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Summary In this paper observations are summarized and speculations discussed, and it is suggested that some loci on the distal short arm of the X chromosome (Xp) are not randomly inactivated in the female, because they are within the proximal part of the pairing segment between Xp and Yp. This peculiarity of gene expression may be a remnant of the evolutionary history of the sex chromosomes, the pairing segment of which may involve at least 27% of Xp and 95% of Yp. Crossing over seems to occur mostly in the terminal third of the X/Y pairing segment. However, crossing-over inhibition control may lapse, or may be on the X and Y (e.g. Xg, H-Y, STS, and perhaps others) might cross over with a variable frequency which is proportional to their distances from the telomeres of the short arms. It is postulated that the DNA of the pairing segment is composed in a way which may also permit unequal crossing over to occur between the X and the Y, thereby giving rise to exceptions to X-or Y-linked inheritance. The peculiarities of behaviour and the position of other loci on the sex chromosomes are also discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Summary A family with X-linked mental retardation and a marker X chromosome was ascertained by the presence of macro-orchidism in the three institutionalized probands. Verbal evaluation revealed a generalized language disability with commonly occurring articulation errors. The heterozygous females in this family exhibited some reduction in mental ability; the marker X chromosome was demonstrated in both sexes.  相似文献   

L M McKay  J M Watson  J A Graves 《Genomics》1992,14(2):302-308
We mapped 15 human X-chromosome markers in the common brush-tailed possum, Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr), which represents the Australian marsupial family Phalangeridae. In situ hybridization was used to localize highly conserved human X-linked genes to chromosomes of T. vulpecula diploid lines. Ten genes located on the long arm of the human X (human Xq genes) all mapped to the possum X chromosome. However, all five genes located on the short arm of the human X (human Xp genes) mapped to autosomes. These findings confirm our previous work, which showed that the X chromosome in macropodid and dasyurid marsupials bears all the human Xq genes but none of the human Xp genes studied. This suggests that the marsupial X is highly conserved, but its gene content reflects that of only part of the eutherian X, a result consistent with our hypothesis that an autosomal region was added to the X early in eutherian divergence.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution of mammalian X-linked testis-expressed homeobox genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wang X  Zhang J 《Genetics》2004,167(2):879-888

Functional homology of mammalian and yeast RAS genes   总被引:87,自引:0,他引:87  
Yeast spores lacking endogenous RAS genes will not germinate. If such spores contain chimeric mammalian/yeast RAS genes or even the mammalian H-ras gene under the control of the galactose-inducible GAL10 promoter, they will germinate in the presence of galactose and produce viable haploid progeny dependent on galactose for continued growth and viability. These results indicate that the biochemical function of RAS proteins is essential for vegetative haploid yeast and that this function has been conserved in evolution since the progenitors of yeast and mammals diverged.  相似文献   

The identification of the sex chromosomes in the three extant species of Prototherian mammals (the monotremes) is complicated by their involvement in a multivalent translocation chain at the first division of male meiosis. The platypus X chromosome, identified by the presence of two copies in females and one in males, has been found to possess a suite of genes that have been mapped to the X chromosomes of all eutherian and metatherian mammals. We have extended gene mapping studies to a member of the only other extant monotreme family, the echidna, which has a G-band equivalent X1 chromosome, as well as a smaller X2. We find that the five human X-linked genes (G6PD, GDX, F9, AR and MCF2) map to the echidna X1 chromosome in locations equivalent to those on the platypus X. These results confirm that the echidna X1 is the original X chromosome in this species, and identify a conserved ancestral monotreme X chromosome.  相似文献   

Whey acidic protein (WAP), a major whey protein present in milk of a number of mammalian species has characteristic cysteine-rich domains known as four-disulfide cores (4-DSC). Eutherian WAP, expressed in the mammary gland throughout lactation, has two 4-DSC domains, (DI-DII) whereas marsupial WAP, expressed only during mid-late lactation, contains an additional 4-DSC (DIII), and has a DIII-D1-DII configuration. We report the expression and evolution of echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) and platypus (Onithorhynchus anatinus) WAP cDNAs. Predicted translation of monotreme cDNAs showed echidna WAP contains two 4-DSC domains corresponding to DIII-DII, whereas platypus WAP contains an additional domain at the C-terminus with homology to DII and has the configuration DIII-DII-DII. Both monotreme WAPs represent new WAP protein configurations. We propose models for evolution of the WAP gene in the mammalian lineage either through exon loss from an ancient ancestor or by rapid evolution via the process of exon shuffling. This evolutionary outcome may reflect differences in lactation strategy between marsupials, monotremes, and eutherians, and give insight to biological function of the gene products. WAP four-disulfide core domain 2 (WFDC2) proteins were also identified in echidna, platypus and tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) lactating mammary cells. WFDC2 proteins are secreted proteins not previously associated with lactation. Mammary gland expression of tammar WFDC2 during the course of lactation showed WFDC2 was elevated during pregnancy, reduced in early lactation and absent in mid-late lactation.  相似文献   

The pairing behaviour of the X and Y chromosomes of Monodelphis dimidiata was studied with light and electron microscopy. Pairing of the sex chromosomes is delayed with respect to autosome synapsis. Both the X and the minute Y chromosome show an axis attached by its two ends to the nuclear envelope. Synapsis of the sex chromosomes occurs by the joining of the chromatin sheaths that surround the axes and by a small, three-layered structure close to the nuclear envelope. The X and Y chromosomes remain joined to each other during the diffuse stage and diplotene-diakinesis but they do not show a synaptonemal complex. During the diffuse stage a dense plate is formed at the boundary between the X-Y body and the nuclear envelope. During early metaphase a folded sheet is attached to the periphery of the X-Y body. This sheet is formed by a piece of the nuclear envelope carrying the dense plate and it shows transverse fibrils and a central element similar to synaptonemal-complex remains. No evidence of a non-chiasmate segregation mechanism was observed. Polarization of the axial ends of the sex chromosomes is observed after X-Y synapsis. These important departures from the X-Y pairing pattern of eutherian mammals are discussed and assumed to present a special mechanism for holding the minute Y joined to the X chromosome in this marsupial.  相似文献   

A gene encoding for a citrus salt-stress-associated protein (Cit-SAP) was cloned from Citrus sinensis salt-treated cell suspension. The gene, designated csa, was isolated from a cDNA expression library. The partial amino acid sequence of the protein, as well as that deduced from the nucleotide sequence of csa, revealed a considerable homology to mammalian glutathione peroxidase (GP), and to clone 6P229 from tobacco protoplasts. The increased expression of Cit-SAP in NaCl-treated cultured citrus cells and in citrus plants irrigated with saline water, and its similarity to GP, raise the possibility that one of the effects of salt stress in plants may be the increase of the level of free radicals.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism of X Chromosome (Chr) inactivation in marsupials, the cDNA for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) from an Australian marsupial, the wallaroo (Macropus robustus), was cloned. A partial clone containing the 3 half of the cDNA was obtained by screening a liver cDNA library. The majority of the coding region was obtained by polymerase chain reaction of cDNA with primers designed from regions of conservation between human and opossum G6PD. The 5 end was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends. High homology was observed between mammalian species in the coding region. The 5 untraslated region is highly G+C rich, and appears to be part of a CpG island, as is the case in the human and mouse genes. This is the first report of the full sequence of the cDNA for any marsupial X-linked gene.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to GenBank and assigned accession number U13899.  相似文献   

The functional significance of most alternative splicing (AS) events, especially frame-shifting ones, has been controversial. Using human-mouse comparison, we demonstrate that frame-preserving AS events adapt and get fixed more rapidly than frame-shifting AS events; selection for smaller exon size is stronger in frame-preserving exons than in frame-shifting ones. These results suggest AS events introducing mild changes are generally favored during evolution and explain the excess of shorter, frame-preserving cassette exons in present mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

Kovacevic M  Schaeffer SW 《Genetics》2000,156(1):155-172
This article presents a nucleotide sequence analysis of 500 bp determined in each of five X-linked genes, runt, sisterlessA, period, esterase 5, and Heat-shock protein 83, in 40 Drosophila pseudoobscura strains collected from two populations. Estimates of the neutral migration parameter for the five loci show that gene flow among D. pseudoobscura populations is sufficient to homogenize inversion frequencies across the range of the species. Nucleotide diversity at each locus fails to reject a neutral model of molecular evolution. The sample of 40 chromosomes included six Sex-ratio inversions, a series of three nonoverlapping inversions that are associated with a strong meiotic drive phenotype. The selection driven by the Sex-ratio meiotic drive element has not fixed variation across the X chromosome of D. pseudoobscura because, while significant linkage disequilibrium was observed within the sisterlessA, period, and esterase 5 genes, we did not find evidence for nonrandom association among loci. The Sex-ratio chromosome was estimated to be 25,000 years old based on the decomposition of linkage disequilibrium between esterase 5 and Heat-shock protein 83 or 1 million years old based on the net divergence of esterase 5 between Standard and Sex-ratio chromosomes. Genetic diversity was depressed within esterase 5 within Sex-ratio chromosomes, while the four other genes failed to show a reduction in heterozygosity in the Sex-ratio background. The reduced heterogeneity in esterase 5 is due either to its location near one of the Sex-ratio inversion breakpoints or that it is closely linked to a gene or genes responsible for the Sex-ratio meiotic drive system.  相似文献   

Genetic homology and crossing over in the X and Y chromosomes of mammals   总被引:51,自引:4,他引:47  
Summary The X-Y crossover model described in this paper postulates that (1) the pairing observed between the X and the Y chromosome at zygotene is a consequence of genetic homology, (2) there is a single obligatory crossover between the X and Y pairing segments, and (3) the segment of the X which pairs with the Y is protected from subsequent X inactivation. Genes distal to the proposed crossover (pseudoautosomal genes) will appear to be autosomally inherited because they will be transmitted to both male and female offspring. Some criteria for identifying pseudoautosomal genes are outlined.The existence of a single obligatory crossover between the X and Y of the mouse is strongly supported by a recent demonstration that the sex-reversing mutation Sxr, which is passed equally to XX and XY offspring by male carriers, is transmitted on the sex chromosomes. Pseudoautosomally inherited genes may also be responsible for XX sex reversal in goats and familial XX sex reversal in man.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated high-frequency, targeted DNA addition mediated by the homology-directed DNA repair pathway. This method uses a zinc-finger nuclease (ZFN) to create a site-specific double-strand break (DSB) that facilitates copying of genetic information into the chromosome from an exogenous donor molecule. Such donors typically contain two ∼750 bp regions of chromosomal sequence required for homology-directed DNA repair. Here, we demonstrate that easily-generated linear donors with extremely short (50 bp) homology regions drive transgene integration into 5–10% of chromosomes. Moreover, we measure the overhangs produced by ZFN cleavage and find that oligonucleotide donors with single-stranded 5′ overhangs complementary to those made by ZFNs are efficiently ligated in vivo to the DSB. Greater than 10% of all chromosomes directly incorporate this exogenous DNA via a process that is dependent upon and guided by complementary 5′ overhangs on the donor DNA. Finally, we extend this non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ)-based technique by directly inserting donor DNA comprising recombinase sites into large deletions created by the simultaneous action of two separate ZFN pairs. Up to 50% of deletions contained a donor insertion. Targeted DNA addition via NHEJ complements our homology-directed targeted integration approaches, adding versatility to the manipulation of mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and DNA homology of plasmid-mediated beta-lactamase genes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Molecular cloning of DNA fragments between 1.5 and 8kb from BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, SalI, or Sau3A digests permitted the isolation of structural genes coding for TEM-1, ROB-1, OXA-1, OXA-3, OXA-4, OXA-5, PSE-1, PSE-2, PSE-3, PSE-4, CARB-3, CARB-4, AER-1, and LCR-1 -lactamases. Ampicillin-resistant clones were selected and it was confirmed that they contained the respective -lactamase genes by isoelectric focusing. Detailed physical maps of 14 different recombinant plasmids were constructed using 8 restriction endonucleases. Plasmid deletions and lacZ fusions were used to localize the -lactamase structural genes. DNA probes were constructed for the TEM01, ROB-1, OXA-1, and PSE-1 genes. Under conditions of high stringency, hybridization was observed between the genes for TEM-1 and TEM-2 or TLE-1, OXA-1 and OXA-4, and PSE-1 and PSE-4 or CARB-3, while the ROB-1 gene probe showed no cross-hybridization. Such bla gene probes should facilitate studies of -lactamase molecular epidemiology.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and verbal studies were done on members of four families with non-specific X-linked mental retardation. Cytogenetic analysis was done using media 199 and GTG-banding; one family had a marker X with a fragile site in band Xq27 or 28. Preliminary results indicate variation of culture conditions can effect the frequency of the marker X. A generalized language disability was found which tended to concentrate in the areas of auditory reception, auditory sequential memory, visual closure and grammatic closure. Articulation errors involved the same sounds which are late in normal development and occur most frequently in both the general population and a Down syndrome population.  相似文献   

A systematic characterization of lens crystallins from five major classes of vertebrates was carried out by exclusion gel filtration, cation-exchange chromatography and N-terminal sequence determination. All crystallin fractions except that of -crystallin were found to be N-terminally blocked. -Crystallin is present in major classes of vertebrates except the bird, showing none, or decreased amounts, of this protein in chicken and duck lenses, respectively. N-Terminal sequence analysis of the purified -crystallin polypeptides showed extensive homology between different classes of vertebrates, supporting the close relatedness of this family of crystallin even from the evolutionarily distant species. Comparison of nucleotide sequences and their predicted amino acid sequences between -crystallins of carp and rat lenses and heat-shock proteins demonstrated partial sequence homology of the encoded polypeptides and striking homology at the gene level. The unexpected strong homology of complementary DNA (cDNA) lies in the regions coding for 40 N-terminal residues of carp -II, rat 2-1, and the middle segments of 23,000- and 70,000-M r heat-shock proteins. The optimal alignment of DNA sequences along these two segments shows about 50% homology. The percentage of protein sequence identity for the corresponding aligned segments is only 20%. The weak sequence homology at the protein level is also found between the invertebrate squid crystallin and rat -crystallin polypeptides. These results pointed to the possibility of unifying three major classes of vertebrate crystallins into one // superfamily and corroborated the previous supposition that the existing crystallins in the animal kingdom are probably mutually interrelated, sharing a common ancestry.  相似文献   

Marsupial and monotreme mammals fill an important gap in vertebrate phylogeny between reptile-mammal divergence 310 million years ago (mya) and the eutherian (placental) mammal radiation 105 mya. They possess many unique features including their distinctive chromosomes, which in marsupials are typically very large and well conserved between species. In contrast, monotreme genomes are divided into several large chromosomes and many smaller chromosomes, with a complicated sex chromosome system that forms a translocation chain in male meiosis. The application of molecular cytogenetic techniques has greatly advanced our understanding of the evolution of marsupial chromosomes and allowed the reconstruction of the ancestral marsupial karyotype. Chromosome painting and gene mapping have played a vital role in piecing together the puzzle of monotreme karyotypes, particularly their complicated sex chromosome system. Here, we discuss the significant insight into karyotype evolution afforded by the combination of recently sequenced marsupial and monotreme genomes with cytogenetic analysis, which has provided a greater understanding of the events that have shaped not only marsupial and monotreme genomes, but the genomes of all mammals.  相似文献   

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