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Forsberg, M., R. Tagle, A. Madej, J.R. Molina and M.-A. Carlsson. Radioimmunoassay of bovine, ovine and porcine luteinizing hormone with a monoclonal antibody and a human tracer. Acta vet. scand. 1993, 255-262.– A radioimmunoassay for bovine (bLH), ovine (oLH) and porcine (pLH) luteinizing hormone was developed using a human 125 ILH tracer from a commercial kit and a monoclonal antibody (518B7) specific for LH but with low species specificity. Standard curves demonstrated similar binding kinetics when bLH, oLH and pLH were incubated with tracer and antibody for 2 h at room temperature. A 30-min delay in the addition of the tracer gave sufficient sensitivity when analysing pLH. Separation of antibody-bound LH from free hormone was achieved by using second antibody-coated micro Sepharose beads. The assay was validated and the performance compared with that of an RIA currently in use for determination of bLH and oLH (coefficient of correlation: 0.99 and 0.98). Regardless of the standards used, intra-assay coefficients of variation were <10% for LH concentrations exceeding 1 µg/L. The inter-assay coefficients of variation were <15%. The assay was used for clinical evaluation demonstrating the pre-ovulatory LH surge in two cyclic cows, LH pulsatility in an oophorectomized ewe and LH response to GnRH injection in a boar.  相似文献   

抑制素被动免疫对黄体中期山羊生殖激素分泌的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探讨抑制素在山羊生殖激素分泌调节中的作用 ,本试验用抗抑制素血清对黄体中期雌山羊进行了被动免疫试验。将酪 30 -抑制素 α(1,30 ) NH2 与兔血清白蛋白螯合 ,用去势雄山羊制备抗抑制素血清 (INH- AS) ,最终滴度为 1∶96 0 0 0。对照血清来自牛血清白蛋白免疫的去势雄山羊。 12只黄体期日本 SHIBA山羊 ,肌注 PGF2α(2 mg/只 )进行同期发情处理 ,处理后 3~ 5 d母羊出现发情。在发情后 10 d(发情当天为 0 d) ,将母羊分为 2组 ,每组 6只。试验组颈静脉注射 INH- AS(2 0 m L /只 ) ,并在注射前 (0 h)和注射后 6、12、2 4、4 8、72、96、12 0 h采取外周血样 (肝素抗凝 ) ;对照组注射对照血清 (2 0 m L/只 )。抗凝血样离心 (4℃、170× g、15 min)分离血清 ,- 2 0℃保存待测。血清 FSH和 L H含量用NIDDK放免试剂盒测定 ,其中 FSH标记纯品为 NIDDK- o FSH- I- 1,标准品为 NIDDK- o FSH- RO- 1,一抗为 NIDDK-抗- o FSH- 1;L H标记纯品为 NIDDK- o L H- I- 3,标准品为 NIDDK- o L H- RP- 2 4 ,一抗为抗 - o L H- YM。二抗为山羊抗家兔Ig G。血清 E2 和 P含量用1 2 5I放免盒测定。测 E2 时 ,为除去游离脂肪 ,样品用 0 .5 m L乙腈 +2 m L乙烷处理。试验结果表明 ,注射 INH- AS后 12 h,血清 FSH含量显著提高  相似文献   

Recombinant equine luteinizing hormone (reLH) was evaluated for its ability to stimulate production of progesterone in cell lines from three species including murine Leydig tumor (MA-10), equine granulosal, and ovine small luteal cells (SLC). The response to reLH was compared with that obtained with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), equine chorionic gonadotropin, ovine luteinizing hormone, and equine luteinizing hormone (eLH). Media were collected hourly for 6 hours and assayed for progesterone content through radioimmunoassay. In MA-10 cells, production of progesterone was stimulated above baseline by reLH and hCG (P < .05). Ovine SLC responded to treatment with eLH, reLH, ovine luteinizing hormone, and hCG by increasing production of progesterone above that stimulated by vehicle control (P < .05). Production of progesterone in equine granulosal cells was maximally stimulated by treatment with hCG (P < .05), followed by reLH and eLH (P < .05). In conclusion, reLH elicited a progesterone response in MA-10, ovine SLC, and equine granulosal cells. Thus, reLH stimulates the production of progesterone in cell lines from three species.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess the serum profiles of luteinizing hormone (LH), oestradiol, cholesterol and ovarian functions in layer poultry birds (Rhode Island Red: Gallus domesticus) fed a diet containing various concentrations of furazolidone (FZ). A total of 40 birds were randomly assigned to receive FZ 0, 200, 400 or 800 mg/kg feed (ppm) daily during the pre-laying age, i.e. 13-18 weeks (for 5 weeks). Blood samples were collected at weekly intervals. Concentrations of LH and oestradiol in serum were estimated at alternate weeks using radioimmunoassays. Serum cholesterol levels were analysed by an enzymatic calorimetric method. Furazolidone administration was terminated at the 18th week of age. The birds were sacrificed at 22nd week of age and ovarian tissues were processed for morphometric studies. Serum LH, oestradiol and cholesterol levels were affected by age (p < 0.001) and FZ dose (p < 0.001). Serum LH and oestradiol levels were lower (p < 0.05) in birds receiving FZ 800 mg/kg feed daily compared with the controls, whereas serum cholesterol profiles were lower (p < 0.05) in all FZ-administered groups than in the control group. The mean weight of ovaries having no yolky follicles observed in the group receiving FZ 400 or 800 mg/kg feed per day was reduced (p < 0.05) compared with the control group. Dosing FZ at 800 mg/kg feed per day reduced (p < 0.05) the mean volume of ovaries having no yolky follicles compared with the control group. In birds receiving FZ 800 mg/kg feed per day, the mean length of the oviduct was reduced (p < 0.05) as compared with the control group. Morphometric studies revealed that the mean number of oocytes with diameter in the range 401-800 microm decreased (p < 0.05) in birds fed FZ 400 or 800 mg/kg feed per day. Initial egg production was affected by age (p < 0.001) and dose (p < 0.001) of FZ. The mean number of eggs laid by different groups revealed that egg production was reduced (p < 0.05) in birds receiving FZ 800 mg/kg feed per day as compared with the controls. The present data suggest that FZ causes suppression in serum profiles of LH, oestradiol, cholesterol and ovarian functions in Rhode Island Red layer poultry birds. Therefore, great care must be taken with use of FZ in layer poultry birds (Gallius domesticus) with regard to dosage and duration of administration.  相似文献   

A heterologous RIA system was set up for measuring bovine, ovine and porcine calcitonin (CT). The system consisted of porcine GT used as standard and for the preparation of an iodinated tracer. The antiserum used was raised against ovine GT. For each analysis was used 25–200 µl blood plasma. Practical detection limit was 0.25 µg of CT per litre of blood plasma.The parallelism between the dose response curves for the p-GT standard and for the assay of increasing amounts of bovine, ovine and porcine blood plasma showed the suitability of the present assay system to study the GT secretion in these species. Furthermore, the reliability of the method was verified by a clearly recognized CT response to calcium infusion.  相似文献   

An inactivated equine influenza virus (EIV) vaccine and a live equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) vaccine are usually administered concurrently to Thoroughbred racehorses in Japan. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether concurrent administration of an inactivated EIV vaccine and a live EHV-1 vaccine in Thoroughbred racehorses influences the antibody response against EIV. We compared the antibody response against EIV in horses administered both vaccines on the same day (Group A; n = 27) and the response in horses administered an inactivated EIV vaccine first and then a live EHV-1 vaccine 1–2 weeks later (Group B; n = 20). In both groups, geometric mean hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titers against A/equine/Ibaraki/1/2007 and A/equine/Yokohama/aq13/2010 increased significantly after EIV vaccination. However, the percentage of horses that showed a twofold increase or greater in HI titers against A/equine/Yokohama/aq13/2010 was significantly higher in Group B (75%) than in Group A (37%; P = .02). These results suggest that the concurrent use of an inactivated EIV vaccine and a live EHV-1 vaccine reduced the immune response against EIV to some extent, and it would be better to use these vaccines consecutively, especially for naïve horses or horses whose vaccination history is incomplete.  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism is a developmental disorder which can be diagnosed by a variety of different tests. Still, equine field veterinarians often rely on endocrine markers to detect retained testicular tissue. This report describes the value of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) as a diagnostic marker for cryptorchidism in three stallions suspected of cryptorchidism, with equivalent serum testosterone concentrations. A single measurement of AMH identified cryptorchidism, with inconclusive testosterone concentrations as either gelding or stallion. Furthermore, a human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation test or surgery was performed to support the diagnostic value of AMH. To conclude, the endocrine panel for cryptorchidism should be expanded to include determination of serum AMH, as this determination can increase the diagnostic accuracy of a single blood sample.  相似文献   

为建立检测非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)抗体的阻断ELISA方法,本研究利用原核表达的ASFV p30重组蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠制备单克隆抗体。以重组p30蛋白作为包被抗原,以辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记的p30单克隆抗体作为检测抗体,经条件优化,建立了一种检测ASFV抗体的阻断ELISA方法。ROC曲线分析显示,该方法最佳阻断率临界值为16.63%。该方法与CSFV、FMDV-O/A、PRRSV、PEDV、SVA的阳性血清均无交叉反应;最低能检出1∶128稀释的阳性血清;批内和批间变异系数(CV)均<10%。用本方法与商品化试剂盒平行检测208份血清样品,Kappa值为0.96,表明具有高度一致性。上述结果表明,本研究建立的阻断ELISA方法具有较高的特异性和敏感性,可用于血清ASFV抗体的检测,为ASFV流行病学调查及猪群疫情监控提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为了制备能够用于阻断ELISA检测的猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,Mhp)单克隆抗体(MAb),本研究将原核表达的Mhp J株P97蛋白C末端包含R1区的肽段(P97CR1)作为免疫原免疫BALB/C雌鼠,筛选获得一株能稳定分泌抗Mhp P97蛋白MAb的杂交瘤细胞株A3。鉴定结果显示,A3 MAb是IgG1亚类,轻链为κ链。Western blot结果显示A3 MAb能够和原核表达纯化的P97CR1蛋白特异性反应,并且在流式细胞仪分析中能够识别天然的Mhp。通过逐渐截短表达分析该MAb识别的表位序列为LDDNLQ,该抗原表位在Mhp菌株中高度保守。阻断ELISA初步试验结果显示,A3 MAb与蛋白抗原的结合能够被Mhp高免阳性血清阻断。该MAb的制备为进一步建立特异性强、灵敏度高的Mhp阻断ELISA检测方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

For the rapid and accurate evaluation of the IgA antibody level of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in pig serum and milk,a specific PEDV IgG monoclonal antibody (MAb) 8A3 was screened from four strains of PEDV MAb,which could capture all virus particles (inactivated virus cell culture medium) of PEDV efficiently.In this method,the coating concentration of 6.0 μg/mL showed the optimal performance of MAb 8A3,the cut-off value (D450 nm) was settled as 0.34,it had no cross-reactivity with the positive serums of common porcine viruses.Compared with immune-peroxidase monolayer assay (IPMA),the concordance rates of established ELISA for positive and negative serum detection were 98.7% (152/154) and 98.0% (145/148),respectively.For positive and negative samples of colostrum and milk,the concordance rates of the established ELISA compared with IPMA were 100% (60/60) and 95.8% (23/24),respectively.IgA levels in colostrum and milk samples during lactation detected by established ELISA were highly correlated with trends in neutralizing titers (kappa=0.835).Collectively,the indirect ELISA in this study had high sensitivity and specificity,it was a rapid and objective method suitable for large-scale detection of PEDV IgA in clinical samples.  相似文献   

The effect of selective immunosuppression of endogenous inhibin in goats on FSH, LH, progesterone and estradiol-17β profiles was studied during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Eighteen adult female Boer goats were immunized against the recombinant human inhibin α-subunit (hINH-α). With the exception of estradiol, which was determined by radio-immunoassay (RIA), all plasma hormone concentrations were determined by ELISA. The ELISA for FSH presented in this paper was established in the authors' laboratory, based on an existing RIA. Mean basal concentrations of FSH were not affected by immunosuppression of endogenous inhibin, nor was there a difference in the amplitude of the pre-ovulatory FSH surge. Immunization against inhibin appears to eliminate the slight secondary rise of FSH occurring 12–20 h after the major surge associated with ovulation. The LH profiles of the immunized goats were characterized by lower basal concentrations both before and after the pre-ovulatory LH surge which itself was reduced by 50% in immunized does. By contrast, concentrations of circulating estradiol were significantly elevated after inhibin-immunization. Progesterone profiles were not affected. Extending immunization into the anoestrous season by a booster injection of hINH-α, implicating oestrus induction with a progestagen and eCG, produced no discernible differences in FSH and LH profiles in comparison with nonimmunized control goats. The findings suggest that in goats, paracrine factors may play a more significant role in controlling follicular activity than a feedback mechanism acting via the pituitary.  相似文献   

Normal horses with no clinical lameness were studied to test the hypothesis that Equine F-Scan sensors (EFS) would produce vertical force data that correlated highly with vertical force data from a force platform. Six horses were trotted across a force platform while wearing the EFS. Vertical force measurements were recorded from each system with data analyzed from hoof strikes that occurred simultaneously on both systems. Coefficients of variation (CV) were evaluated to test precision of the systems. The CV of the EFS was 10.2%, compared with 6.6% for the force platform. The accuracy of the pressure measurement system was tested by measuring agreement and a paired t test. The test for measuring agreement showed large differences between measuring devices, indicating an overall lack of agreement between measurements from the two systems, with differences ranging from 9 Newtons (N) to 1,200 N. Results from a paired t test, however, showed no significant difference between measurements from the two devices as noted by a P-value of .294, indicating a lack of significant differences because of assessment of averaged data. Because of the inability of the EFS to provide precise measurements of vertical ground reaction force as noted by high coefficients of variation and an overall lack of agreement between measurements from the two systems, this system should not be used to objectively measure vertical force in horses in its current format.  相似文献   

Contents: From a group of thirteen 3-year-old Hanoveranian maiden stallions ejaculates were collected on 5 consecutive days and frozen each in 3 different packaging forms. Fresh, resuspended and frozedthawed semen was tested for motility and morphology with special regard to acrosomal integrity. Concerning packaging form no differences were found between 4 ml maxi straw, flattened 1.7 ml straw and 0.5 ml straw. The comparison of 3 direrent conventional staining techniques with an immunofluorescence test, employing a monoclonal antibody against an antigen in the acrosomal ground substance, revealed that staining sperm cells with the antibody yielded far more reproducible and consistent results - especially in diluted semen - than staining with Karras, moded Karras or Spermac®.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) remains an important neurologic disease of horses. There are no pathognomonic clinical signs for the disease. Affected horses can have focal or multifocal central nervous system (CNS) disease. EPM can be difficult to diagnose antemortem. It is caused by either of 2 parasites, Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi, with much less known about N. hughesi. Although risk factors such as transport stress and breed and age correlations have been identified, biologic factors such as genetic predispositions of individual animals, and parasite‐specific factors such as strain differences in virulence, remain largely undetermined. This consensus statement update presents current published knowledge of the parasite biology, host immune response, disease pathogenesis, epidemiology, and risk factors. Importantly, the statement provides recommendations for EPM diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   

Human Brucella canis infection incidence is unknown. Most identified cases are associated with pet dogs. Laboratory‐acquired infections can occur following contact with Brucella spp. We identified a paediatric B. canis case, the source and other exposed persons. A 3‐year‐old New York City child with fever and dyspnoea was hospitalized for 48 h for bronchiolitis. After her admission, blood culture grew B. canis, she was prescribed anti‐microbials and recovered. Bcanis was also isolated from blood of the child's pet dog; these isolates were genetically similar. The dog originated from an Iowa breeding facility which was quarantined after identification of the dog's infection. Additionally, 31 laboratory workers were exposed and subsequently monitored for symptoms; 15 completed post‐exposure prophylaxis. To our knowledge, this is the first report strongly suggesting B. canis zoonotic transmission to a child in the United States, and highlights the need for coordinated control policies to minimize human illness.  相似文献   

Tsetse have been cleared from large areas of Zimbabwe during the past 65 years. In most areas, they are prevented from re-invading cleared areas by barriers of odour-baited, insecticide-treated targets. A trypanosomosis survey was conducted to determine the effectiveness of such barriers against re-invasion and to confirm the absence of tsetse in areas where they had previously been eradicated. Parasitological diagnostic methods and an anti-trypanosomal antibody detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (antibody ELISA) were used. The prevalence of trypanosomal infections in the tsetse-cleared areas was generally low. However, the prevalence of anti-trypanosomal antibodies was unexpectedly high in some areas. This high proportion of cattle with antibodies could, in most cases, be explained by recent or historic information on the distribution and density of tsetse. The results from the survey demonstrated the value of anti-trypanosomal antibody detection as an additional sensitive tool for monitoring the effectiveness of tsetse control operations.  相似文献   

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