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We study the dynamics of a two-dimensional homogeneous incompressible fluid of power-law type, with the viscosity behaving like (1+|Du|)p−2, p?2. Here Du is the symmetric velocity gradient. Thanks to the recent regularity results of Kaplický, Málek and Stará, we prove that the solution operator is differentiable. This enables us to use the Lyapunov exponents to estimate the dimension of the exponential attractor. In the Dirichlet setting, the obtained estimates are better than in the case of the Navier-Stokes system.  相似文献   

A rigorous mathematical analysis is given for a magnetohydrodynamics boundary layer problem, which arises in the two-dimensional steady laminar boundary layer flow for an incompressible electrically conducting power-law fluid along a stretching flat sheet in the presence of an exterior magnetic field orthogonal to the flow. In the self-similar case, the problem is transformed into a third-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation with certain boundary conditions, which is proved to be equivalent to a singular initial value problem for an integro-differential equation of first order. With the aid of the singular initial value problem, the uniqueness and existence results for (generalized) normal solutions are established and some properties of these solutions are explored.  相似文献   

In this paper we are concerned with the initial boundary value problem for the micropolar fluid system in nonsmooth domains with mixed boundary conditions. The considered boundary conditions are of two types: Navier’s slip conditions on solid surfaces and Neumann-type boundary conditions on free surfaces. The Dirichlet boundary condition for the microrotation of the fluid is commonly used in practice. However, the well-posedness of problems with different types of boundary conditions for microrotation are completely unexplored. The present paper is devoted to the proof of the existence, regularity and uniqueness of the solution in distribution spaces.  相似文献   

Many practical applications, which have an inherent interest of physical and mathematical nature, involve the hydrodynamic flow in the presence of a magnetic field. Magnetic fluids comprise a novel class of engineering materials, where the coexistence of liquid and magnetic properties provides us with the opportunity to solve problems with high mathematical and technical complexity. Here, our purpose is to examine the micropolar magnetohydrodynamic flow of magnetic fluids by considering a colloidal suspension of ferromagnetic material (usually non‐conductive) in a carrier magnetic liquid, which is in general electrically conductive. In this case, the ferromagnetic particles behave as rigid magnetic dipoles. Thus, the application of an external magnetic field, apart from the creation of an induced magnetic field of minor significance, will prevent the rotation of each particle, increasing the effective viscosity of the fluid and will cause the appearance of an additional magnetic pressure. Despite the fact that the general consideration consists of rigid particles of arbitrary shape, the assumption of spherical geometry is a very good approximation as a consequence of their small size. Our goal is to develop a general three‐dimensional theoretical model that conforms to physical reality and at the same time permits the analytical investigation of the partial differential equations, which govern the micropolar hydrodynamic flow in such magnetic liquids. Furthermore, in the aim of establishing the consistency of our proposed model with the principles of both ferrohydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, we take into account both magnetization and electrical conductivity of the fluid, respectively. Under this consideration, we perform an analytical treatment of these equations in order to obtain the three‐dimensional effective viscosity and total pressure in terms of the velocity field, the total (applied and induced) magnetic field and the hydrodynamic and magnetic properties of the fluid, independently of the geometry of the flow. Moreover, we demonstrate the usefulness of our analytical approach by assuming a degenerate case of the aforementioned method, which is based on the reduction of the partial differential equations to a simpler shape that is similar to Stokes flow for the creeping motion of magnetic fluids. In view of this aim, we use the potential representation theory to construct a new complete and unique differential representation of magnetic Stokes flow, valid for non‐axisymmetric geometries, which provides the velocity and total pressure fields in terms of easy‐to‐find potentials, via an analytical fashion. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we prove the local existence and uniqueness of the weak solution to the non-stationary 2D Navier–Stokes system with pressure boundary condition in a bounded domain.   相似文献   

Summary The Helmholtz-Kirchhoff ODEs governing the planar motion ofN point vortices in an ideal, incompressible fluid are extended to the case where the fluid has impurities. In this case the resulting ODEs have an additional inertia-type term, so the point vortices are termed massive. Using an electromagnetic analogy, these equations also determine the behavior of columns of charges in an external magnetic field. Using the symmetries, we reduce the four degrees of freedom system of two “massive” vortices totwo degrees of freedom. We exhibit an integrable case and a nonintegrable one, according to choices of parameters. Nonintegrability is verified using a recent result obtained independently by Lerman and by Mielke, Holmes, and O'Reilly. Finally, we discuss the behavior of solutions as the masses of the vortices tend to zero, using for initial conditions a point of the trajectory of the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff equations.  相似文献   

The incremental projection scheme and its enhanced version, the rotational projection scheme are powerful and commonly used approaches producing efficient numerical algorithms for solving the Navier–Stokes equations. However, the much improved rotational projection scheme cannot be used on models with non-homogeneous viscosity, imposing the use of the less accurate incremental projection. This paper presents a projection method for the Navier–Stokes equations for fluids having variable viscosity, giving a consistent pressure and increased accuracy in pressure when compared to the incremental projection. The accuracy of the method will be illustrated using a manufactured solution.  相似文献   

In this work we obtain some new results concerning the existence of solutions to an impulsive first-order, nonlinear ordinary differential equation with periodic boundary conditions. The ideas involve differential inequalities and Schaefer's fixed-point theorem.  相似文献   

In this article, we prove the local existence and uniqueness of the classical solution to the Cauchy problem of the 3-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations with large initial data and vacuum, if the shear viscosity μ is a positive constant and the bulk viscosity λ(ρ) = ρβ with β ≥ 0. Note that the initial data can be arbitrarily large to contain vacuum states.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this paper is to develop analytical methods for studyingparticle paths in a class of three-dimensional incompressible fluid flows. In this paper we study three-dimensionalvolume preserving vector fields that are invariant under the action of a one-parameter symmetry group whose infinitesimal generator is autonomous and volume-preserving. We show that there exists a coordinate system in which the vector field assumes a simple form. In particular, the evolution of two of the coordinates is governed by a time-dependent, one-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system with the evolution of the remaining coordinate being governed by a first-order differential equation that depends only on the other two coordinates and time. The new coordinates depend only on the symmetry group of the vector field. Therefore they arefield-independent. The coordinate transformation is constructive. If the vector field is time-independent, then it possesses an integral of motion. Moreover, we show that the system can be further reduced toaction-angle-angle coordinates. These are analogous to the familiar action-angle variables from Hamiltonian mechanics and are quite useful for perturbative studies of the class of systems we consider. In fact, we show how our coordinate transformation puts us in a position to apply recent extensions of the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theorem for three-dimensional, volume-preserving maps as well as three-dimensional versions of Melnikov's method. We discuss the integrability of the class of flows considered, and draw an analogy with Clebsch variables in fluid mechanics.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the equations of non‐stationary motion in 3D of heat‐conducting incompressible viscous fluids with temperature‐dependent viscosity. The conservation of internal energy includes the usual dissipation term. We prove the existence of a ‘weak solution with defect measure’ to the system of PDEs under consideration. Our method of proof is based on a regularization of the equations of conservation of momentum. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The isoperimetric problem with respect to the product-type density on the Euclidean space Rh×Rk is studied. In particular, existence, symmetry and regularity of minimizers is proved. In the special case k=1, also the shape of all the minimizers is derived. Finally, a conjecture about the minimality of large cylinders in the case k>1 is formulated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider phase boundary solutions to a four-velocity kinetic model of a kinetic equation governing the motion of van der Waals fluids. These solutions connect such equilibrium states, which are saddle critical points of the suitable dynamic system. Solutions of this type can be interpreted as dynamic phase transition. The mathematical apparatus is that of the Coney index theory.  相似文献   

该文研究了一类被捕食者带有第三边值的捕食模型. 首先获得了它存在正稳态解的充要条件是a>mb+d1λ1; 然后研究了它的正稳态解的局部稳定性和唯一性;最后讨论了充分大的扩散参数对它的正稳态解的存在性的影响.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors first consider the global well-posedness of 3-D Boussinesq system, which has variable kinematic viscosity yet without thermal conductivity and buoyancy force, provided that the viscosity coefficient is sufficiently close to some positive constant in L∞and the initial velocity is small enough in B_(3,1)~0(R~3). With some thermal conductivity in the temperature equation and with linear buoyancy force θe3 on the velocity equation in the Boussinesq system, the authors also prove the global well-posedness of such system with initial temperature and initial velocity being sufficiently small in L~1(R~3)and B_(3,1)~0(R~3) respectively.  相似文献   

The existence of solutions to quasistatic frictional contact problems with limited interpenetration with an ahead prescribed bound is proved here. If the depth of the interpenetration tends to zero, then there are some sequence of solutions of such problems and a solution of the corresponding Signorini contact problem such that it is the limit of the sequence.  相似文献   

We study a system of partial differential equations describing the steady flow of a heat conducting incompressible fluid in a bounded three dimensional domain, where the right-hand side of the momentum equation includes the buoyancy force. In the present work we prove the existence of a weak solution under both the smallness and a sign condition on physical parameters α0 and α1 which appear on the right hand side.  相似文献   

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