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The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with species continuity equations which govern the transpiration cooling at hypersonic Mach numbers are solved numerically. The flowfield variables over a flat plate are computed at a flow Mach number of 8.5 with helium and carbon dioxide as coolant gases. The analysis shows that the transpiration cooling has significant effect on the flowfield profiles, reduces the heat transfer and skin friction at the wall and increases the boundary layer thickness. Helium gas is found to be a relatively more effective coolant in transpiration cooling. Present address: Visiting Faculty, ISWRC, IFS, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (e-mail: psk@rainbow.ifs.tohoku.ac.jp)Paper presented in the 9th Asian congress of fluid mechanics (9th ACFM), May 27-31, 2002, Isfahan, Iran  相似文献   

Transpiration cooling using ceramic matrix composite materials is an innovative concept for cooling rocket thrust chambers. The coolant (air) is driven through the porous material by a pressure difference between the coolant reservoir and the turbulent hot gas flow. The effectiveness of such cooling strategies relies on a proper choice of the involved process parameters such as injection pressure, blowing ratios, and material structure parameters, to name only a few. In view of the limited experimental access to the subtle processes occurring at the interface between hot gas flow and porous medium, reliable and accurate simulations become an increasingly important design tool. In order to facilitate such numerical simulations for a carbon/carbon material mounted in the side wall of a hot gas channel that are able to capture a spatially varying interplay between the hot gas flow and the coolant at the interface, we formulate a model for the porous medium flow of Darcy–Forchheimer type. A finite‐element solver for the corresponding porous medium flow is presented and coupled with a finite‐volume solver for the compressible Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional results at Mach number Ma = 0.5 and hot gas temperature THG=540 K for different blowing ratios are compared with experimental data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes static characteristics of heat engineering processes which tend to instability. Hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of a two-phase transpiration cooling system are plotted based on the solution of a nonlinear closed system of differential equations describing the hydrodynamics and heat transfer of a filtering coolant with unknown position of the surface of its equilibrium phase transformation. The study of aperiodic stability of two-phase transpiration cooling with different static characteristics yields the same results, while the use of each characteristic separately makes it possible to detect permissible disturbances of an appropriate characteristic parameter. With the use of a set of static characteristics, permissible disturbances of all of the characteristic parameters can be found and the peculiarities of stable two-phase transpiration cooling can be revealed.  相似文献   

The present paper tests the capability of a standard Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) turbulence model for predicting the turbulent heat transfer in a generic trailing-edge situation with a cutback on the pressure side of the blade. The model investigated uses a gradient-diffusion assumption with a scalar turbulent-diffusivity and constant turbulent Prandtl number. High-fidelity Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) were performed for three blowing ratios to provide reliable target data and the mean velocity and eddy viscosity as input for the heat transfer model testing. Reasonably good agreement between the LES and recent experiments was achieved for mean flow and turbulence statistics. The LES yielded coherent structures which were analysed, in particular with respect to their effect on the turbulent heat transfer. For increasing blowing ratio, the LES replicated an also experimentally observed counter-intuitive decrease of the cooling effectiveness caused by the coherent structures becoming stronger. In contrast, the RANS turbulent heat transfer model failed in predicting this behaviour and yielded significantly too high cooling effectiveness. It is shown that the model cannot predict the strong upstream and wall-directed turbulent heat fluxes caused by large coherent structures, which were found to be responsible for the counter-intuitive decrease of the cooling effectiveness.  相似文献   

Spray and jet cooling in steel rolling   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Prediction and control of roll and strip cooling are necessary in modern steel mills because they not only affect the process efficiency but also strongly influence the quality of rolled products. In this article, relationships among metallurgy, heat transfer, and control of the cooling system in steel rolling are first discussed. Heat transfer characteristics associated with the water spray and jet cooling used in rolling processes are then studied. The effects of important convective heat transfer parameters on cooling perormance for both stationary and moving surfaces are examined. Results indicate that local heat fluxes up to 20 × 106 W/m2 are observed in the nucleate boiling regime. The present results are compared with typical boiling heat transfer studies in terms of heat fluxes, heat transfer coefficients, spray rate, and cooling efficiency. The effect of surface motion is found to increase the cooling efficiency of roll and strip cooling. Finally, implementation of the present finding in roll and strip cooling to thermomechanical processing in steel rolling is proposed.  相似文献   

Spray impingement has been a major interest of researchers in the areas of spray cooling, internal combustion, fire suppression and spray cooling, etc. for a long time. Numerous studies have been done in the area of spray cooling. Spray cooling with phase change takes advantage of relatively large amounts of latent heat and is capable of removing high heat fluxes from the surface, which has generated the interest of many researchers. In this paper, the turbulent characteristics of vapor formed during the spray impingement are studied. Water and gasoline are used in the numerical analysis of the two‐phase spray impingement on a heated wall. Hybrid turbulence modeling was used for the analysis where the subgrid scale model was employed away from the wall and k–ε model was used near the wall. Gasoline, at 298 K, was sprayed on the heated wall, kept constant at 650 K. The surrounding temperature was maintained at 400 K at the start of the simulation. In case of water and gasoline at Reynolds number 2750, the heated wall was kept constant at 400 K and the surrounding temperature was maintained at 298 K at the start of the simulations. The nozzle diameter of 100µm was used for this study, with the nozzle plate spacing ratio at 10. The spray was impinged on the flat plate at angles of 0, 15, and 30°. Root mean‐squared velocities and turbulent heat flux were plotted in the water spray impingement for the different angles of impingement. The effect of turbulence on the heat transfer was observed. The effect of vortex motion on the turbulent heat flux values was analyzed using different Reynolds numbers of impingement and at different angles in case of gasoline. The turbulent heat flux attained the maximum values with high vortex formation. Upwash of fluid transported heat away from the wall, producing higher heat flux values in the region. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical and experimental investigations on the influence of nonuniform initial temperature on the transient heat transfer measurements are presented in this paper. The case of film cooling is investigated. When the initial wall temperature is nonuniform, the results of heat transfer coefficient and film cooling effectiveness, which are calculated by the equations derived with constant initial temperature, could deviate from the true values badly, especially in the condition of short test duration. Using initial wall temperature which is higher than the real values causes the results of heat transfer coefficient and film cooling effectiveness lower than the true values. And lower initial wall temperature produces higher results of heat transfer coefficient and film cooling effectiveness. However, when the initial temperature distribution in the region where conduction plays more influence on the wall surface temperature than the convection is well fitted by the cubic polynomial, accurate results can be obtained by the new equation which is derived from 1-D unsteady conduction model with nonuniform initial wall temperature. Some suggestions are also introduced to reduce the influence of nonuniform initial temperature when the initial temperature distribution is difficult to obtain and the equation derived from constant initial temperature has to be employed.  相似文献   

注塑成型在塑料工业生产中占据重要地位,注塑模具的散热能力影响着塑料制品的生产效率以及产品质量.本文基于变密度拓扑优化方法,以最小化结构平均温度为目标,研究了注塑模具冷却管道的拓扑优化问题.由于在注塑成型过程中模具会受到注塑机施加的克服塑件胀模力的巨大锁模力,故本文还将模具结构承载性能作为优化的评价指标.最终基于开源平台...  相似文献   

Two-loop refrigeration systems are being explored for two-phase cooling of ultra high power electronic components. For effective and efficient thermal management of electronic systems, active control methods are desired to suppress inherent flow instabilities especially in transient applications. This paper presents a framework for the transient analysis and active control of pressure-drop flow instabilities under varying imposed heat loads. The external effects on boiling flow characteristics and the boiling oscillatory flow responses to transient heat load changes are studied. Flow instability margins can be quantitatively predicted from an analytical two-phase flow model. In addition, the effects of wall thermal inertia on flow oscillations is systematically investigated. Based on the theoretical analysis of oscillatory flow boiling of refrigerants, a set of active control schemes are developed and studied to suppress flow oscillations and to increase the critical heat flux. With the available control devices – inlet valve and supply pump – different active control schemes are studied to improve the transient two-phase cooling performance.  相似文献   

A rescaling methodology is developed for high-fidelity, cost-efficient direct numerical simulations (DNS) of flow through porous media, modelled at mesoscopic scale, in a hypersonic freestream. The simulations consider a Mach 5 hypersonic flow over a flat plate with coolant injection from a porous layer with 42 % porosity. The porous layer is designed using a configuration studied in the literature, consisting of a staggered arrangement of cylinder/sphere elements. A characteristic Reynolds number Rec of the flow in a pore cell unit is first used to impose aerodynamic similarity between different porous layers with the same porosity, , but different pore size. A relation between the pressure drop and the Reynolds number is derived to allow a controlled rescaling of the pore size from the realistic micrometre scales to higher and more affordable scales. Results of simulations carried out for higher cylinder diameters, namely 24 μm, 48 μm and 96 μm, demonstrate that an equivalent Darcy-Forchheimer behaviour to the reference experimental microstructure is obtained at the different pore sizes. The approach of a porous layer with staggered spheres is applied to a 3D domain case of porous injection in the Darcy limit over a flat plate, to study the transition mechanism and the associated cooling performance, in comparison with a reference case of slot injection. Results of the direct numerical simulations show that porous injection in an unstable boundary layer leads to a more rapid transition process, compared to slot injection. On the other hand, the mixing of coolant within the boundary layer is enhanced in the porous injection case, both in the immediate outer region of the porous layer and in the turbulent region. This has the beneficial effect of increasing the cooling performance by reducing the temperature near the wall, which provides a higher cooling effectiveness, compared to the slot injection case, even with an earlier transition to turbulence.  相似文献   

To predict small particle diffusional mass transfer (deposition), including particle thermophoresis, transpiration cooling and variable properties, the coupled ordinary differential equations governing self-similar laminar boundary layers are solved numerically. Under typical combustion turbine conditions, although diffusional deposition rates can be dramatically reduced by transpiration cooling (eg by some 5-decades for mainstream submicron particles corresponding to a Schmidt number of about 102 (or dp ≈ 0.7 × 10?2μm) and a wall transpiration-cooled to TwTe = 0.8) actual deposition rate reductions will be smaller than previously expected (by about 1 decade for particles with Sc ≈ 102), owing to thermophoretic particle drift ‘caused’ by the colder wall. Such micro-droplets, small enough to behave like ‘heavy molecules’ in combustion systems, are often important because they can cause adherence of the much larger, supermicron, ash particles which inertially impact on the same surface  相似文献   

An important goal of spray cooling research is the ability to predict local heat transfer from the spray hydrodynamics. It is postulated that the local normal pressure exerted by the spray onto the heated surface can be used to obtain the local heat transfer coefficient. This hypothesis was tested using data obtained from hollow cone, full cone, and linear sprays at four nozzle pressures and three stand-off distances. A correlation between the pressure and heat transfer coefficient was determined from the data, then used to “predict” the heat transfer coefficient to verify the accuracy of the correlation. The area averaged heat transfer coefficient could be predicted within 25%, indicating that pressure can be used to predict the local heat transfer coefficient in the single-phase regime.  相似文献   

The heat transfer characteristics of a planar free water jet normally or obliquely impinging onto a flat substrate were investigated experimentally. The planar jet issued from a rectangular slot nozzle with a cross section of 1.62 mm × 40 mm. The mean velocity at the nozzle exit ranged from 1.5 to 6.1 m s−1. The corresponding Reynolds number range based on the nozzle gap and the mean velocity was 2200–8800. Constant heat-flux conditions were employed at the solid surface. Various impingement angles between the vertical planar jet and the inclined solid surface were investigated: 90° (normal collision), 70°, 60°, and 50°. In the case of normal collisions, the Nusselt number is high at the impingement line, and decreases with departures from it. The stagnation Nusselt numbers were compared to the predictions of several correlations proposed by other researchers. In oblique collisions, the profiles of the local Nusselt numbers are asymmetric. The locations of the peak Nusselt numbers do not coincide with the geometric center of the planar jet on the surface.  相似文献   

In an open recirculating system with a cooling tower, there are favorable conditions for the development of corrosion and fouling problems. These problems arise from the operating conditions and constant contamination of cooling water. A deep analysis of the system should provide the solutions for those problems. In the Sociedade Portuguesa de Oxigénio, SA, plant, a phosphate-based cooling water treatment ensures low corrosion rates. However, the fouling of heat exchange surfaces is promoted by the cooling water contamination. This contamination may result from the makeup water or from the air scrubbed in the tower. The fouling lowers the process efficiency and makes shutdowns for cleaning necessary. The air pollution produced by a neighboring plant is the main cause for fouling. To solve this problem, a decision was made to invest in equipment for makeup water treatment and reduce the stagnation conditions in the heat exchangers. It was also decided to hold negotiations to persuade the polluting company to reduce the particle emission to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Microprocessor power dissipation is constantly increasing. An increase in microprocessor size has also resulted in higher heat fluxes. The growth of information technology has rapidly increased over the past few years, causing an increase in the demand for a microprocessor that has a very high computing ability. The previous generation of central processing units (CPU) had 1.17 billion transistors planted in it, which indicates that a significant amount of heat was generated. The total heat dissipation resulting from a high end CPU is approximately 110-140 W, which will increase if the CPU voltage and frequency increase. Conventional air-cooled cooling systems are no longer adequate to remove these heat fluxes. For a number of applications, direct air-cooling systems will have to be replaced or enhanced by other high performance compact cooling techniques. In this study, the application of nanofluids as the working fluid on a heat pipe liquid-block combined with thermoelectric cooling is investigated. The type and effect of volume concentrations of nanofluids, coolant temperature, and thermoelectricsystem as heat pumps of a PC on the CPU’s temperature are considered. The results obtained from this technique are compared to those from other conventional cooling techniques. The heat pipe liquid-block combined with the thermoelectric system has a significant effect on heat transfer from the CPU. The higher thermal performance heat pipe liquid-block and thermoelectric cooled system with nanofluids proved its potential as a working fluid.  相似文献   

Analytical conditions and practical methods of their realization are proposed to solve a problem of a command signal tracking for a nonlinear disturbed system.Non- linear disturbed plants consisting of linear dynamic block and nonlinear block in feedback are considered.Nonlinear part of the plant and disturbance are unknown and bounded. The paper illustrates a possibility of applications of proposed algorithms to control libra- tion angle of satellite.  相似文献   

The modelling of one kind of nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter control system with moving boundary, which had extensive applications was presented. Two methods were used to investigate the basic characteristics of the system: 1) transforming the system in the variable domain into that in the fixed domain; 2) transforming the distributed parameter system into the lumped parameter system. It is found that there are two critical values for the control variable: the larger one determines whether or not the boundary would move, while the smaller one determines whether or not the boundary would stop automatically. For one-dimensional system of planar, cylindrical and spherical cases the definite solution problem can be expressed as a unified form. By means of the computer simulation the open-loop control system and close-cycle feedback control system have been investigated. Numerical results agree well with theoretical results. The computer simulation shows that the system is well posed, stable, measurable and controllable. Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (59936140) Biographies:ZHOU Jian-jun (1953-); XU Yan-hou (1933-)  相似文献   

针对带分布参数体系地震响应控制问题,建立带分布参数体系的运动控制方程,推导出应用于带分布参数体系的序列最优模态控制算法。根据序列最优模态控制算法振动控制时对结构全状态反馈的需要,提出了针对序列最优模态控制算法的全维状态观测器,形成基于全维状态观测器的序列最优模态控制算法,然后通过测量容易测量的结构地震响应,由全维状态观...  相似文献   

IntroductionIntheactivitiessuchastheaerospaceengineeringheatprotection[1,2 ],thelarge_scaleconcretepouring ,thechemicalproduction ,thepowdermetallurgyandthefiresafetyengineering[3,4],thereisonekindofnonlinearparabolicdistributedparametercontrolsystemwithmovi…  相似文献   

Yabuno  Hiroshi 《Nonlinear dynamics》1997,12(3):263-274
For a parametrically excited Duffing system we propose a bifurcation control method in order to stabilize the trivial steady state in the frequency response and in order to eliminate jump in the force response, by employing a combined linear-plus-nonlinear feedback control. Because the bifurcation of the system is characterized by its modulation equations, we first determine the order of the feedback gain so that the feedback modifies the modulation equations. By theoretically analyzing the modified modulation equations, we show that the unstable region of the trivial steady state can be shifted and the nonlinear character can be changed, by means of the bifurcation control with the above feedback. The shift of the unstable region permits the stabilization of the trivial steady state in the frequency response, and the suppression of the discontinuous bifurcation due to the change of the nonlinear character allows the elimination of the jump in the quasistationary force response. Furthermore, by performing numerical simulations, and by comparing the responses of the uncontrolled system and the controlled one, we clarify that the proposed bifurcation control is available for the stabilization of the trivial steady state in the frequency response and for the reduction of the jump in the nonstationary force response.  相似文献   

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