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Development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), the red flour beetle, was assessed on different rice components and their various by-products (i.e., diets) commonly found in rice mills, in two separate experiments. In the first experiment, eggs did not develop through to the adult stage on rough rice hulls, paddy rice dust, and milled rice dust, while eggs developed to the adult stage to some extent on rice flour, milled whole kernels, brown rice, milled broken kernels, and bran. For the diets where development occurred, the lowest percentage was on brown rice, and adults that emerged on brown rice had smaller elytra compared to adults emerging on the other diets. In the second experiment, 1–2-day old neonates were exposed on the diets listed above and held at 22, 27, 32, and 37 °C. At all temperatures, development to the pupal and adult stages was slowest on rice flour. At 22 °C, development to those stages took about twice as long compared to development at 27 °C. As temperature increased developmental times were reduced. Even though neonates developed slowest on rice flour adult emergence rates were not affected. Predictive models were used to estimate potential population development on the diets. At 22 and 27 °C, adult size as measured by elytra length was greatest when they developed on bran, while body weight was generally lowest for adults that developed on brown rice. Results show that T. castaneum can utilize rice components and by-products produced during the rice milling process, although not all components or by-products were optimal for development, and emphasis should be placed on cleaning and sanitation to remove food sources to limit infestations. Mill managers can use these results to show the importance of sanitation, and potentially improve overall pest management programs inside the mill.  相似文献   

The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), is one of the major insect pests of stored-grains such as wheat and rice. Due to various difficulties associated with synthetic pesticides, more environmentally friendly alternative methods are greatly appreciated for controlling pests. In the present study, development, growth index, reproductive success of the females and the amylolytic and proteolytic activities of R. dominica were investigated on six rice cultivars. The experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions inside a growth chamber, which was set at 28 °C, 70% R.H. Our results showed that cultivar Hashemi was the more suitable host for R. domininica because the highest larval and pupal survival rate, longevity of adults, fecundity, hatchability of females, food consumption, maximal growth index, as well as the highest amylolytic and proteolytic activities. In contrast, cultivar Gohvar showed the most suitable suite of traits to reduce potential aspects of feeding by R. domininica because the lowest larval and pupal survival rate, adult longevity, fecundity, hatchability, and lower adult weight and food consumption. Results suggested that cultivar Govhar cultivar as an unsuitable host for R. domininica could be considered in the integrated management of this pest.  相似文献   

Insect infestation in the grain-based food in storage is often reported; Tribolium castaneum is a major pest. Determination of its population size using traps is entangled with the management attempts. Pheromone traps developed for T. castaneum often use kairomones with its aggregation pheromone 4,8-dimethyldecanal (4,8 DMD). However, low trapping efficacy is reported, and the information on promising kairomones is insufficient. The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of some locally-available food oils as kairomones, alone and in combination with the pheromone for trapping T. castaneum adults. In the first experiment, the attraction of T. castaneum adults towards different food oils, the pheromone or the commercial kairomone was tested. In the second experiment, the attraction of T. castaneum to effective food oils + pheromone was determined under laboratory condition. In the third experiment, the attraction of T. castaneum by effective food oils + pheromone was evaluated under warehouse condition. Under laboratory condition, the highest attraction of T. castaneum adults was demonstrated by mee (Madhuca longifolia) and coconut (Cocos nucifera) oils. Either of these two oils when combined with the pheromone attracted more adults than the pheromone alone. Furthermore, attraction of T. castaneum adults by the two oils separately was similar to the commercially-available combination of pheromone and the kairomone. In contrast, under warehouse condition, the combination of mee oil and pheromone attracted T. castaneum adults similar to the commercially-available combination of pheromone and the kairomone. However, the attraction by the combination of coconut oil and pheromone was lower than that, and similar to the pheromone only. This study emphasizes the potential use of food oils as kairomones to trap T. castaneum adults, and augment the efficiency of pheromone traps available for this species.  相似文献   

The aggregation pheromone 4,8-dimethyldecanal (4,8 DMD) used alone or with kairomone-baited traps generally is used for monitoringTribolium castaneum (Herbst) but low efficiency is reported. Furthermore, insect orientation to pheromones and kairomones following low or high temperature exposure is not yet understood. This research evaluated the orientation of T. castaneum adults to 4,8 DMD and common kairomones following exposure to ambient, low or high temperatures. Fifty adults were introduced to the middle of rectangular glass chamber, and movement to the treatment or control was determined after 1 h. In experiment 1, insects reared at 30°C were used. Experiments 2 and 3 used insects exposed to 10°C for 4 days (cold temperature) and 42°C for 12 h (brief high temperature), respectively at 2–8 h following cold or heat exposure. The highest trapping occurred when 4,8DMD was combined with neem oil whereas the lowest was in coconut oil alone. Neem oil alone demonstrated repellent action. Prior exposure to cold or heat initially reduced taxis of T. castaneum adults to traps. The attraction for adults exposed to cold and heat was restored after 6–8 h when traps contained pheromone + neem or coconut oil. This study marks the first to experimentally test how exposure to high or low temperatures, two key IPM tactics in the post-harvest supply chain, affects the behavioral response of an important stored-product species to pheromone- and kairomones-baited traps.  相似文献   

Many studies have been published on the flight activity of stored grain beetles in temperate regions, but few have focussed on tropical and sub-tropical regions. The spatio-temporal patterns of flight activity of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) were quantified in a grain growing district on the Tropic of Capricorn in central Queensland, Australia. Nine traps baited with aggregation pheromone lures were monitored at 2-wk intervals (fortnightly) for 1 year along a 28.4 km linear transect that included sites at bulk grain depots and sites away from stored grain. Beetles of both species were trapped every fortnight during the study. The spatio-temporal patterns of flight activity differed greatly across the two species, as predicted from studies elsewhere. Rhyzopertha dominica was widespread across the landscape, as the mean trap catch of this species was equal in depot and non-depot traps. In contrast, T. castaneum was more frequently trapped in depot traps than non-depot traps during the colder months, but was much more widespread across the landscape during the summer months. Tribolium castaneum also showed a clear mid-summer peak in flight activity, whereas R. dominica flight activity was highly variable throughout the study. In general, our results reveal patterns that are consistent with those found for T. castaneum and R. dominica in southern Queensland. The contrasting spatio-temporal patterns of flight activity of R. dominica and T. castaneum show that species-specific approaches may be needed to manage these pests and that the spatio-temporal dynamics of resistance genes may differ across these species.  相似文献   

Rhyzopertha dominica male adults produce an aggregation pheromone that attracts both sexes. While many studies have tested the behavioral response of R. dominica adults to its aggregation pheromone, information on the distance of attraction and effective pheromone concentration are lacking. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the recapture rate of R. dominica adults released at different distances from a pheromone-baited and pheromone + kairomone-baited trap, as well as the most effective pheromone concentration for R. dominica. Experiments were arranged as complete randomized design with four replicates. A commercial pitfall trap containing R. dominica pheromone alone or pheromone + kairomone was placed inside an experimental arena. Adult R. dominica were released at different distances from the trap and the adults captured were counted. A separate experiment was conducted using pitfall traps containing different concentrations of the aggregation pheromone placed inside the experimental arena. Adult R. dominica were released 60 cm away from the pitfall trap and the recaptured adults were recorded. The trapping efficiency was higher when the trap contained both the pheromone and kairomone than the pheromone alone. Trap capture was highest when the beetles were released at distances up to 70 cm and at a concentration of 100 μL/1 m2. Our findings suggest that food facility managers should take into account the effective pheromone concentration and distance of attraction, while also strongly consider including food kairomones in traps when developing monitoring programs for R. dominica.  相似文献   

The early detection of insects during grain storage and processing remains a major issue for the cereal industry, especially when immature stages are hidden inside the grain kernels. For this reason, we developed a qPCR method to detect and quantify one of the main pests of stored products in rice: the coleopteran internal feeder Rhyzopertha dominica. For that purpose, a specific primer set was designed to amplify artificial infestations of this pest in rice. Then, using a regression model, a standard curve was generated that correlated individuals to adult equivalent DNA quantity (inverse of the Ct value). Results revealed that the designed primer set was specific for R. dominica when tested against the other 4 common internal feeders in grain. The technique showed to be accurated (DNA was detected in more than 73% of the samples) and sensitive to insect presence (i.e. from 0.02 adults, 0.1 3rd instar to pupae or 13 egg to 2nd instar detectable per kg of rice). Moreover, the detection of R. dominica was strongly associated with a given infestation size: DNA quantity increased along with the size of the population. The use of the described qPCR protocol in grain and milling factories may enhace the critical detection and quantification of R. dominica populations in raw materials and processed food.  相似文献   

Cocoa is a crop that serves as a major source of income in some countries, but its production has been affected by red flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). In this study, we aimed to predict the global potential distribution of T. castaneum under the current climate and in response to climate change (2050 and 2100). In addition, we attempted to use the results for estimating damage and economic losses in the major cocoa beans-producing countries. The CLIMEX model was used to evaluate the climatic suitability of regions for T. castaneum, and the economic damage was estimated by incorporating a series of published models and published data. The results showed that the potential distribution of T. castaneum was consistent with that of cocoa beans-producing countries, and as expected, at the local-level, T. castaneum was concentrated in cocoa cultivation areas. It was estimated that up to 50% damage to cocoa beans and economic loss of 3.16 billion US dollars due to production loss could occur. This study is the first attempt to estimate the economic damage to cocoa bean production by predicting the potential distribution of T. castaneum. Further, this study not only provides insight to combine the potential distribution of a species and an estimation of the related economics, but also provides basic data for establishing an effective monitoring/controlling strategy for preventing damage by T. castaneum.  相似文献   

Tribolium castaneum is a serious pest of durable agricultural commodities during storage. The male T. castaneum adults release the aggregation pheromone 4,8-dimethyldecanal (4,8 DMD). The 4,8 DMD is produced commercially and available to be used in Dome traps along with their recommended kairomone but low trapping response is often reported. Concentration of 4,8 DMD influences the attraction of T. castaneum adults but its intensity may vary under different warehouse settings. Further, the orientation response of T. castaneum adults from different distances to the synthetic 4,8 DMD is still uncertain. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of distance to the traps having different 4,8 DMD concentrations on the orientation response of T. castaneum adults. The dome trap having two pheromone septa and kairomone was placed inside the experimental arena. From pheromone, different concentrations were used. One-month-old T. castaneum adults were individually marked and released from different distances at the same time. The adults reached the trap were counted 4 h following release. Alternatively the experiment was repeated without having the kairomone inside the trap. One trap having neither the pheromone nor kairomone (empty trap alone) and one having hexane only were used as controls. For all the pheromone concentrations used, the maximum trapping percentage was found when the beetles were released at 30 cm or 60 cm from the pheromone. Further, the highest trapping percentage was given by 0.5 μL of 4,8 DMD. At a given distance, the traps having pheromone+kairomone better attract T. castaneum adults than those had only the pheromone. The study concludes that the degree of attraction of T. castaneum adults varies with the distance from the trap and the trap composition. Further studies are required to test the efficacy of 4,8 DMD and kairomones under real warehouse settings.  相似文献   

We investigated the effectiveness of two raw diatomaceous earths (DEs) obtained from Bularafa and Abakire districts in Yobe State, Nigeria, against the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.). Insecto, a commercialized DE, was also tested as standard check. Adults of the two species were exposed on wheat admixed with the respective DEs at a dose rate of 1000 ppm, at 30 °C and 55% RH. Relative to R. dominica, Insecto, Bularafa and Abakire DEs induced 14-d corrected adult mortalities of 73.6, 61.2 and 40.4%, respectively. Corrected 14-day adult mortalities against S. oryzae were 100, 100 and 81%, respectively. Mortality increased with increasing exposure duration. Bularafa and Insecto DEs were more effective than Abakire DE both in terms of adult insect mortality and F1 progeny suppression in the two species investigated. Both species avoided contact with DE-treated wheat. Bularafa and Insecto DEs contain higher levels of silica (81.0% and 87.0%, respectively) than Abakire DE (60.2%), and also have smaller particle sizes than Abakire DE. These differences in silica level and particle size probably explain why Bularafa and Insecto DEs are more effective against S. oryzae and R. dominica than Abakire DE. The decreasing order of efficacy of the three DEs against the two pest species is Insecto > Bularafa > Abakire. Bularafa DE has potential for the management of insect pests of stored grain in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Tribolium castaneum, the red flour beetle, is a major pest of stored products throughout the world. The male T. castaneum adults biosynthesize and release the aggregation pheromone 4,8-dimethyldecanal (4,8 DMD), and the monitoring traps having the synthetic form of this pheromone and kairomone are commercially available. However, certain information available on the response of T. castaneum adults to the strength of pheromone and the nature of air flow is inadequate and thus limits the potential use of this compound. The objectives of this research were to determine if the orientation of adult beetles to the synthetic form of the pheromone 4,8 DMD is affected by the distance from the pheromone, its concentration and air movement. Experimental design was completely randomized design with three replicates. The T. castaneum adults released at different distances from the pheromone placed at varying concentrations tested their orientation to the pheromone with the presence or absence of air flow. The control experiments were conducted without the pheromone. A separate experiment tested if exposure to 4,8 DMD alters the direction of movement in T. castaneum adults. The maximum trap catch (24%) was obtained with 0.5 μL of 4,8 DMD and when the beetles were released at distances up to 60 cm from the pheromone. The percentage of beetles trapped declined when the beetles were released 60–120 cm from the pheromone. The average angles on beetle turning during their orientation were significantly higher in the presence of pheromone than the respective controls. Air movement downstream of the pheromone trap increased the percentage beetles trapped compared to that in the absence of air flow. It is concluded that the orientation of T. castaneum adults is affected by the concentration of 4,8 DMD, distance from the pheromone and the air movement.  相似文献   

In contrast to the traditional practices of using naturally-available food materials for livestock production, multiplicity types of animal feed are currently available at the market. Prolonged storage of animal feed concurrently with human food items is practiced, and niche users experience the deterioration and possible risk of contamination of animal feed by insects. This study was conducted to determine the infestation of eleven types of animal feed commonly used in Sri Lanka by Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae), a major granivorous insect species. Twenty adults of one-month-old R. dominica were introduced to 20 g of different animal feed: fish feed, rabbit feed, dog feed, cat feed, chick mash, grower mash, layer mash, broiler starter, broiler finisher, bird feed (Bajiri) and rice polish. Each animal feed was maintained either ventilated or non-ventilated. From each animal feed, four replicates were tested. The parent adults were maintained in animal feed for 21 days under ambient environmental conditions (30 °C, 60% relative humidity, continuous darkness), and then sifted out. The progeny adults emerged in each animal feed were determined at monthly intervals for 5 months. In general, fish feed, rabbit feed, layer mash and bird feed (‘bajiri’) were more infested by R. dominica than other animal feed tested. Furthermore, progeny adults emerged in animal feeds differed with the status of ventilation and the duration of storage. The study reveals that the status of ventilation has mixed effects on the infestation of different animal feeds by R. dominica.  相似文献   

Residual effects of insecticides sprayed on grains play a remarkable role in stored product protection. Over decades, the residual impact of many insecticides has been investigated. However, the negative outcomes of those neurotoxic insecticides on the biotic and abiotic environment project the requirement of seeking for alternatives. Spinosad, a bacterial formulation, has been tested for its residual efficacy on different storage and food processing facilities but the effects vary with the commodity type. Moreover, a more recent and related compound spinetoram possesses little information about its residual efficacy on traditional and new improved rice varieties maintained under storage conditions. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the residual efficacy of spinosad and spinetoram applied on traditional and new improved rice varieties found in Sri Lanka on the mortality of Rhyzopertha dominica over different durations of storage. Label rate of spinosad, spinetoram or distilled water (diluent/control) was sprayed on traditional/new improved rice varieties followed by kept in storage for 0–5 months. Every month a bioassay was conducted by introducing R. dominica adults to the treated grains. Mortality of R. dominica adults was determined at 3 and 10 days following introduction. In general, the adult mortality at 10 days following introduction was higher than 3 days. At 5 months following spraying, the maximum residual efficacy of spinosad was shown by Kaluheeneti, Red Basmathi, Red Nadu and Suwandel whereas the same effect of spinetoram was observed in Kaluheeneti and Suwandel. Overall, spinetoram demonstrates better residual efficacy than spinosad over 5-month storage period for the rice varieties tested.  相似文献   

Tribolium castaneum is a major pest in stored products throughout the world. Male T. castaneum adults produce aggregation pheromone 4,8-dimethyldecanal (4,8 DMD) which is synthetically developed and available for monitoring T. castaneum populations but low trapping by 4,8 DMD is reported. Effects of biorational insecticides on orienting to pheromone and progeny production is shown but such tests using spinosad has areas for further discovery. Therefore the objective of this research was to determine the effect of population size and spinosad exposure on the trap catch and progeny production in T. castaneum adults. In the first experiment, T. castaneum adults were released at different population sizes and the attraction to the pheromone traps was determined. The second experiment tested attraction of T. castaneum adults pre-exposed to spinosad to the pheromone traps. In the third experiment, progeny production of T. castaneum adults exposed to spinosad was assessed. The trapping of T. castaneum is increased at high population sizes and pre-exposure to spinosad while progeny was reduced on exposure to spinosad showing sex-based effects. This study concludes with management opportunities for different population levels of T. castaneum through effects of spinosad on pheromone perception and progeny production.  相似文献   

Capture of Rhyzopertha dominica in pheromone-baited traps located many kilometers away from grain storage suggests that this species may be exploiting non-grain food sources. To investigate the potential for survival of this species on alternative hosts in the absence of grain, we conducted no-choice feeding assays with twigs and seeds of trees, and seeds of grasses, forbs, and shrubs, commonly encountered on Kansas prairie landscapes where R. dominica has been captured. In addition, R. dominica development and progeny production were assessed on seeds that adults were able to survive on for at least two weeks. Adult survival was poor on grass and forb seeds, although 13.4% of individuals survived on Elymus canadensis, Canada wildrye, seeds after two weeks, compared with 80.3% on Triticum aestivum, wheat, and 0.0% survival in the absence of food. Beetles readily tunneled into twigs from a wide range of tree species, but survival was generally low. A few individuals survived up to four weeks on Gleditsia triacanthos, honey locust. In contrast, bioassays showed that R. dominica could survive and reproduce on damaged seeds (acorns) of six species of oak, but not on undamaged seeds. For example, survival was 95.8% on damaged Quercus muehlenbergii, chinquapin oak. A survey of acorns at the original field collection site showed that the majority of the acorns on the ground had been cracked or bored into by insects and small mammals. Furthermore, we recovered three R. dominica adults from acorns collected in the field and held in sealed containers in the laboratory. These findings suggest that R. dominica populations in Kansas can persist on wild acorns when grain is not available.  相似文献   

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