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为了解决当下专用食品3D打印机可打印食材种类单一的问题,课题组设计了一款可打印巧克力和面点类的通用挤出型食品3D打印机。通过SolidWorks软件设计了笛卡尔坐标系形式的机械结构,并对其滚珠丝杠螺母传动机构进行了分析计算,详细介绍了其选型过程。通过气压供料、活塞挤出的方式,实现了打印喷头的连续供料功能。针对巧克力类熔融挤出低温冷却及面点类常温挤出加热熟化的食材成型特性,设计了可实现制冷和加热切换的恒温打印平台温控系统,实现了食品3D打印成型的通用性。研究结果表明该型食品3D打印机能以连续性供料的方式打印巧克力及面点类食品,顺应了多功能发展的理念。所设计的食品3D打印机可以完成一机多用的个性化食品打印,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于活塞连续工作原理的3D打印笔的结构特点以及主要工作原理,并建立系统的数学模型。与以往的3D打印笔相比,其打印材料由ABS等塑性材料变成如液态巧克力等液态材料,使得打印材料范围得到扩展,并且设计合理,使用方便,有助于其它3D打印笔的研发与设计。  相似文献   

正日前在美国施乐第三季度财务报告会上,其CEOJohnVisentin宣布了该公司正在制定进军3D打印行业的计划。虽然在其发言中,施乐的3D打印项目的全部细节需要到2019年2月才能更为明朗化,但是该公司位于俄勒冈州的工厂正在制造3D打印用的打印头。施乐发言人在谈到3D打印行业时证实,直到  相似文献   

据3D打印公司Choc Edge称。适用于大批量工业生产的3D巧克力打印机即将在5年内进入市场。2012年5月,英国Choc Edge公司成为首家推出3D巧克力打印机的公司。上个月。该公司推出了新版本的Choc Creator V2,可供生产中小迷你型的个性化巧克力礼物。售价为6,667美元。目标客户群体为巧克力零售商。而巧克力生产商们也可以从中获益。  相似文献   

正理光推出了一款全新工业喷墨打印头RICOH TH5241,这是第一款使用薄膜压电致动器(PZT)的理光打印头,理光表示推出RICOH TH5241是为了满足对标志图形和纺织品打印运行尺寸和交货时间的需求。新品RICOH TH5241打印头属于RICOH TH工业喷墨打印头系列,该打印头通过使用MEMS技术及理光的独特设计,成为一款  相似文献   

目的:自制一种无糖的含灵芝、枸杞、麦冬复合多糖等中药功能因子的巧克力料,并对其3D打印成型性进行研究。方法:以麦芽糖醇和木糖醇的混合物替代蔗糖,并添加具有保健功能的灵芝、枸杞、麦冬复合多糖,利用球磨机制备一种无糖的含中药功能因子的保健巧克力料,并与市售巧克力料和不含中药功能因子的自制空白巧克力料作参照,比较其油脂含量,热学性质,黏度,3D打印的流动性、料线宽度和成型堆积高度。结果:三种巧克力料的油脂含量为37%~38%;熔融温度约32.7 ℃,且峰无裂分,调温成功;流变学性质差异较小;在料筒温度为30~35 ℃,环境温度为25 ℃下,选用0.8 mm打印头进行3D巧克力打印的成品效果最好,且含灵芝、枸杞、麦冬复合多糖的自制保健巧克力料具有更小的线宽波动范围和更高的成型堆积高度,具有更快的凝固能力。结论:含灵芝、枸杞、麦冬复合多糖的自制保健巧克力料可成功用于3D打印,且其保油性优于自制空白巧克力料和市售巧克力料。  相似文献   

3D打印技术为现代设计与生产带来了广泛的变革。全球各国政府、科研院所和企业都已大力推动与发展3D打印技术及其在各行业中的应用。在珠宝行业,运用喷蜡3D打印和失蜡铸造相结合的模式已广泛地作为一种创新的生产方式,在复杂与独特的首饰制造方面发展相对成熟。然而,3D打印技术所拥有的成形局限小、成形精度高的优势并没有得到充分的运用。其主要原因是把3D打印技术用于代替传统的手工起版,而没有将其3D打印技术成形局限小、成形精度高的优势运用于首饰的创新设计。本文基于3D打印技术及其成形工艺提出首饰活动结构的设计思路与原则。从首饰制造工艺的角度对球套活动结构、内悬挂活动结构、多螺旋式活动结构和轴活动结构展开3D打印首饰设计与应用研究。  相似文献   

为研究3D食品打印材料的设计,回顾了3D打印技术应用,并着重讨论食品材料性能如何起作用,如何通过合理设计3D食物结构来满足3D食品打印的可行性,可后续加工性。对3D打印技术的发展前景做出展望,旨在为3D打印技术在食品行业的研究应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

<正>经过国内企业和研究机构的共同努力,我国有望在未来1~2年内实现具有自主知识产权的国产喷墨打印头生产,彻底改变中国缺乏大规模制造喷墨打印头的能力以及受制于国外喷墨打印头产品垄断的局面。近年来,喷墨打印技术的应用领域已大大超越传统的图文打印和印刷,开始向工业制造领域快速拓展,包括:3D打印(砂型、金属、陶瓷、骨骼、光敏材料、类腊材料等)、纺织品数码印花、  相似文献   

"打印"出的肾脏3D打印技术相信大家应该已经不陌生了。从刚开始的3D巧克力打印机,再到能吹的乐器、能骑的自行车、能吃的药片……它正在向人们一步步地展示着其不可思议的巨大能量。在一年一度的TED  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the preferences and perceptions of texture‐modified three‐dimensional (3D) printed chocolate through three measures: two tasting tests and one survey. In the first test, 30 semitrained panelists ranked their overall preference from among the three samples of chocolate printed in a honeycomb pattern with infill percentages (IPs) of 25, 50, and 100%. The panelists ranked the samples based on appearance and hardness. In the second test, the same panelists nominated one preference between a 3D printed sample (100% IP) and a cast commercial chocolate sample. Friedman test indicated that there was no significant difference in overall preferences for hardness although the panelists significantly preferred the appearance of samples with 25 and 50% over the 100% infill. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in preference between the cast and 100% infill samples. The texture data of the chocolate samples showed that a higher force was required to break the chocolate samples as the IP increased from 25% (20.4 ± 1.1 N) to 100% (54.4 ± 1.5 N). Also, the 3D printed chocolate (printed in 100% IP) was found to be less hard than that of casted chocolate. In the survey of consumer perceptions, a total of 244 participated and assessed the samples for their intricate design and novel technology concept through a questionnaire. While there was a general awareness of 3D printing technology among these participants, many were impressed with the application of 3D printing to chocolate, as this was the first time they had seen this. The results obtained from the sensory tests and consumer survey provided a useful insight into consumers' perception of 3D food printing and the 3D products design. This awareness will be beneficial to promote this technology in the food industry.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) food printing is a digital food engineering method that has a remarkable application potential in long-term manned spaceflight. Extrusion-based 3D food printing, among the available 3D food printing techniques utilised in the food industry, is one of the most suitable printing methods for manned spaceflight. Extrusion-based 3D food printing could suffice most of the energy and personalised nutritional requirements of astronauts during long-term stay in space by utilising fruits, vegetables, meat products, and nutrients as printing materials. However, 3D food printing in manned spaceflight is still limited by technologies and costs such as printing materials, microgravity, post-processability of food, and engineering transportation under the existing technical conditions. Therefore, this article reviews the 3D food printing and manned spaceflight technologies that are currently available and discusses the challenges involved in 3D food printing in manned spaceflight, thus providing a theoretical basis for future 3D food printing for space missions.  相似文献   

基于果蔬原料的食品3D打印技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为新兴数字化生产技术,3D打印技术已在许多领域中被广泛应用。其在食品领域中的应用可满足人们对食品定制化、个性化营养和数字化营养的需求,能进一步简化食品供应链体系,拓宽食材来源。水果和蔬菜富含多种营养素,是人类饮食的重要组成部分。相对于面团、巧克力、肉糜等食材,水果和蔬菜具有含水量高、难成形、易褐变的特点,因此很难实现直接3D打印。为了更好地了解水果和蔬菜在食品3D打印领域的应用情况,本文从食品3D打印的原料特性要求、果蔬原料特性以及3D打印果蔬材料的加工技术等方面进行了综述,并对其发展趋势作出展望。  相似文献   

3D printing is a new promising technology capable of creating intricate food shapes. To stabilize the mechanical properties of the complex printed food it may require support structures. The 3D shape of chocolate was designed with different support structures (cross support, parallel support and no support) and its effect on the snapping properties was investigated. This study also determined the relationship between the physical properties of chocolate used for printing and the quality of the printed 3D constructs. The dimensions (wall thickness, height, and diameter), weight as well as physical properties (melting properties, flow behaviour, snap ability) of the 3D printed chocolate were evaluated. The nozzle temperature before deposition was maintained at 32 °C in order to extrude the melted state of the sample as the flow behaviour curves indicated that the melting of chocolate started between 28 °C to 30 °C. Incorporation of Magnesium Stearate (MgST) in the chocolate formulation aid in material lubrication and increase flow efficiency during deposition. Results showed that there was a minor difference between the predetermined diameter and the actual output diameter for each sample suggesting similarity between the printed 3D structure and the pre-designed 3D model. Wall thickness of printed item varied along the height due to uneven deposition of chocolate as the layer height increased. The breaking strength of the sample was strongly related to the additional support structure, with 3D chocolate with cross support structure requiring the highest force (N) to break the sample.Industrial relevanceThe development and production of food with 3-Dimensional printing (3DP) technology has potential to create and produce food in a more advanced format that will be a new paradigm shift in the food industry. Through 3D printing, personalised food can be created in terms of shape and nutritional composition. To firmly establish this promising technology as a powerful tool for engineering food it is required a thorough understanding of the supply ingredients and strategies to enhance printability. This study demonstrates the use of flow enhancer and inclusion of support structure in the designed shape were key factors influencing printability capacity of chocolate (edible ink chosen as a model).  相似文献   

食品3D打印技术及其在肉类加工中应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨耿涵  黄明远  徐幸莲 《食品科学》2021,42(21):308-314
食品3D打印技术是一种具有定制特定形状、实现个性化营养、开发新型资源等功能的未来食品加工技术。在肉类产业中,食品3D打印技术的应用可以实现肉类加工产业链的升级,例如减少原料肉的浪费、提高产品附加值和开发畜禽副产品等。基于此,本文介绍了食品3D打印技术的工作原理,并对肉类原料适印性的研究进行分析与总结,同时,展望食品3D打印技术在肉类生产加工中的应用前景,以期为食品3D打印技术在肉品领域中的应用提供科学依据和理论参考。  相似文献   

食品3D打印的发展及挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李光玲 《食品与机械》2015,31(1):231-234
随着3D打印技术的快速发展,其应用领域从传统模具制造领域不断扩展到建筑、工艺设计和医疗整形等领域。其成本的不断降低得益于Arduino开源硬件技术的发展。在食品行业,3D食品打印将对食物供应短缺、食物个性化需求、人类生活方式以及太空旅行等问题产生深远影响。3D打印食品的材料限制、口感、安全性、成本以及大众心理障碍等是目前食品3D打印所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) printing, one of the forms of additive manufacturing, has become a popular trend worldwide with a wide range of applications including food. The technology is adaptable and meets foods nutritional and sensory needs allowing meat processing to reach a sustainable level, technology addressing the food requirement of the ever-increasing population and the fast-paced lifestyle by reducing food preparation time. By minimizing food waste and the strain on animal resources, technology can help to create a more sustainable economy and environment. This review article discusses the 3D printing process and various 3D printing techniques used for food printing, such as laser powder bed fusion, inkjet food printing, and binder jetting, a suitable 3D technique used for meat printing, such as extrusion-based bioprinting. Moreover, we discuss properties that affect the printability of meat and its products with their applications in the meat industry, 3D printing market potential challenges, and future trends.  相似文献   


3D printing, also referred to as additive manufacturing, offers a wide range of new processing possibilities to the food industry. This technology allows a layer by layer (bottom to top) printing of predefined slices of designed and desired objects. 3D printing potentially allows rapid manufacturing of complex objects, which are unhindered by design complexity, thus providing substantial liberty to create new and untested geometric shapes. In terms of food manufacturing, the potential that 3D food printing technologies can bring may revolutionize certain aspects of food manufacturing, providing the convenience of low-cost customized fabrication and even tailored nutrition control. The most common materials suitable for 3D food printing are carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber and functional components. In the present study, the characteristics of raw materials or additives used during 3D printing, and requirements for estimating and improving their printing performance and self-supporting ability in extrusion-based printing regarding rheological characteristics of 3D food printing materials are reviewed. As an innovative process, 3D food printing may induce a revolution in certain areas of food manufacturing.  相似文献   

Robots and software have been significantly improving our daily lives by rendering us much convenience. And 3D printing is a typical example, for it is going to usher in a new era of localized manufacturing that is actually based on digital fabrication by layer-by-layer deposition in three-dimensional space. In terms of food industry, the revolution that three-dimensional printing technologies is bringing to food manufacturing is convenience of low-cost customized fabrication and even precise nutrition control. This paper is aimed to give a brief introduction of recent development of food printing and material property of food ingredients that can be used to design the 3D food matrix and investigate the relationship between process parameters and resulting printed food properties in order to establish a food manufacturing process with this new food production approach.  相似文献   

3D food printing has recently attracted significant attention, both from academic and industrial researchers, due to its ability to manufacture customized products in such terms as size, shape, texture, color, and nutrition to meet demands of individual consumers. 4D printing, which is a technique that allows evolution of various characteristics/properties of 3D printed objects over time through external stimulation, has also been gaining more attention. In order to produce defect-free printed objects via both 3D and 4D printing, it is necessary to first identify the causes of defects and then their mitigation strategies. Comprehensive review on these important issues is nevertheless missing. The purpose of this review is to investigate causes and characteristics of defects occurring during and/or after 3D food printing, with a focus on how different factors affect the printing accuracy. Various techniques that can potentially minimize or eliminate printing defects and produce high-quality 3D/4D printed food products without the need for time-consuming trial and error printing experiments are critically discussed. Guidelines to avoid defects to improve the efficiency of future 3D/4D printed food production are given.  相似文献   

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