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埋地输油管道一旦发生泄漏,一方面会造成土壤污染,另一方面当原油泄漏量过多时会上渗到地面形成油池,进而引发池火灾,对人员、环境、设备均会造成危害。为了研究埋地输油管道泄漏事故的后果,为事故救援及处理提供参考,提出了一种针对此类事故的土壤污染、池火灾后果定量分析方法。方法以Fluent软件为工具模拟原油被点燃前的泄漏扩散情况,分析原油在土壤及地面上的扩散规律及范围,并结合危害模型得到池火灾造成的热辐射危害范围。利用该方法对不同管道压力和泄漏孔径的6种工况下的事故进行了分析,结果表明,原油管道泄漏时的压力及泄漏孔径对原油扩散速度影响较大,进而影响避免事故的难易程度。  相似文献   

针对架空天然气管道泄漏引起的火灾爆炸问题,采用事件树分析泄漏扩散引起的事故后果,并在数值模拟中着重分析了模拟数学模型的选择。在三种不同泄漏孔径、两种不同风速、两种不同运行压力条件下分别应用ALHOA软件对事故后果进行数值模拟,结果表明:泄漏孔径、运行压力与危害影响范围成正比关系;在闪火和蒸气云爆炸中,风速与危害影响范围成反比关系,而风速对射流火灾的热辐射范围基本没有影响。  相似文献   

为了输氢管道的安全建设与运营,基于计算流体力学FLACS软件,模拟了埋地输氢管道在半受限空间内的泄漏爆炸事故后果,探讨了泄漏孔径、泄漏时长、输氢压力和环境风速对爆炸事故后果的影响规律,并得出相应的危险区域。结果表明:泄漏孔径、输氢压力和最大爆炸超压均与危险区域呈正相关关系,泄漏时长对事故后果几乎无影响;随着输氢压力的增大,危险区域受建筑物和风速的影响更为明显,在建筑物附近形成了狭长的危险区域带;最大爆炸超压和危险区域随环境风速的增大均呈现出先增大后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

液氨储罐连续泄漏会产生喷射火、闪火、蒸气云爆炸和中毒事故,利用DNV PHAST软件模拟分析了风速、大气稳定度和储存温度对事故后果的影响。结果表明,随着风速不断增大,喷射火、闪火和蒸气云爆炸后果逐渐减小,单纯大气扩散情况下,毒性后果随风速的增大而减小;大气稳定度对喷射火后果没有影响,闪火和蒸气云爆炸后果随大气稳定度增加有增大的趋势,毒性后果随大气稳定度增加而增大;随着储存温度升高,泄漏质量流率增加,喷射火、闪火、蒸气云爆炸和毒性后果逐渐增大。  相似文献   

姜传胜  杨铸 《安全》2003,24(2):7-8
化学品泄漏扩散仿真软件的用途 危险化学品在生产、储存、经营、运输、使用和废弃物处置等各个环节都存在发生泄漏的危险。化学品意外泄漏是最常见的化学品相关紧急事故。一旦发生毒物泄漏事故,除了可能造成人员伤亡和财产损失外,还牵涉到大批人员的紧急疏散,污染环境,影响人们的正常工作和生活。正因为如此,政府监管部门(如国家和地方的安全监管局)在规划审核化工企业设计布局、安全评价中介机构(如劳动安全预评价中心)在对化学品相关场所进行风险评价、化学品相关场所的安全管理人员在日常管  相似文献   

重大泄漏事故统计分析及事故模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对建国以来我国化工系统发生的重大及典型泄漏事故进行了统计分析,提取出应优先进行控制和管理的危险性物质,总结分析了造成这些重大及典型泄漏事故的基本原因。结合对重大及典型泄漏事故的剖析,分析了泄漏扩散事故的七大影响因素,提取并建立了泄漏事故模式,并对各种事故模式的泄漏机理和发生条件进行了研究分析。  相似文献   

对建国以来我国化工系统发生的重大及典型泄漏事故进行了统计分析,提取出应优先进行控制和管理的危险性物质,总结分析了造成这些重大及典型泄漏事故的基本原因。结合对重大及典型泄漏事故的剖析,分析了泄漏扩散事故的七大影响因素,提取并建立了泄漏事故模式,并对各种事故模式的泄漏机理和发生条件进行研究分析。  相似文献   

天然气管道泄漏火球事故后果模拟评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
天然气管道发生泄漏时,大约90%的气体产生燃烧并形成火球,遇火源即发生危害性非常大的火球爆炸事故。本文针对城市天然气管道泄漏事故,综合考虑天然气泄漏后可能发生的火球燃烧和爆炸,利用爆炸冲击波和火球热辐射模型对天然气管道(完全破裂)在发生泄漏时发生火球爆炸进行计算,结果表明:2分钟内泄漏天然气云团超压爆炸的死亡半径和热辐射的火球半径分别高达39.44m和92.93m。因此,通过计算天然气泄漏火球事故爆炸和热辐射范围,对天然气火球爆炸事故预防与应急救援具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

FLUENT在公路隧道有毒气体事故泄漏扩散研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对公路隧道内氯气扩散问题,以计算流体力学(CFD)为理论基础,应用GAMBTT软件进行几何模型构建和网格划分.用FLUENT对所建模型中的风场和氯气泄漏扩散结果进行了模拟分析.通过不同位置氯气质量分数的比较,分析了稳定纵向通风条件下.隧道内障碍物和氯气重力效应对扩散的影响.从模拟结果可以看出,隧道内的障碍物(主要是汽车)对氯气扩散有明显阻拦作用.造成氯气在下部空间的扩散比上部空间要慢,而且距泄漏源相同距离处.下部空间的氯气质量分数远小于上部空间.同时讨论了泄漏源位置对氯气扩散范围的影响,结果表明即使在泄漏源较高的情况下,经过一段距离的扩散,氯气也会由于重力作用逐渐到达地面.最后,论证了FLUENT软件对处理隧道内毒气扩散问题的适用性,为研究工作的进一步开展提供了依据.  相似文献   

液氨装卸站泄漏事故分析及后果模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过搜集大最液氨泄漏事故,统计分析了液氨泄漏事故的种类和原因,并针对发生事故频率高危害大的液氯装卸站,分析了造成液氰装卸软管泄漏的各种原因;采用挪威船级社(DNV)的PHAST软件分析了装卸软管泄漏和破裂时液氨泄漏的危害范围,提出了控制和预防该类事故的安全措施.  相似文献   

有毒气体泄漏时,疏散和就地避难都是保护人员安全的有效行动。当疏散行动无效时,此时可考虑进行就地避难,应急决策者必须准确认识就地避难的可靠性。文中模拟分析了渗透吸附作用、换气次数、避难室空间体积、有效吸附面积对避难室内浓度的影响。结果表明,渗透吸附作用的存在明显降低了室内浓度,且强度越大浓度越低;换气次数越小,浓度越低;避难室空间越大,浓度越低,但影响不明显;吸附面积与空间体积之比越大,浓度下降越明显;毒负荷指数越大,规定暴露时间内避难室内毒负荷上升越缓慢。最后确定了特定场景下避难室最佳换气次数。  相似文献   

Toxic gas-containing flammable gas leak can lead to poisoning accidents as well as explosion accidents once the ignition source appears. Many attempts have been made to evaluate and mitigate the adverse effects of these accidents. All these efforts are instructive and valuable for risk assessment and risk management towards the poisoning effect and explosion effect. However, these analyses assessed the poisoning effect and explosion effect separately, ignoring that these two kinds of hazard effects may happen simultaneously. Accordingly, an integrated methodology is proposed to evaluate the consequences of toxic gas-containing flammable gas leakage and explosion accident, in which a risk-based concept and the grid-based concept are adopted to combine the effects. The approach is applied to a hypothetical accident scenario concerning an H2S-containing natural gas leakage and explosion accident on an offshore platform. The dispersion behavior and accumulation characteristics of released gas as well as the subsequent vapor cloud explosion (VCE) are modeled by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code Flame Acceleration Simulator (FLACS). This approach is concise and efficient for practical engineering applications. And it helps to develop safety measures and improve the emergency response plan.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fluoride and ammonia are widely used in chemical industries. Both substances are hazardous and frequently a source of leakage accidents. Since a hydrogen fluoride release accident occurred in Gumi, S. Korea (2012), the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) has emphasized that special attention and management are needed with respect to toxic substances. For post-release mitigation, a water curtain is known as one of the most effective and economical systems. In this study, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program was used to identify the effect of using a water curtain as a mitigation system for toxic substances that leak out from industrial facilities. Simulations were conducted to analyze how effectively a water curtain could mitigate the dispersion of toxic substances. To verify the simulation's accuracy, the INERIS Ammonia dispersion experiment and Goldfish experiment were simulated and compared. Various water curtains were applied to the simulated field experiment to confirm the mitigation factors with toxic substances. The results show that the simulations and experiments are consistent and that the dispersion of toxic substances can be mitigated by water curtains in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

With the widespread use of ammonia in the process industry, more and more accidents were caused by ammonia leakage and dispersion. The dispersion of ammonia is determined by its physical properties, release source conditions and atmospheric environment. Full-scale numerical simulation based on CFD theory was carried out to study the dispersion law of ammonia in a food factory. It was found that ammonia concentrated on the symmetric plane and showed an upward movement near the source. Moreover, the effect of pressure on the dispersion of ammonia was explored showing that the concentration of ammonia near the source increased with the increase of pressure, while the dispersion of ammonia far from the source is mainly influenced by wind field. Last but not the least, the dangerous area completely covers the obstacle region according to the harmful concentration, but the lethal concentration range and explosion range both only existed near the release source. Correspondingly, the concentration of ammonia in the region far from the symmetric plane can be regarded as a safe area. When the accident happens, one should stay away from the release source and evacuate towards the sides in a timely manner. We hope that this work can provide an effective method in predicting the impact of ammonia dispersion and can arouse concerns over the public safety.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing capacity and scale of the world's petrochemical industries have forced many plants to have an even larger amount of hazardous substances. Once a serious leak occurs, the outcome of the effect zone could be very large or even uncontrollable just like the Bhopal disaster. In order to assess the risk of a cross-regional damage, this study aims to develop a model that can combine the benefits of both CFD model of the microscale simulation and the Gaussian dispersion model of the mesoscale simulation.The developed integrated model is employed on a toxic chemical tank leak accident of a process plant within an industrial park in order to explore the consequences and the risk of the toxic gas dispersion on three different scopes; one is the accident site, the second is the long-distance transmission route of the mesoscale area and the third is a target city. According to the simulation's results, it is obvious that the complexity of the structure surrounding the leaking tank will eventually affect the maximum ground concentration, the cloud shapes and cloud dilution rate, while the released gas is under dispersion. On the other hand, since the simple Gaussian dispersion model doesn't consider the above impacts, its calculation results will have many differences as compared to the realistic situation. This integrated model can be used as a tool for estimating the risk on a microscale or mesoscale areas and it can produce better results when an environmental impact analysis is required for a larger hazardous chemical process.  相似文献   

The Bhopal Gas Leak, India 1984 is the largest chemical industrial accident ever. Haddon's and Berger's models for injury analysis have been tested, together with the project planning tool Logical Framework Approach (LFA).

The three models provide the same main message: That irrespectively of the direct cause to the leakage, it is only two parties that are responsible for the magnitude of the disaster: Union Carbide Corporation and the Governments of India and Madhya Pradesh. The models give somewhat different images of the process of the accident.

Models developed for analysis of injuries can be used for analysing a complicated mega accident like the Bhopal gas leak, although different models might stress different aspects.  相似文献   

An emergency plan is a formal written plan which, on the basis of identified potential accidents together with their consequences, describes how such accidents and their consequences should be handled either on-site or off-site. The primary objective of the off-site emergency plan for a hazardous installation is the prevention of accidents resulting in harm to human health, the environment or property. The prevention of accidents involving hazardous substances is the concern of many interested parties, including public authorities (district emergency authority, police, fire and medical services etc.) at all levels, industry and the community. This paper provides an overview of the release scenarios and affected areas, rescue and evacuation plans, communication and public information systems, roles and responsibilities of the district emergency authority, police, fire and medical authorities and their training, testing the plan/mock drill performance, review/observations, and finalization.  相似文献   

为了找出导致加油站发生火灾爆炸事故的基本事件及其可能性大小,以加油站火灾爆炸故障树为基础建立相应的贝叶斯网络风险模型。在FTA向BN转化算法的基础上对条件概率做出了修正。利用GeNIe软件计算加油站火灾爆炸事故基事件的后验概率,同时进行灵敏度和影响力分析。最后通过实例分析,找出了导致某加油站发生火灾爆炸事故危险性最大的因素集为:加油站接打手机、机械碰撞、给塑料容器加油、加油冒油、油枪渗漏等。结果表明,注重基事件的多态性和事件间逻辑关系合理性的新模型,能推算出更准确的基事件概率分布,同时可以找出导致事故发生的最有可能途径,为加油站事故预防,系统改进提供较为合理性建议。  相似文献   

有毒气体泄漏扩散受很多不确定性因素的影响,为了分析和评估影响毒气泄漏扩散的风速和泄漏速率的变化和不确定性,采用蒙特卡罗模拟和基于Wilks公式容许限的非参数统计法,通过抽样计算得到“95/95准则”下的毒气泄漏扩散地面浓度分布,计算了有毒气体泄漏扩散的不同风险等级的影响范围和风险概率曲线。以氨气泄漏事故为例进行实例分析,结果表明,相对于以确定性参数得出的氨气泄漏扩散浓度分布,引入参数的不确定性评估,更能贴合泄漏现场存在不确定性因素的实际情况,更有利于人员的安全和应急疏散管理。  相似文献   

中压天然气管道泄漏扩散模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立了埋地中压天然气管道发生泄漏时时的数学模型,将土壤视为各向同性的多孔介质,采用FLUENT对天然气在土壤中的扩散规律及浓度分布进行模拟,分析不同时刻地表的危险区域范围,并对比了不同管道压力、泄漏孔径大小、泄漏位置等工况下危险半径随时间的变化。结果表明:管道压力越大,泄漏的体积流量越大,同一时间危险范围越大;相同的泄漏压力下,泄漏孔径对危险半径没有很大影响;不同泄漏孔位置,泄漏初期向上开口时危险半径最大,一段时间后向下开口危险半径最大。  相似文献   

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