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利用1981-2019年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和观测降水资料,对山东5月降水多(少)雨年环流特征进行分型,分析前期海温影响大气环流进而影响降水的过程.结果表明:典型多(少)雨年,亚洲中高纬环流呈"-、+"("+、-")距平分布,盛行纬(经)向环流,东亚大槽偏弱(强).前期冬春季黑潮区和热带印度洋海温是影响山东5月...  相似文献   

印度洋赤道潜流(equatorial undercurrent,EUC)是赤道流系的重要组成部分,对印度洋物质输运和能量交换有着重要意义.基于SODA 3.4.2海洋再分析数据,对印度洋EUC的三维空间结构和年际变化特征进行分析,并揭示其年际变率与印度洋偶极子(Indian Ocean dipole,IOD)的联系.结...  相似文献   

西北太平洋海平面异常模态在纯拉尼娜事件与拉尼娜和负印度洋偶极子(IOD)事件同时发生时表现出完全不同的形态。在纯拉尼娜事件期间,西北太平洋海平面呈现显著的正异常;而2010/2011拉尼娜事件期间西北太平洋海平面明显降低,呈显著的负异常,其与印度洋负IOD事件密切相关。研究结果表明,负IOD事件能在热带西太平洋驱动显著的西风异常,由此减弱了拉尼娜峰值期间西北太平洋海平面正异常。同时,在负IOD峰值期的9月,在日经线附近存在显著的风应力旋度正异常,激发负的海平面异常以Rossby波的形式向西传播,并在第二年6月抵达菲律宾以东海域,维持并加强该海域海平面负异常,进而对北赤道流分叉点位置及输运产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

杨秋明 《海洋学报》2006,28(3):47-56
用1951~2001年观测资料,研究了南印度洋副热带偶极子型(IOSD)海温异常对全球500hPa环流和我国降水的影响.结果表明,冬季IOSD激发出极显著的南北半球环绕太平洋的波列结构(CP),其年际变化周期是2.0和6.5 a,与赤道中东太平洋海温也有密切联系.北半球冬季异常峰值后的第二年春季欧亚中高纬度地区500 hPa环流出现显著的EUP型低频流型持续异常,同时中太平洋和北美地区出现CPNP流型和澳大利亚南部的南半球中高纬地区呈现极显著的西南太平洋遥相关型(SWP).当冬季赤道南印度洋副热带呈极显著的西负东正海温距平分布时,后期春季欧亚中高纬地区负EUP型遥相关波列持续偏强,导致东亚大槽明显偏弱,长江以北地区(特别是黄河中上游地区)多雨.反之,春季东亚大槽加强且稳定,我国东部地区大范围少雨.它反映了南印度洋地区海气系统相互作用与东亚热带内外环流低频变化的联系.因此,上一年冬季南印度洋副热带偶极子型(IOSD)海温异常强度是预测春季华北地区旱涝变化的重要因子之一.  相似文献   

利用美国联合台风预警中心的热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国国家海洋和大气管理局的扩展重构海表温度数据、全球海洋数据同化系统的温度、盐度数据及美国国家环境预报中心/国家大气研究中心的再分析资料, 分析了1981—2019年南印度洋热带气旋快速增强事件的气候特征和年际变率。结果表明, 南印度洋热带气旋快速增强事件产生频率呈现单峰分布, 主要产生在每年的12月至次年4月。南印度洋热带气旋增强事件的产生位置呈带状分布, 其中3个高值中心分别位于马达加斯加岛东北海域、南印度洋中部海域和澳大利亚西北海域, 这主要是由于热带气旋热潜和垂直风切变两个大尺度环境变量决定的。年际变率方面, 厄尔尼诺-南方涛动对南印度洋热带气旋增强事件产生频率的调制作用是不对称的, 厄尔尼诺年与拉尼娜年南印度洋热带气旋快速增强事件均减少, 但使其减少的物理机制不同。厄尔尼诺年, 热带气旋快速增强事件减少主要是较高的垂直风切变造成的; 拉尼娜年, 热带气旋快速增强事件减少主要是由于热带气旋热潜的降低, 而海表温度、垂直风切变和相对湿度也存在一定贡献。  相似文献   

唐佑民 《海洋学报》1993,15(5):50-59
本文首先利用交叉相关场的EOF分解,考查了我国长江中下游及以南地区夏季降水和太平洋海温遥相关关键区的季节演变。然后分别就长江中下游及以南地区旱、涝年份对应的前期和同期季节海温进行复自然正交函数(CEOF)的合成分析,得到了长江中下游及以南地区旱、涝时太平洋海温振幅分布和传播结构的季节演变。并根据这些异常特征,讨论了长江中下游及以南地区夏季降水的长期预报。最后,利用非参数跃变检验诊断了长江中下游及以南地区夏季降水的跃变,并讨论了与太平洋海温季节跃变的联系。  相似文献   

本文应用旋转主分量分析及最大熵谱检验方法,对1950~1979年间COADS全球月平均海表水温资料间隔10个经、纬度网格点的读数,进行了计算分析.结果表明,前19项旋转主分量的高荷载中心区域,大多与大尺度洋流及海气相互作用的海温关键区相对应;其中前16项高荷载中心区,都集中在热带和北半球海域;各高荷载区海温异常指数的时间演变特点是:在热带海洋以Ei Nino周期为主;在北太平洋及南半球海域,主要表现为两年以内、时间尺度不等的准周期性振荡;而北大西洋30年来持续降温占据优势,与60年代气候跃变的对应关系最明显.  相似文献   

Interannual variability(IAV) in the barrier layer thickness(BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean(EEIO) and Bay of Bengal(BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–January(NDJ) in the EEIO shows strong IAV, which is associated with the Indian Ocean dipole mode(IOD), with the IOD leading the BLT by two months. During the negative IOD phase, the westerly wind anomalies driving the downwelling Kelvin waves increase the isothermal layer depth(ILD). Moreover, the variability in the mixed layer depth(MLD) is complex. Affected by the Wyrtki jet, the MLD presents negative anomalies west of 85°E and strong positive anomalies between 85°E and 93°E. Therefore, the BLT shows positive anomalies except between 86°E and 92°E in the EEIO. Additionally, the IAV in the BLT during December–February(DJF) in the BoB is also investigated. In the eastern and northeastern BoB, the IAV in the BLT is remotely forced by equatorial zonal wind stress anomalies associated with the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In the western BoB, the regional surface wind forcing-related ENSO modulates the BLT variations.  相似文献   

The change of sea surface temperature(SST) in the southern Indian Ocean(SIO) during the recent six decades has been analyzed based on oceanic reanalysis and model, as well as atmospheric data. The results show that a thermal regime shift in SIO during the 1960 s, which is not caught enough attentions, has been of equal magnitude to the linear warming since 1970. Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) analyses reveal that a thermal shift is combined with atmospheric changes such as the weakening of westerly during the period of 1960–1967. Inner dynamic connections can be defined that when the westerly winds turn weak, the anticyclonic wind circulation between westerly winds and the trade winds decreases, which further reduces the SST to a negative peak in this period. It is noted that the shifts in the 1960 s are also evident for Southern Hemisphere. For example, subtropical high and the entire westerly winds belt at high latitudes both change dramatically in the 1960 s. This large-scaled process maybe link to the change of southern annular mode(SAM).  相似文献   

Phytoplankton composition and biomass across the southern Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phytoplankton composition and biomass was investigated across the southern Indian Ocean. Phytoplankton composition was determined from pigment analysis with subsequent calculations of group contributions to total chlorophyll a (Chl a) using CHEMTAX and, in addition, by examination in the microscope. The different plankton communities detected reflected the different water masses along a transect from Cape Town, South Africa, to Broome, Australia. The first station was influenced by the Agulhas Current with a very deep mixed surface layer. Based on pigment analysis this station was dominated by haptophytes, pelagophytes, cyanobacteria, and prasinophytes. Sub-Antarctic waters of the Southern Ocean were encountered at the next station, where new nutrients were intruded to the surface layer and the total Chl a concentration reached high concentrations of 1.7 ??g Chl a L−1 with increased proportions of diatoms and dinoflagellates. The third station was also influenced by Southern Ocean waters, but located in a transition area on the boundary to subtropical water. Prochlorophytes appeared in the samples and Chl a was low, i.e., 0.3 ??g L−1 in the surface with prevalence of haptophytes, pelagophytes, and cyanobacteria. The next two stations were located in the subtropical gyre with little mixing and general oligotrophic conditions where prochlorophytes, haptophytes and pelagophytes dominated. The last two stations were located in tropical waters influenced by down-welling of the Leeuwin Current and particularly prochlorophytes dominated at these two stations, but also pelagophytes, haptophytes and cyanobacteria were abundant. Haptophytes Type 6 (sensuZapata et al., 2004), most likely Emiliania huxleyi, and pelagophytes were the dominating eucaryotes in the southern Indian Ocean. Prochlorophytes dominated in the subtrophic and oligotrophic eastern Indian Ocean where Chl a was low, i.e., 0.043-0.086 ??g total Chl a L−1 in the surface, and up to 0.4 ??g Chl a L−1 at deep Chl a maximum. From the pigment analyses it was found that the dinoflagellates of unknown trophy enumerated in the microscope at the oligotrophic stations were possibly heterotrophic or mixotrophic. Presence of zeaxanthin containing heterotrophic bacteria may have increased the abundance of cyanobacteria determined by CHEMTAX.  相似文献   

利用2008年大洋环球航次,研究了热带、亚热带太平洋和南印度洋中束毛藻丰度的大尺度分布特征,结果表明:在亚热带西北太平洋和热带东南亚海域束毛藻藻丝平均丰度较高,分别为25.2×103和33.3×103m-3,在热带中太平洋、热带东太平洋和南印度洋束毛藻平均丰度较低,分别为1.76×103,0.87×103和1.52×103m-3。各海区束毛藻丰度与水温无明显相关关系。总叶绿素a的分布特征与束毛藻不同,在太平洋呈西低、东高,在热带东南亚海域较高而在南印度洋较低,从总叶绿素a的粒级结构看,微微型浮游植物(0.2~2μm)所占比重最高,其次是微型浮游植物(2~20μm),小型浮游植物(20μm)所占比重最低。各海区束毛藻对总叶绿素a贡献的比例不同,在亚热带西北太平洋和热带东南亚海域较高,分别占总叶绿素a的7.79%和3.92%,在热带中太平洋、热带东太平洋和南印度洋占总叶绿素a的比例较低,均低于1%。在亚热带西北太平洋束毛藻固氮占真光层总新氮输入量的比例较高,这是该海域新氮的重要来源之一,而在热带中太平洋和热带东太平洋束毛藻固氮对真光层新氮的贡献比例则很低。  相似文献   

 Swath bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic studies were carried out over a 55 km long segment of the Central Indian Ridge. The ridge is characterized by 12 to 15 km wide rift valley bounded by steep walls and prominent volcanic constructional ridges on either side of the central rift valley. A transform fault at 7°45′S displaces the ridge axis. A mantle Bouguer anomaly low of −14 mGals and shallowing of rift valley over the middle of the ridge segment indicate along axis crustal thickness variations. A poorly developed neovolcanic zone on the inner rift valley floor indicate dominance of tectonic extension. The off-axis volcanic ridgs suggest enhanced magmatic activity during the recent past. Received: 24 May 1996 / Rivision received: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

本文根据多年的天气图、卫星云图以及1980~1990年的NCEP再分析资料,通过统计分析和合成分析等方法建立了能够在南印度洋特定海区引起12m/s以上大风天气的中高纬气旋型天气概念模型,井对该天气概念模型作了详细的阐述.该天气概念模型主要发生在南半球的冬季和初春,在该模型中,气旋从高纬低压中分裂出来,快速东移赶上位于其东部的高位低压并发展至其北部.气旋冷锋最终在南印度洋东部引起大风.该天气概念模型的建立对南印度洋海区大风的预报可起到一定指导作用.  相似文献   

本文根据多年的天气图、卫星云图以及1980~1990年的NCEP再分析资料,通过统计分析和合成分析等方法建立了能够在南印度洋特定海区引起12m/s以上大风天气的高纬低压系统概念模型,并对主要的南印度洋西部副高型、南印度洋倒"品"字型作了详细的阐述。该天气概念模型主要发生在南半球的冬、春季。(1)南印度洋西部副高天气过程多由高纬度低压系统发展引起。在这一过程中,副高与高纬低压系统由纬向型向经向型转变,海平面气压槽和850hPa高度槽受到槽后冷平流的驱动不断向东北方向移动,并扫过南印度洋东部。(2)南印度洋倒"品"字天气模型中,低压槽受斜压系统的驱动东移并发展加深,与南印度洋东部的副高中心之间形成大风带。该天气概念模型的建立对南印度洋海区大风的预报可起到一定指导作用。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to present some results on the monsoon circulation in the Indian Ocean simulated with a σ-coordinate ocean model developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS. The model has a horizontal resolution of (1/8)° × (1/12)° and contains 21 σ-layers of uneven thickness. Realistic bottom topography and land geometry are used. The numerical experiments were carried out for 15 years starting from the Levitus climatology for January and monthly mean climatic atmospheric forcing from the NCEP reanalysis data. The annual cycle of the surface and subsurface currents and temperature and salinity fields were analyzed. The model reproduces well the Summer Monsoon and the Winter Monsoon currents and their time evolution and spatial structures. The Somali Current is adequately modeled. During the Summer Monsoon, the velocities of the current exceed 2 m/s, while the total mass transport is approximately 70 Sv. The model results show that a reversal of the Somali Current from the northern direction in the summer to the southern direction in the winter is accompanied by the generation of anticyclonic eddies, which drift westward owing to the β-effect and dissipate either near the Somali shore or in the Gulf of Aden. The monsoon variability of the equatorial surface current and equatorial subsurface countercurrent system are analyzed. It is shown that these currents are generated predominantly by the zonal component of wind stress, in which the half-year harmonic dominates. This leads to the fact that the equatorial surface current also changes its direction with a half-year periodicity almost in phase with the wind. The oppositely directed subsurface compensational countercurrent changes its direction with a time lag of approximately one month. Gradient currents, which appear in the Bay of Bengal due to the riverine runoff, make an important contribution to the circulation. This effect manifests itself especially strongly in the summer during the peak of the Ganges River runoff, which transports fresh turbid waters. The principal features of the large-scale quasi-stationary gyre structure of the Indian Ocean such as the Great Whirl, Socotra high, and Laccadive high and low are simulated.  相似文献   

The first vertical profiles of chlorofluoromethanes (Freons F11 and F12) measured during the austral summer 1987 (INDIGO-3 cruise) in the region of Enderby Land (30°E) and the Princess Elizabeth Trough (90°E) arc presented in relation to hydrological and geochemical characteristics. In the open ocean, transient tracer penetration reaches 1000 m. Off the West Ice Shelf and Enderby Land, a significant decrease in Freons is found below the cold Winter Water and just above the deep oxygen minimum and temperature maximum of the upper Circumpolar Deep Water (200–400 m). In the region off MacRobertson Land, where the oxygen minimum is deeper (1000 m), the Freon gradients are less abrupt. In deep open ocean waters, no Freons were detected in the core of the Circumpolar Deep Water. However, near the continental shelf, we have encountered Freon minima associated with salinity maxima, indicating significant mixing between deep and (recent) ventilated waters. Over the whole water column, a strong zonal contrast emerges in tracer distributions between stations situated to the east and to the west of MacRobertson Land (65°E), which may be associated with the Weddell Gyre extension. Freon maxima associated with oxygen maxima and temperature and salinity minima that characterize Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) have been found over all the region studied; the tracers indicate three main bottom waters that are related to Weddell Sea, Ross Sea and local origins. At two stations located on the edge of the continental shelf, Freon measurements suggest that the AABW formation was recent, and the tracers' continuity reveals a preferential westward flow of bottom waters. Although it is clear that bottom water formation takes place around 60–70°E, the information is too sparse to specify the source regions.  相似文献   

During three summer surveys at Prince Edward Island (PEI), southern Indian Ocean (2001, 2004 and 2008), 416 southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina were inspected for identification tags. In all, 42 seals that had been tagged as weaned pups at their natal site were found on Marion Island (MI), 38 of which could be individually identified by resighting their tag numbers. The majority of the MI-tagged seals were yearlings or subadults, and all but one were hauled out at PEI for the annual moult. The attendance rate of the known individuals at their natal island during the annual moult was only 40%, based on their resighting histories. This was significantly lower than the 77 ± 6% moult attendance rate estimated for a random MI population sample drawn from the same cohorts (based on 10 000 replications). Annual resight probabilities (considering all haulout phases) was 58% per annum for the MI seals seen at PEI, and 80 ± 4% for the simulation. Seasonal and annual absences of seals from MI violate the ‘homogeneity of capture’ assumption of mark-recapture models. When multiple sightings during any year are treated as a single sighting, resights during other haulouts (e.g. breeding) compensate only partially for absences during the moult. Therefore, mark-recapture studies undertaken in archipelagos should ideally include both marking and resighting of individuals on all islands which will allow discrimination between mortality and local migration.  相似文献   

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