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The infaunal benthos of a natural oil seep in the Santa Barbara channel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are studying a diverse infaunal benthic community that exists in the fine sand sediments of a shallow (16 m) natural oil seep near Santa Barbara, California, USA. The study area and sampling methods are described in this introductory paper. Data presented indicate the adequacy of sampling in revealing horizontal patchiness and vertical faunal distributions. The infauna of the seep and of a nearby comparison area, without seepage but of similar depth and sediment type, are compared. The data indicate a consistently larger but fluctuating density of organisms at the seep station. However, Shannon-Weaver diversity (H=1.6 to 1.7), Peilou's evenness (J=0.80 to 0.81), and measures of dominance-diversity with estimates of graphical skewness (0.66 to 0.68) and kurtosis (1.2 to 1.4) are all similar for the two stations. The rank correlation of common species at the stations is significant according to Spearman's rho. Species common to both stations account for 85 to 95% of the individuals, further indicating the high degree of similarity between stations. Denser populations of oligochaetes and the maldanid polychaete Praxillella affinis pacifica suggest some advantages for deposit feeders at the seep station. Mats of the bacterium Beggiatoa sp. are associated with localized intense oil seepage. Hypotheses suggesting trophic enrichment and biochemical adaptation at the seep are presented.  相似文献   

In situ rates of filtration, particulate ingestion, and carbon ingestion of deep-sea benthic boundary-layer zooplankton were determined in December 1984 in the Santa Catalina Basin, at 1 300 m depth in the California Borderland, by a short-term radioisotope-incorporation technique. Zooplankton were collected at 1 or 50 m above the bottom with an opening-closing net system on a submersible, and incubated at depth with labelled amino acids in special cod-end chambers. Concentrations of particulate material and particulate organic carbon in the ambient water were also measured. The zooplankton had a median weight-specific filtration rate of 12.4 ml (mg dr. wt)-1 h-1 and a median carbon ingestion rate of 5.4 g C (mg dr. wt)-1 h-1. Filtration rates were not significantly different from those in similar experiments in the north Atlantic at 2 175 m depth or Narragansett Bay in the winter, although the medians of the deep-sea experiments were lower than for the Bay. In the Santa Catalina Basin, rates from experiments at 1 m above the bottom in more turbid water were not significantly different from those at 50 m above the bottom in clearer water. These deep-sea benthic boundary-layer zooplankton may have the potential to respond to food pulses, and their relatively high ingestion rates suggest that they could have significant effects on particulate, chemical, and bacterial processes in the near-bottom water column.  相似文献   

T. Ikeda  K. Hirakawa 《Marine Biology》1996,126(2):261-270
Life cycle of the mesopelagic copepod Pareuchaeta elongata was investigated combining laboratory rearing data on the eggs, nauplii, and early copepodites with field growth data on the late copepodites. Examination and incubation at near the in situ temperature (0.5°C) of egg sacs collected from the field indicated that the clutch size was 13 to 24 eggs (mean: 20), hatching time was 39.4d (mean), and hatchability was low (mean: 28.5%). The development time at 0.5°C was 2.4 d for Nauplius Stage 1 (N1), 4.6 d for N2, 6.2 d for N3. 7.4 d for N4, 7.1 d for N5, 20.8 d for N6, 36.7 d for Copepodite Stage 1 (C1) and 65.3 d for C2. From the numerical analysis of seasonal samples collected from the field, the development time was estimated as 1 mo for C3, 2 mo for C4 and 2.5 mo for C5. Thus, the egg hatching time plus the integrated development time by stage was 355 d or nearly 1 yr (i.e. span of one life cycle). Duration of the C6 (adult) was estimated as>2.5 mo. Combining the present data on development times of each stage with published data on the major spawning season (August to October) and ontogenetic migration, a schematic representation of the life cycle of this copepod was developed. Between-stage comparison of wet, dry, and ash-free dry weights of all developmental stages of preserved wild specimens revealed that there is almost no gain in weight during naupliar stages, and the greatest weight increment over the life cycle was during the C4 stage. The present results are compared with those for the same and related species living in other regions.  相似文献   

An exceptionally large midwater trawl (50 m2 mouth area) with 5 opening and closing codends was towed horizontally in the lower mesopelagic zone at depths of 500, 650, 800 and 1000 m off Oregon (USA) from 1–6 September, 1978. In comparison to more conventional trawls, ours collected more fish, including rare species and large individuals of common species. Comparison of collections made by day and by night revealed that 12 of the 15 most common species probably migrated vertically. Bathylagus milleri evidently migrates from 650 m during the day to 500 m at night. Cyclothone acclinidens and C. atraria were more abundant by night than by day at 800 m, possibly due to an upward migration from deeper depths at night. C. pseudopallida, C. signata, Chauliodus macouni, Tactostoma macropus and Stenobrachius leucopsarus were more abundant by day than by night at 500 m, suggesting that they migrated out of this depth horizon at night. Lampanyctus regalis, and large individuals of B. pacificus were more abundant by night than by day at 500 m, possibly because they migrated upward from near 650 m. Many species exhibited trends of increasing or decreasing size with depth, and several species showed changes in migratory behavior with size. For example, only small (<240 mm) T. macropus migrated vertically, whereas only large (>110 mm) B. pacificus appeared to migrate. Depths of maximum abundance of congeneric species were usually separated. B. milleri and B. pacificus had similar distributions by day, but the former was shallower at night. S. leucopsarus tended to live shallower than S. nannochir both day and night. Congeners always occurring at the same depth were Cyclothone pseudopallida and C. signata (both most abundant at 500 m) and C. acclinidens and C. atraria (both most abundant at 800 m).  相似文献   

A. Tsuda  H. Sugisaki 《Marine Biology》1994,120(2):203-210
Time series sampling with a multi-layer plankton sampler was carried out in the western subarctic North Pacific during spring 1991. Neocalanus cristatus, N. flemingeri and Eucalanus bungii dominated and accounted for 88.5% of the copepod population in volume. Neocalanus spp. were distributed in the upper mixed layer, while E. bungii was mainly distributed between 120 and 300 m throughout the day and night. In contrast, Metridia pacifica, Pleuromamma scutullata and Gaetanus simplex showed clear diel vertical migration. Grazing activities were estimated simultaneously by gut fluorescence. Nocturnal grazing was observed for diel migrating species. Neocalanus spp. did not have a diel feeding rhythm and had relatively low gut fluorescence. E. bungii was considered to be dormant during the observation period. The estimated grazing rate of the copepod population on phytoplankton was 1.4 to 2.0% of the primary production while the metabolic requirement was 8.3 to 12.4% of the primary production. These facts suggest that the copepod population was unimportant as primary consumers and that microzooplankton plays a much more important role in sustaining low standing stock of phytoplankton and a high nutrient concentration in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution, life cycle, and developmental characteristics of the mesopelagic copepod Gaidius variabilis Brodsky in the Oyashio region were investigated by combining analyses of field copepodite populations with laboratory-rearing data of egg hatching and naupliar development. Field samplings from five discrete depths between the surface and ≤2000 m were made approximately every month for 1 year. Most populations of G. variabilis occurred between 600 and 1000 m depth. A modest degree of reversed diel vertical migration behavior and some stage-specific depth-distribution patterns were noted. All copepodite stages were observed throughout the year, suggesting a year-round spawning of G. variabilis. From a prominent abundance peak of Copepodite Stage 1 (C1) seen in June to August, together with development times of eggs and nauplii obtained in laboratory-rearing experiments, the major spawning season was extrapolated to be April to June, the phytoplankton bloom season. Tracing the peak abundance of each copepodite stage (distinguishing males and females for C4 to C6), the generation times of males and females were deduced as 2 and 1 year, respectively. All between-stage increments in terms of wet-, dry-, and ash-free dry weights were greatest in C3/C4, and least in C5/C6 for both males and females. The increments in C3/C4 and C4/C5 were greater for males than for females, reflecting a longer stage duration of the males. These weights did not increase in C5/C6 males, possibly because feeding ceased in C6 males. These results for G. variabilis are compared with those for some mesopelagic copepods previously reported from other regions. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

Metabolism of two abundant echinoderm species constituting 99.6% of the epibenthic megafauna in the Santa Catalina Basin, off southern California, USA was measured at 1 300 m during the 1979 “Bathyal Expedition”. Specimens of the ophiuroid Ophiophthalmus normani and the holothurian Scotoplanes globosa, collected by the submersible “Alvin”, were individually placed in respirometers, and measured in situ for O2 consumption and ammonium excretion rates. For O. normani, weight-specific O2 consumption rates decreased with increasing weight and were of comparable magnitude to rates of deep-sea and shallow-water ophiuroids; excretion rates were highly variable. Population O2 consumption and excretion rates for O. normani (estimated from size-frequency distribution, abundance, and rate regression equations) were 1 129.28 μl O2 m-2 h-1 and 27.30 nmol NH 4 + m-2 h-1. Weight-specific O2 consumption and ammonium excretion rates of S. globosa decreased with increasing weight and were of comparable magnitude to rases of shallow-water holothurians. Population O2 constimption and excretion rates of S. globosa were 1.38 μl O2 m-2 h-1 and 4.86 nmol NH 4 + m-2 h-1. Combined population O2 consumption rates for O. normani and S. globosa are of comparable magnitude to that of the sediment community and plankton in the benthic boundary layer (sediment and overlying 50 m water column) of the Santa Catalina Basin.  相似文献   

Stomach contents were analysed from the 7 most numerous species of mesopelagic fish caught in a series of 11 hauls over a 24 h period at 230 to 266 m depth in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. The numerical abundance of organisms per filled stomach and the frequency of occurrence of empty stomachs were used to indicate feeding periodicity. The ecological significance of the feeding periodicity was considered by examining it in connection with an investigation of the day-night vertical distribution of zooplankton and micronekton to 2000 m at the same station. Additional dietary evidence on the 7 species considered was also obtained from the vertical series. Feeding selectivity was examined by comparing the composition of the zooplankton population, sampled separately but simultaneously with the micronekton, with that from the overall stomach contents of the species examined. Feeding periodicity was demonstrated for 6 species, of which 3 were found to be feeding selectively: Valenciennellus tripunctulatus on calanoid copepods, Argyropelecus aculeatus on ostracods, and Lampanyctus cuprarius on amphipods and possibly euphausiids. The limited data available on the other 3 species suggested that they were either random feeders (A. hemigymnus and Lobianchia dofleini) or perhaps selecting against a particular group (Notolychnus valdiviae). No indication of feeding periodicity or selectivity was found for Chauliodus danae. The overall pattern of results confirmed the supposed close correlation between vertical migration and feeding in mesopelagic fish.  相似文献   

T. Ikeda 《Marine Biology》1990,107(3):453-461
The abundance and vertical distribution pattern of a halocyprid ostracod,Conchoecia pseudodiscophora, were investigated in the Japan Sea in 1985, 1987 and 1989. Vertical sampling from 500 m depth to the surface in the water around Yamato Rise revealed that this ostracod was second in dominance by number and third to fourth by biomass of the total zooplankton collected with a 0.35 mm mesh Norpac net. Horizontal net tows in Toyama Bay indicated that the major population ofC. pseudodiscophora was distributed below 250 to 300 m depth. No diel migration pattern was evident. Its contribution to total zooplankton there was 5 to 10% or more in terms of biomass. A total of five subadult instars (II to VI) and adult males and females were identified from instar analysis based on sizes and morphological characteristics of specimens collected with 0.10 mm mesh Norpac nets. Data on body length, wet weight and dry weight of each instar are presented. Carbon content of 35 to 48% of dry weight, and nitrogen content of 5.3 to 7.3% of dry weight, were recorded on fresh, freeze-dried specimens of selected instars (subadult Instars IV to VI, adult females). Water and ash contents of mixed specimens of these four instars were 76% of wet weight and 25% of dry weight, respectively. Feasibility of laboratory maintenance ofC. pseudodiscophora was tested, and it produced characteristic J shaped faecal pellets. Oxygen consumption rates of subadult instars V and VI, and adult female ranged 0.011 to 0.021µl O2 ind.–1 h–1 at 1 °C, or 2.9 to 6.1µl O2 (mg body N)–0.85 h–1 in terms of Adjusted Metabolic Rate (AMRo 2). There was no appreciable metabolic reduction inC. pseudodiscophora compared to other ostracods, despite their mesopelagic life mode. Subdominance in total zooplankton and nonreduced metabolic activity ofC. pseudodiscophora suggest that this species may be an important link in mesopelagic energy-flow and matter cycling in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

The mesopelagic zone of the Red Sea represents an extreme environment due to low food concentrations, high temperatures and low oxygen waters. Nevertheless, a 38 kHz echosounder identified at least four distinct scattering layers during the daytime, of which the 2 deepest layers resided entirely within the mesopelagic zone. Two of the acoustic layers were found above a mesopelagic oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), one layer overlapped with the OMZ, and one layer was found below the OMZ. Almost all organisms in the deep layers migrated to the near-surface waters during the night. Backscatter from a 300 kHz lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler indicated a layer of zooplankton within the OMZ. They carried out DVM, yet a portion remained at mesopelagic depths during the night. Our acoustic measurements showed that the bulk of the acoustic backscatter was restricted to waters shallower than 800 m, suggesting that most of the biomass in the Red Sea resides above this depth.  相似文献   

Seasonal lipid dynamics of the copepod Pseudocalanus acuspes were studied in the Bornholm Basin (Central Baltic Sea) on a monthly basis from March 2002 until March 2003 and were interpreted in light of life cycle strategies and diet selection. The individual total lipid content of females ranged from 0.9 to 1.8 μg, with relative wax ester content reaching a significant maximum in May (44% of total lipids) and minimum (17% of total lipids) in April and November. Significant changes in size, lipid content, lipid classes and fatty acid composition of structural as well as storage lipids suggested five characteristic seasonal phases that were induced by different feeding histories and environmental conditions. Storage lipids were characterized by 18:1(n−9) as major component, which ranged between 44% of total fatty acids in June and 23% in February. The strong coherence between 18:1(n−9) in the seston lipids and the occurrence of ciliates emphasized the importance of ciliates in the diet of P. acuspes. As indicated by changes in the amounts of fatty acid markers, other food sources varied over the year, suggesting an opportunistic feeding behavior. The spring period was characterized by an increase in typical diatom and dinoflagellate markers, whereas other sources, potentially cyanobacteria, became more important during summer. The life cycle strategy is discussed with respect to extant adaptations to high latitudinal habitats.  相似文献   

High-speed microcinematography was used to examine the effects of prior experience with particular cell types on the feeding efficiency of a calanoid copepod. Female Eucalanus pileatus were fed monocultures of either the 5-m diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana or the 11-m diatom T. weissflogii during a 2-to 3-d preconditioning period. The smaller diatoms are accumulated passively by the second maxillae while the larger diatoms are detected and actively captured as individual cells. Four females from each preconditioning culture were transferred to a monoculture of the large cells and their behavior filmed at five intervals over a 24-h period to determine whether a loss of efficiency occurs when the copepods must shift capture modes. Ingestion rates for females experienced with the larger cells were approximately 2.5 times higher than those of inexperienced females. Six sequential behavioral steps in the feeding process could alter ingestion rates: (1) amount of time spent flapping the feeding appendages. (2) rate of flapping of the feeding appendages, (3) ability to detect individual cells, (4) success rate of capture attempts, (5) capture and handling time per cell and (6) rejection rate of captured cells. An increased ability to detect cells and a decreased rejection rate contributed significantly to the higher ingestion rate of experienced feeders, indicating that copepods have the ability to learn during the feeding process. Grazing rates may be seriously underestimated in experiments which do not include a preconditioning period, especially those which calculate ingestion over short time intervals. Such effects may also influence the feeding of copepods in the field when encountering changes in particle spectra through vertical migration or horizontal displacement.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements have been made on the ultra-structure and capillary supply to the axial muscles of the mesopelagic hatchet fish Argyropelecus hemigymnus (Cocco, 1829). Fish were collected at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean Station 10244, 32°48N; 31°15W during November 1980, from a depth of 480 to 550 m. Mitochondria with densely packed cristae occupy 44.3% of slow-fibre volume. Each myofibril is in direct contact with a mitochondrion. Compared with other fishes studied, the capillary supply to A. hemigymnus slow fibres is poorly developed. The average number of capillaries per fibre is 0.9, such that each m of capillary contact supplies 0.011 m2 of fibre cross-sectional area. The capillary surface area (m2) supplying 1 m3 of slow-fibre mitochondria is 0.17 in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), 0.14 in rat-fish (Chimaera monstrosa), 0.14 in tench (Tinca tinca), 0.16 in catfish (Clarias mossambica), and only 0.025 for A. hemigymnus. It is suggested that, relative to the former species, some modifications in factors determining tissue oxygenation (e.g. myoglobin concentrations, blood flow, perfusion distribution or haemoglobin) and/or mitochondrial respiration rate are required in order to match oxygen supply and demand to the slow muscle in A. hemigymnus.  相似文献   

The prototype Undulating Oceanographic Recorder Mark I is an instrumented towed vehicle which can be programmed to undulate between a minimum depth of 8 m and a selected maximum depth between 15 and 70 m, with an undulation length between 3 and 30 km, at any speed between 7 and 15 knots (3.6 to 7.7 m/sec). It takes a continuous series of plankton samples, each integrated over the undulation depth range, and records data on magnetic tape, at a preselected rate between 30/min and 30/h, from which salinity, temperature and depth can be derived with accuracies of ±0.1, ±0.1C° and ±0.5 m, respectively. The instrument is automatic, self-contained and generates its own power supplies. It is towed on about 200 m of unfaired steel cable and can be handled with the winching and lifting equipment found on most research vessels. Examples of processed data from three cruises are presented: temperature and salinity contours on a vertical section through a complex stratified area in the N.W. Irish Sea; results from a survey of the waters over the continental shelf and slope to the north of Scotland, showing the distribution of water masses and associated plankton; and hydrographic data taken in Loch Etive on the west coast of Scotland.  相似文献   

三丁基锡(TBT)是一种常见于船舶防污涂料中的有机锡化合物。尽管该化学物已于2008年被禁用,但在ports和港口等海上交通区域仍可检出致毒水平(浓度)的TBT。一项补救方案在新西兰的一个港口实施,以将TBT和铜的浓度降低到可接受的(浓度)值。这项研究使用分析化学和桡足类生物测试相结合的方法评估了该方案的有效性。在港口内的三个空间梯度上采集沉积物和水样,并在修复前后测定了有机锡和金属含量。利用底栖和浮游桡足类生物测试估算了沉积物和淘析样品的毒性。虽然底泥样品的急性毒性在修复后减少,但对底栖桡足类的繁殖率仍有影响。本研究所采用的方法有望评估沿海地区修复过程的效果。  相似文献   

A double parasitism (isopod and copepod) on anchovy fish, Stolephorus commersonii Lacepede, 1803 was recorded from Parangipettai (India) coastal waters during June, 2004. This is the first report from this region and the infestation is discussed in relation to environmental parameters in this short communication.  相似文献   

For the duration of the war accident in former Yugoslavia, several industrial and military targets were burnt and damaged, resulting in a significant release of persistent organic pollutants. Locations heavily targeted in the attacks were later defined by UNEP as four “hot spots”: Kragujevac, Novi Sad, Pancevo and Bor. We analyzed concentration levels of pollutants collected in 2004 and 2005 in air samples from the city of Kragujevac, Serbia, following the war accident of 1999. Pollutants included polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT), dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE), dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethane (DDD) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). We present results obtained during air sampling campaign conducted in July 2004 by the active sampling method; and during September 2004–June 2005 by the passive sampling method. Our findings show the occurrence of residual quantities of DDT, HCH, PCBs and PAHs in air samples. High levels of PCBs are probably due to the destruction of transformers during the war accident.  相似文献   

Previous nutritional models for adults of the lucinid bivalve Lucinoma aequizonata contend that symbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria provide most of the organic carbon for the host. The existence of this symbiosis, coupled with the hosts distinctive anatomical features, shaped the impression that particulate feeding was not a significant part of L. aequizonata nutrition. Here, we use several techniques to show that particulate feeding is a consistent and important part of the L. aequizonata nutritional strategy. Histological and scanning electron microscopy observations reveal that the gills of L. aequizonata, like those of the lucinid Parvilucina tenuisculpta, have functional mucociliary epithelia, able to transport captured particles to the mouth. Observations of gut content and radiolabeled feeding experiments indicate that L. aequizonata does ingest and assimilate carbon from particulate organic matter. Furthermore, molecular identification of a broad spectrum of organisms in the guts of native adult specimens demonstrates that L. aequizonata is non-selective when ingesting organic material, and has a mixotrophic diet.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Moonlight had a significant influence on the distribution of the copepodPseudodiaptomus hessei in the water column. Copepod samples were taken between March 1986 and March 1987 in the Sundays River estuary. South Africa. Late copepodid stages and adults showed vertical differences in abundance on moonlit nights, with more animals in bottom waters, but not on dark nights. Numbers of adults present in the water column were markedly lower on full moon nights compared with new moon nights. The strongest decrease in abundance was displayed by ovigerous females. These observed distribution patterns support published predation hypotheses.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of the meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod Microarthridion littorale (Poppe) was examined with a geographic survey of a 348 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Copepods were collected from ten locations on the coast from North Carolina to Georgia, USA, from January 1997 to November 1998. Sequence divergence among 198 individuals was as much as 4.3%, and three divergent mitochondrial clades were uncovered that differed by six to nine nucleotide changes. A rapid assay was developed to distinguish among mitochondrial clades, and an additional 333 specimens were surveyed. The three lineages co-occurred in seven of ten sampling locations. Data analyses were carried out separately for individuals assayed by DNA sequencing as well as for a combined data set that included individuals typed by restriction endonuclease digestion. An analysis of molecular variance indicated that a significant proportion of the total genetic variance could be partitioned among populations, although no significant correlation between geographical and genetic distance was detected.  相似文献   

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