作提供理论依据。   相似文献   

逆冲断层是常见的断层错动形式,具有释放地震能量大破坏力强的特征,同时大量震害调查和强震观测表明,山体地形对地震动的显著放大效应会进一步加重震害,然而目前还鲜有针对逆冲断层作用下山体地震动模拟的研究.文中即采用谱元法,建立含动力学逆断层震源和三维山体地形的整体物理模型,研究了动力学逆断层地震作用下的三维山体动力响应.文中...  相似文献   

于琴  刘中宪  何颖 《地震学报》2017,39(6):1-14
基于间接边界元法计算沉积河谷对平面P波和SV波的二维散射,着重考察沉积介质波速和材料阻尼的随机性对河谷地震动放大效应。利用蒙特卡罗方法随机模拟产生了波速样本和阻尼样本各30组,给出了不同入射角度和频率P波和SV波入射下河谷随机响应的单频和频谱结果。算例分析结果表明:(1)地表位移响应幅值的变异系数极值均显著大于波速比变异系数,且波速比的随机性对地表位移的影响在体系共振频率处最为明显,地表位移的最大标准差可达7.168;低频情况下,沉积中部地震反应变异性更显著,高频情况下则在沉积河谷边缘变异性最大;(2)入射波角度对地表位移响应变异系数极值的影响不大,但对变异系数空间变化的影响显著;(3)阻尼的随机性对地表位移的影响在低频情况下较小,在高频情况下则较明显,尤其是在沉积河谷的体系自振频率处,其影响最为显著。   相似文献   

张雪  刘中宪    何颖 《世界地震工程》2018,34(4):008-15
采用间接边界元法(IBEM),对Rayleigh波入射下两邻近山体的地震响应进行了定量分析。结果表明:与单个山体在Rayleigh波入射下的地震响应相比,两山地形的地震反应规律更为复杂,反应特征受控于入射波频率和山体间距等因素。总体上看:入射Rayleigh波频率较低时,两山间距对双山地形地震反应影响较大。低频波入射,受邻近山体影响,迎波面山体水平位移峰值约为入射波水平位移的6.3倍,放大效应可达单山作用的1.5倍。且山体山脚处竖向位移的频谱振荡更为剧烈,特定频率下山脚的竖向位移反应可达单山放大效应的1.6倍。较高频波入射时,迎波面一侧山体受邻近山体影响较小,且对波表现出明显的屏障效应,背波面山体地震反应强度被削弱。  相似文献   

岩土介质随机性对沉积河谷地震动放大效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘中宪  于琴  何颖 《地震学报》2017,39(5):764-777
基于间接边界元法计算沉积河谷对平面P波和SV波的二维散射,着重考察沉积介质波速比和材料阻尼比的随机性对河谷地震动放大效应的影响.利用蒙特卡罗方法随机模拟产生了波速比样本和阻尼样本各30组,给出了不同入射角度和频率的P波和SV波入射下河谷随机响应的单频和频谱结果.算例分析结果表明:①地表位移响应幅值的变异系数极值均显著大于波速比变异系数,且波速比的随机性对地表位移的影响在体系共振频率处最为显著,地表位移的标准差最大可达7.168;低频情况下,沉积中部地震动反应的变异性更显著,高频情况下则在沉积河谷边缘变异性最大;②入射角对地表位移响应变异系数极值的影响不大,但对变异系数空间变化的影响显著;③阻尼比随机性对地表位移的影响在低频情况下较小,在高频情况下则较明显,尤其是在沉积河谷的体系自振频率处,其影响最为显著.   相似文献   

近断层地震动对近场区域会造成严重的地震灾害,尤其区域内存在沉积地形时会进一步加重灾害。目前,针对释放能量更大、破坏力更强的逆冲断层地震作用下沉积盆地的地震动响应研究还未见报道。本文即采用谱元法,研究了动力学逆断层地震作用下的三维沉积盆地的动力响应。文中以椭球形沉积盆地为例,对其逆断层地震动响应特性进行了分析,并探讨了改变内外介质波速比和沉积厚度时沉积盆地内部观测点地震动时程和峰值变化规律。研究表明:①沉积内外介质波速比对沉积盆地的地震动影响显著,当沉积内部介质波速比降低时,盆地内部地表的峰值响应增大,地震动持续时间明显延长,尤其是位于盆地中心加速度峰值放大2.08倍,持时延长1.97倍;②沉积盆地厚度同样对其地震动响应产生影响,当沉积厚度增加时盆地中心位置地震动响应减小,加速度峰值缩小约0.64倍,而盆地边缘区域的地震动响应明显增大,峰值放大约1.35倍。   相似文献   

针对三维沉积盆地对球面波的散射问题,发展一种快速宽频间接边界元方法(IBEM).利用ANSYS建立求解模型,基于Intel-Fortran编译器编译相应的计算程序,对基岩半空间三维半椭球形盆地对球面波的散射进行了数值分析,着重探讨入射波频率、波源埋深、波源与不规则地形(沉积盆地)距离等参数对地震动特性的影响规律,计算方...  相似文献   




横向各向同性介质中地震波场谱元法数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
横向各向同性介质是地球内部广泛存在的一种各向异性介质,因此为了能够更好地认识地震波在这种介质中的传播特征,用数值方法进行地震波模拟显得十分必要.本文采用谱元法对横向同性介质中的地震波进行模拟,该方法基于弹性力学方程弱形式基础之上,具有有限元适应任意复杂介质模型的韧性和伪谱法的精度.文中阐述了基于Legendre多项式的谱元法的理论和推导过程,该方法可以形成全局对角质量矩阵,在时间域使用显式的差分算法,提高运算效率,最后通过横向各向同性介质的数值计算,模拟结果表明该方法是一种有效的数值模拟方法.  相似文献   

根据弹性薄板理论和振动理论,运用边界元法(BEM)分析了薄板弯曲自由振动的频率特性,从薄板自由振动的微分方程式出发,采用动态基本解推导出其相应的边界积分方程式,计算中对边界积分方程进行缩减,应用频率扫描的方法研究薄板的动态特性,准确、有效地得到了其相应的固有频率、给出的数值算例证明了本文的方法简单、可行,且具有良好的解析计算精度。  相似文献   

In this work, we develop the indirect boundary element method (IBEM) to simulate the seismic site response in a realistic, large-scale 3-D sedimentary basin. Most previous applications of boundary element method have used full-space Green’s functions for wave propagation between element points. We use half-space Green’s functions, which include the seismic wavefield interactions at the free surface and require only the boundary elements of the basin interface. In this way, the size of the matrix equation for solution in the IBEM can be reduced to approximately a quarter of that using full-space Green’s functions. The site response modeling of the Granada basin in southern Spain using the IBEM shows that the basin-induced scattering waves were identified as propagating back and forth inside the basin. The scattered waves also generate surface waves that are weakly propagated outside of the basin. The wave propagation inside and outside of the basin shows different patterns. We observe that the scattered wave is locally amplified, and its propagation direction deviates from that of the incident waves propagation direction. Therefore, the computed seismic response in the basin could provide us with good estimates of the seismic motion.  相似文献   

用随机模拟方法研究设定地震地面运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用随机模拟方法研究设定地震地面运动可分两步进行:(1)采用中小地震的数字观测资料确定研究区路径、场地参数;(2)把确定的参数应用到研究区的强地面运动随机模拟中. 为此,本文首先采用了一种可行的方法,分离软基岩场地效应和非弹性衰减的影响,并把二者分别确定出来. 研究区北部中软基岩场地的平均效应在2~4Hz频率范围为15倍左右;研究区的S波品质因子为QS=278f[KG*2]0.346. 把这些参数用于研究区的场地和路径模型中,并选择单拐角频率震源谱模型,随机模拟了研究区未来中强地震可能在北天山中段可能造成的地面运动,模拟加速度时程和反应谱可以服务于本地区的地震灾害预测和建筑物可靠性验算.  相似文献   

Dynamic contact theory is applied to simulate the sliding of surface fault.Finite element method is used to analyze the effect of surface fault to site ground motions.Calculated results indicate that amplification effect is obvious in the area near surface fault,especially on the site that is in the downside fault.The results show that the effect of surface fault should be considered when important structure is constructed in the site with surface fault.  相似文献   

用随机模拟方法研究设定地震的地面运动参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从强地面运动随机模拟方法应用出发,提出了一种用中小地震的数字观测资料确定研究区路径、场地参数的方法。采用该方法,分离软基岩场地联合效应和非弹性衰减的影响,并把二者分别确定出来。这些参数可以直接用于研究区软基岩场地的地面运动随机模拟。  相似文献   

In this study,a comprehensive parametric analysis was performed on non-uniform excitation of V-shaped topography using the boundary element method in time domain.For this purpose,wave scattering analysis was carried out on a topography subjected to the SV-wave for different predominant frequencies and shape ratios.Based on the numerical results,new coherence and time delay functions are proposed to generate non-uniform ground motion for topographic irregularities.The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed functions for real engineering problems are indicated by comparison with observations reported in previous literature.  相似文献   

We present methodology of calculating acceleration and corresponding earthquake ground motion characteristics at a site of interest assuming acceleration at a reference site for two basic configurations. In one configuration we assume that the reference ground motion is not affected by the local structure beneath the site of interest. In the other configuration we assume that the reference ground motion is affected by the local structure. Consequently, the two configurations differ from each other by the presence of the reference site within the computational model. For each of the two configurations we assume two wavefield excitations: a vertical plane-wave incidence and a point double-couple source. We illustrate the methodology on the example of the Grenoble valley. The extensive investigation of effects of local surface sedimentary structures based on the developed methodology is presented in the accompanying article by Moczo et al. (Bull Earthq Eng, 2018) in this volume.  相似文献   

This work investigates the impact of deep coal mining induced vibrations on surface constructions using numerical tools. An experimental study of the geological site amplification and of its influence on mining induced vibrations has already been published in the previous paper (Part 1: Experimental evidence for site effects in a coal basin). Measurements have shown the existence of an amplification area in the southern part of the basin where drilling data have shown the presence of particularly fractured and soft stratigraphic units. The present study, using the boundary element method (BEM) in the frequency domain, first investigates canonical geological structures in order to get general results for various sites. The amplification level at the surface is given as a function of the shape of the basin and of the velocity contrast with the bedrock. Next, the particular coal basin previously studied experimentally (Driad-Lebeau et al. [1]) is modeled numerically by BEM. The amplification phenomena characterized numerically for the induced vibrations are found to be compatible with the experimental findings such as: amplification level, frequency range and location. Finally, the whole work was necessary to fully assess the propagation and amplification of mine induced vibrations. The numerical results quantifying amplification can also be used to study other coal basins or various types of alluvial sites.  相似文献   

输入界面对地表加速度峰值的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究输入界面对地表加速度峰值(Amax)的影响,在研究我国数百个工程场地钻孔资料的基础上,选取和构造了若干有代表性的场地剖面,利用目前工程上广泛应用的场地地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了4类场地在6种不同强度的地震动输入下的Amax.分析了每类场地的输入界面的改变对Amax的影响,研究结果表明:一般强度...  相似文献   

基于平稳离散小波变换的地震动时程模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人工地震动时程的模拟是结构抗震分析的热点问题.基于平稳离散小波变换理论,利用小波变换的带通滤波特性,推导了各频带小波系数与功率谱密度函数的关系,从而直接采用时变功率谱密度函数,在不同频带上随机生成小波系数,进而通过小波逆变换模拟出同时具有强度非平稳和频率非平稳的地震动时程.对模拟时程的统计特性与目标值进行了比较,证明了该方法的可行性和正确性.  相似文献   

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