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To investigate the effect of cell cycle inhibitor p19ARF on replicative senescence of human diploid cell,recombinant p19ARF eukaryotic expression vector was constructed and p19ARF gene was transfected into human diploid fibroblasts (WI-38 cells) by liposome-mediated transfection for overexpression.Then, the effects of p19ARF on replicative senescence of WI-38 cells were observed. The results revealed that, compared with control cells, the WI-38 cells in which p19ARFgene was introduced showed significant up-regulation of p53 and p21 expression level, decrease of cell generation by 10-12 generations, decline of cell growth rate with cell cycle being arrested at G1 phase, increase of positive rate of senescent marker SA-β-gal staining, and decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential. The morphology of the transfected fibroblasts presented the characteristics changes similar to senescent cells.These results indicated that high expression of p19ARF may promote the senescent process of human diploid cells.  相似文献   

p19(ARF) is a tumor suppressor that is frequently deleted in human cancer. It lies at chromosome 9p21 and shares exons 2 and 3 with p16(ink4a), which is also inactivated by these cancer-associated deletions. The "canonical pathway" by which p19(ARF) is thought to suppress tumorigenesis through activation of the p53 tumor suppressor. In response to hyperproliferative signals, such as expression of oncogenes, p19(ARF) is induced and binds to the MDM2 ubiquitin ligase, sequestering it in the nucleolus to allow the accumulation of p53. However, p19(ARF) also has MDM2 and p53 independent functions. In human colon cancer, p19(ARF) is only rarely deleted, but it is more frequently silenced by DNA promoter methylation. Here we show that inactivation of p19(ARF) in mice increases the number of cycling cells in the crypts of the colonic epithelium. Moreover, inactivation of p19(ARF) exacerbated the ulceration of the colonic epithelium caused by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). These effects were similar to those observed in mice lacking myeloid translocation gene-related-1 (Mtgr1), and mice lacking both of these genes showed an even greater sensitivity to DSS. Surprisingly, inactivation of p19(ARF) restored the loss of the secretory lineage in mice deficient in Mtgr1, suggesting an additional role for p19(ARF) in the small intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

The ARF (p19ARF for the mouse ARF consisting of 169 amino acids and p14ARF for the human ARF consisting of 132 amino acids) genes upregulate p53 activities to induce cell cycle arrest and sensitize cells to apoptosis by inhibiting Mdm2 activity. p53-independent apoptosis also is induced by ectopic expression of p19ARF. We constructed various deletion mutants of p19ARF with a cre/loxP-regulated adenoviral vector to determine the regions of p19ARF which are responsible for p53-independent apoptosis. Ectopic expression of the C-terminal region (named C40) of p19ARF whose primary sequence is unique to the rodent ARF induced prominent apoptosis in p53-deficient mouse embryo fibroblasts. Relatively low-grade but significant apoptosis also was induced in p53-deficient mouse embryo fibroblasts by ectopic expression of p19ARF1-129, a p19ARF deletion mutant deficient in the C40 region. In contrast, ectopic expression of the wild-type p14ARF did not induce significant apoptosis in human cells. Taken together, we concluded that p53-independent apoptosis was mediated through multiple regions of the mouse ARF including C40, and the ability of the ARF gene to mediate p53-independent apoptosis has been not well conserved during mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

Senescent cells accumulate in tissues during aging and are considered to underlie several aging‐associated phenotypes and diseases. We recently reported that the elimination of p19ARF‐expressing senescent cells from lung tissue restored tissue function and gene expression in middle‐aged (12‐month‐old) mice. The aging of lung tissue increases the risk of pulmonary diseases such as emphysema, and cellular senescence is accelerated in emphysema patients. However, there is currently no direct evidence to show that cellular senescence promotes the pathology of emphysema, and the involvement of senescence in the development of this disease has yet to be clarified. We herein demonstrated that p19ARF facilitated the development of pulmonary emphysema in mice. The elimination of p19ARF‐expressing cells prevented lung tissue from elastase‐induced lung dysfunction. These effects appeared to depend on reduced pulmonary inflammation, which is enhanced after elastase stimulation. Furthermore, the administration of a senolytic drug that selectively kills senescent cells attenuated emphysema‐associated pathologies. These results strongly suggest the potential of senescent cells as therapeutic/preventive targets for pulmonary emphysema.  相似文献   

p19ARF-induced p53-independent apoptosis largely occurs through BAX   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Combined disruption of the ARF gene and the p53 gene causes mouse predisposition to tumors of a wider variety and at a higher frequency than disruption of the p53 gene, indicating that the ARF gene has p53-independent anti-tumor function in addition to p53-dependent function. Coincidentally with this notion, ectopic expression of the p19(ARF) induces apoptosis for wild-type mouse embryo fibroblasts which have been immortalized by introduction of the SV40 virus genome (SV40-MEFs). The protein expression levels of p53, p21(Cip1), and Bax were not upregulated by ectopic expression of p19(ARF) in SV40-MEFs, indicating that expression of p19(ARF) induced apoptosis through p53-independent pathways in this system. Ectopic expression of p19(ARF) induced prominent apoptosis even in SV40-Bak-/-MEFs. In contrast, expression of p19(ARF) induced only a very low grade of apoptosis in Bax-/- or Bax-/-/Bak-/-SV40-MEFs. Remarkable attenuation of p19(ARF)-induced apoptosis by disruption of the Bax gene thus leads to the conclusion that Bax plays a major role in p53-independent apoptosis induced by p19(ARF).  相似文献   

Role of cell cycle regulator p19ARF in regulating T cell responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it is well established that the processes of cellular proliferation and apoptosis are linked, the role of cell cycle regulators in T cell responses in vivo is not well understood. In recent years, tumor suppressor molecule p19(ARF) has emerged as a key cell cycle regulator important in cellular apoptosis against strong mitogenic stimuli. In this study, we compared the antigen-specific T cell responses between wild type (+/+) and p19(ARF)-deficient (p19-/-) mice following an acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). p19-/- mice mounted a potent CD8 T cell response and the magnitude of expansion of LCMV-specific CD8 T cells was comparable to that of +/+ mice. Further, the clonal downsizing of the expanded virus-specific CD8 T cells and establishment of long-term T cell memory were minimally affected by p19(ARF) deficiency. Therefore, p19(ARF) function is not essential to regulate T cell responses following an acute viral infection.  相似文献   

Oncogenic activation in primary murine fibroblasts initiates a senescence-like cell cycle arrest that depends on the p53 tumor suppressor pathway. Conditional p53 activation efficiently induced a reversible cell cycle arrest but was unable to induce features of senescence. In contrast, coexpression of oncogenic ras with p53 produced an irreversible cell cycle arrest that displayed features of cellular senescence. Introduction of a conditional murine p53 allele (p53val135) into double p53/p21-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts showed that p21waf1 was not required for this effect, since p53-/-;p21-/- double-null cells undergo terminal growth arrest with features of senescence following coexpression of oncogenic Ras and p53. Our results indicate that oncogenic activation of the Ras pathway in murine fibroblasts converts p53 into a senescence inducer through a p21waf1-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The Arf tumor suppressor gene product, p19Arf, regulates cell proliferation in incipient cancer cells and during embryo development. Beyond its commonly accepted p53-dependent actions, p19Arf also acts independently of p53 in both contexts. One such p53-independent effect with in vivo relevance includes its repression of Pdgfrβ, a process that is essential for vision in the mouse. We have utilized cell culture-based and mouse models to define a new role for miR-34a in this process. Ectopic expression of Arf in cultured cells enhanced the expression of several microRNAs predicted to target Pdgfrß synthesis, including the miR-34 family. Because miR-34a has been implicated as a p53-dependent effector, we investigated whether it also contributed to p53-independent effects of p19Arf. Indeed, in mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking p53, Arf-driven repression of Pdgfrβ and its blockade of Pdgf-B stimulated DNA synthesis were both completely interrupted by anti-microRNA against miR-34a. Ectopic miR-34a directly targeted Pdgfrβ and a plasmid reporter containing wild-type Pdgfrβ 3′UTR sequence, but not one in which the miR-34a target sequence was mutated. Although miR-34a expression has been linked to p53—a well-known effector of p19ArfArf expression and its knockdown correlated with miR-34a level in MEFs lacking p53. Finally, analysis of the mouse embryonic eye demonstrated that Arf controlled expression of miR-34a, and the related miR-34b and c, in vivo during normal mouse development. Our findings indicate that miR-34a provides an essential link between p19Arf and its p53-independent capacity to block cell proliferation driven by Pdgfrβ. This has ramifications for developmental and tumor suppressor roles of Arf.  相似文献   

Two genes, p107 and Rb2/p130, are strictly related to RB, the most investigated tumor suppressor gene, responsible for susceptibility to retinoblastoma. The products of these three genes, namely pRb, p107, and pRb2/p130 are characterized by a peculiar steric confirmation, called “pocket,” responsible for most of the functional interactions characterizing the activity of these proteins in the homeostasis of the cell cycle. The interest in these genes and proteins springs from their ability to regulate cell cycle processes negatively, being able, for example, to dramatically slow down neoplastic growth. So far, among these genes, only RB is firmly established to act as a tumor suppressor, because its lack-of-function is clearly involved in tumor onset and progression. It has been found deleted or mutated in most retinoblastomas and sarcomas, but its inactivation is likely to play a crucial role in other types of human cancers. The two other members of the family have been discovered more recently and are currently under extensive investigation. We review analogies and differences among the pocket protein family members, in an attempt to understand their functions in normal and cancer cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

p53-independent apoptosis is induced by the p19ARF tumor suppressor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
p19(ARF) is a potent tumor suppressor. By inactivating Mdm2, p19(ARF) upregulates p53 activities to induce cell cycle arrest and sensitize cells to apoptosis in the presence of collateral signals. It has also been demonstrated that cell cycle arrest is induced by overexpressed p19(ARF) in p53-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts, only in the absence of the Mdm2 gene. Here, we show that apoptosis can be induced without additional apoptosis signals by expression of p19(ARF) using an adenovirus-mediated expression system in p53-intact cell lines as well as p53-deficient cell lines. Also, in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking p53/ARF, p53-independent apoptosis is induced irrespective of Mdm2 status by expression of p19(ARF). In agreement, p19(ARF)-mediated apoptosis in U2OS cells, but not in Saos2 cells, was attenuated by coexpression of Mdm2. We thus conclude that there is a p53-independent pathway for p19(ARF)-induced apoptosis that is insensitive to inhibition by Mdm2.  相似文献   

p19~(ARF):INK4α编码的另一种细胞周期抑制蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INK4α的重叠编码框架编码产生出两个不同的蛋白p16INK4α和p19ARF。p19ARF在最近的研究中表明有细胞周期阻滞作用,它发挥作用时依赖于P53。其机制是通过与MDMZ结合并加速其降解,减少了后者对p53的下调,从而引起p53的积聚。p19ARF-MDM2-p53通路的发现对INK4α基因座的功能是个很好的补充。同时也提示INK4α基因突变或缺失可能同时损害p16INK4α-CDK4N6-RB和p19ARF-MDM2-p53这两条通路。一些肿瘤细胞中也发现确实存在p19ARF基因的失活。  相似文献   

The mechanism of tumor suppressor action of the fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene is unknown. Disruption of cell cycle regulation leads to the tumor formation and many tumor suppressor genes suppress tumorigenesis through their effect on cell cycle regulation. We examined the expression of FHIT during the cell cycle, and determined whether overexpression of FHIT affects cell cycle kinetics and apoptosis. The FHIT cDNA was cloned into the ecdysone-inducible expression vector in both the sense and antisense orientations. Overexpression of the sense or antisense construct did not affect cell proliferation, cell cycle distribution or apoptosis in human 293T cells. Analysis of the FHIT expression in 293T cells collected at various cell cycle phases showed that the expression of FHIT is not under cell cycle regulation. These results indicate that the tumor suppressor activity of the FHIT gene may be independent of an effect on the cell cycle and apoptosis mechanisms.  相似文献   

Wang X  Arooz T  Siu WY  Chiu CH  Lau A  Yamashita K  Poon RY 《FEBS letters》2001,490(3):202-208

The Hsp90 chaperone has become the attractive pharmacological target to inhibit tumor cell proliferation. However, tumor cells can evolve with mechanisms to overcome Hsp90 inhibition. Using human neuroblastoma, we have investigated one such limitation. Here, we demonstrate that neuroblastoma cells overcome the interference of tumor suppressor p16INK4a in cell proliferation, which is due to its latent interaction with CDK4 and CDK6. Cells also displayed impedance to the pharmacological inhibition of cancer chaperone Hsp90 inhibition with respect to induced cytotoxicity. However, the p16INK4a knockdown has triggered the activation of cyclin-CDK6 axis and enhanced the cell proliferation. These cells are eventually sensitized to Hsp90 inhibition by activating the DNA damage response mediated through p53-p21WAF-1 axis and G1 cell cycle exit. While both CDK4 and CDK6 have exhibited low affinity to p16INK4a, CDK6 has exhibited high affinity to Hsp90. Destabilizing the CDK6 interaction with Hsp90 has prolonged G2/M cell cycle arrest fostering to premature cellular senescence. The senescence driven cells exhibited compromised metastatic potential both in vitro as well as in mice xenografts. Our study unravels that cancer cells can be adapted to the constitutive expression of tumor suppressors to overcome therapeutic interventions. Our findings display potential implication of Hsp90 inhibitors to overcome such adaptations.  相似文献   

范祖森  敖世洲 《生命科学》1999,11(5):193-196
p27基因位于人类染色体12p13,其编码的蛋白对cyclinsCDKs具有广泛的抑制活性,是细胞周期调控的抑制蛋白。它以化学剂量的方式调节细胞周期的进程,参与细胞的生长、分化等过程。对p27基因的发现、基因结构、对细胞周期和细胞分化的调控机制以及与肿瘤的关系作一介绍。  相似文献   

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