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Using a hybrid Monte Carlo Collision/Fluid model,the formation and propagation of streamers in SF 6 and its gas mixtures are simulated.The simulation is based on an accurate numerical solution of Poisson’s equation in conjunction with the continuity fluid equation for electrons,negative ions,and positive ions.The factors that influence the formation and propagation of streamers are investigated.The electron density,positive and negative ion density,and electric field in the discharge channel are also presented,which are very important in understanding the phenomena of streamers and in assessing the insulation strength of the gas mixture.  相似文献   

Bulk-compositional changes of Ni2Al3 and NiAl3 in a Ni-50 wt% Al alloy during ion etching have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analyses. After etching with 7, 5 and 3 keV Ar+ ions for 15, 24 and 100 h nickel contents in both Ni2Al3 and NiAl3 exceeded greatly those in the initial compounds and increased with the decrement of the sputtering energy. After 100 h etching with 3 keV Ar+ ions the compositions of these two compounds reached a similar value, about Ni80-83Al12-15Fe3-4Cr1-2 (at%). A synergistic action of preferential sputtering, radiation-induced segregation and radiation-enhanced diffusion enables the altered-layers at the top and bottom of the film extend through the whole film. The bulk-compositional changes are proposed to occur in the unsteady-state sputtering regime of ion etching and caused by an insufficient supply of matter in a thin film.  相似文献   

lon-implantation-induced selective etching of dielectric materials is considerably diminished with increasing hydrogen content. Making use of the 1H(15N,γ)12C resonance reaction, low-temperature PECVD Si oxide and Si nitride layers were observed to contain 12 and 23 at.% H, respectively. For different reagents etch rates were measured regarding the virgin and ion—implanted-He+ Ne+ at 60, 100 keV — PECVD films.  相似文献   

This work investigates internal plasma process parameters using a hairpin resonance probe and optical emission spectroscopy. The dependence of electron density and atomic fluorine on the percentage of oxygen in an SF6 /O2 discharge was measured using these methods. An RIE Oxford Instruments 80 plus chamber was used for the experiments. Two different process powers (100 W and 300 W) at a constant pressure (100 mTorr) were used, and it was found that the optical emission intensity of the 703.7 nm and 685.6 nm lines of atomic fluorine increased rapidly as oxygen was added to the SF6 discharge, reached their maximum at an O2 fraction of 20% and then decreased with further addition of oxygen. The plasma electron density was also strongly influenced by the addition of O2 .  相似文献   

Silicon etching is an essential process in various applications,and a major challenge for etching process is anisotropic high aspect ratio etching characteristics.The etch profile is determined by the plasma parameters and process parameters.In this study,the plasma state with each process parameters were analyzed through the optical emission spectroscopy(OES)plasma diagnostic sensor by both chemical and physical approaches.Electron temperature and electron density were additionally acquired using the corona model with OES data that provides chemical species information,and the etch profile was evaluated through scanning electron microscope measurement data.The results include changes in profile with gas ratio,bias power,and pressure.We figure out that factors like ion energy and ion angular distribution as well as chemical reaction affect the anisotropic profile.  相似文献   

Vacuum plasma etching of 1 wt% La2O3 doped tungsten alloy surfaces were carried out to refine the surface morphology for enhancing its bonding characteristics with copper for fusion reactor components. Three different gas compositions containing argon with zero, 14.3 and 25 vol% hydrogen were used to carry out the plasma etching from 30 to 120 s on the given samples. Mitutoyo surface roughness (Ra) measurement, FORM TALYSURF and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to measure the changes in the surface roughness. Plasma etching with 14.3 vol% hydrogen mixture was found to be the best in micro-roughening the alloy surface. The maximum increase of 44% in Ra value was obtained with this gas mixture, when etched for 90 s.  相似文献   

SF6 has excellent insulation performance and arc extinguishing ability,and is widely used in the power industry.However,its global warming potential is about 23,500 times that of C02,it can exist stably in the atmosphere,it is not easily degradable and is of great potential harm to the environment.Based on pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology,the effects of H2O and 02 on the degradation of SF6 were studied.Studies have shown...  相似文献   

Formation of precursors and desorption of etching products by fluorine ion irradiation were studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. When F atoms impact sequentially on a Si substrate, a mixed layer of F and Si atoms is formed on the surface. When the incident energy is below 30 eV, the fluorine coverage reaches steady state after 1.0×1016 atoms/cm2 irradiation. The ratio of F to Si in the mixed layer is about 1:1. At an incident energy of 15 eV, the mixed layer at steady state consists of 4.5 ML of fluorine with a depth of 20 Å and the main etching products are SiF3 and SiF4. At 30 eV incident energy, the mixed layer at steady state is 6.5 ML with a depth of 40 Å and the main etching products are SiF2 and SiF3. When F atoms were irradiated onto a Si substrate heated at 1000 K, a significant reduction of F coverage was observed due to diffusion of F atoms.  相似文献   

Single crystals of z- and x-cut LiNbO3 were irradiated at room temperature and 15 K using He+- and Ar+-ions with energies of 40 and 350 keV and ion fluences between 5 × 1012 and 5 × 1016 cm−2. The damage formation investigated with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) channeling analysis depends on the irradiation temperature as well as the ion species. For instance, He+-irradiation of z-cut material at 300 K provokes complete amorphization at 2.0 dpa (displacements per target atom). In contrast, 0.4 dpa is sufficient to amorphize the LiNbO3 in the case of Ar+-irradiation. Irradiation at 15 K reduces the number of displacements per atom necessary for amorphization. To study the etching behavior, 400 nm thick amorphous layers were generated via multiple irradiation with He+- and Ar+-ions of different energies and fluences. Etching was performed in a 3.6% hydrofluoric (HF) solution at 40 °C. Although the etching rate of the perfect crystal is negligible, that of the amorphized regions amounts to 80 nm min−1. The influence of the ion species, the fluence, the irradiation temperature and subsequent thermal treatment on damage and etching of LiNbO3 are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of buried silicon nitride layers, produced by nitrogen implantation into silicon (330 keV, 1.2 × 1018 cm−2), to inhibit the diffusion of gold was tested. Buried amorphous layers characteristic for the as-implanted state as well as for postimplantation annealing at 1000°C show diffusion inhibition. This effect was not found for polycrystalline silicon nitride layers produced by annealing at 1200° C.  相似文献   

In this study, plasma density measurements were performed near the plume region of the remote plasma source (RPS) in Ar/ NF3 gas mixtures using a microwave cutoff probe. The measured plasma density is in the range of 10 10 –10 11 cm −3 in the discharge conditions with RPS powers of 2–4 kW and gas pressures of 0.87–4 Torr. The plasma density decreased with increasing gas pressures and RPS powers under various Ar/ NF3 mixing ratios. This decrease in the plasma density measured at the fixed measurement position (plume region) can be understood by the reduction of the electron energy relaxation length with increases in the gas pressures and mixing ratio of NF3/(Ar / NF3). We also performed downstream etching of silicon and silicon oxide films in this system. The etch rate of the silicon films significantly increases while the silicon oxide is slightly etched with the gas pressures and powers. It was also found that the etch rate strongly depends on the wafer position on the processing chamber electrode, and that the etch selectivity reached 96–131 in the discharge conditions of RF powers (3730–4180 W) and gas pressures (3.6–4 Torr).  相似文献   

张亮  杜晓宁  李良君 《同位素》2011,24(Z1):106-111
本工作以黄色节杆菌ATCC39106为出发菌株,通过诱变选育,获得突变株TS151,并研究了适用于13C标记 L-亮氨酸生产的发酵工艺、提纯工艺。结果显示,最佳发酵条件为:发酵温度28 ℃、220 r/min摇床、培养时间92 h。在此条件下,发酵产酸稳定在15 g/L以上,提取收率稳定在70%。产品13C标记 L-亮氨酸丰度达到97.03%,纯度达98%以上。  相似文献   

Running-belt and rotary-disk concentrators are designed for the enrichment of 235UF6 in gaseous uranium hexafluoride by transient Knudsen diffusion. The calculations indicate that the enrichment equipment requires larger volume, but it gives a higher product-to-feed ratio than the steady diffusion process which has been practically used in USA.  相似文献   

The synthesis of buried silicon nitride insulating layers was carried out by SIMNI (separation by implanted nitrogen) process using implantation of 140 keV nitrogen (14N+) ions at fluence of 1.0 × 1017, 2.5 × 1017 and 5.0 × 1017 cm−2 into 〈1 1 1〉 single crystal silicon substrates held at elevated temperature (410 °C). The structures of ion-beam synthesized buried silicon nitride layers were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The XRD studies reveal the formation of hexagonal silicon nitride (Si3N4) structure at all fluences. The concentration of the silicon nitride phase was found to be dependent on the ion fluence. The intensity and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of XRD peak were found to increase with increase in ion fluence. The Raman spectra for samples implanted with different ion fluences show crystalline silicon (c-Si) substrate peak at wavenumber 520 cm−1. The intensity of the silicon peak was found to decrease with increase in ion fluence.  相似文献   

Au ions (900 keV) have been used to directly sputter etch microstructures in silicon, aluminum, copper and silver. The results presented clearly demonstrate that high energy heavy ions can be used to fabricate microstructures in selected metals and silicon in a single step process.  相似文献   

In this work 3D micromachining of x-cut lithium niobate crystals was performed using the high energy heavy ion microbeam (HIM) at the Tandar Laboratory, Buenos Aires. The samples were machined using 35Cl beams at 70 MeV bombarding energy combined with wet etching with hydrofluoric acid solutions at room temperature. As the ion beam penetrates the sample, it induces lattice damage increasing dramatically the local etching rate of the material. This technique was applied to the fabrication of 3D waveguides with long control electrodes. The resulting structures indicate that well defined contours with nearly vertical sidewalls can be made. The results also show that with fluences of only 5 × 1012 ions/cm2, this technique is suitable for the fabrication of different shapes of LiNbO3 control-waveguides that can be used in different optical devices and matched with the existing optical fibers.  相似文献   

In the present work, thermal expansion behavior of lower valent sodium uranium molybdates, i.e., Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were studied under vacuum in the temperature range of 298-873 K using high temperature X-ray diffractometry (HTXRD). Expansion behaviors of UMoO5 and UMoO6 were also studied in vacuum from 298 to 873 K and 773 K, respectively. UMoO5 was synthesized by reacting UO2 with MoO3 in equi-molar proportion in evacuated sealed quartz ampoule at 1173 K for 14 h. Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were prepared by reacting UMoO5 and MoO3 with 1 and 2 moles of Na2MoO4, respectively, at 873 K in evacuated sealed quartz ampoule. XRD data of UMoO5 and UMoO6 were indexed on orthorhombic and monoclinic systems, respectively, whereas, the data of Na2U(MoO4)3 and Na4U(MoO4)4 were indexed on tetragonal system. The lattice parameters and cell volume of all the four compounds, fit into polynomial expression with respect to temperature, showed positive thermal expansion (PTE) up to 873 K.  相似文献   

Ti3SiC2 is one of the most promising materials belonging to Mn+1AXn phases, which exhibit good damage tolerance, thermal stability and mechanical properties.Recently, in the frame of research on future gas cooled fast nuclear reactors, Ti3SiC2 has been considered as an innovative candidate material, which could be incorporated in some core components such as fuel cladding. At the present time, however, very few data are available concerning the behaviour of this material after irradiation. In this work, Ti3Si0.90Al0.10C2 samples were irradiated with high energy Kr and Xe ions and characterized by X-ray diffraction. Patterns were analysed in terms of change in peak intensity, peak position and width. Rietveld refinements were also performed. Increase in micro-strains and lattice parameter with irradiation dose was highlighted. The formation of β-Ti3SiC2, which has never been observed by experimental XRD on non irradiated material, was proposed for the highly irradiated samples. A partial recovery of the microstructure with temperature was found.  相似文献   

采用北京棒杆菌(Corynebacterium pekinense)ZLD118(HS-、AECr)发酵制备稳定同位素双标记的L-赖氨酸盐酸盐-13C615N2。对菌种的发酵培养条件和发酵培养基配方进行优化,采用优化后的发酵工艺制备高丰度稳定同位素13C、15N双标记L-赖氨酸,经离子交换树脂提纯、活性炭脱色精制后,产品的13C丰度达98.61%,15N丰度为98.15%,纯度为98.47%,产率为88.8%。结果表明,该工艺可进一步用于放大制备。  相似文献   

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