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李剑峰 《煤矿机械》2007,28(11):160-160
由于预采顶分层后网下综放面的支承压力相对较低,液压支架后方存在大量大块煤,使大量顶煤丢失在采空区。充州矿业(集团)公司鲍店煤矿经过对网下综放开采工艺的研究,逐步摸清网下顶煤放出规律,并采取了相应的措施,使回收率超过80%,成本比分层综采下降50%,回采工效达到84t/工。  相似文献   

文章分析了网下综放开采时矿压显现规律,以及放煤参数及工艺措施,并和分层开采进行了技术和经济上的比较。  相似文献   

文章分析了网下综放开采时矿压显现规律,以及放煤参数及工艺措施,并和分层开采进行了技术和经济上的比较。  相似文献   

兖州矿业(集团)公司鲍店煤矿从生产实践出发,开发研制了综放工作面排头放顶煤支架,并且在1306综放工作面成功地进行了排头支架放顶煤的实践,使工作面回收率提高了2%~3%。  相似文献   

全面阐述了年产600万t综放工作面液压支架选型及主要技术参数的选取,详细地介绍了工作面配套与工业性试验过程,并对存在的问题提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

介绍一种低位连续式排头放顶煤支架 ,并对综放工作面排头支架顶煤回收率及端头维护等问题进行讨论分析。通过实践和应用表明 ,综放工作面排头支架放顶煤技术是可行的 ,效益明显  相似文献   

分析了网下综放工作面架前冒顶的成因 ,提出了预防措施及处理方法。  相似文献   

张来仁 《矿业快报》2005,21(3):47-48
网下低位放顶煤技术是同煤集团公司首次采用的采煤方法。通过对工作面液压支架、采煤机、刮板输送机、转载机、皮带输送机、破碎机等设备的合理选型及开采试验,达到了综采工作面设备高产、高效的目的。  相似文献   

通过对淄博天晟公司生产的ZFB2 80 0 /1 6/2 4轻型综放支架联杆机构的受力分析 ,叙述了单摆杆机构支架的优缺点及在济北矿区的实际应用效果  相似文献   

陈领  雷文成 《煤矿开采》1998,(3):17-18,58
文章从减少综放面两端头煤炭丢失入手,研制了综放面两端头放顶煤过渡支架,通过试验和矿压观测,证明该支架的适应性强,提高了煤炭资源回收率,取得很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Bolting of mining roadway for fully mechanized sublevel caving has been practised successfully in Hebi mining area. It provides a new method for roadway support and settles the problem of support difficulty radically for sublevel caving in Hebi mining area. Where an-chor reinforcement holds an important station in roadway support. This article brings forward the arrangement project of anchor based on theoretic analysis. Compared with arranged in the middle of the entry, anchor arranged in the vertex of the entry can reduces the length of anchor, shortens the anchor installation time, and heightens the reliability of anchor installa-tion.  相似文献   

综放回采巷道围岩稳定性分类的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
确定了综入回采巷道围岩稳定性的分类指标,并用判断矩阵分析法确定了分类指标的权值,应用人工神经网络的方法对综放回采巷道围岩稳定性分类进行综合研究,将36条综放回采巷道分为3个类别,并确定了各个类别的聚类中心。  相似文献   

According to the analysis of the mechanism of top coal caving, the caving condition was pointed out, and many factors of caving were also determined. Then the relationship between factors and caving was studied. Based on the above research, one effective method by using field monitoring was brought forward to determine the controlling factor. Then some related key technologies were provided, such as keeping the integrality of the top-coal, raising the horizontal resistance of supports and decreasing the real end-face distance etc.. At last one application of this method was presented, and it was proved to be an effective method.  相似文献   

Under the action of abutment pressure in front of fully mechanized coal face with sublevel caving (CFSC), top-coal over CFSC deformed. In the process of whole deformation of top-coal, it changed from continuum elastic mass to non-continuum plastic mass contained fissures, become a loose body. According to its bearing characteristics and mechanical properties, top-coal mass can be divided into four deformation zones along the winning direction of CFSC, i.e. initial stress zone, elastic zone, plastic zone and loose zone. Top-coal in plastic zone located in the post-peak zone of the stress-strain curve for top-coal. With equivalent strain principle of damage mechanics and mathematical theory of statistic, combining the movement law of top-coal, set up a constitutive equation with damage statistics for top-coal in different position in CFSC. The equation illustrated the mathematical relationship among top-coal bearing capacity, horizontal confining pressure along the winning direction of CFSC and mechanical properties of top-coal material. The conclusions not only provide a basis for numerical computer simulations on damage deformation and failure mechanism for top-coal, but also further promote the application of damage mechanics in CFSC. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(40638040/D0214, 50534070/E04)  相似文献   

我国水体下综放开采技术的应用及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综放开采技术在水体下采煤领域中的应用情况、观测研究现状及其发展战略与趋势。  相似文献   

锚网索联合支护在深井综放沿空巷道中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对深井综放沿空巷道难支护的特点,根据兖矿集团南屯煤矿9302工作面采用锚网索联合支护所取得的实际效果,结合巷道支护监测分析,证实锚网索联合支护在类似难支护巷道中使用是合理可靠的。  相似文献   

综放异形煤柱沿空留巷围岩松动圈演化与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过数值计算得出巷道周边的垂直应力分布,并根据垂直应力分布来判断巷道周边松动区的范围,近似认为垂直应力小于原岩应力的区域为松动区,从而得到了不同煤柱宽度时综放沿空留巷的松动圈厚度,并根据计算的松动圈厚度进行了锚杆参数设计。通过现场验证,取得了较好的支护效果。  相似文献   

硫磺沟煤矿以往开采相邻工作面之间留设40m煤柱来防止相邻采空区通透漏风而引起采空区的自然发火,同时也兼顾了工作面矿山压力的影响。但却造成了煤炭资源的浪费(约占全矿煤炭损失的40%),然而煤柱在采空区侧被压酥,甚至压碎,极易造成采空区煤柱自然发火,对安全生产构成威胁,同时若煤柱留设不合理易形成应力集中,造成其下伏巷道维护困难。因此,开展复合灾害矿井综放工作面窄煤柱沿空掘巷安全保障技术研究,可实现窄煤柱护巷,既有利于提高煤炭资源回收率,降低冲击地压发生的可能性,也可以消除或减少因煤柱引起的煤层自然发火与瓦斯超限事故,同时更有利于巷道维护。  相似文献   

刘大伟 《中州煤炭》2019,(1):158-162
在充分了解国内外水体下采煤研究现状的基础上,从水体下采煤的特点出发,根据N1N4综放工作面地表水体特征、上覆岩层的赋存状态及煤层埋藏条件,通过分析大平矿覆岩破坏规律及N1S1综放工作面水库下开采部分成果,得出导水裂隙带高度,按照《“三下”开采规程》要求计算出防水煤岩柱厚度,经验证,N1N4综放工作面水下开采是安全可靠的。根据煤层的赋存结构和大平矿生产实践,列出自然分层综放、人工分层综放和综放全采3种开采方案,通过理论和实践验证,在N1N4综放工作面采用自然分层综放开采是安全可靠的。  相似文献   

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