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We study z-automorphisms of the polynomial algebra K[x, y, z] and the free associative algebra Kx, y, z〉 over a field K, i.e., automorphisms that fix the variable z. We survey some recent results on such automorphisms and on the corresponding coordinates. For Kx, y, z〉 we include also results about the structure of the z-tame automorphisms and algorithms that recognize z-tame automorphisms and z-tame coordinates.   相似文献   


Let F m (N) be the free left nilpotent (of class two) Leibniz algebra of finite rank m, with m ≥ 2. We show that F m (N) has non-tame automorphisms and, for m ≥ 3, the automorphism group of F m (N) is generated by the tame automorphisms and one more non-tame IA-automorphism. Let F(N) be the free left nilpotent Leibniz algebra of rank greater than 1 and let G be an arbitrary non-trivial finite subgroup of the automorphism group of F(N). We prove that the fixed point subalgebra F(N) G is not finitely generated.  相似文献   

We study the problem of lifting of polynomial symplectomorphisms in characteristic zero to automorphisms of the Weyl algebra by means of approximation by tame automorphisms. In 1983, Anick proved the fundamental result on approximation of polynomial automorphisms. We obtain similar approximation theorems for symplectomorphisms and Weyl algebra authomorphisms. We then formulate the lifting problem. More precisely, we prove the possibility of lifting of a symplectomorphism to an automorphism of the power series completion of the Weyl algebra of the corresponding rank. The lifting problem has its origins in the context of deformation quantization of the a?ne space and is closely related to several major open problems in algebraic geometry and ring theory.

This paper is a continuation of the study [19 Kanel Belov, A., Razavinia, F., Zhang, W. (2017). Bergman’s centralizer theorem and quantization. Commun. Algebra 17.[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]].  相似文献   

Let Λ be a finite-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field k. We denote by mod Λ the category of finitely generated left Λ-modules. Consider the family ℱ(u) of the indecomposables M∈mod Λ such that , where is the subspace of morphisms which factorize through semisimple modules. If P,Q are projectives in mod Λ, ℱ(u)(P,Q) is the family of those modules M∈ℱ(u) such that a minimal projective presentation is of the formfM: PQ. We prove that if Λ is of tame representation type then each ℱ(P,Q) has only a finite number of isomorphism classes or is parametrized by μ(u,P,Q) one-parameter families. We give an upper bound for this number in terms of u,P and Q. Then we give some sufficient conditions for tame of polynomial growth type. For the proof we consider similar results for bocses. Presented by Y. Drozd Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000) 16G60, 16G70, 16G20.  相似文献   

We prove that the tame automorphism group TAut(M n ) of a free metabelian Lie algebra M n in n variables over a field k is generated by a single nonlinear automorphism modulo all linear automorphisms if n ≥ 4 except the case when n = 4 and char(k) ≠ 3. If char(k) = 3, then TAut(M 4) is generated by two automorphisms modulo all linear automorphisms. We also prove that the tame automorphism group TAut(M 3) cannot be generated by any finite number of automorphisms modulo all linear automorphisms.  相似文献   

We study the location of some finite subgroups in the automorphism group of the rank 2 Lie algebra free in the variety $\mathfrak{A}\mathfrak{N}_2 $ .  相似文献   

Polynomials in     

A positive semidefinite polynomial is said to be if is a sum of squares in , but no fewer, and is a sum of squares in , but no fewer. If is not a sum of polynomial squares, then we set .

It is known that if , then . The Motzkin polynomial is known to be . We present a family of polynomials and a family of polynomials. Thus, a positive semidefinite polynomial in may be a sum of three rational squares, but not a sum of polynomial squares. This resolves a problem posed by Choi, Lam, Reznick, and Rosenberg.


In this paper, we study lattices of preradicals which are not small classes (in which case we say that the corresponding rings are p-large), and specially we consider some infinite representation type algebras. We construct an injective assignment between lattices of preradicals, using a full functor between the corresponding categories of modules, that satisfies certain conditions. We show that the polynomial ring over any field is p-large, and we use this fact to provide examples and some classes of algebras (both tame and wild) which are p-large.  相似文献   

A polynomialp in a polynomial algebra over a field is called a test polynomial if any endomorphism of the polynomial algebra that fixesp is an automorphism. some classes of new test polynomials recognizing nonlinear automorphisms of polynomial algebras are given. In the odd prime characteristic case, test polynomials recognizing non-semisimple automorphisms are also constructed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 19631100) and University of Hong Kong RGC Fundable Grant 344/024/0004.  相似文献   

The action of     
We prove that the orbit equivalence relation of the canonical action of on the subsets of is a universal countable Borel equivalence relation.  相似文献   


The results of this paper concern the expected norm of random polynomials on the boundary of the unit disc (equivalently of random trigonometric polynomials on the interval ). Specifically, for a random polynomial


Assume the random variables , are independent and identically distributed, have mean 0, variance equal to 1 and, if 2$">, a finite moment . Then


as .

In particular if the polynomials in question have coefficients in the set (a much studied class of polynomials), then we can compute the expected norms of the polynomials and their derivatives


This complements results of Fielding in the case, Newman and Byrnes in the case, and Littlewood et al. in the case.


Chao Zhang 《代数通讯》2018,46(6):2696-2701
We introduce the notation of weakly derived tameness, and establish the equivalence of derived tameness and weakly derived tameness for algebras of finite global dimension. Moreover, we observe the relation between derived representation type and cleaving functors, and obtain a method to judge an algebra to be derived wild. As an application, we determine the derived representation type of self-injective Nakayama algebras.  相似文献   


We prove that certain modules are faithful. This enables us to draw consequences about the reduction number and the integral closure of some classes of ideals.


Let be a locally compact group and let denote the -algebra generated by left translation operators on . Let and be the spaces of almost periodic and weakly almost periodic functionals on the Fourier algebra , respectively. It is shown that if contains an open abelian subgroup, then (1) if and only if is norm dense in ; (2) is a -algebra if is norm dense in , where denotes the set of elements in with compact support. In particular, for any amenable locally compact group which contains an open abelian subgroup, has the dual Bohr approximation property and is a -algebra.


We improve the conclusion in Khukhro's theorem stating that a Lie ring (algebra) L admitting an automorphism of prime order p with finitely many m fixed points (with finite-dimensional fixed-point subalgebra of dimension m) has a subring (subalgebra) H of nilpotency class bounded by a function of p such that the index of the additive subgroup |L: H| (the codimension of H) is bounded by a function of m and p. We prove that there exists an ideal, rather than merely a subring (subalgebra), of nilpotency class bounded in terms of p and of index (codimension) bounded in terms of m and p. The proof is based on the method of generalized, or graded, centralizers which was originally suggested in [E. I. Khukhro, Math. USSR Sbornik 71 (1992) 51–63]. An important precursor is a joint theorem of the author and E. I. Khukhro on almost solubility of Lie rings (algebras) with almost regular automorphisms of finite order.  相似文献   

We show that a function on the unit disk extends continuously to , the maximal ideal space of iff it is uniformly continuous (in the hyperbolic metric) and close to constant on the complementary components of some Carleson contour.


Let be a field and suppose that is irreducible in . We discuss the following question: under what conditions are all iterates of irreducible over ?


We determine the largest positive number with the property that whenever are endomorphisms, respectively unital isometries of the algebra of all bounded linear operators acting on a separable Hilbert space, holds for every nonzero and is surjective, then so is . It turns out that in the first case we have , while in the second one .


Ron Brown 《代数通讯》2013,41(7):2169-2183
A class of irreducible polynomials 𝒫 over a valued field (F, v) is introduced, which is the set of all monic irreducible polynomials over F when (F, v) is maximally complete. A “best-possible” criterion is given for when the existence of an approximate root in a tamely ramified Henselian extension K of F of a polynomial f in 𝒫 guarantees the existence of an exact root of f in K.  相似文献   

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