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通过对海南省南保港附近海面SIR-C/X-SAR全极化数据的定量研究,对比研究了该海面不同风区海面的全极化信息特征,定量分析了海面散射的极化信息和极化状态的空间结构情况:用散射矩阵的迹解释了不同海区的散射强度对应关系:对比海面散射极化响应可以确定不同成长类型的粗糙海面类型;用极化响应图的对称特点界定“长尺度”和“短尺度”海面;建立全极化海面散射模型。讨论了海面电磁散射的贡献与雷达系统参数之间的定量  相似文献   

因为星载雷达高度计风速资料有沿轨分辨率高、精度高的特点,对其进行深入研究有重要意义.在中国海洋二号动力环境卫星刚刚升空之际,对星载雷达高度计反演海面风速围内外研究进展作一个综述.首先介绍星载雷达高度计风速反演的理论依据及存在困难;然后以风速反演进展历程为主线,分别针对后向散射系数、波浪状态、降雨、白沫等物理量引入地球物...  相似文献   

岸基C波段和X波段雷达观测海面后向散射系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了1992年4月中旬在浙江宁波北仑港进行的岸基X波段及C波段观测海面雷达后向散射系数σ°现场实验的部分结果,并对σ°、入射角θ、风速U及相对方位角X的关系作了讨论。实验表明,当风速在2.2~11.5m/s时,对于HH、VV及HV极化:(1)当20°≤θ<65°时,对于X波段和C波段,σ°和exp(θ/θ。)成正比,且θ。在5°~8°之间;(2)对于X波段,当θ≤65°时。σ°比于Ur,在45°入射角VV极化时,r=1.49;(3)σ°在逆风时接近最大,在侧风时接近最小。  相似文献   

给出了光散射、后向散射以及拉曼后向散射等基本概念,推导了后向散射截面与后向散射微分截面的基本关系,以及散射微分截面的计算公式。同时还得出了振动拉曼散射、振动一转动拉曼散射、转动拉曼散射、瑞利散射之间的关系。提出了利用647nm红光的拉曼后向散射检测海面以及区分海面与陆地的方法,可以有效地提高机载激光海洋测深的精度。  相似文献   

ERS散射计风速资料反演海面粗糙度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先提出了一个利用海面风场计算海面粗糙度(空气动力学粗糙长度)的模式。应用ERS-1/2散射计风速资料,对我国南海海域的海面粗糙度进行了初步的研究。卫星散射计测风具有高精度和高空间分辨率等特点,这对于研究海面粗糙度及波长、周期和波陡等波浪信息研究提供了坚实的数据基础。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种白冠海面的小入射角星载雷达后向散射模型,模型包括海面非波浪破碎部分和波浪破碎部分的后向散射.在风的作用下,海浪破碎形成白冠,对星载雷达的后向散射信号造成影响.文中利用热带降雨测绘任务卫星搭载的降雨雷达(TRMM PR)和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的时空匹配数据集,拟合得出小入射角下星载雷达海面波浪...  相似文献   

基于南海北部海面PY30-1石油平台气象站测风仪2011年7月19日—2012年9月17日实测的风场数据,分别开展了对卫星搭载的ASCAT和HY-2散射计所测风场数据的比较研究,分析散射计的测风能力(选取的时空窗口为30 min和25 km)。结果表明:在南海北部海域,ASCAT 散射计所测风速和PY30-1石油平台气象站观测风速的均方根误差为2.53 m/s,风向偏差较大,均方根误差为47.87°;HY-2散射计所测风速和PY30-1石油平台气象站观测风速的均方根误差为3.41 m/s,风向的均方根误差为58.66°。分别按低、中和高风速的不同条件将ASCAT和HY-2散射计所测的风场数据与PY30-1石油平台气象站观测的风场数据加以比较可知,ASCAT和HY-2散射计都具有较好的测风能力, 前者所测风速与PY30-1石油平台气象站测风仪观测风速的均方根误差稍小于后者。在150 min和15 km的时空窗口下,ASCAT与HY-2散射计所测风速的均方根误差为0.72 m/s,风向的均方根误差为8.50°。  相似文献   

具有泡沫白帽的粗糙海面的后向散射   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用迭代法求解离散球形粒子的矢量辐射传输方程和随机粗糙界面的边界条件,得到了强风驱使下产生泡沫白帽散射粒子的双尺度随机粗糙海面模型的后向散射.利用修正的Cox和Munk的海面大尺度起伏概率密度函数和Pierson的海面波高谱,得到了后向散射的数值结果,定量地给出了后向散射和风场大小、方向、视角、极化等特征参数之间的函数关系,并与实验数据进行了很好的比较和讨论.  相似文献   

HY-2A卫星雷达高度计海面高度测量分析与评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HY-2A卫星是我国首颗自主海洋动力环境卫星,已连续运行6年多。卫星上搭载的主载荷雷达高度计能够实现全天候、全天时全球海面高度、有效波高和海面风速的观测,这些观测数据已经广泛用于海洋防灾减灾、资源开发和海上安全等领域。为了全面了解HY-2A卫星雷达高度计多年来的整体观测性能,本文选取了2012年10月26日至2017年8月27日间的全部观测数据IGDR产品进行综合评价。通过自交叉和与Jason-2互交叉两种手段对HY-2A卫星雷达高度计测高能力进行评估。计算HY-2A升降轨自交叉点的测高不符值,发现HY-2A卫星雷达高度计在近全球海域内、升降轨高度异常差小于30cm的限制条件下,平均绝对高度误差为5.81cm,高度异常标准差为7.76cm;限制观测区域为南北纬60°范围内、海面高度异常升降轨交叉点处的差小于10cm的情况下,平均绝对误差可达3.95cm,海面高度异常标准差达4.76cm。通过和Jason-2卫星的互交叉,发现在南北纬66°范围内,交叉点高度异常差小于30cm的情况下,HY-2A和Jason-2的海面高度异常平均绝对误差为5.86cm,标准差为7.52cm,如果在该海域内将海面高度异常差限制在10cm内,平均绝对误差和标准差分别达到4.19cm和4.98cm。HY-2A卫星雷达高度计已经达到国际同类卫星雷达高度计测高水平,可以满足海洋科学研究、海洋环流反演等的需求。  相似文献   

后向散射强度与温跃层关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年8月12-13日,用300kHz的坐底式声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)在台湾海峡北部海区进行了观测。根据回声强度计算得到的后向散射强度具有明显的日变化,这是浮游动物的垂直迁移造成的。此外,后向散射强度还与叶绿素、浊度和温度梯度有关,其中叶绿素、浊度和温度梯度对后向散射强度的贡献分别是1.41,7.73和3.54dB。温度梯度最大值的深度与后向散射强度第一个峰值的深度一致,故根据后向散射强度能推断出温跃层的位置。  相似文献   

In this study a novel synthetic aperture radar(SAR) scattering model for sea surface with breaking waves is proposed. Compared with existing models, the proposed model considers an empirical relationship between wind speed and wave breaking scattering to present the contribution of wave breaking. Moreover, the scattering weight factor p, and wave breaking rate q, are performed to present the contribution of the quasi-specular scattering term, Bragg scattering term, and wave breaking scattering t...  相似文献   

Coastal winds are strongly influenced by topology and discontinuity between land and sea surfaces. Wind assessment from remote sensing in such a complex area remains a challenge. Space-borne scatterometer does not provide any information about the coastal wind field, as the coarse spatial resolution hampers the radar backscattering. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with a high spatial resolution and all-weather observation abilities has become one of the most important tools for ocean wind retrieval, especially in the coastal area. Conventional methods of wind field retrieval from SAR, however, require wind direction as initial information, such as the wind direction from numerical weather prediction models (NWP), which may not match the time of SAR image acquiring. Fortunately, the polarimetric observations of SAR enable independent wind retrieval from SAR images alone. In order to accurately measure coastal wind fields, this paper proposes a new method of using co-polarization backscattering coefficients from polarimetric SAR observations up to polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients, which are acquired from the conjugate product of co-polarization backscatter and cross-polarization backscatter. Co-polarization backscattering coefficients and polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients are obtained form Radarsat-2 single-look complex (SLC) data.The maximum likelihood estimation is used to gain the initial results followed by the coarse spatial filtering and fine spatial filtering. Wind direction accuracy of the final inversion results is 10.67 with a wind speed accuracy of 0.32 m/s. Unlike previous methods, the methods described in this article utilize the SAR data itself to obtain the wind vectors and do not need external wind directional information. High spatial resolution and high accuracy are the most important features of the method described herein since the use of full polarimetric observations contains more information about the space measured.This article is a useful addition to the work of independent SAR wind retrieval. The experimental results herein show that it is feasible to employ the co-polarimetric backscattering coefficients and the polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients for coastal wind field retrieval.  相似文献   

基于合成孔径雷达的长江口海表流场反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Range Doppler velocities derived from the Envisat advanced synthetic aperture radar(ASAR) wide swath images are analyzed and assessed against the numerically simulated surface current fields derived from the finite volume coastal ocean model(FVCOM) for the Changjiang Estuary. Comparisons with the FVCOM simulations show that the European Space Agency(ESA) Envisat ASAR based Doppler shift anomaly retrievals have the capability to capture quantitative information of the surface currents in the Changjiang Estuary. The uncertainty analysis of the ASAR range Doppler velocity estimates are discussed with regard to the azimuthal and range bias corrections, radar incidence angles, inaccuracy in the wind field corrections and the presence of rain cells.The corrected range Doppler velocities for the Changjiang Estuary area are highly valuable as they exhibit quantitative expressions related to the multiscale upper layer dynamics and surface current variability around the East China Sea, including the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

Gaofen-3(GF-3), a Chinese civil synthetic aperture radar(SAR) at C-band, has operated since August 2016.Remarkably, several typhoons have been captured by GF-3 around the China Seas over its last two-year mission.In this study, six images acquired in Global Observation(GLO) and Wide ScanSAR(WSC) modes at verticalvertical(VV) polarization channel are discussed. This work focuses on investigating the observation of rainfall using GF-3 SAR. These images were collocated with winds from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF), significant wave height simulated from the WAVEWATCH-III(WW3) model, sea surface currents from climate forecast system version 2(CFSv2) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) and rain rate data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) satellite. Sea surface roughness,was compared with the normalized radar cross section(NRCS) from SAR observations, and indicated a 0.8 correlation(COR). We analyzed the dependences of the difference between model-simulated NRCS and SARmeasured NRCS on the TRMM rain rate and WW3-simulated significant wave height. It was found that the effects of rain on SAR damps the radar signal at incidence angles ranging from 15° to 30°, while it enhances the radar signal at incidence angles ranging from 30° to 45° and incidence angles smaller than 10°. This behavior is consistent with previous studies and an algorithm for rain rate retrieval is anticipated for GF-3 SAR.  相似文献   

大气对微波散射计回波信号衰减的修正方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙瀛  郑淑卿 《台湾海峡》1995,14(3):199-215
为了使微波散射计测得的海面后向散射具有足够的精度,必须考虑大气对微波衰减的影响。大气对微波的衰减可以用微波射计来测定。本文将估算晴空、云和降雨天气下的衰减系,讨论计算海面发射率及用微波辐射计剩余亮温估算散射计工作频率下大气衰减的方法。  相似文献   

本文基于Jason-2高度计,采用核函数估计(NW)和局部线性回归估计(LLR)两种非参数估计方法,选用高斯(Gaussian)核函数和球谐(Epanechnikov)核函数及固定带宽和局部可调带宽。对不同组合形式的模型进行优选,确定LLR估计方法的Epanechnikov核函数、局部可调带宽为最优非参数模型。通过对最优非参数模型和参数模型结果进行对比分析表明,非参数模型在北高纬度区域表现更优,而在中低纬度及南纬区域参数模型不失优势。将非参数模型应用于我国HY-2A高度计,得到与以上同样的结论。  相似文献   

全极化SAR图像中溢油极化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
相比于单极化SAR图像,全极化SAR图像不仅能体现海面目标的几何特征、后向散射特征,还能体现目标的极化特征。因此,在溢油检测方面,极化SAR更具优势。特征提取作为溢油检测的关键步骤,直接影响到溢油检测的精度。在本文中,我们分析了全极化SAR图像中海面溢油的极化特征,如极化散射熵、平均散射角等。并提出了新的极化特征P,该特征参数能够反映海面目标电磁散射过程中布拉格散射机制和镜面散射机制的比例。为了研究极化特征溢油检测的能力,本文基于SIR-C/X-SAR和Radarsat-2全极化SAR图像开展了相关实验,并对比分析了溢油的多种极化特征。实验结果显示,在中低风速情况下,C波段溢油探测效果优于L波段;本文提出的极化特征P对海面散射机制敏感;基准高度和特征参数P在C波段比其他极化特征更适于溢油检测。  相似文献   

Theoretical-based ocean wave retrieval algorithms are applied by inverting a synthetic aperture radar(SAR)intensity spectrum into a wave spectrum, that has been developed based on a SAR wave mapping mechanism. In our previous studies, it was shown that the wave retrieval algorithm, named the parameterized first-guess spectrum method(PFSM), works for C-band and X-band SAR at low to moderate sea states. In this work, we investigate the performance of the PFSM algorithm when it is applied for dual-polarization c-band sentinel-1(S-1) SAR acquired in extra wide-swath(EW) and interferometric wide-swath(IW) mode under cyclonic conditions.Strong winds are retrieved from six vertical-horizontal(VH) polarization S-1 SAR images using the c-band crosspolarization coupled-parameters ocean(C-3 PO) model and then wave parameters are obtained from the image at the vertical-vertical(VV) polarization channel. significant wave height(SWH) and mean wave period(MWP) are compared with simulations from the WAVEWATCH-III(WW3) model. The validation shows a 0.69 m root mean square error(RMSE) of SWH with a –0.01 m bias and a 0.62 s RMSE of MWP with a –0.17 s bias. Although the PFSM algorithm relies on a good quality SAR spectrum, this study confirms the applicability for wave retrieval from an S-1 SAR image. Moreover, it is found that the retrieved results have less accuracy on the right sector of cyclone eyes where swell directly affects strong wind-sea, while the PFSM algorithm works well on the left and rear sectors of cyclone eyes where the interaction of wind-sea and swell is relatively poor.  相似文献   

就SAR图像溢油检测的方法论而言,用于识别溢油和疑似现象的定性或定量的统计特征量选择,通常是任意的。对于不同的分类模型,所选用的特征量也不尽相同。主要是进行海洋SAR图像特征提取及其关键度分析。其目的是将"最小距离"判别法应用于海上溢油和疑似溢油的识别研究。首先,针对海洋SAR图像溢油检测常用的特征量,进行冗余处理;然后,引入关键系数,定量地研究特征量的关键度,提取显著特征量;藉以构造一个多维的特征矢量空间,以适于最小距离判别法在特征矢量空间中进行溢油和疑似溢油的识别研究。  相似文献   

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