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In clinical cases of amnesia that followed bilateral excisions of medial temporal lobe structures, with some perceptual learning abilities intact, damage to the hippocampus was presumed to be the critical factor. The authors' search for an animal model of amnesia, based on ablations aimed at the hippocampal formation in infant rhesus monkeys, provides support for this view. Ablations of the hippocampal formation in 2-month-old infants tested shortly after recovery from surgery resulted in a deficit on a recognition memory task but left intact the ability to learn the concurrent object discrimination task, even though the latter task was administered with the use of a massed practice procedure. Thus, early damage, unlike that at 2 years of age or later, allowed the authors to dissociate associative learning with repeated trials, independent of hippocampal functions and recognition memory that depends on the integrity of the hippocampus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sex differences exist in many phases of drug abuse, but few studies have focused on sex differences in drug abuse treatment. In this study, the effects of bremazocine, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist, were compared in age-matched male and female rhesus monkeys self-administering orally delivered phencyclidine (PCP). Bremazocine (0.00032. 0.001, and 0.0025 mg/kg, intramuscular) was administered for 5 consecutive days. 15 min prior to daily 3-hr sessions when PCP (0.25 mg/ml) and water were available under concurrent fixed-ratio schedules. Bremazocine dose-dependently decreased PCP-maintained responding and consumption (mg/kg) in males and females, and these measures were suppressed at a lower bremazocine dose in females than in males. The percentage reduction in PCP-maintained responding and intake (mg/kg) was significantly greater in females than it was in males at the low and middle doses of bremazocine, suggesting that females may be more responsive to kappa agonist treatment than males. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Category knowledge allows for both the determination of category membership and an understanding of what the members of a category are like. Diagnostic information is used to determine category membership; prototypical information reflects the most likely features given category membership. Two experiments examined 2 means of category learning, classification and inference learning, in terms of sensitivity to diagnostic and prototypical information. Classification learners were highly sensitive to diagnostic features but not sensitive to nondiagnostic, but prototypical, features. Inference learners were less sensitive to the diagnostic features than were classification learners and were also sensitive to the nondiagnostic, prototypical, features. Discussion focuses on aspects of the 2 learning tasks that might lead to this differential sensitivity and the implications for learning real-world categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether the cannabinoid antagonist, SR 141716A, could be established as a discriminative stimulus in rhesus monkeys treated with Δ?-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ?-THC). Stimulus control was established with SR 141716A (1.0 mg/kg) in 3 Δ?-THC-treated monkeys (1.12 mg/kg/day) in 113-124 sessions. The SR 141716A discriminative stimulus was dose related, attenuated by an acute injection of Δ?-THC, and not mimicked by cocaine or ketamine. SR 141716A-appropriate responding occasioned by temporary discontinuation of Δ?-THC treatment was attenuated by Δ?-THC and not ketamine. The SR 141716A discriminative stimulus in Δ?-THC-treated monkeys appears to be mediated by cannabinoid receptors and could be related to Δ?-THC withdrawal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were taught a large number of visual discriminations and then either received bilateral removal of the perirhinal cortex or were retained as unoperated controls. Operated monkeys were impaired in retention of the preoperatively learned problems. To test for generalization to novel views, the monkeys were required to discriminate, in probe trials, familiar pairs of images that were rotated, enlarged, shrunken, presented with color deleted, or degraded by masks. Although these manipulations reduced accuracy in both groups, the operated group was not differentially affected. In contrast, the same operated monkeys were impaired in reversal of familiar discriminations and in acquisition of new single-pair discriminations. These results indicate an important role for perirhinal cortex in visual learning, memory, or both, and show that under a variety of conditions, perirhinal cortex is not critical for the identification of stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

SUSTAIN (Supervised and Unsupervised STratified Adaptive Incremental Network) is a model of how humans learn categories from examples. SUSTAIN initially assumes a simple category structure. If simple solutions prove inadequate and SUSTAIN is confronted with a surprising event (e.g., it is told that a bat is a mammal instead of a bird), SUSTAIN recruits an additional cluster to represent the surprising event. Newly recruited clusters are available to explain future events and can themselves evolve into prototypes-attractors-rules. SUSTAIN's discovery of category substructure is affected not only by the structure of the world but by the nature of the learning task and the learner's goals. SUSTAIN successfully extends category learning models to studies of inference learning, unsupervised learning, category construction, and contexts in which identification learning is faster than classification learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although research in categorization has sometimes been motivated by prototype theory, recent studies have favored exemplar theory. However, some of these studies focused on small, poorly differentiated categories composed of simple, 4-dimensional stimuli. Some analyzed the aggregate data of entire groups. Some compared powerful multiplicative exemplar models to less powerful additive prototype models. Here, comparable prototype and exemplar models were fit to individual-participant data in 4 experiments that sampled category sets varying in size, level of category structure, and stimulus complexity (dimensionality). The prototype model always fit the observed data better than the exemplar model did. Prototype-based processes seemed especially relevant when participants learned categories that were larger or contained more complex stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An eyetracking study testing D. L. Medin and M. M. Schaffer's (1978) 5-4 category structure was conducted. Over 30 studies have shown that the exemplar-based generalized context model (GCM) usually provides a better quantitative account of 5-4 learning data as compared with the prototype model. However, J. D. Smith and J. P. Minda (2000) argued that the GCM is a psychologically implausible account of 5-4 learning because it implies suboptimal attention weights. To test this claim, the authors recorded undergraduates' eye movements while the students learned the 5-4 category structure. Eye fixations matched the attention weights estimated by the GCM but not those of the prototype model. This result confirms that the GCM is a realistic model of the processes involved in learning the 5-4 structure and that learners do not always optimize attention, as commonly supposed. The conditions under which learners are likely to optimize attention during category learning are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A companion article (see record 2005-06959-001) revealed that hippocampectomy in infancy spares concurrent discrimination learning but not recognition memory. The present report describes the results obtained with a more complex task, conditional object- object association, in which rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) had to first learn to discriminate between pairs of objects rather than single ones and to subsequently remember which particular object had been a member of a rewarded stimulus pair (contextual retrieval). Hippocampectomized infants obtained normal scores in learning individual pair discriminations, but they were severely impaired in contextual retrieval. The results are interpreted in terms of a dual-system theory proposed by R. Hirsh (1974). The results point out not only the importance of age at testing but also the nature of the task. The authors were also able to glimpse possible instances of cooperation or competition between the 2 systems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a recent article. J. P. Minda and J. D. Smith (2002; see record 2002-00620-002) argued that an exemplar model provided worse quantitative fits than an alternative prototype model to individual subject data from the classic D. L. Medin and M. M. Schaffer (1978) 5/4 categorization paradigm. In addition, they argued that the exemplar model achieved its fits by making untenable assumptions regarding how observers distribute their attention. In this article, we demonstrate that when the models are equated in terms of their response-rule flexibility, the exemplar model provides a substantially better account of the categorization data than does a prototype or mixed model. In addition, we point to shortcomings in the attention-allocation analyses conducted by J. P. Minda and J. D. Smith (2002). When these shortcomings are corrected, we find no evidence that challenges the attention-allocation assumptions of the exemplar model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear categorization rule learning was examined in patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and a group of controls using the perceptual categorization task. Participants learned to categorize simple line stimuli into 1 of 2 categories over 600 trials. In addition to traditional measures of accuracy, quantitative model-based analyses were applied to each participant's data to characterize better the nature of any observed deficits. In the linear rule condition, HD patients displayed an early-training deficit relative to controls, whereas later in training the HD patients were not statistically different from controls. In the nonlinear rule condition, HD patients displayed both an early- and late-training deficit. The quantitative model-based analyses revealed that the HD patients' deficits in the linear condition were due to an impairment in learning the experimenter-defined rule and not in applying a learned rule inconsistently. In the nonlinear condition, in contrast, the HD patients' deficits were due to an impairment in learning the experimenter-defined rule and in applying a learned rule inconsistently. Overall, these results suggest that HD can result in a deficit in learning both linear and nonlinear categorization rules. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested a profound influence of category learning on visual perception, resulting in independent processing of previously integral dimensions. The authors reinvestigate this issue for shape dimensions. They first extend previous findings that some shape dimensions (aspect ratio and curvature) are processed in a separable way, whereas others (radial frequency components) are not. They then show that a category-learning phase improved the discrimination of a relevant with respect to an irrelevant dimension, but only for separable dimensions. No similar effect was found on the relative sensitivity for integral shape dimensions. Thus, category learning is capable of biasing separable shape dimensions but does not alter the status of dimensions in the visual system as either separable or integral. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although much has been discovered about relations between self-efficacy and academic achievement, questions remain about links between achievement, the structure of learning tasks, and changes in students' self-efficacy as students engage with a single, complex authentic task. Students' self-efficacy for learning (SEL) and for performance (SEP) was tracked as they worked on well- and ill-structured tasks during their regular class. Students reported higher SEL and SEP for a well-structured task. Moderate achievers reported significantly more difficulty with the ill-structured task. SEP was higher and more stable than SEL, especially in early phases of both tasks. After accounting for overall academic achievement, self-efficacy was a negligible predictor of achievement. Students may perceive various features of each task's structure as difficult. Implications concerning relations among self-efficacy, task structure, and achievement are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In macaque monkeys (Macaco mulatta), memory for scenes presented on touch screens is fornix dependent. However, scene learning is not a purely spatial task, and existing direct evidence for a fornix role in spatial memory comes exclusively from tasks involving learning about food-reward locations. Here the authors demonstrate that fornix transection impairs learning about spatial stimuli presented on touch screens. Using a new concurrent spatial discrimination learning task, they found that fornix transection did not impair recall of preoperatively learned problems. Relearning, on the other hand, was mildly impaired, and new learning was strongly impaired. New learning of smaller sets of harder problems was also markedly impaired, as was spatial configured learning. This pattern supports a functional specialization according to stimulus domain in the medial temporal lobe. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent evidence from acoustic analysis and playback experiments indicates that adult female rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) coos are individually distinctive but their screams are not. In this study, the authors compared discrimination of individual identity in these sounds by naive human listeners who judged whether 2 sounds had been produced by the same monkey or 2 monkeys. Each of 3 experiments using this same-different design showed significantly better discrimination of vocalizer identity from coos than from screams. Experiment 1 demonstrated the basic finding. Experiment 2 also tested the effect of non-identity-related scream variation, and Experiment 3 added a comparison with human vowel sounds. Outcomes suggest that acoustic structural differences in coos and screams influence salience of caller-identity cues, with significant implications for understanding the functions of these calls. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to gain a deeper understanding of the role of the basal ganglia in learning and memory by examining learning strategies among patients with basal ganglia dysfunction. Using a probabilistic category learning task (the "weather prediction" task) previously shown to be sensitive to basal ganglia function, the authors examined patterns of performance during learning and used mathematical models to capture different learning strategies. Results showed that patients with Parkinson's disease exhibit different patterns of strategy use. Specifically, most controls initially used a simple, but suboptimal, strategy that focused on single-cue-outcome associations; eventually, however, most controls adopted a more complex, optimal learning strategy, integrating single-cue associations to predict outcomes for multiple-cue stimuli. In contrast, the majority of individuals with Parkinson's disease continued to rely on simple single-cue learning strategies throughout the experiment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using a matching-to-sample procedure, the researchers investigated tufted capuchins' (Cebus apella) ability to form categorical representations of above and below spatial relations. In Experiment 1, 5 capuchins correctly matched bar-dot stimuli on the basis of the relative above and below location of their constituent elements. The monkeys showed a positive transfer of performance both when the bar-dot distance in the two comparison stimuli differed from that of the sample and when the actual location of the matching stimulus and the nonmatching stimulus on the apparatus was modified. In Experiment 2, the researchers systematically changed the shapes of the located object (the dot) or the reference object (the horizontal bar). These manipulations did not affect the monkeys' performance. Overall, the data suggest that capuchins can form abstract, conceptual-like representations for above and below spatial relations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an early dissociation between intentional and incidental category learning, Kemler Nelson (1984) gave participants a categorization task that could be performed by responding either to a single-dimensional rule or to overall family resemblance. Humans learning intentionally deliberately adopted rule-based strategies; humans learning incidentally adopted family resemblance strategies. The present authors replicated Kemler Nelson’s human experiment and found a similar dissociation. They also extended her paradigm so as to evaluate the balance between rules and family resemblance in determining the category decisions of rhesus monkeys. Monkeys heavily favored the family resemblance strategy. Formal models showed that even after many sessions and thousands of trials, they spread attention across all stimulus dimensions rather than focus on a single, criterial dimension that could also produce perfect categorization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The generalization hypothesis of abstract-concept learning was tested with a meta-analysis of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), and pigeons (Columba livia) learning a same/different (S/D) task with expanding training sets. The generalization hypothesis states that as the number of training items increases, generalization from the training pairs will increase and could explain the subjects' accurate novel-stimulus transfer. By contrast, concept learning is learning the relationship between each pair of items; with more training items subjects learn more exemplars of the rule and transfer better. Having to learn the stimulus pairs (the generalization hypothesis) would require more training as the set size increases, whereas learning the concept might require less training because subjects would be learning an abstract rule. The results strongly support concept or rule learning despite severely relaxing the generalization-hypothesis parameters. Thus, generalization was not a factor in the transfer from these experiments, adding to the evidence that these subjects were learning the S/D abstract concept. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smith and Minda (1998) and Blair and Homa (2001) studied the time course of category learning in humans. They distinguished an early, abstraction-based stage of category learning from a later stage that incorporated a capacity for categorizing exceptional category members. The present authors asked whether similar processing stages characterize the category learning of nonhuman primates. Humans (Homo sapiens) and monkeys (Macaca mulatta) participated in category-learning tasks that extended Blair and Homa’s paradigm comparatively. Early in learning, both species improved on typical items more than on exception items, indicating an initial mastery of the categories’ general structure. Later in learning, both species selectively improved their exception-item performance, indicating exception-item resolution or exemplar memorization. An initial stage of abstraction-based category learning may characterize categorization across a substantial range of the order Primates. This default strategy may have an adaptive resonance with the family resemblance organization of many natural-kind categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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