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李绍武  于志安  熊赞 《海洋学报》2007,29(2):137-142
在MPS无网格方法中,引进预定候选粒子集概念用以生成邻接粒子集矩阵,使该部分的机时耗费缩短为引进前的1/11;采用Bi-CGSTAB方法求解压力泊松方程,显著地提高了求解速度.模拟了孤立波在数值波浪水槽中的传播及其与直墙作用时的爬升、回落过程,结果表明模拟波面结果与解析值及实测结果基本相符,针对不同波高的孤立波计算得到的墙前最大爬升值与实测结果也是一致的.  相似文献   

The concept of candidate particle set is introduced in the MPS gridless numerical method to generate neighboring particle set matrix, which can reduce the CPU time to 1/11 of that before introduction. The Bi-CGSTAB (bi-conjugate gradient stabilized) algorithm is applied to solving the Poisson pressure equation, by which the solving speed is significantly accelerated. The process of solitary waves propagating over a numerical flume and interacting with a vertical wall is simulated. The simulated results of water surface elevation are in good agreement with the analytical solution as well as the measured data. The predicted maximum values of the run-up of solitary waves with various relative incident wave heights agree well with the measured results.  相似文献   

蒋昌波  徐进  邓斌  陈杰  屈科 《海洋工程》2020,38(3):1-11
为研究近岸植物的非均匀分布对海啸波的消减作用,采用非静压单相流模型计算了5种不同密度分布植物与孤立波的相互作用,分析不同密度分布植物对海啸的消波特性。结果表明在植物总株数相同时,具有不同分布密度植物的消波效果相近,透射波波高差小于3%、最大流速差小于5.4%,但是不同植物密度分布情况下植物区前的反射系数有所不同,反射系数最大差为80.2%。此外,所有分布的植物区对波高和流速的透射系数随着波高和植物区长度变化的趋势是一样的,在不同入射波高和植物区长度情况下5种分布均呈现出相似的沿程衰减机制。  相似文献   

近岸植被对波浪爬坡具有一定的衰减作用。在自然界中,由于植被的死亡、再生或人为破坏等原因,近岸植被通常呈片状分布,且其内部分布也是不均匀的。本文以完全非线性Boussinesq方程为基础,引入植被作用项,建立了模拟近岸植被区波浪传播的数值模型,验证了模型可靠性,进而采用该模型模拟分析了片状分布植被对孤立波爬高的影响。数值模拟结果表明,片状分布植被能有效减小孤立波爬高;对于均匀分布的片状植被,高密度片状植被对孤立波爬高的消减效果优于低密度片状植被;对于相同密度、不同分布形式的片状植被,均匀分布的片状植被对孤立波的消减效果优于不均匀分布的片状植被;对于不均匀分布的片状植被,前密后疏的片状植被对孤立波的消减效果优于前疏后密的片状植被。  相似文献   

蒋昌波  徐进  邓斌  陈杰  屈科 《海洋通报》2019,38(5):591-600
基于非静压单相流模型NHWAVE,设计不同的计算工况,系统研究了规则波与非规则波作用下,非淹没刚性植物的消波特性。将计算结果和实验数据进行对比分析,验证了非静压模型NHWAVE计算植物消波特性的准确性。进一步研究了波高、周期和水深等因素对植物消波特性的影响,探讨了植物消波特性与这些水动力因素的内在联系。结果表明:非淹没刚性植物的消波效率受波高和周期的影响较大,水深对消波效率的影响很小。由于波浪非线性的影响,基于线性波理论的消波理论模型对植物消波能力的估计偏小。  相似文献   

建立了基于OpenFOAM动边界的类fixedValuePointPatchVectorField继承的仿物理造波数值波浪水槽。对孤立波在三种不同潜礁地形上的行进、爬坡以及破碎等典型过程进行数值模拟,模拟结果与Boussinesq模型及物理模型试验所得结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,采用动边界进行仿物理造波更适合处理波高水深比较大的孤立波传播问题,可以较好地模拟孤立波在潜礁上传播引起的波浪破碎、水跃等现象。  相似文献   

基于MCC理论的内孤立波数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于MCC(Miyata-Choi-Camassa)理论,将内孤立波诱导上下层深度平均水平速度为入口条件,结合理想流体完全非线性欧拉方程,建立了两层流体中内孤立波生成与传播的CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)数值水槽方法。在系列数值模拟基础上,获得了内孤立波设计振幅与数值模拟振幅之间的相关关系,实现了在振幅可控条件下的内孤立波数值模拟。结果表明,在极限振幅范围内,数值模拟所得内孤立波波形均与MCC理论解吻合良好,而KdV(Korteweg-de Vries)和mKdV(modi-fied KdV)理论解只适用于小振幅的情况。同时,利用CFD数值模拟结果,对内孤立波诱导流速场特性进行了分析,结果表明内孤立波诱导水平速度在上层及波面下方流体层中垂向衰减很小,但在内界面与波面之间流体层中垂向衰减明显。  相似文献   

孤立波是浅海水域中经常出现的一种波动现象,常用来描述海啸和风暴等引起的巨浪以及波长较长的表面波的某些特性。采用"水体瞬间坍塌"的方法产生孤立波,在二维波浪水槽内进行系列实验。实验结果表明,产生的孤立波波高与水深之比可达1.29;箱体宽度及箱内水体高度对波高影响较大;得到孤立波波高计算公式,可较好地反映孤立波波高与箱体宽度、水深和箱内水体高度之间的变化关系,并给出了公式的适用范围。  相似文献   

基于二维不可压缩两相流模型建立了数值风浪水槽,采用SST k-ω雷诺时均湍流模型,研究了风作用下孤立波在珊瑚礁上的传播变形规律。将计算结果与实验数据对比,证明了该两相流模型计算孤立波在珊瑚礁上传播的准确性,并进一步分析了不同风速对珊瑚礁上孤立波传播变形的影响。结果表明:风的作用会使波面发生随机脉动特征。当地波高随风速的增大而增大;当地波高关于风速的变化梯度随入射波高的增大而增大。风的作用会加快孤立波的传播并且使孤立波提前发生破碎;孤立波开始破碎的位置随风速的增大向远离礁坪的方向移动。反射系数随风速的增大而增大;反射系数关于风速的变化梯度随入射波高的增大而减小;透射系数随风速的增大呈增大趋势。平底区波峰剖面同一水深处的水平流速随风速的增大而增大;且一定的风速不改变水平流速沿水深的变化梯度。有风时波面上方的矢量密度和大小均明显高于无风时且与风速呈正相关,并且波峰上方气流不再循环。随着风速的增大,水气交界面附近的正涡量和负湍流剪应力减小,负涡量和正湍流剪应力增大。水体动能、势能和总能达到高值的时间随风速的增大而减少;水体动能、势能和总能随风速的增大而增大,并且风速对水体动能的相对影响大于势能。  相似文献   

在理论分析的基础上利用根、茎、叶均可量化的植物模型,开展波浪水槽实验。通过改变实验水深、入射波高、植物分布密度等因素,研究不规则波在植物群传播时沿程波高衰减特性,利用快速傅里叶变换对不规则波频谱变化情况进行分析。结果表明,各植物模型消波效果较好,但很少出现植物消波的边界效应,不规则波沿植物群的波高变化情况多数时与Mendez理论曲线不一致,植物群各部分的波能衰减情况并无固定的变化规律。此外,波能衰减集中在谱峰频率处,且入射波高越大,透射波与入射波之间的谱峰值差值越大,但透射波的频谱宽度与入射波相比无明显变化。本研究可为采用近岸植物消波护岸提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Analysis of a comprehensive dataset of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired over the sea area around the Mascarene Plateau in the western Indian Ocean reveals, for the first time, the full two-dimensional spatial structure of internal solitary waves in this region of the ocean. The satellite SAR images show that powerful internal waves radiate both to the west and east from a central sill near 12.5°S, 61°E between the Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks. To first order, the waves appear in tidally generated packets on both sides of the sill, and those on the western side have crest lengths in excess of 350 km, amongst the longest yet recorded anywhere in the world's oceans. The propagation characteristics of these internal waves are well described by first mode linear waves interacting with background shear taken from the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC), a large part of which flows through the sill in question. Analysis of the timings and locations of the packets indicates that both the westward- and eastward-traveling waves are generated from the western side of the sill at the predicted time of maximum tidal flow to the west. The linear generation mechanism is therefore proposed as the splitting of a large lee wave that forms on the western side of the sill, in a similar manner to that already identified for the shelf break generation of internal waves in the northern Bay of Biscay. While lee waves should form on either side of the sill in an oscillatory tidal flow, that on the western side would be expected to be much larger than that on the eastern side because of a superposition of the tidal flow and the steady westward flow of SEC. The existence of a large lee wave at the right time in the tidal cycle is then finally confirmed by direct observations. Our study also confirms the existence of second mode internal waves that form on the western side of the sill and travel across the sill towards the east.  相似文献   

基于水槽实验,研究植物对孤立波作用下直立堤局部冲刷的影响。通过改变实验入射波高、植物带的宽度和密度,分析各要素对直立堤局部冲刷的影响。实验对波高沿程变化、孤立波越堤、回落过程以及地形演变进行全程的测量和记录,并进行有无植物带保护的直立堤局部冲刷对比分析。结果表明,植物带的存在,使得堤后相对最大冲刷深度显著减小,堤前冲刷形态由单峰式"L"型变为双峰式淤积沙坝形态,且冲刷位置由原堤脚前移至植物带所在位置,冲刷范围大幅增加。减小植物带密度或者植物带宽度会使近岸侧或是离岸侧的相对最大冲刷深度和相对最大淤积高度有增大的趋势,但是当入射波高增大时,二者的影响不显著。该研究对实际工程中植物带的合理布置提出了具有参考性的建议,对减少堤防工程的冲刷和损失有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

为准确模拟孤立波在岸礁地形上的传播和爬坡,采用基于完全非线性Boussinesq方程开发的Funwave-TVD模型,探究模型的可行性,并利用验证后的模型进一步研究岸礁各地形因素对孤立波爬高的影响。研究结果表明:模型能准确模拟孤立波在岸礁陡变地形上的传播及变形,摩擦系数对礁前陡坡及礁坪上的波浪传播模拟影响不大,但对爬坡预测的敏感性较强;模型空间步长可适当增大,提高计算效率;随着礁坪宽度的增大以及礁后斜坡的变缓,孤立波爬坡高度下降明显,而礁前陡坡坡度变化对孤立波爬坡高度影响不大。  相似文献   

The volume of fluid(VOF)method is used to set up a wave flume with an absorbing wavemaker of cnoidal waves.Based on the transfer function between wave surface and paddle velocity obtained bythe shallow water wave theory,the velocity boundary condition of an absorbing wave maker is introduced toabsorb reflected waves that reach the numerical wave maker.For H/d ranging from 0.1 to 0.59 and T(g/d)~(1/2)from 7.9 to 18.3,the parametric studies have been carried out and compared with experiments.  相似文献   

近岸波浪在刚性植被区域传播的数值模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于扩展型Boussinesq水波方程,建立了波浪在刚性植被覆盖的近岸海域传播的数值模型。通过在动量方程源项中引入拖曳阻力项考虑植被对波浪的衰减作用。控制方程采用有限差分和有限体积混合格式求解,模型稳定性强,具备间断捕捉能力,能有效模拟近岸区域波浪的传播变形、破碎和处理海岸动边界问题。利用所建立模型对典型物理模型实验进行模拟,计算结果与实验结果吻合良好,表明模型可用于波浪在刚性植被覆盖海域的数值计算。  相似文献   

- In this paper, the solitary wave deformation along a gentle slope and the impact pressure, on the wall are investigated experimentally and the results are compared with numerical results obtained based on the volume of fluid (VOF) method. The topography used in the experiment consists of three segments. The left segment is a 1:4 slope, the middle segment 1 :SO slope and the right segment a horizontal bed. Both the wave heights and breaking points obtained from numerical simulation and experiments are in good agreement. Numerical results give reasonable pressure distributions of breaking waves on the wall.  相似文献   

The degree to which incident wind waves are attenuated over intertidal surfaces is critical to the development of coastal wetlands, which are, amongst other processes, affected by the delivery, erosion, and/or resuspension of sediment due to wave action. Knowledge on wave attenuation over saltmarsh surfaces is also essential for accurate assessments of their natural sea-defence value to be made and incorporated into sea defence and management schemes. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the use of a digital photographic method for the quantification of marsh vegetation density and then to investigate the relative roles played by hydrodynamic controls and vegetation density/type in causing the attenuation of incident waves over a macro-tidal saltmarsh.Results show that a significant statistical relationship exists between the density of vegetation measured in side-on photographs and the dry biomass of the photographed vegetation determined through direct harvesting. The potential of the digital photographic method for the spatial and temporal comparison of marsh surface vegetation biomass, density, and canopy structure is highlighted and the method was applied to assess spatial and seasonal differences in vegetation density and their effect on wave attenuation at three locations on a macro-tidal saltmarsh on Dengie Peninsula, Essex, UK. In this environmental setting, vegetation density/type did not have a significant direct effect on wave attenuation but modified the process of wave transformation under different hydrodynamic conditions. At the two locations, characterised by a relatively tall canopy (15–26 cm) with biomass values of 430–500 g m−2, dominated by Spartina spp. (>70% of total dry biomass), relative incident wave height (wave height/water depth) is identified as a statistically significant dominant positive control on wave attenuation up to a threshold value of 0.55, beyond which wave attenuation showed no significant further increase. At the third location, characterised by only slightly less biomass (398 g m−2) but a shorter (6 cm) canopy of the annual Salicornia spp., no significant relationship existed between wave attenuation and relative wave height. Seasonally (between September and December) significant temporal increase/decrease in vegetation density occurred in one of the Spartina canopies and in the Salicornia canopy, respectively, and led to an expected (but not statistically significant) increase/decrease in wave attenuation. The wider implications of these findings in the context of form–process interactions on saltmarshes and their effect on marsh evolution are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于FLUENT软件建立数值波浪水槽,研究椭圆余弦内波及其对墩柱的作用。椭圆余弦内波的生成采用推板造波方法,自由面捕获采用VOF方法。首先,模拟了椭圆余弦内波的生成,比较了不同周期和波高下椭圆余弦内波的波浪形态。然后,在特定的周期和波高条件下模拟了三维椭圆余弦内波对单个墩柱及多个敦柱的作用;分析了各墩柱上受到的惯性力和粘性力的变化趋势,并对不同墩柱下的总波浪力进行了对比;得出了墩柱上受到的波浪力也呈现周期性变化并且在波浪前进方向上后墩柱的受力小于靠前墩柱的结论。  相似文献   

提出了一种对内孤立波与深海立管相互作用耦合数值模拟方法。流场采用内孤立波数值水槽方法进行模拟,结构响应采用基于薄壳理论的有限元方法进行计算,采用一种将流场和结构响应数据进行实时传输的方法,实现了流体与固体之间的耦合数值模拟。对内孤立波作用下某长径比为1 200的深海立管载荷及其动力响应特性进行了数值模拟与分析。结果表明内孤立波不仅会对深海立管产生突发性剪切载荷作用,而且还会使立管产生大幅度变形响应现象,因此在深海立管设计与应用中,内孤立波的影响是不可忽视的。研究表明,该方法为研究内孤立波作用下深海立管动力特性及其工程预报相关问题提供了一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

龚尚鹏  陈杰  蒋昌波  童忠武 《海洋工程》2020,38(2):65-72,82
近岸植物带能有效削弱波浪作用,植物带消浪影响因素分析对布置护岸工程、维护岸线稳定有重要意义。在模型实验基础上,探究相对波高、模型相对宽度、模型相对高度和体积分数对透射系数的影响。设置波浪水槽试验,研究孤立波在不同水深、入射波高及植物排布方式等组合条件下对植物消浪效果的影响。采用遗传编程法得出各复杂度下的透射系数计算公式,并分析各参数在方程中的表现情况,发现遗传编程能定性给出参数的敏感度。相比于非线性回归拟合结果,遗传编程方法得到的函数关系更加精确。采用人工神经网络方法进一步分析与验证各影响因素对植物消浪效果的影响程度,结果表明人工神经网络得出的结果与遗传编程方法相近,体积分数对消浪效果起主导作用。  相似文献   

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