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在边折叠网格简化算法的基础上,提出一种多尺度非均匀渐进网格简化算法。该算法不仅简化速度快,而且克服了传统算法在简化模型中网格分布均匀、无法突出模型重要特征的不足之处。该算法在模型的折叠、拐角、凹凸等表达特征的地方,采用的三角形网格面积较小、数量较多;而在平坦等不突出模型特征区域的三角形网格面积较大、数量较少。在简化程度较大的情况下仍然能够保持原始网格的几何特征和视觉特征。由于采用了渐进式多尺度的编码方式,再通过流式传输技术,就可以使采用这种算法生成的模型文件高效、方便地以渐进方式在网络上进行传输。  相似文献   

Surface feature based mesh segmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesh segmentation has a variety of applications in product design, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping fields. This paper presents a novel algorithm of mesh segmentation from original scanning data points, which essentially consists of three steps. Normal based initial decomposing is first performed to recognize plane features. Then we implement further segmentation based on curvature criteria and Gauss mapping, followed by the detection of quadric surface features. The segmentation refinement is finally achieved using B-spline surface fitting technology. The experimental results on many 3D models have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed segmentation method.  相似文献   

Hierarchical mesh segmentation based on fitting primitives   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this paper, we describe a hierarchical face clustering algorithm for triangle meshes based on fitting primitives belonging to an arbitrary set. The method proposed is completely automatic, and generates a binary tree of clusters, each of which is fitted by one of the primitives employed. Initially, each triangle represents a single cluster; at every iteration, all the pairs of adjacent clusters are considered, and the one that can be better approximated by one of the primitives forms a new single cluster. The approximation error is evaluated using the same metric for all the primitives, so that it makes sense to choose which is the most suitable primitive to approximate the set of triangles in a cluster. Based on this approach, we have implemented a prototype that uses planes, spheres and cylinders, and have experimented that for meshes made of 100 K faces, the whole binary tree of clusters can be built in about 8 s on a standard PC. The framework described here has natural application in reverse engineering processes, but it has also been tested for surface denoising, feature recovery and character skinning.  相似文献   

提出一种有效的三角网格模型分割方法。用Dijkstra算法求出三角网格模型上任意给定一个基点到其余顶点的最短路径树;求出该模型对偶图的最大生成树,且对偶图的边与该最短路径树的边不相交;找出该模型上所有既不属于最短路径树也不和最大生成树相交的边,这些边分别与最短路径树组成的最短环集合就是给定基点处的基本群,沿着这些最短环就可以把网格分割成一个拓扑同胚于圆盘的区域。实验结果表明,该分割方法可以快速、有效地实现网格的分割。  相似文献   

各类网格分割法将曲面网格进行分割后,各子网格区域之间的交界线便可以作为曲面网格的封闭特征线。相反,如果根据网格模型的几何、拓扑特征,确定了网格模型的封闭特征线后,网格曲面便被这些特征线分割开来。为此,从曲面网格封闭特征线的角度出发,提出一种基于特征线的曲面网格分割方法。实验验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel scheme for 3D model compression based on mesh segmentation using multiple principal plane analysis. This algorithm first performs a mesh segmentation scheme, based on fusion of the well-known k-means clustering and the proposed principal plane analysis to separate the input 3D mesh into a set of disjointed polygonal regions. The boundary indexing scheme for the whole object is created by assembling local regions. Finally, the current work proposes a triangle traversal scheme to encode the connectivity and geometry information simultaneously for every patch under the guidance of the boundary indexing scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm obtains good performance in terms of compression rate and reconstruction quality.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - This paper presents a new approach to 3D mesh watermarking using consistent segmentation and mesh steganalysis. The method is blind, statistical, and highly...  相似文献   

目的 信息技术的发展使得面向3维模型版权保护的问题越来越突出,提出一种新的基于网格分割的3维网格模型非盲水印算法。方法 首先使用基于形状直径函数的网格分割算法对3维网格模型进行有意义的网格分割,然后计算每个分块的鲁棒重心并以此为中心将模型由直角坐标系转换到球面坐标系,最后通过调制每个顶点范数的分布来嵌入水印,在水印检测阶段使用非盲检测的方法提取水印。结果 针对目前基于网格分块的水印算法的网格分割不一致以及对分割边界依赖性过强等问题,引入基于形状直径函数的网格分割算法并在重对齐、重采样过程中加入待检测模型与原始模型分块匹配过程以保证网格分割的一致性,并且选取分块的顶点范数的分布作为水印嵌入基元,使得算法能够有效地减弱对分割边界的依赖性。结论 实验结果表明,该算法可以有效抵抗平移、旋转、缩放、噪声、细分、简化、剪切等常见的攻击以及多种攻击的联合攻击。  相似文献   

Formal photograph compression algorithm based on object segmentation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Small storage space for photographs in formal documents is increasingly necessary in today's needs for huge amounts of data communication and storage. Traditional compression algorithms do not sufficiently utilize the distinctness of formal photographs. That is, the object is an image of the human head, and the background is in unicolor. Therefore, the compression is of low efficiency and the image after compression is still space-consuming. This paper presents an image compression algorithm based on object segmentation for practical high-efficiency applications. To achieve high coding efficiency, shape-adaptive discrete wavelet transforms are used to transformation arbitrarily shaped objects. The areas of the human head and its background are compressed separately to reduce the coding redundancy of the background. Two methods, lossless image contour coding based on differential chain, and modified set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm of arbitrary shape, are discussed in detail. The results of experiments show that when bit per pixel (bpp)is equal to 0.078, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of reconstructed photograph will exceed the standard of SPIHT by nearly 4dB.  相似文献   

基于特殊内容的图像分割压缩方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对扫描的简历图像存储所面临的压缩比和恢复质量之间的矛盾,提出了一种将简历图像分割压缩的方法,分析了简历图像分割压缩存储的可行性和有效性,找出分割压缩的难点和关键,并结合应用给出了一套具体的解决方法,实现了一个应用此种方法的图像分割压缩转换系统。对系统进行了测试,测试结果表明,该方法是一套简单有效的方法,有效地兼顾了压缩比和图像恢复质量。  相似文献   

A novel progressive image transmission scheme based on the quadtree segmentation technique is introduced in this paper. A 3-level quadtree is used in the quadtree segmentation technique to partition the original image into blocks of different sizes. Image blocks of different sizes are encoded by their block mean values. The relatively addressing technique is employed to cut down the storage cost of block mean values.In the proposed scheme, the number of image hierarchies can be adaptively selected according to the specific applications. By exploiting inter-pixel correlation and differently sized blocks for segmentation, the proposed scheme provides good image qualities at low bit rates and consumes very little computational cost in both image encoding and decoding procedures. It is quite suitable for real-time progressive image transmission.  相似文献   

为了在工程应用中检索已有的三角网格模型,以便重用相应零件的设计信息,节省设计和加工成本,提出一种基于区域分割技术的三角网格模型相似性比较算法。依据三角网格模型的球面图像将模型分割为若干个区域;对每个分割得到的区域用一个10维向量表达其形状的几何特征和拓扑特征,一个三角网格模型的特征即可通过各分割区域所对应的10维向量组成的向量组表达;将该向量组作为三角网格模型的形状描述子,两个三角网格模型的相似性可通过相对应的形状描述子间的相似性表达。将描述子中的每个向量看成是一个带有属性的节点,通过两组节点组成的完全二分图的最优匹配进行两个形状描述子之间的相似性比较,实现两个三角网格模型之间的相似性比较。实验结果表明,该算法有效可行。  相似文献   

针对离散曲率估计对噪声敏感且特征值计算量大的特点提出了基于区域离散曲率的三维网格分水岭分割算法。寻找三维模型显著特征点;对三维模型进行预分割,确定分割带;在分割带区域上计算离散曲度极值点,利用测地距离和曲度极值点对三维模型进行分水岭分割。算法在分割前无需进行网格去噪,实验结果证明,对主体分支明显的模型具有较高的分割边缘准确度和较快的分割速度。  相似文献   

We propose a new lossless progressive compression algorithm based on rate-distortion optimization for meshes with color attributes; the quantization precision of both the geometry and the color information is adapted to each intermediate mesh during the encoding/decoding process. This quantization precision can either be optimally determined with the use of a mesh distortion measure or quasi-optimally decided based on an analysis of the mesh complexity in order to reduce the calculation time. Furthermore, we propose a new metric which estimates the geometry and color importance of each vertex during the simplification in order to faithfully preserve the feature elements. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm for colored meshes and competes with the most efficient algorithms for non-colored meshes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a segmentation algorithm for 3D triangular mesh data. The proposed algorithm uses iterative merging of adjacent triangle pairs based on their orientations. The oversegmented regions are merged again in an iterative region merging process. Finally, the noisy boundaries of each region are refined. The boundaries of each region contain perceptually important geometric information of the entire mesh model. According to the purpose of the segmentation, the proposed mesh-segmentation algorithm supports various types of segmentation by controlling parameters.  相似文献   

通过研究已有的网格分割和模型简化方法 ,分析三维模型的网格分割中的商空间粒度思想 ,并将商空间粒度计算引入到网格分割中 ,对网格分割过程进行描述 ,提出了基于粒度分层合成技术的网格分割方法。该算法通过分别提取模型中各三角形网格区域的几何特征构成不同的粒度区域 ,再根据粒度合成理论。将这些所形成的粒度组织起来 ,从而实现对三维网格的最终分割 ,为三角网格模型的简化提供了快速有效的方法。实验表明了该算法对于网格分割的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the set of all selectively refined meshes that can be obtained from a progressive mesh. We call the set the transitive mesh space of a progressive mesh and present a theoretical analysis of the space. We define selective edge collapse and vertex split transformations, which we use to traverse all selectively refined meshes in the transitive mesh space. We propose a complete selective refinement scheme for a progressive mesh based on the transformations and compare the scheme with previous selective refinement schemes in both theoretical and experimental ways. In our comparison, we show that the complete scheme always generates selectively refined meshes with smaller numbers of vertices and faces than previous schemes for a given refinement criterion. The concept of dual pieces of the vertices in the vertex hierarchy plays a central role in the analysis of the transitive mesh space and the design of selective edge collapse and vertex split transformations.  相似文献   

提出一种基于区域增长的交互三维网格模型分割方法。在区域增长的基础上,首先由用户利用基于勾画的交互方式选定部分顶点作为目标和背景,其余顶点作为未知区域,利用区域增长的方法自动生成目标的边界,从而完成模型的分割。此方法中边界顶点分割结果的好坏直接影响到了最终的分割结果,因此,在利用区域增长方法形成边界时,将既与目标相邻又与背景相邻的顶点标记为特殊点,在其余未知部分分割完成之后,重新对特殊点进行一次区域增长算法。此时由于大部分顶点的状态已经确定,获得的边界将更为准确。实验表明分割结果有了很大程度的改进。  相似文献   

A new CAD mesh segmentation method, based on curvature tensor analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a new and efficient algorithm for the decomposition of 3D arbitrary triangle meshes and particularly optimized triangulated CAD meshes. The algorithm is based on the curvature tensor field analysis and presents two distinct complementary steps: a region based segmentation, which is an improvement of that presented by Lavoue et al. [Lavoue G, Dupont F, Baskurt A. Constant curvature region decomposition of 3D-meshes by a mixed approach vertex-triangle, J WSCG 2004;12(2):245-52] and which decomposes the object into near constant curvature patches, and a boundary rectification based on curvature tensor directions, which corrects boundaries by suppressing their artefacts or discontinuities. Experiments conducted on various models including both CAD and natural objects, show satisfactory results. Resulting segmented patches, by virtue of their properties (homogeneous curvature, clean boundaries) are particularly adapted to computer graphics tasks like parametric or subdivision surface fitting in an adaptive compression objective.  相似文献   

Multimedia analysis usually deals with a large amount of video data with a significant number of moving objects. Often it is necessary to reduce the amount of data and to represent the video in terms of moving objects and events. Event analysis can be built on the detection of moving objects. In order to automatically process a variety of video content in different domain, largely unsupervised moving object segmentation algorithms are needed. We propose a fully unsupervised system for moving object segmentation that does not require any restriction on the video content. Our approach to extract moving objects relies on a mesh-based combination of results from colour segmentation (Mean Shift) and motion segmentation by feature point tracking (KLT tracker). The proposed algorithm has been evaluated using precision and recall measures for comparing moving objects and their colour segmented regions with manually labelled ground truth data. Results show that the algorithm is comparable to other state-of-the-art algorithms. The extracted information is used in a search and retrieval tool. For that purpose a moving object representation in MPEG-7 is implemented. It facilitates high performance indexing and retrieval of moving objects and events in large video databases, such as the search for similar moving objects occurring in a certain period.  相似文献   

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