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The genus Curcuma L. is commonly used as spices, medicines, dyes and ornamentals. Owing to its economic significance and lack of clear‐cut morphological differences between species, this genus is an ideal case for developing DNA barcodes. In this study, four chloroplast DNA regions (matK, rbcL, trnH‐psbA and trnL‐F) and one nuclear region (ITS2) were generated for 44 Curcuma species and five species from closely related genera, represented by 96 samples. PCR amplification success rate, intra‐ and inter‐specific genetic distance variation and the correct identification percentage were taken into account to assess candidate barcode regions. PCR and sequence success rate were high in matK (89.7%), rbcL (100%), trnH‐psbA (100%), trnL‐F (95.7%) and ITS2 (82.6%) regions. The results further showed that four candidate chloroplast barcoding regions (matK, rbcL, trnH‐psbA and trnL‐F) yield no barcode gaps, indicating that the genus Curcuma represents a challenging group for DNA barcoding. The ITS2 region presented large interspecific variation and provided the highest correct identification rates (46.7%) based on BLASTClust method among the five regions. However, the ITS2 only provided 7.9% based on NJ tree method. An increase in discriminatory power needs the development of more variable markers.  相似文献   

A 658-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA from the 5' region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene has been adopted as the standard DNA barcode region for animal life. In this study, we test its effectiveness in the discrimination of over 300 species of aphids from more than 130 genera. Most (96%) species were well differentiated, and sequence variation within species was low, averaging just 0.2%. Despite the complex life cycles and parthenogenetic reproduction of aphids, DNA barcodes are an effective tool for identification.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) recommended the combination of rbcL and matK as the plant barcode based on assessments of recoverability, sequencing quality, and levels of species discrimination. Subsequently, based on a study of more than 6600 samples belonging to 193 families from seven phyla, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 2 locus was proposed as a universal barcode sequence for all major plant taxa used in traditional herbal medicine. Neither of these two studies was based on a detailed analysis of a particular family. Here, Zingiberaceae plants, including many closely related species, were used to compare the genetic divergence and species identification efficiency of ITS2, rbcL, matK, psbK-psbI, trnH-psbA, and rpoB.The results indicate that ITS2 has the highest interspecific divergence and significant differences between inter- and intraspecific divergence, whereas matK and rbcL have much lower divergence values. Among 260 species belongingto 30 genera in Zingiberaceae, the discrimination ability of the ITS2 locus was 99.5% at the genus level and 73.1% at the species level. Thus, we propose that ITS2 is the preferred DNA barcode sequence for identifying Zingiberaceae plants.  相似文献   

记述中国瑞脊菱蜡蝉属Reptalus2个种,其中包括1新种:基刺瑞脊菱蜡蝉Reptalus basiprocessus,sp.nov.。制作了分种检索表。模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

Species of Podophyllum, Dysosma, Sinopodophyllum, and Diphylleia, genera from Podophylloideae of Berberidaceae, have long been used in traditional herbal medicine in East Asia and/or North America. Accurate identification of the species of these four genera is crucial to their medicinal uses. In this study, we tested the utility of nine barcodes (matK, rbcL, atpH-atpI, rpl32-trnLUAG, rps18-clpp, trnL-trnF, trnL-ndhJ, trnS-trnfM, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)) to discriminate different species of Podophylloideae. Thirty-six individuals representing 12 species of Podophylloideae were collected from different locations in China, Japan, and North America. We assessed the feasibility of amplification and sequencing of all markers, examined the levels of the barcoding gap based on DNA sequence divergence between ranges of intra- and interspecific variation using pairwise distances, and further evaluated successful identifications using each barcode by similarity-based and tree-based methods. Results showed that nine barcodes, except rps18-clpp, have a high level of primer universality and sequencing success. As a single barcode, ITS has the most variable sites, greater intra- and interspecific divergences, and the highest species discrimination rate (83%), followed by matKwhich has moderate variation and also high species discrimination rates. However, these species can also be discriminated by ITS alone, except Dysosma versipellis (Hance) M. Cheng ex T. S. Ying and D. pleiantha (Hance) Woodson. The combination of ITS + matK did not improve species resolution over ITS alone. Thus, we propose that ITS may be used as a sole region for identification of most species in Podophylloideae. The failure of ITS to distinguish D. versipellis and D. pleiantha is likely attributed to incomplete lineage sorting due to recent divergence of the two species.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a method of species identification and recognition using DNA sequence data. A tiered or multilocus method has been recommended for barcoding plant species. In this study, we sampled 196 individuals representing 9 genera and 54 species of Juglandaceae to investigate the utility of the four potential barcoding loci (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)). Our results show that all four DNA regions are easy to amplify and sequence. In the four tested DNA regions, ITS has the most variable information, and rbcL has the least. At generic level, seven of nine genera can be efficiently identified by matK. At species level, ITS has higher interspecific p-distance than the trnH-psbA region. Difficult to align in the whole family, ITS showed heterogeneous variability among different genera. Except for the monotypic genera (Cyclocarya, Annamocarya, Platycarya), ITS appeared to have limited power for species identification within the Carya and Engelhardia complex, and have no power for Juglans or Pterocarya. Overall, our results confirmed that a multilocus tiered method for plant barcoding was applicable and practicable. With higher priority, matK is proposed as the first-tier DNA region for genus discrimination, and the second locus at species level should have enough stable variable characters.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a method of species identification and recognition using DNA sequence data. A tiered or multilocus method has been recommended for barcoding plant species. In this study, we sampled 196 individuals representing 9 genera and 54 species of Juglandaceae to investigate the utility of the four potential barcoding loci (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)). Our results show that all four DNA regions are easy to amplify and sequence. In the four tested DNA regions, ITS has the most variable information, and rbcL has the least. At generic level, seven of nine genera can be efficiently identified by matK. At species level, ITS has higher interspecific p-distance than the trnH-psbA region. Difficult to align in the whole family, ITS showed heterogeneous variability among different genera. Except for the monotypic genera (Cyclocarya, Annamocarya, Platycarya), ITS appeared to have limited power for species identification within the Carya and Engelhardia complex, and have no power for Juglans or Pterocarya. Overall, our results confirmed that a multilocus tiered method for plant barcoding was applicable and practicable. With higher priority, matK is proposed as the first-tier DNA region for genus discrimination, and the second locus at species level should have enough stable variable characters.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a modern species identification technique that can be used to distinguish morphologically similar species, and is particularly useful when using small amounts of starting material from partial specimens or from immature stages. In order to use DNA barcoding in a surveillance program, a database containing mosquito barcode sequences is required. This study obtained Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) sequences for 113 morphologically identified specimens, representing 29 species, six tribes and 12 genera; 17 of these species have not been previously barcoded. Three of the 29 species ─ Culex palpalis, Macleaya macmillani, and an unknown species originally identified as Tripteroides atripes ─ were initially misidentified as they are difficult to separate morphologically, highlighting the utility of DNA barcoding. While most species grouped separately (reciprocally monophyletic), the Cx. pipiens subgroup could not be genetically separated using COI. The average conspecific and congeneric p‐distance was 0.8% and 7.6%, respectively. In our study, we also demonstrate the utility of DNA barcoding in distinguishing exotics from endemic mosquitoes by identifying a single intercepted Stegomyia aegypti egg at an international airport. The use of DNA barcoding dramatically reduced the identification time required compared with rearing specimens through to adults, thereby demonstrating the value of this technique in biosecurity surveillance. The DNA barcodes produced by this study have been uploaded to the ‘Mosquitoes of Australia–Victoria’ project on the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD), which will serve as a resource for the Victorian Arbovirus Disease Control Program and other national and international mosquito surveillance programs.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding, an increasingly popular mean of species identification, has been widely used for global species identification despite a consensus not being reached regarding which DNA sequences can be used as the best plant barcodes. In this study, we tested the feasibility of five candidate DNA barcodes (nrITS, nrITS2, matk, rbcL and trnH-psbA) for identifying Uncaria species. We collected a total of 54 specimens of 10 Uncaria species across its distributional range. BLAST, barcoding gaps, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capability of the candidate DNA barcodes. The results showed that the ITS2 is most suitable as a candidate DNA barcode for identification of medicinal plants of the genus Uncaria.  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术是利用基因组中一段短的标准序列进行物种的鉴定并探索其亲缘进化关系。本研究对采自海南不同地区降香黄檀五个居群24份样品的psbA-trnH,rbcL,核ITS及ITS2序列进行PCR扩增和测序,比较各序列扩增和测序效率。种间和种内变异,采用BLAST1和邻接 (NJ) 法构建系统聚类树方法评价不同序列的鉴定能力。结果表明ITS2在所研究的材料中具有最高的扩增和测序效率,而ITS扩增效率较低。ITS2完整序列在区分黄檀属不同种间差异具有较大优势。因此可利用ITS2从分子水平区分降香黄檀与其他混伪种。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a technique to identify species by using standardized DNA sequences. In this study, a total of 105 samples, representing 30 Parnassia species, were collected to test the effectiveness of four proposed DNA barcodes (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA and ITS) for species identification. Our results demonstrated that all four candidate DNA markers have a maximum level of primer universality and sequencing success. As a single DNA marker, the ITS region provided the highest species resolution with 86.7%, followed by trnH-psbA with 73.3%. The combination of the core barcode regions, matK+rbcL, gave the lowest species identification success (63.3%) among any combination of multiple markers and was found unsuitable as DNA barcode for Parnassia. The combination of ITS+trnH-psbA achieved the highest species discrimination with 90.0% resolution (27 of 30 sampled species), equal to the four-marker combination and higher than any two or three marker combination including rbcL or matK. Therefore, matK and rbcL should not be used as DNA barcodes for the species identification of Parnassia. Based on the overall performance, the combination of ITS+trnH-psbA is proposed as the most suitable DNA barcode for identifying Parnassia species. DNA barcoding is a useful technique and provides a reliable and effective mean for the discrimination of Parnassia species, and in combination with morphology-based taxonomy, will be a robust approach for tackling taxonomically complex groups. In the light of our findings, we found among the three species not identified a possible cryptic speciation event in Parnassia.  相似文献   

【目的】粉虱种类繁多,个体微小,其种类识别与鉴定常需借助分子生物学技术。本研究旨在明确线粒体COI基因(mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene) 5′端和3′端序列对常见种类粉虱识别鉴定的可行性。【方法】以我国田间常见的16种粉虱为对象,以COI基因5′端(641 bp)和3′端(738 bp)序列为靶标进行比对分析,以MEGA 5.10软件的K2-P模型计算种内与种间遗传距离,以邻接法(NJ法)构建进化树并进行系统发育分析。【结果】当以5′端为靶标时,16种粉虱的种内平均遗传距离为0.0015,种间平均遗传距离为0.2897,种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的193.1倍;而且种内、种间遗传距离没有重叠区域。当以3′端为靶标时种内平均遗传距离为0.0007,种间平均遗传距离为0.2817,种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的402.4倍;但桑粉虱Pealius mori与烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1的种内和种间遗传距离重叠。系统发育分析结果显示,以5′端为靶标时,16种粉虱可以形成独立的进化分支;以3′端为靶标时,除桑粉虱与传统分类学不一致外,其余种类均可形成独立的分支。【结论】结果表明,5′端序列更适用于基于DNA条形码技术的物种识别鉴定研究。  相似文献   

准确鉴定毒品原植物大麻的种属及品种具有重要的理论和实践意义。为了探讨DNA条形码技术用于毒品原植物大麻种属鉴定及品种鉴定的可行性,该研究以60份大麻原植物(分别采自内蒙、黑龙江、陕西延安、陕西榆林4个地区的栽培大麻雌雄各6株及新疆玛纳斯地区的野生大麻雌雄各6株)为材料,通过从其叶片中提取的DNA为模版,利用核糖体DNA基因间隔区的通用引物ITS2和叶绿体DNA的通用引物psbAtrnH进行PCR扩增,对扩增片段进行双向测序,将测序结果进行人工矫正和比对。结果显示:所有大麻样本的ITS2扩增片段序列没有变异完全一致,但psbA-trnH扩增片段变异较大共检测出8种cpDNA单倍型,用MEGE5.1软件计算种间遗传距离,并构建NJ系统聚类树可以有效把这五个地区的大麻样本区别开来,因此证明DNA条形码技术在毒品原植物大麻的种属鉴定方面具有可行性,但其用于大麻的种属鉴定的准确性、可靠性及在其来源地鉴定及品种鉴定中的可能性还有待进一步深入地研究。  相似文献   

DNA microarrays are a popular technique for the detection of microorganisms. Several approaches using specific oligomers targeting one or a few marker genes for each species have been proposed. Data analysis is usually limited to call a species present when its oligomer exceeds a certain intensity threshold. While this strategy works reasonably well for distantly related species, it does not work well for very closely related species: Cross-hybridization of nontarget DNA prevents a simple identification based on signal intensity. The majority of species of the same genus has a sequence similarity of over 90%. For biodiversity studies down to the species level, it is therefore important to increase the detection power of closely related species. We propose a simple, cost-effective and robust approach for biodiversity studies using DNA microarray technology and demonstrate it on scenedesmacean green algae. The internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA sequence was chosen as marker because it is suitable to distinguish all eukaryotic species even though parts of it are virtually identical in closely related species. We show that by modelling hybridization behaviour with a matrix algebra approach, we are able to identify closely related species that cannot be distinguished with a threshold on signal intensity. Thus this proof-of-concept study shows that by adding a simple and robust data analysis step to the evaluation of DNA microarrays, species detection can be significantly improved for closely related species with a high sequence similarity.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (cox1) gene has been promoted as a universal reference gene, or barcode, to identify organisms to the species level. We evaluated whether cox1 would be appropriate to diagnose cetacean species. The 5′ end of cox1 (686 base pairs, bp) was sequenced for 46 of 86 recognized species of cetaceans. In addition, we included 105 sequences from GenBank, increasing our taxonomic coverage to 61 species. Particular focus was placed on sampling two subfamilies that contain closely related taxa: the Delphininae and the Globicephalinae. Species‐specific sequences were observed for all but three taxa (Delphinus delphis, D. capensis, and Stenella coeruleoalba). Although correct assignment was seen for most species, significant overlap between intra‐ and interspecific variation makes cox1 an imperfect barcode for cetaceans. The efficacy of cox1 was compared to the 5′ end of the cytochrome b (cytb) gene, a mitochondrial region routinely used for cetacean species identification. Although cytb performed better than cox1 for some species, this marker could not differentiate other closely related taxa (Eubalaena spp.). Species identification for taxa not reliably identified using cox1 or cytb might be best addressed through use of multiple mitochondrial DNA fragments or other newly developed markers.  相似文献   

One nuclear and three chloroplast DNA regions (ITS, rbcL, matK and trnH-psbA) were used to identify the species of Alnus (Betulaceae). The results showed that 23 out of all 26 Alnus species in the world, represented by 131 samples, had their own specific molecular character states, especially for three morphologically confused species (Alnus formosana, Alnus japonica and Alnus maritima). The discriminating power of the four markers at the species level was 10% (rbcL), 31.25% (matK), 63.6% (trnH-psbA) and 76.9% (ITS). For ITS, the mean value of genetic distance between species was more than 10 times the intraspecific distance (0.009%), and 13 species had unique character states that differentiated them from other species of Alnus. The trnH-psbA region had higher mean values of genetic distance between and within species (2.1% and 0.68% respectively) than any other region tested. Using the trnH-psbA region, 13 species are distinguished from 22 species, and seven species have a single diagnostic site. The combination of two regions, ITS and trnH-psbA, is the best choice for DNA identification of Alnus species, as an improvement and supplement for morphologically based taxonomy. This study illustrates the potential for certain DNA regions to be used as novel internet biological information carrier through combining DNA sequences with existing morphological character and suggests a relatively reliable and open taxonomic system based on the linked DNA and morphological data.  相似文献   

甘肃省鱼类资源现状及DNA条形码在鱼类物种鉴定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了摸清甘肃省土著鱼类资源与分布现状, 探索DNA条形码在鱼类辅助物种鉴定中的适用性, 2012年6-9月对甘肃境内黄河水系、嘉陵江水系和河西内陆河水系进行了较全面的鱼类调查。共采集鱼类标本3,087尾, 隶属于5目10科38属64种, 以鲤科种类最多, 为30种, 占总种数的46.88%。物种多样性分析表明, 在黄河水系的夏河和庄浪河多样性指数是所有调查点中最低的, 分别为1.38和1.09。嘉陵江水系各河段的多样性指数较高(H = 2.15-3.27), 其次为河西内陆河水系(H = 2.01-2.83)。在河西内陆河水系中, 疏勒河的均匀度指数最高, 为1.10, 黑河最低(0.68)。庄浪河的优势度指数最高, 为0.34, 而嘉陵江干流两当段的优势度指数在所有调查点中最低, 为0.04。利用DNA条形码分析了49种662尾标本的COI基因部分序列, 大部分种类在neighbor-joining系统树中形成各自的单系, 种内平均遗传距离0.88%, 种间平均遗传距离为9.99%, 在种内和种间COI序列遗传距离之间形成明显的条形码间隙, 斯氏高原鳅(Triplophysa stoliczkae)与达里湖高原鳅(T. dalaica), 甘肃高原鳅(T. robusta)与似鲇高原鳅(T. siluroides), 嘉陵裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis kialingensis)与黄河裸裂尻鱼(S. pylzovi)之间的遗传距离低于2%, 甘肃高原鳅与似鲇高原鳅不能通过COI基因片段区分开, 其他两对物种可以采用核苷酸诊断法来进一步区分。斯氏高原鳅和拉氏鱼岁(Phoxinus lagowskii)种内遗传分歧较大, 揭示种内可能存在隐存种。结果表明, 对某些近缘种和不同地理种群差异较大的物种, 要将分子、形态和地理分布特点结合起来才能准确鉴定。  相似文献   

Reptalus iguchii (Matsumura 1914) comb. nov., previously known from female specimens, is recognized for the first time in the Republic of Korea. This species is sexually dimorphic, based on observations of a pair in copula. Detailed morphological characters of both male and female were studied and are illustrated. Also, sequence data from ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were used to distinguish males and females of the only other congener known from Korea, R. quadricinctus (Matsumura 1914). Artemisia and Prunus are recorded as potential hosts in the Republic of Korea for the first time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101974
The two resin assassin bugs belonging to the tribe Ectinoderini (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) occurring in China are documented: Amulius malayus Stål, 1867 is redescribed and Ectinoderus sinicus Chen & Cai, sp. nov. is described as new. The discovery of the new species extends the distribution of the genus and the tribe northwards from tropical Southeast Asia to southern mainland China. A key to the two ectinoderine genera and species from China is provided to facilitate their identification. DNA barcodes and bionomic data are provided for the species concerned, and their conservation is briefly discussed.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A7F7402E-E9A8-4FAD-B72A-4B1C9B2A7276.  相似文献   

Many species of Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) have long been used as medicinal plants in China, and some are endangered due to overexploitation. Although adulterants are often added to traditional Chinese medicines, there is no reliable or practical method for identifying them. In this study, we used four markers (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, and internal transcribed spacer [ITS]) as DNA barcodes to test their ability to distinguish species of Tetrastigma. The results indicated that the best barcode was ITS, which showed significant inter-specific genetic variability, and thus its potential as a DNA barcode for identifying Tetrastigma. Multiple loci provided a greater ability to distinguish species than single loci. We recommend using the combined rbcL+matK+ITS barcode for the genus. Phylogenetic trees from each barcode were compared. Analyses using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean discriminated an equal or greater percentage of resolvable species than did neighbor joining, maximum likelihood, or maximum parsimony analyses. Additionally, five medicinal species of Tetrastigma, especially T. hemsleyanum, could be identified precisely using DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

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