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1998年夏季青藏高原辐射平衡分量特征   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
利用1998年夏季第二次青藏高原气象科学试验(TIPEX)获得的改则、当雄和昌都三个热源观测站的数据和相关资料,统计和分析了高原夏季辐射平衡分量和热源强度的变化特征.结果表明高原地面总辐射平均强度以西部最强,中部次之,东部最小.6月中旬后随着雨季到来,地表反射率均有所降低,中部和东部的辐射强度明显减弱,西部雨季降水和云量都比较少,辐射强度变化不明显.高原中部和东部的净辐射在6月中旬有明显的突变现象,西部突变期出现在7月上旬,以中部的辐射加热强度最大,东部次之,西部最小.湿期随着地面长波辐射的减少,热源强度明显增大.  相似文献   

冰芯记录的过去1000年青藏高原温度变化   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
根据青藏高原4支记录超过1000 a的冰芯(普若岗日冰芯、古里雅冰芯、达索普冰芯和敦德冰芯)中氧同位素(d18O)10 a平均值变化,研究了青藏高原最近1000 a来的气温变化。4支冰芯记录的过去1000 a气温均是在冷暖波动中逐渐上升,但在变化幅度上存在区域性差异。利用4支冰芯记录恢复的青藏高原千年气温曲线表明,青藏高原中世纪暖期持续到13世纪,期间经历了3个暖期和冷期;14世纪和16世纪是相对冷期,15世纪和17世纪是相对暖期,17世纪末至1920 AD气候冷暖波动频繁;以后快速升温至今,目前为过去1000 a来最暖期。青藏高原过去1000 a气温的总体变化趋势与北半球气温的变化趋势基本相一致。  相似文献   


Because of the high elevation and complex topography of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), the role of lakes in the climate system over the Tibetan Plateau is not well understood. For this study, we investigated the impact of lake processes on local and regional climate using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, which includes a one-dimensional physically based lake model. The first simulation with the WRF model was performed for the TP over the 2000–2010 period, and the second was carried out during the same period but with the lakes filled with nearby land-use types. Results with the lake simulation show that the model captures the spatial and temporal patterns of annual mean precipitation and temperature well over the TP. Through comparison of the two simulations, we found that the TP lakes mainly cool the near-surface air, inducing a decreasing sensible heat flux for the entire year. Meanwhile, stronger evaporation produced by the lakes is found in the fall. During the summer, the cooling effect of the lakes decreases precipitation in the surrounding area and generates anomalous circulation patterns. In conclusion, the TP lakes cool the near-surface atmosphere most of the time, weaken the sensible heat flux, and strengthen the latent heat flux, resulting in changes in mesoscale precipitation and regional-scale circulation.  相似文献   

本文以中国气象局成都高原气象研究所2009~2013年编辑的《高原气象研究动态》所收录的论文数据为基础,运用文献计量和内容分析法,通过对高原天气、高原气候、高原气候与环境变化和高原陆气相互作用4大主题领域国内外主要科技期刊论文刊发情况的比较分析,以期梳理出青藏高原气象研究方面的宏观发展状态及趋势,并为该领域研究人员发表论文提供一些参考。   相似文献   

A springtime tropopause fold event, found to be related to a cold trough intrusion from the north, was detected in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP) based on various observations. A nested high-resolution mesoscale model was employed to investigate the effect of orography on the stratosphere-troposphere exchange. The model was found to be able to capture plausible tropopause fold properties. The propagation of the tropopause fold changed significantly when the terrain height in the model was altered. Ho...  相似文献   

由于青藏高原(简称高原)是影响中国极端天气和气候事件的关键区,对天气、气候预报有重要影响。因此,中国气象局、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国科学院共同推动了"第三次青藏高原大气科学试验(TIPEX-Ⅲ)"工作。自2013年的预试验开始,TIPEX-Ⅲ在高原西部狮泉河、改则和申扎新建全自动探空系统,填补了高原西部缺少常规探空站的空白;在高原中、西部建成土壤温、湿度观测网;实施了高原尺度和那曲区域尺度的边界层观测,那曲多型雷达和机载设备的云降水物理特征综合观测,高原多站的对流层-平流层大气成分观测。在研究成果方面,项目结果指出,在高原中、西部草原、草甸和裸土下垫面状况下地表热量湍流交换系数和感热通量明显低于过去较早的估计值;高原主体的对流云活动主要不是来自南亚季风区的向北传播,而可能是局地发展所致;揭示出那曲对流云日变化特征、云宏微观特征以及云中水不同相态之间的转化机制,提出了夏季高原加热在维持亚洲大气"水塔"中的作用,以及高原加热对亚洲、非洲、北美洲气候的调节作用。在数值预报模式中,Γ分布比M-P分布更适合于高原雨滴谱特征,通过改进高原热传导过程参数化方案可以降低模式中高估的地表感热,并提升模式对中国中、东部雨带的模拟能力;此外,考虑青藏高原关键区信号可以提升中国中、东部降水的预报技巧。TIPEX-Ⅲ还带动了地面和高空常规观测、天气业务雷达和风廓线雷达等观测数据加工处理业务技术的发展,提升了中国国家级土壤湿度、水汽含量等遥感产品和高分辨率多源降水融合产品的质量,促进了气象监测、预报和数据共享业务的发展。   相似文献   

冷空气对两例高原低涡移出高原影响的分析   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
利用NCEP再分析资料对2002年8月12~20日托勒涡及2003年7月12~14日诺木洪涡两例高原低涡在冷空气影响下移出高原的斜压性和温度平流进行诊断分析,结果表明:(1)受切变线影响的托勒低涡移出高原时主要受东北方冷空气不断伸入涡区的影响,西风槽前的诺木洪低涡主要受西北方冷空气伸入涡区的影响。(2)高原低涡是在600 hPa以上涡柱内斜压性较强、500 hPa涡区内斜压性加强情况下移出高原的。不同的是:托勒低涡移出高原,涡柱内对流层中上层斜压性、500 hPa涡区内斜压性都比诺木洪低涡弱;托勒低涡涡柱内北冷南暖现象比诺木洪低涡强。(3)高原低涡是在低涡区内大部分受冷平流控制,涡区西部冷平流比东部强时移出高原的;低涡西部的冷平流加强将会使低涡发展加强,在高原以东持续。不同的是:受切变线影响的托勒低涡移出高原时低涡西部冷平流区强度比受西风槽前诺木洪低涡弱;而托勒低涡区冷平流区比诺木洪低涡移出高原时大。  相似文献   

The efficacy of vegetation dynamics simulations in offline land surface models (LSMs) largely depends on the quality and spatial resolution of meteorological forcing data. In this study, the Princeton Global Meteorological Forcing Data (PMFD) and the high spatial resolution and upscaled China Meteorological Forcing Data (CMFD) were used to drive the Simplified Simple Biosphere model version 4/Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics (SSiB4/TRIFFID) and investigate how meteorological forcing datasets with different spatial resolutions affect simulations over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), a region with complex topography and sparse observations. By comparing the monthly Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Gross Primary Production (GPP) against observations, we found that SSiB4/TRIFFID driven by upscaled CMFD improved the performance in simulating the spatial distributions of LAI and GPP over the TP, reducing RMSEs by 24.3% and 20.5%, respectively. The multi-year averaged GPP decreased from 364.68 gC \begin{document}${\mathrm{m}}^{-2}\;{\mathrm{y}\mathrm{r}}^{-1}$\end{document} to 241.21 gC \begin{document}${\mathrm{m}}^{-2}\;{\mathrm{y}\mathrm{r}}^{-1}$\end{document} with the percentage bias dropping from 50.2% to –1.7%. When using the high spatial resolution CMFD, the RMSEs of the spatial distributions of LAI and GPP simulations were further reduced by 7.5% and 9.5%, respectively. This study highlights the importance of more realistic and high-resolution forcing data in simulating vegetation growth and carbon exchange between the atmosphere and biosphere over the TP.  相似文献   

由于青藏高原特殊而强大的动力和热力效应,东亚季风、印度季风和高原季风多季风交汇于此。受多季风交汇影响,青藏高原低涡影响水循环的过程极为复杂,而高原水循环的异常往往造成高原及周边乃至我国中东部地区频发灾害性天气过程,因此一直是国内外学者关注的热点和难点问题。本文系统回顾了国内外关于高原低涡活动特征、结构特征、生成发展机制等方面研究进展,并从低涡的水汽输送、降水和云-降水物理等角度概括了高原低涡参与水循环过程研究成果,特别在总结东亚季风、印度季风和高原季风相互作用研究的基础上分析了多季风交汇对高原水循环的影响。最后对当前高原低涡在多季风作用下影响水循环过程方面存在的问题进行了讨论,并展望了未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Feedback Mechanisms For The Atmosphere And Ocean Surface   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two kinds of feedback mechanisms in the coupling process between the atmosphere and ocean surface are identified in this paper. One is a negative feedback mechanism, which is effective in the dynamic interaction processes through momentum flux exchange. In this mechanism,the ocean extracts momentum from the atmosphere as a forcing field to generate waves, which decelerates atmospheric motions, lessening the intensity of synoptic systems. The second is a positive feedback mechanism, which is effective in the thermal interaction processes through heat flux exchange. This is a mechanism that is effective in the transport of sensible and latent heat fluxes to the atmosphere from the underlyingocean surface. As a result, the atmosphere obtains energy from the ocean, which intensifies atmospheric motions. For storm conditions typical of North Atlantic mid-latitudes, we consider these thermal and dynamical nteractions, the dominance of one over the other, and related implications for storm intensification.  相似文献   

对北海市气候资源的开发利用及气候灾害防灾减灾对策进行分析,为北海市乃至广西的可持续性发展提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原地面热源和高原低涡生成频数的日变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过1981—2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析出夏季青藏高原地面热源具有强烈的日变化,白天高原是强热源,夜间高原地面转变为弱热汇,日较差可达420 W·m~(-2),呈由西向东递减分布。其中地面感热和潜热加热的日变化均十分明显,日较差分别可达300 W·m~(-2)和200 W·m~(-2);感热加热的日变幅由西北向东南递减,而潜热加热由南向北递减。同时,利用人工识别的高原低涡数据集初步分析了夏季高原低涡生成频数的日变化,发现夜间生成的高原低涡频数略高于白天,其中00 UTC的低涡源地主要在西藏那曲和林芝(工布江达),12 UTC低涡源地主要在西藏那曲和青海玉树。  相似文献   

回顾近20年青藏高原卫星遥感技术在气象领域的应用研究成果,主要包括卫星资料在天气分析和预报、气候变化研究,以及森林火险和积雪监测等方面的应用研究,并指出目前青藏高原气象卫星应用研究中亟待解决的问题和对策。  相似文献   

西藏高原雨季开始和中断的气候特征及其环流分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周顺武  假拉 《气象》1999,25(12):38-42
西藏高原降水主要集中在5 ̄9月,利用高原34个站点逐日降水资料,依据降水相对系数C,客观地确定雨季的起始和中断标准,重点分析雅鲁藏布江流域河谷农区雨季开始、中断气候特征,并对高原雨季开始、中断的典型个例进行了环流分析。  相似文献   

The Summer Surface Energy Balance of the High Antarctic Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The summertime surface energy balance (SEB) at Kohnen station, situated on the high Antarctic plateau (75°00′ S, 0°04′ E, 2892m above sea level) is presented for the period of 8 January to 9 February 2002. Shortwave and longwave radiation fluxes were measured directly; the former was corrected for problems associated with the cosine response of the instrument. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were calculated using the bulk method, and eddy-correlation measurements and the modified Bowen ratio method were used to verify these calculated fluxes. The calculated sub-surface heat flux was checked by comparing calculated to measured snow temperatures. Uncertainties in the measurements and energy-balance calculations are discussed. The general meteorological conditions were not extraordinary during the period of the experiment, with a mean 2-m air temperature of −27.5°C, specific humidity of 0.52×10−3kg kg−1 and wind speed of 4.1ms−1. The experiment covered the transition period from Antarctic summer (positive net radiation) to winter (negative net radiation), and as a result the period mean net radiation, sensible heat, latent heat and sub-surface heat fluxes were small with values of −1.1, 0.0, −1.0 and 0.7 Wm−2, respectively. Daily mean net radiation peaked on cloudy days (16 Wm−2) and was negative on clear-sky days (minimum of −19 W m−2). Daily mean sensible heat flux ranged from −8 to +10 Wm−2, latent heat flux from −4 to 0 Wm−2 and sub-surface heat flux from −8 to +7 Wm−2.  相似文献   

以一些易被忽略、简化的指示性云状及编码为依据,论述云天演变,对于观测、记录及编码具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以一些易被忽略、简化的指示性云状及编码为依据,论述云天演变,对于观测、记录及编码具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Predictions from a new theory for high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers during near-neutral conditions are shown to agree well with measurements of atmospheric surface-layer variances and spectra. The theory suggests surface-layer turbulence is determined by detached eddies that largely originate in the shearing motion immediately above the surface layer; as they descend into this layer, they are strongly distorted by the local shear and impinge onto the surface. Because the origin of these eddies is non-local, they are similar to those described in previous studies as `inactive' turbulence. However, they are, in fact, dynamically highly active, supplying the major mechanism for the momentum transport, including upward bursting on the time scale of the larger eddies. The vertical velocity results show that the variance and the low frequency parts of spectra increase with height in the surface layer, while in the self similar (k1 -1) range the streamwise low frequency components are approximately constant with height. These large-scale longitudinal eddies extend to a length s, which is equal to the boundary-layer height near the surface andincreases linearly to a maximum of about three times the boundary-layer height at roughly 15 m and decreases in the upper parts of the surface layer. This lower part of the surface layer, the eddy surface layer, is the region in which the eddies impinging from layers above are strongly distorted. This new result for the atmospheric boundary layer has practical application for calculating fluctuating wind loads on structures and lateral dispersion of pollution from local sources.  相似文献   

气候论证的内容和技术方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
气候论证是《中华人民共和国气象法》赋予气象部门的职责。现根据实际工作经验,介绍了气候论证的主要内容和技术方法,为加快广西气候论证的步伐,提高气候论证质量提供参考。  相似文献   

智能建筑接地技术探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
依据智能建筑的接地技术涉及面较广,且其要求各有侧重点,解决问题的方法和手段也不尽相同的思路对智能建筑接地技术的一些规定、接地方式的选择以及统一接地系统等进行探讨。  相似文献   

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