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不同植被类型对土壤水蚀的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
不同植被类型对土壤水蚀的影响因子是计算土壤水蚀速率以及选择适当土地利用方式的基本参数。本文以土壤侵蚀模型中的植被因子(C因子)为指标,研究不同植被类型对土壤水蚀的影响。根据6个水土保持试验项目33个小区共195个小区年的资料,计算了刺槐、柠条、沙棘、沙棘一杨树,沙棘一油松、沙打旺、红豆草、苜蓿和草木樨等9种林草植被因子值。林地植被因子介于O.004到O.164之间,以刺槐林的C值最低。草地植被因子介于O.071到O.377之间,以第一年的草木樨c值为最高。定量对比说明林草植被的水土保持效益明显优于农作物。本项研究结果可以用于定量比较不同植被类型覆盖下的土壤流失速率,对于北方农牧交错带退耕还林还草政策的实施具有参考价佰。  相似文献   

不同植被类型对外界干扰和环境变化的敏感性不同。为厘清中国不同类型植被的动态变化特征及其对外界环境变化的响应,综合利用趋势分析、残差分析和情景模拟方法,在明确2000-2015年间我国不同植被类型归一化植被指数(NDVI)时空变化基础上,对气候变化和人类活动两大驱动要素在不同植被类型NDVI变化中的相对贡献进行了定量评估和归因。研究结果表明:(1)2000-2015年,我国植被NDVI整体呈增加趋势,且其空间占比高达84.1%。其中,森林植被的改善状况最佳,显著增加的面积占到了森林总面积的82.4%;而荒漠植被的改善状况相对较差,仅有22.3%的区域呈显著增加趋势。(2)人类活动在我国植被变化中占主导地位。植被改善区和植被退化区人类活动的相对贡献分别为76.4%和60.0%,且人类活动对植被的影响更多与管理方式而非土地利用类型转变有关。(3)不同类型植被对气候变化和人类活动的响应差异显著。对于植被改善区,除沼泽外,人类活动对各类型植被NDVI变化的贡献率均在70%以上,尤其是对农作物的贡献率最高,达到80.7%;对于植被退化区,人类活动影响较大的植被类型为沼泽和农作物,表明2000-2015年间我国沼泽受到了更强烈人类活动的负面影响。研究有助于增强对不同植被类型对全球变化响应机制的理解,并为促进生态建设和植被恢复工作的有效实施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

放牧对草场植被动态的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
放牧对草场植被动态的影响吴德东,周景荣,朱德华,刘淑玲(辽宁省固沙造林研究所,章古台123203)王志海,马占信,赵建平(阜新市阿尔乡畜牧场,123204)InfluenceofGrazingonVegetationDynamicsonPasture...  相似文献   

典型喀斯特森林土壤的抗蚀性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘宽梅  周秋文 《生态学报》2020,40(2):568-577
喀斯特地区生态脆弱,极易发生土壤侵蚀。受地表要素空间异质性的影响,目前相关研究仍无法完全反映出喀斯特地区不同植被类型土壤抗蚀性的特征。通过野外调查,了解样地植被群落类型及其组成等基本情况,并以"S形布点法"实地采样;通过酒精烘烤法、环刀法等方法,获取土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤有机质、土壤团聚体、土壤微团聚体及土壤机械组成、土壤抗蚀指数等土壤抗蚀指标值。结果表明,除有机质外的其他抗蚀指标表现出0—10cm土层内与10—20cm土层内的变化规律均和抗蚀指数一致。在土壤深度0—10cm范围内,土壤抗蚀指数表征的土壤抗蚀能力强弱为:阔叶林灌丛针叶林;在10—20cm土层范围为:灌丛针叶林阔叶林。0—10cm土层内各指标表征土壤抗蚀能力的显著程度为:有机质含量、水稳性团聚体、结构破坏率、团聚状况和团聚度较显著,10—20cm土层内为有机质含量、干筛团聚体、团聚度较为显著,水稳性团聚体次之。通过综合两个土层的情况,可认为有机质含量、水稳性团聚体、团聚度能较好地表征喀斯特林地土壤抗蚀性强弱。在喀斯特地区如果以防治土壤侵蚀为目的,应考虑种植阔叶树种,避免针叶树种。  相似文献   

森林植被对坡面土壤水蚀作用的动力学机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张颖  牛健植  谢宝元  余新晓  朱建刚  李维 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5084-5094
水力侵蚀是目前世界上分布最广、危害也是最为普遍的一种土壤侵蚀类型。坡面土壤侵蚀主要是由雨滴击溅、坡面径流引起,而森林植被作为陆地上最重要的生态系统以其林冠层、林木茎杆、林地上富集的枯枝落叶层、根系层以及发育疏松而深厚的土壤层截持和蓄储大气降水,发挥着其特有的水文生态功能,从多个角度影响降雨和坡面流的水力特性,在防治土壤侵蚀方面有其不可缺少的意义,然而目前对森林植被防治坡面土壤水蚀机理系统的研究还较少。系统的总结了森林植被各个垂直层次对坡面水蚀作用的动力学机理以及不同学者在此领域所做出的研究成果及此项研究的研究现状,并从以下几个方面指出了林地坡面水蚀作用动力学机理研究中尚存在的问题及发展方向:林冠对降雨重新分配出现林冠截持和干流等现象,降雨雨滴的大小、分布、降落速度和动能等性质发生变化,林冠层通过改变雨滴特性来影响坡面流水力特性,进而改变坡面流对坡面的侵蚀机理;森林植被茎干对径流的分散阻止作用,增大地表径流的阻力系数,茎干绕流现象对坡面土壤侵蚀的作用有正反两方面,林木在一定种植密度内,会使得泥沙起动流速减小,增加坡面侵蚀,因此应合理选择林木的种植密度才能起到减少坡面水蚀的作用;坡面流在枯落物层中流动并穿过枯落物层后下渗进入土壤的过程,类似于水流在多孔介质中的流动,枯落物的物理性质如分解程度、空隙度等的变化,引起水流流动的状态变化复杂,有必要应用渗流理论来深入研究以搞清其流动机理;根系层的存在能逐步改善土壤的内在特性,稳定表土层结构、提高土壤入渗性能使其抗侵蚀能力加强,植物根系层对坡面水蚀作用的研究是一个崭新的领域,需从土力学和植物根系影响土壤力学性质的角度研究土壤的抗侵蚀能力。  相似文献   

基于电磁感应成像植被斑块土壤水盐效应研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤水盐过程在植被斑块的形成与演变中起着十分关键的作用,但其与植被斑块间的相互作用关系因研究工具的限制而缺乏深入认识。以青海湖流域芨芨草斑块群落为研究对象,通过采用电磁感应(EMI)产生的表观电导率(ECa)成像解译土壤水分与盐分的时空动态变化,建立芨芨草斑块分布格局与土壤水盐变化过程之间的联系。结果表明:ECa分别与土壤水分、盐分间存在显著相关关系(P0.01),多元回归模型指出,ECa变化的81%可由土壤水分与盐分变化来解释,因此可用ECa变化表征土壤水分与盐分的变化;此外,强降雨事件前后ECa动态变化图指出,芨芨草斑块处土壤水分增加量高于基质区,说明芨芨草斑块能够快速聚集水分;而不论干湿状态或不同季节,芨芨草斑块处土壤水盐含量总是高于基质区,表现出时间稳定性,说明芨芨草斑块是土壤水盐的聚集区。因此,EMI成像可揭示芨芨草斑块土壤水盐空间分布及动态变化过程,为植被斑块的水文过程研究提供快速可靠的方法。  相似文献   

梁轩  汪智军  袁道先  杨平恒  贺秋芳 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3031-3038
自2010年7月至2011年7月对重庆青木关岩溶区典型植被下的土壤水进行了月动态取样,分析了土壤水溶解无机碳含量(DIC浓度)及其稳定碳同位素组成(δ13CDIC值)的时空变化特征,以揭示岩溶土壤系统碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用及其碳汇效应。研究结果表明:草地和针叶林地土壤水的DIC浓度和δ13CDIC值相对较低,分别为59.12 mg/L和-17.22‰,31.47 mg/L和-16.37‰;而旱地、灌丛地、退耕还林地土壤水具有较高的DIC浓度和δ13CDIC值,分别达153.88 mg/L和-12.2‰,221.82 mg/L和-11.9‰,97.30 mg/L和-11.23‰,其中灌丛和退耕还林地的δ13CDIC值与DIC浓度呈正比,且雨季较旱季偏高约4‰—5‰。根据δ13CDIC值,结合各植被类型下土壤水DIC浓度与其相应的土壤碳酸盐含量呈正相关,判断旱地、灌丛地、退耕还林地等岩溶土壤水中的DIC主要来自土壤中碳酸盐岩矿物的碳酸溶蚀,即岩溶土壤中存在着碳酸盐岩碳酸溶蚀作用,从而在一定程度上减少了土壤系统向大气排放的CO2量。  相似文献   

不同更新方式对林地植被生长及土壤性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究天然次生林采伐迹地的三种更新方式对林地植被及土壤性状的影响。结果表明,炼山人工造林对林地植被和土壤有一定的破坏作用,是影响林木生长、导致物种丧失、引起林地水土流失和地力衰退的重要原因。不同林分物种丰富度为:天然更新 >人促更新 >炼山人工造林;林下植被生物量为:人促更新 >天然更新 >炼山人工造林。不炼山的天然更新和人促更新,有利于物种多样性保护、植被生长、林地土壤理化性状改善和土壤肥力提高,并具有更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

罕山土壤微生物群落组成对植被类型的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王淼  曲来叶  马克明  李桂林  杨小丹 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6640-6654
选取分布在中国东北部地区的阔叶林-针叶林-亚高山草甸这一明显的植被垂直带谱来研究植被类型对土壤微生物群落组成的影响。选取5种植被类型-山杨(Populus davidiana)(1250—1300 m),山杨(P.davidiana)与白桦(Betula platyphylla)的混交林(1370—1550 m),白桦(B.platyphylla)(1550—1720 m),落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)(1840—1890 m),亚高山草甸(1900—1951 m),采用磷脂脂肪酸(Phopholipid Fatty Acids,PLFAs)分析方法测定不同植被类型下的土壤微生物群落组成。分别采用主成分分析(Principal Components Analysis,PCA)以及冗余分析(Redundancy Analysis,RDA)来解释单种特征PLFAs的分异以及土壤理化指标与微生物PLFAs指标间的相关性。结果表明不同植被类型下土壤有机碳(SOC)对土壤微生物PLFAs总量,各类群(真菌(f)、细菌(b)、革兰氏阳性菌(G+)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-))生物量以及群落结构影响显著;土壤微生物PLFAs总量及各类群的生物量随土层加深总体上表现降低趋势,G+/G-和f/b分别随土层加深总体上表现升高趋势。不同植被类型下,阔叶混交林土壤PLFAs总量及各类群生物量总体上最高;针叶林比阔叶林下的f/b和G+/G-高;亚高山草甸下低的p H值对有机碳的可利用性有一定的抑制作用,导致f/b和G+/G-的值相对较高。总之,不同植被类型下SOC对土壤微生物群落组成的影响最为显著,而较低的p H对有机碳的可利用性有一定的抑制作用;真菌对植被类型的变化比细菌更敏感,而细菌更易受可利用性养分和p H变异的影响,这对预测不同林型下的土壤微生物群落组成有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

鱼腾飞  冯起  刘蔚  司建华  席海洋  陈丽娟 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7009-7017
生态输水作为一项改善黑河下游生态环境的人工输水工程,研究土壤水盐与地表植被对输水的响应对于下游植被的恢复与重建具有重要的理论和实践意义。以2001年和2010年野外土壤和植物样方调查资料为基础,探讨了黑河下游土壤水盐对生态输水的响应及其与植被生长的关系,结果表明:(1)输水后不同深度土壤含水率的增加幅度依次为:胡杨林>柽柳林>草地;(2)不同群落土壤含盐量的增加幅度依次为:苦豆子>柽柳>梭梭>胡杨;同时,土壤盐分主要以HCO3-和Na+为主的轻度盐化土向以SO42-、Cl-及Ca2+等为主的中度和强度盐化土转化;(3)以胡杨为例,土壤含水率小于6%时,密度和冠幅与土壤含水率呈正相关,但大于6%时,冠幅和密度分别介于40-70 m2和0.5-5株/100m2之间;同样,土壤水溶性盐含量小于1%时,密度和冠幅与土壤含水率呈正相关,但大于1%时,密度在0.5-5株/100m2之间,造成上述结果的原因更多是群落的一种"自然稀疏"现象。  相似文献   

安徽大别山区不同森林植被类型土壤蓄水能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对安徽大别山区上舍小流域不同森林植被类型土壤持水特性的测定结果表明:马尾松中龄林、马尾松成熟林、毛竹林、杉木中龄林土壤蓄水能力在48 129~69 487t/km2之间,比坡耕地的26 684t/km2高出1~2倍。为实现森林土壤水库的功能,各森林地类蓄存1亿m3水分所需相应的面积为1 439.1~2077.7km2,而坡耕地则需3 747.5km2。  相似文献   

同小流域土壤侵蚀一样,小流域土壤氮素随洪流流失也受到植被覆盖度的影响,通常经过调整小流域内土地利用结构以达到控制水土流失.该研究以8.27 km2纸坊沟流域和1:400比例流域模型为研究对象,研究植被覆盖度和综合治理对纸坊沟流域土壤氮素流失的影响.结果表明:在模拟降雨下,当流域植被覆盖度分别为60%、40%、20%和0时,流域模型铵态氮流失量分别为87.08、44.31、25.16和13.71 kg/km2,硝态氮为85.50、74.05、63.95和56.23 kg/km2,全氮为0.81、1.18、1.98和7.51 t/km2;在自然降雨下,1998年与1992年相比,全流域年土壤侵蚀量为1 086 t/km2和1 119 t/km2,氮素流失量为8 758.5和7 562.2 kg,减少了15.8%,其中农地减少了52.0%.流域对降水中的矿质氮具有过滤作用,硝态氮的过滤作用明显高于铵态氮.洪流泥沙中<20 μm微团聚体富集造成了泥沙有机质和全氮的富集.植被覆盖虽能有效地减少流域土壤侵蚀和全氮的流失,却能增加土壤矿质氮的流失.坡地退耕还林草可显著减少流域土壤氮素流失.  相似文献   

In semiarid Mediterranean areas, the widespread environmental impact caused by the construction of motorways, railways, and pipelines has created an increasing need for effective restoration. We examined the influence of slope characteristics on vegetation and water erosion on 71 motorway slopes in a semiarid Mediterranean region. Specifically, we studied the effect of slope angle, type (roadfill vs. roadcut) and aspect (north vs. south) on soil properties, vegetation cover, species richness, floristic composition, and water‐caused erosion. Temporal dynamics of soil water content was monitored and related to the soil water potential in order to explain possible differences in vegetation cover between slope types. The main factors influencing vegetation on motorway slopes were the angle, type, and aspect of the slope. Vegetation was almost completely lacking on roadcuts with slopes greater than 45°. On gentler slopes, vegetation cover was 44–78% on roadfills but did not reach 10% on roadcuts, regardless of aspect. The main soil properties affected by the slope type and aspect were the organic matter content, soil available P, and water content. Rill erosion, gully erosion, and mass movement were all significantly higher on roadcuts than roadfills. A total of 308 spontaneous colonizers and seeded species were recorded. The type and aspect of the slope also controlled species composition. The short duration of available water in the soil with respect to soil water potential proved to be a limiting factor to plant colonization on roadcuts and south‐facing slopes as well as the low soil fertility in the case of roadcuts. Our results underscore the difficulty of revegetating slopes with angles greater than 45°, where the probability of seeds moving downhill is high. Future efforts should focus on increasing the surface roughness or building terraces at regular intervals in order to reduce slope angle to less than 45° and favor seed trapping and germination. On gentler slopes, adjusting of seed mixes according to dominant species associated with each slope type and aspect should improve considerably the success of roadside revegetation.  相似文献   

植被覆盖度和综合治理对纸坊沟流域土壤氮素流失的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
同小流域土壤侵蚀一样,小流域土壤氮素随洪流流失也受到植被覆盖度的影响,通常经过调整小流域内土地利用结构以达到控制水土流失。该研究以8.27 km2纸坊沟流域和1:400比例流域模型为研究对象,研究植被覆盖度和综合治理对纸坊沟流域土壤氮素流失的影响。结果表明:在模拟降雨下,当流域植被覆盖度分别为60%、40%、20%和0时,流域模型铵态氮流失量分别为87.08、44.31、25.16和13.71 kg/km2,硝态氮为85.50、74.05、63.95和56.23 kg/km2,全氮为0.81、1.18、1.98和7.51 t/km2;在自然降雨下,1998年与1992年相比,全流域年土壤侵蚀量为1 086 t/km2和1 119 t/km2,氮素流失量为8 758.5和7 562.2 kg,减少了15.8%,其中农地减少了52.0%。流域对降水中的矿质氮具有过滤作用,硝态氮的过滤作用明显高于铵态氮。洪流泥沙中<20 mm微团聚体富集造成了泥沙有机质和全氮的富集。植被覆盖虽能有效地减少流域土壤侵蚀和全氮的流失,却能增加土壤矿质氮的流失。坡地退耕还林草可显著减少流域土壤氮素流失。  相似文献   

Performance of Vegetation in Reclaimed Slopes Affected by Soil Erosion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil erosion in reclaimed mines may affect plant colonization and performance, and may compromise restoration success; however, the magnitude of this effect has seldom been quantified. We monitored the dynamics of vegetation (seed bank density, seedling emergence, plant mortality, and seed production) during a growing season (2003–2004) in three constructed slopes with differing past erosion rates. The slopes are located in the Utrillas coalfield in Spain, which experiences a Mediterranean‐continental climate. In the most eroded slope, soil water availability was lower—especially in the interrill areas—and seedling emergence rate, plant survival, and seed production were also significantly lower than on the less eroded slopes. We found that vegetation recovery is dramatically constrained when rill erosion rate is 17 t ha?1 yr?1 and plant cover is 30%, but this effect disappears when plant cover is higher than 60%. Soil erosion in constructed slopes appears to inhibit natural plant colonization processes by increasing runoff water loss over the long‐term. Thus, when rill erosion networks develop, human intervention would be needed to minimize the loss of water and facilitate vegetation colonization.  相似文献   

The Effect of Soil Erosion on Europe’s Crop Yields   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Soil erosion negatively affects crop yields and may have contributed to the collapse of ancient civilizations. Whether erosion may have such an impact on modern societies as well, is subject to debate. In this paper we quantify the relationship between crop yields and soil water available to plants, the most important yield-determining factor affected by erosion, at the European scale. Using information on the spatial distribution of erosion rates we calculate the potential threat of erosion-induced productivity losses. We show that future reductions in productivity in Europe as a whole are relatively small and do not pose a substantial threat to crop production within the coming century. However, within Europe there is considerable variability, and although productivity in northern Europe is not likely to be significantly reduced by soil erosion, for the southern countries the threat of erosion-induced productivity declines is stronger.  相似文献   

Soil Erosion Impact on Agronomic Productivity and Environment Quality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R. Lal 《植物科学评论》1998,17(4):319-464
Soil erosion is a global issue because of its severe adverse economic and environmental impacts. Economic impacts on productivity may be due to direct effects on crops/plants on-site and off-site, and environmental consequences are primarily off-site due either to pollution of natural waters or adverse effects on air quality due to dust and emissions of radiatively active gases. Off-site economic effects of erosion are related to the damage to civil structure, siltation of water ways and reservoirs, and additional costs involved in water treatment. There are numerous reports regarding the on-site effects of erosion on productivity. However, a vast majority of these are from the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe, and only a few from soils of the tropics and subtropics. On-site effects of erosion on agronomic productivity are assessed with a wide range of methods, which can be broadly grouped into three categories: agronomic/soil quality evaluation, economic assessment, and knowledge surveys. Agronomic methods involve greenhouse and field experiments to assess erosion-induced changes in soil quality in relation to productivity. A widely used technique is to establish field plots on the same soil series but with different severity of past erosion. Different erosional phases must be located on the same landscape position. Impact of past erosion on productivity can also be assessed by relating plant growth to the depth of a root-restrictive horizon. Impact of current erosion rate on productivity can be assessed using field runoff plots or paired watersheds, and that of future erosion using topsoil removal and addition technique. Economic evaluation of the on-site impact involves assessment of the losses of plant available water and nutrients and other additional inputs needed due to erosion. Knowledge surveys are conducted as a qualitative substitute for locations where quantitative data are not available. Results obtained from these different techniques are not comparable, and there is a need to standardize the methods and develop scaling procedures to extrapolate the data from plot or soil level to regional and global scale. There is also a need to assess on-site impact of erosion in relation to soil loss tolerance, soil life, soil resilience or ease of restoration, and soil management options for sustainable use of soil and water resources. Restoration of degraded soils is a high global priority. If about 1.5×109?ha of soils in the world prone to erosion can be managed to effectively control soil erosion, it would improve air and water quality, sequester C in the pedosphere at the rate of about 1.5?Pg/year, and increase food production. The risks of global annual loss of food production due to accelerated erosion may be as high as 190×106?Mg of cereals, 6×106?Mg of soybeans, 3×106?Mg of pulses, and 73×106?Mg of roots and tubers. The actual loss may depend on weather conditions during the growing season, farming systems, soil management, and soil ameliorative input used. Erosion-caused losses of food production are most severe in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and elsewhere in the tropics rather than in other regions.  相似文献   

Ecology of Soil Erosion in Ecosystems   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Each year, about 75 billion tons of soil are eroded from the world's terrestrial ecosystems. Most agricultural land in the world is losing soil at rates ranging from 13 tons/ha/year to 40 tons/ha/year. Because soil is formed very slowly, this means that soil is being lost 13–40 times faster than the rate of renewal and sustainability. Rain and wind energy are the two prime causes of erosion from tilled or bare land. Erosion occurs when the soil lacks protective vegetative cover. Soil erosion reduces the productivity of the land by loss of water, soil organic matter, nutrients, biota, and depth of soil. The greatest threat to providing food for a rapidly growing human population is soil erosion. Abandoned, eroded agricultural land is replaced by clearing forested ecosystems. Received 17 February 1998; accepted 26 May 1998.  相似文献   

Soil microfungi were studied in the Sokolov (Czech Republic) post‐mining dumps afforested with Alnus glutinosa and in the Lusatian (Germany) post‐mining dumps afforested with Pinus sylvestris or P. nigra. Microfungi were isolated using the soil dilution plate method. Soil microfungi communities of two chronosequences were compared by species composition, frequency of species occurrence, and colony forming units of fungi (CFU‐counts). Differences in species occurrence were determined. More species of entomopathogenic microfungi were found from the Sokolov post‐mining area in comparison with the Cottbus post‐mining area. Absidia glauca, A. cylindrospora, Penicillium glabrum, and P. janthinellum were the most frequently isolated species from the Cottbus post‐mining area, while A. glauca, Geomyces pannorum, and Trichoderma koningii predominated at the Sokolov post‐mining area.  相似文献   

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