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The diminished knee flexion associated with stiff-knee gait, a movement abnormality commonly observed in persons with cerebral palsy, is thought to be caused by an over-active rectus femoris muscle producing an excessive knee extension moment during the swing phase of gait. As a result, treatment for stiff-knee gait is aimed at altering swing-phase muscle function. Unfortunately, this treatment strategy does not consistently result in improved knee flexion. We believe this is because multiple factors contribute to stiff-knee gait. Specifically, we hypothesize that many individuals with stiff-knee gait exhibit diminished knee flexion not because they have an excessive knee extension moment during swing, but because they walk with insufficient knee flexion velocity at toe-off. We measured the knee flexion velocity at toe-off and computed the average knee extension moment from toe-off to peak flexion in 17 subjects (18 limbs) with stiff-knee gait and 15 subjects (15 limbs) without movement abnormalities. We used forward dynamic simulation to determine how adjusting each stiff-knee subject's knee flexion velocity at toe-off to normal levels would affect knee flexion during swing. We found that only one of the 18 stiff-knee limbs exhibited an average knee extension moment from toe-off to peak flexion that was larger than normal. However, 15 of the 18 limbs exhibited a knee flexion velocity at toe-off that was below normal. Simulating an increase in the knee flexion velocity at toe-off to normal levels resulted in a normal or greater than normal range of knee flexion for each of these limbs. These results suggest that the diminished knee flexion of many persons with stiff-knee gait may be caused by abnormally low knee flexion velocity at toe-off as opposed to excessive knee extension moments during swing.  相似文献   

The termination of the EU milk quota system on April 1, 2015 is leading to an increase in manure production in the Netherlands. Rather than focus on the quality of water and nature, of which at least the water quality has strongly improved during the last decades, discussions appear to center on strengthening proxy measures that are already being used and which are only remotely related to the quality issue. The quality of water and nature is determined for ground- and surface water by first measuring their N and P content and for nature areas the N deposition. When these values are higher than threshold values determined by ecologists, quality is inadequate and measures are needed. When values are lower, quality is adequate. Three basic problems need to be addressed: (i) threshold values are in practice considered to be permanent while they should be dynamic reflecting a learning process when comparing measurements of N and P values on the one hand and a simultaneous ecological characterization on the other. This requires more cooperation between soil scientists, hydrologists and ecologists. Dynamic characterization may well lead to locally different threshold values. (ii) many measurements of water quality are being made but hardly any measurements of N deposition on nature areas. Such measurements are needed to allow judgements as to the effect of agricultural practices on nature quality. (iii) The necessary further improvement in water and nature quality, as far as it is affected by agricultural practices, can only be achieved when farmers are fully committed and engaged. The current top-down regulations with a “command-and-control” character, while effective in the 1990s, cannot serve this purpose in the information age, the more so since farmers are increasingly well educated and ask too many questions that are not being answered. The suggestion is made to change the generic character of the legislation (“one size fits all”) to a system where “tailor made” management systems are designed for individual farms,considering environmental conditions in the area where the farm occurs. Researchers and farmers can work together in a joint-learning mode to develop such designs that can be recognized by certificates with a legal status. In any case, the proportionality principle needs to be considered assuring that the severity of measures taken are in balance with societal effects.  相似文献   

Было устновлуено, что клетка в котоpyь вошел трансдуцируьший ?рагмнт дезоксирибонуклеин овой кислототь ?ага, денотипически выраженным признаком Начальный период первым лелением потенпиальный периол после алсорбции ?ага на клетку, перед первым признаком.Начадьнй иериод посде адсорбции ?ага иа клетку, персд пер вым делнием потенпално трансдуцкрванной клетки, зависит от протеосиптетичсско гоили другого чувствмтелыошенико лу процеса, протекышего в бактеривx впериод покоя.-Обсуждаытся оснояные Mеxaнизмы процссса трансдукции.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to verify the effectiveness of passive nature conservation with regard to the preservation of species, by examining a typical mesozooplankton community. We investigated five oxbow lakes which were similar to each other in terms of size, depth and close-to-each, but which differed markedly from one to another in terms of lake management. One is under passive protection, the others are under different forms of management. Based on the NMDS (Non-metric Dimensional Scaling) analysis, we identified the variable (transparency) which is responsible for the segregation. In the case of rare species IndVal (Indicator Value) analysis was used to evaluate the occurrence and significance of indicator species. We also found marked differences in the species composition; seven species showed indicator values for the protected oxbow lake, five of which were significant (p <?0.001). In contrast, in the case of the other four oxbow lakes, a total of one species showed an indicator value. Finally, regression tree analysis was used to distinguish the oxbow lakes from each other for both common and mass-occurring species. Among the mass-occurring species, the protected oxbow lake is characterized by a large number of Acropreus harpae (Baird, 1835), while in case of the other, non-protected, oxbow lakes Alona guttata (Sars, 1862) and Alonella excisa (Fischer, 1854) are the basis for the separate classification. There is a positive effect of passive protection regarding the quantitative and qualitative occurrence of the zooplankton community. Our study highlights the importance of this kind of passive protection in the life of a particular water body and advocates that their protection should be maintained.  相似文献   


Objective: Few studies have investigated haem oxygenase-1 gene (HMOX1) promoter polymorphism in microvascular angina (MVA).

Materials and methods: HMOX1 promoter (GT)n repeats were examined in healthy controls (N?=?220) and MVA subjects (N?=?181).

Results: The distribution of genotype of SS, SL and LL were significantly different in MVA (17%, 51%, 33%) vs. normal controls (35%, 46%, 20%) (p?<?0.001, S allele: ≤30 repeats, L allele: >30 repeats). In multivariate analysis, carrier of L allele (odds ratio 2.772, p?<?0.001) was a significant predictor for the diagnosis of MVA.

Conclusions: Subjects with MVA had longer HMOX1 promoter (GT)n repeats than the healthy controls.

Trial registration number: NCT01198730 at https://clinicaltrials.gov  相似文献   

Summary The importance of initial exchangeable soil NH 4 + in nitrogen nutrition and grain yield of rice was studied in a number of representative lowland rice soils in the Philippines. The initial exchangeable soil NH 4 + +fertilizer N plotted against nitrogen uptake by the crop resulted in a highly significant linear relationship (R2=0.91), suggesting that the presence of exchangeable NH 4 + in the soil at transplanting behaved like fertilizer nitrogen. The correlation between N fertilizer rate and N uptake by the rice crop was relatively poor (R2=0.73). On the other hand, relative grain yield was more closely correlated with the initial exchangeable soil NH 4 + +fertilizer N than with fertilizer nitrogen applied alone. These results indicate that the initial exchangeable NH 4 + in the soil contributed substantially to the nitrogen uptake of the crop.Critical nitrogen levels in the soil defined as the initial exchangeable soil NH 4 + +fertilizer N at which the optimum grain yield (95% of the maximum yield) is obtained, varied from 60 to 100 kg N/ha in the wet season and from 100 to 120 kg N/ha in the dry season for the different fertilizer treatments. The results further suggest that the initial exchangeable soil NH 4 + should serve as a guide in selecting an optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate for high grain yields.  相似文献   

Composite indicators are very popular tools for assessing and ranking countries and institutions in terms of environmental performance, sustainability, and other complex concepts that are not directly measurable. Because of the stakes that come with the media attention of these tools, a word of caution is warranted. One common misconception relates to the effect of the weights assigned to indicators during the aggregation process. This work presents a novel series of tools that allow developers and users of composite indicators to explore effects of these weights. First, the importance of each indicator to the composite is measured by the nonlinear Pearson correlation ratio, estimated by Bayesian Gaussian processes. Second, the effect of each indicator is isolated from that of other indicators using regression analysis, and examined in detail. Finally, an optimisation procedure is proposed which allows weights to be fitted to agree with pre-specified values of importance. These three tools together give developers considerable insight into the effects of weights and suggest possibilities for refining and simplifying the aggregation. The added value of these tools are shown on three case studies: the Resource Governance Index, the Good Country Index, and the Water Retention Index.  相似文献   

Contemporary sequencing studies often ignore the diploid nature of the human genome because they do not routinely separate or 'phase' maternally and paternally derived sequence information. However, many findings - both from recent studies and in the more established medical genetics literature - indicate that relationships between human DNA sequence and phenotype, including disease, can be more fully understood with phase information. Thus, the existing technological impediments to obtaining phase information must be overcome if human genomics is to reach its full potential.  相似文献   

Large initial seed size frequently confers distinct advantages on cereal crops in terms of seedling vigor, hardiness, improved stand establishment, and higher productivity. This study was conducted to determine if these advantages inherent in the plants grown from large seeds persist when the crop is subjected to salinity stress. Two hard red spring wheat cultivars, Yecora Rojo and Anza were grown in greenhouse sand cultures from seed of two size classes that differed in weight by a factor of 2. The cultures were irrigated four times daily with complete nutrient solutions to which NaCl and CaCl2 (2:1 molar ratio) were added to achieve osmotic potentials of –0.05. –0.55, and –0.70 MPa with electrical conductivities of 1.8, 12.8, and 15.8 dS m-1, respectively. In response to both salinity and small initial seed size, the following plant characteristics decreased: leaf appearance rate, blade area, tillers per plant, spikelets per spike and seeds per spike. Plants grown from large seeds out-yielded those from small seeds by 8, 37, and 27% for Yecora Rojo and by 15, 30, and 23% for Anza at osmotic potentials of –0.05, –0.55 and –0.70 MPa, respectively. Compared to the corresponding nonsaline controls, the yield of Yecora Rojo grown at –0.55 MPa was 51% for the plants from large seed and 35% from the small seeds. For Anza salinized at –0.55 MPa, these values were 49 and 40%, respectively. Exploitation of the benefits derived from large initial seed size may be a cost-effective management strategy for improving wheat productivity in salt-affected areas.  相似文献   

V M Fedoseenko 《Tsitologiia》1989,31(2):247-250
Six white mice were inoculated orally with Sarcocystis dispersa sporocysts and killed on days 10, 12 and 14 post inoculation (p. i.). Precyst merozoites were found in leukocytes and muscular cells on days 10 and 12 p. i. Young cysts containing only metrocytes were found on days 12 and 14 p. i. Precyst merozoites in muscular cells were situated freely, without any parasitophorous vacuole. The process of merozoite transformation into a primary metrocyte runs parallel with the process of sarcocyst wall formation.  相似文献   

Auditory streaming and visual plaids have been used extensively to study perceptual organization in each modality. Both stimuli can produce bistable alternations between grouped (one object) and split (two objects) interpretations. They also share two peculiar features: (i) at the onset of stimulus presentation, organization starts with a systematic bias towards the grouped interpretation; (ii) this first percept has 'inertia'; it lasts longer than the subsequent ones. As a result, the probability of forming different objects builds up over time, a landmark of both behavioural and neurophysiological data on auditory streaming. Here we show that first percept bias and inertia are independent. In plaid perception, inertia is due to a depth ordering ambiguity in the transparent (split) interpretation that makes plaid perception tristable rather than bistable: experimental manipulations removing the depth ambiguity suppressed inertia. However, the first percept bias persisted. We attempted a similar manipulation for auditory streaming by introducing level differences between streams, to bias which stream would appear in the perceptual foreground. Here both inertia and first percept bias persisted. We thus argue that the critical common feature of the onset of perceptual organization is the grouping bias, which may be related to the transition from temporally/spatially local to temporally/spatially global computation.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental evidence is advanced which contradicts the view that the intercepts on the ordinate of plots of amount of cation absorbedvs time may be interpreted as representing the amount of ion initially bound to the sites involved in its active absorption and may be used to calculate the concentration of these sites.  相似文献   

Detailed evaluation of coronary function early in diabetes mellitus (DM)-associated coronary artery disease (CAD) development is difficult in patients. Therefore, we investigated coronary conduit and small artery function in a preatherosclerotic DM porcine model with type 2 characteristics. Streptozotocin-induced DM pigs on a saturated fat/cholesterol (SFC) diet (SFC + DM) were compared with control pigs on SFC and standard (control) diets. SFC + DM pigs showed DM-associated metabolic alterations and early atherosclerosis development in the aorta. Endothelium-dependent vasodilation to bradykinin (BK), with or without blockade of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, endothelium-independent vasodilation to an exogenous NO-donor (S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine), and vasoconstriction to endothelin (ET)-1 with blockade of receptor subtypes, were assessed in vitro. Small coronary arteries, but not conduit vessels, showed functional alterations including impaired BK-induced vasodilatation due to loss of NO (P < 0.01 vs. SFC and control) and reduced vasoconstriction to ET-1 (P < 0.01 vs. SFC and control), due to a decreased ET(A) receptor dominance. Other vasomotor responses were unaltered. In conclusion, this model demonstrates specific coronary microvascular alterations with regard to NO and ET-1 systems in the process of early atherosclerosis in DM. In particular, the altered ET-1 system correlated with hyperglycemia in atherogenic conditions, emphasizing the importance of this system in DM-associated CAD development.  相似文献   

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