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思维与语言密切相关,思维对人类的语言形式具有重要的影响。思维支配语言,并且不同民族有着不同的语言文化和思维方式。而在EFL学习过程中,英语思维方式却常常被忽略,因此造成了学习过程中的诸多困难。本文以关联理论的语境观——"认知语境"为基础,通过对EFL学习者认知语境的分析,阐明了EFL学习者认知语境的主要来源,并通过英汉思维方式的对比揭示了英语思维方式在EFL学习过程中的重要性。最后,本文就如何在EFL学习者的认知语境中建构完善的英语思维方式提出了若干建议,旨在帮助学习者们更好地掌握并运用英语这门语言。  相似文献   

高校是培养高层次人才的摇篮,其师资水平直接影响人才培养质量。各个院系作为工作在学校大环境下的教学科研和管理的一线单位,人才引进质量和水平的提高,及院内微环境的优化是建立和完善高校师资引进机制的有效途径。以燕山大学机械工程学院为研究对象,着重论述了近年来机械学院在人才引进过程中出现的问题及相应对策,分析了科学的人才引进战略规划对学院人力资源建设乃至在整个高校教师队伍结构和师资引进机制中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Animation has an inherent advantage over static graphics when presenting dynamic content because it provides a more accurate and realistic depiction. Simultaneously, animation has an inherent disadvantage because most animated information is perceptually transient. In this quasi-experimental study, cognitive load theory was used to investigate the extent to which animation’s transience could be ameliorated with the incorporation of a pause/play feature or a tracing feature that lets previous information remain visually available on screen instead of disappearing after a brief display. Continuous animation, animation with pause/play and their equivalent static graphics, each designed with either a trace or no trace, were used to instruct 228 post-secondary technical education students on how an electrical circuit works. All formats were accompanied with the same on-screen text. The pattern of results, especially the interactions, indicated that animation with a pause/play format obtained the highest efficiency in the no tracing condition, while the continuous animation format obtained the highest efficiency in the tracing condition. These results suggest that by restructuring the dynamic information, the negative instructional consequences of the transient nature of animation can be counteracted to make it more efficient for learning than static graphics.  相似文献   

This essay addresses the relevance of cognitive research in memory processes and auditory information processing for the resolution of policy issues concerning the regulation of popular music. Several assumptions are offered regarding music listening, and conclusions are presented which center on appropriate research methods for resolution of questions surrounding music listening and regulation.  相似文献   

The scope and complexity of the Australian taxation system (as with other tax regimes) is daunting for many accounting students. This paper documents the implementation of new practices that were initiated in an effort to address some of the challenges faced by undergraduate students studying taxation. Based on the principles of cognitive load theory, summaries of the lecture material became the focus of tutorials. These summaries provided the impetus for teaching staff to experiment with illustrations as a strategic means of delivery. Drawing diagrams and presenting them in the form of pictorial mnemonics proved to be effective tools in helping students understand and synthesize basic taxation concepts, thereby promoting effective deep learning. Both formal and informal feedback was overwhelmingly positive and affirming of this innovative approach to the subject. A selection of the pictorial mnemonics we designed is provided.  相似文献   

否定是否有歧义尚无定论.单义派的一些研究试图通过证明元语否定标记的缺失推翻否定歧义说.为了反驳这一论断,进而证明否定语用歧义的存在,本文以汉语的"是"为例,在元表达框架内证明某些常见于元语否定的语言形式并不是专门的元语否定标记.借助三域理论,本文进一步证明否定在行、知、言三域的语用歧义.为了标识否定所处的认知域,某些元...  相似文献   

论教育的时间内涵——时间不可逆的教育意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简单性思维里,时间客观存在,反映在一定的因果联系中,没有方向,是可逆的;复杂性科学的兴起,指出时间具有方向性,是不可逆的。时间不可逆表明了“从存在到演化”的转变,说明发展有着多种可能性,指向了开放、可能、生成和创造。时间不可逆之于教育会引发一系列的思想变革:一是时间成为人的发展的结构性内涵;二是强调教育的生成性和非连续性;三是注重人的发展和教育过程中的遭遇、唤醒等。  相似文献   

There is a growing consensus that algebra is an important aspect of mathematics teaching and learning and several abilities are required in order students to have successful performance in algebra. The present study uses insights from the domain of psychology to enrich what is currently known in the domain of mathematics education about the relationship of algebraic thinking with abilities involved in fundamental cognitive processes. In total, 190 students between the ages of 13–17 years old were tested through two tests. The first test addressed four types of cognitive systems which are responsible for the representation and processing of different types of relations in the environment: the spatial-imaginal, the causal-experimental, the qualitative-analytic and the verbal-propositional. The second test addressed algebraic thinking. The results support the key role of the four types of cognitive processes in students’ algebraic thinking. The results also suggest that abilities involved in the four types of cognitive processes predict algebraic thinking abilities, irrespective of the age of the students.  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,也是人们常用的一种思维方式,更是人类生存和认知的基本方式。作为人类认知客观世界的一种方式,隐喻几乎影响了人类生活的方方面面。从认识的角度,通过相关的例子,对隐喻的本质作了初浅的探讨。  相似文献   

This paper describes a longitudinal study undertaken with 40 pre‐schoolers during their last six months in an early childhood centre and their first six months at school. The study presents an investigation of the pathways that child drawers and painters make towards representational depictions. As such its primary focus is on cognitive processes. Monthly samples of 40 children's drawings and paintings were collected over a 12‐month period that included the children's transition into formal schooling. CrossTabs analysis showed that the relevant cognitive abilities tended to present in clusters and that patterning may be a serious component both in its own right, as well as in facilitating representational depictions, as previously claimed by Booth.  相似文献   

新自由主义(neoliberalism)强调借由自我治理和自我规训的主体建构,相应地,于教师而言,理智以及技术或技能被奉为对教学和职业发展至关重要的,而情绪则需要处于调节和控制之下。因此,教师的情绪日益被边缘化、工具化和能力化,这带来许多潜在的危害或困境。基于福柯的关怀自我(the care of theself)的伦理学,情绪作为教师自我转化的场域,在教师深入的自我反思中扮演着某种催化剂的角色,进而推促教师实践和发展伦理自我。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育事业的不断发展,外语教学体系也在不断健全,其中英美文学教学也逐步走向成熟。近些年来逐渐兴起的认知诗学理论为英美文学教学的进一步提高创造了机遇,本文以认知诗学为研究对象,就如何在认知诗学视野下展开英美文学教学给出了多个方面的建议。  相似文献   

The process of knowledge elaboration is considered from the perspective of cognitive load theory. This theory assumes that the available knowledge structures in long-term memory (LTM) are used to organize and guide cognitive processing in complex learning. Accordingly, the role of external instructional guidance in the process of knowledge elaboration could be described as providing a substitute for knowledge structures missing from LTM. Thus, the executive guidance in complex learning environments is shared between the person (based on his/her LTM knowledge structures) and another expert or instructional means. This article analyzes instructional implications of this assumption. Adaptive learning environments are suggested for tailoring knowledge elaboration processes to changing characteristics of individual learners. Means for identifying and predicting the learner's LTM-based executive guidance are proposed so that they can be utilized in the building of adaptive learning environments.  相似文献   

翻译中国名人纪念馆的目的是让英文读者准确地了解中国名人信息,加深对中国文化了解。为了达到这个目的,译者必须了解中西语言与文化的差异,用得体的语言准确的传递信息。本文以目的论为出发点,通过分析名人纪念馆介绍的译文,得出可以用删减法、重构法以及解释法来提高翻译质量,更好地为对外文化宣传服务。  相似文献   

传统翻译法的基础是两种语言的形式对比,实践证明它并不适合翻译的思维规律。而通过考察诸如表达细度、凸显性、观察维度和视角、概念隐喻和借代等认知概念来探讨认知语言学和翻译的相关性,其重点放在英汉对应译语方面。积极借鉴认知语言学理论的相关成果,使学生意识到语言结构的非任意性和认知理据将会改进双语翻译技巧,也更加适合翻译学习者的需要。  相似文献   

In this paper I distinguish between education and its prerequisites and try to defend the ontological and epistemological priority of the latter. This distinction parallels Wittgenstein's distinctions between knowledge and its river-bed, justification and its grounds, explaining and showing, learning and acquisition. With respect to moral thinking and education, I argue that the fundamental moral principles occupy a position akin to that of the river-bed propositions; that these principles are embedded in ordinary human activities and forms of life and, therefore, ought to be taught by example and by practice and not by abstract moral thinking or contrived moral dilemmas, as some rationalist moral theorists sugges‡  相似文献   

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