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黄维平  刘超 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):125-130
基于渤海和南海的海洋平台设计环境条件,分析了近年来我国近海极端海洋环境条件的发生规律及其对海洋平台疲劳设计条件的冲击。采用Miner’s线性累积疲劳损伤准则和疲劳可靠性理论,研究了极端海况引起的疲劳损伤对海洋平台疲劳寿命的影响,提出了考虑极端海洋环境条件的海洋平台疲劳设计方法。研究表明,由于近年来全球气候变换带来的极端气象条件频发,导致海洋工程结构经历传统意义上的多年一遇海洋环境条件的概率大大增加,使得现行的海洋平台疲劳设计条件偏离了实际的海洋环境条件。数值算例表明,极端海况引起的疲劳损伤在总的疲劳损伤的比例大大增加,甚至成为疲劳损伤的主要部分。因此,这些极端海况引起的疲劳损伤对结构疲劳寿命的影响不容忽略,考虑极端海洋环境条件的海洋平台疲劳设计符合近年来的灾害性海况频发的现状。  相似文献   

风资源的获取与评估是风电前期投资的一项重要工作。作为海上风电,需要动用船舶、浮吊等海上工程机械,施工局限性大,成本高。对目前国内外已经使用的各种测风塔进行了比较,分析了各种测风塔的优缺点,选出适用于海上风电的测风塔塔架和基础形式,为海上风电的开发提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

The paper presents results for the distribution of wave heights from laboratory generated bimodal sea states. Data collected at the DHI offshore basin are analyzed and compared with results based on wave records from the MARINTEK offshore basin. The comparisons are done for three groups of mixed sea states: wind-sea dominated, swell-dominated and energy-equivalent, determined on the basis of the parameter sea-swell energy ratio (SSER), which have been generated according to the model of Guedes Soares (1984). In some sea states abnormal or freak waves have been observed.The quasi-determinism theory of Boccotti is used to expand some linear narrowband models to second order, thus providing validation of the adequacy of the equations to represent the linear components of the wave heights. Also, the data are compared with the predictions of a third order model using as a nonlinear correction the coefficient of kurtosis. Due to the coexistence of wind-sea and swell, the core of the autocovariance function in some cases demonstrates a global minimum which is the second local minimum in the sequence. This can affect the fitting ability of distributions whose parameters depend on the form of the autocorrelation function or its envelope.The results for MARINTEK and DHI data show similar patterns of fit between predicted and observed exceedance probabilities for the considered classes of bimodal spectra.  相似文献   

针对半潜式超大型浮式结构中典型的移动式海上基地(Mobile Offshore Base,MOB)在高等级海况下的动力响应问题展开研究。在MOB结构"刚性模块-柔性连接构件(Rigid Modules and Flexible Connectors,RMFC)"模型的前提下,根据动力学基本原理,经理论推导并计算得到MOB分别在6、7、8级海况的随机波激励下,其上各模块的动力响应位移结果。详细分析了MOB结构同一模块在不同海况条件下的动力响应位移随浪向角及连接构件刚度的变化规律。研究成果可为半潜式超大型浮式结构动力响应研究及结构优化设计提供一定的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The theoretical background of the wave-current interactions, including the transformation of the wave spectrum and breaking waves due to currents, are first presented in this work. In the next part of the work, experimental data resulted from studies performed in an offshore wave basin of the Danish Hydraulic Institute concerning the wave-current interactions were presented in parallel with some wave model simulations performed in similar conditions. SWAN, which is presently the state-of-the-art spectral model for the wave transformations, was adopted for performing numerical simulations. In general, a good agreement was encountered between the experimental data and the simulation results.  相似文献   

波流相互作用作为非线性科学的前沿课题,一直受到国内外广大学者的关注。本文以2016年第1号超强台风“尼伯特”为例,基于波流耦合模式研究了台风影响期间强海况下波流相互作用对有效波高的影响。研究表明:(1)波流耦合模式可有效提高强海况下海浪的模拟精度;(2)波流相互作用对有效波高的影响与波向和流向之间的夹角关系密切:当波向与流向大致相同时,波流相互作用使有效波高减小;当波向与流向大致相反时,波流相互作用使有效波高增大;当波向与流向之间的夹角越接近90°时,波流相互作用对有效波高的影响越小。波流相互作用对有效波高的影响最大可达1.5 m。  相似文献   

An iterative frequency domain method of analysis is presented for determining the response behaviour of Guyed Offshore Towers to low-frequency, second-order wave drift forces generated in a random sea environment. For the response analysis, the tower is idealized as a shear beam with a rotational spring at the bottom support. The guylines are replaced by a non-linear spring. The second-order drift force is considered to be proportional to the square of the wave elevation and is simulated using a drift force coefficient and the time history of a slowly varying wave envelope in random sea. The responses due to drift forces are obtained in frequency domain by incorporating the non-linearities produced due to non-linear guy lines. An example problem is solved under different random sea states to compare the response behaviour of the tower obtained by the second-order wave force, the first-order wave force and a combination of the two.  相似文献   

海洋渔业对海洋生态系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋捕捞渔业生产为人类的生存和发展作出了重要贡献,但同时对海洋生态系统及其持续发展也造成了许多不利的生态影响,且随着渔捞技术的进步和渔捞努力量的加大,这种影响将继续加大。海洋渔业活动可以引起海洋物种品质的下降,明显影响自然海域海洋生物的生物量,破坏海洋生物栖息地,使海洋生物群落结构发生改变,影响到食物链的传递,导致某些海洋生物种类的消失和灭绝,从而在各个水平上使海洋生物多样性降低,使生态系统的结构和功能遭到一定程度的破坏。强烈的海洋渔业活动可能造成海洋生物种类的系列性枯竭。  相似文献   

海洋导管架平台抗震可靠性分析方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以渤海湾的两座典型海洋导管架平台为研究对象,运用非线性逐步破坏分析方法,提出了在环境荷载作用下海洋导管架平台结构抗震可靠性的分析方法,并计算了相应的可靠度.计算与分析结果表明,本例的海洋导管架平台的抗震可靠度较大,即失效概率很小,而且该分析方法是一种较为简单、实用和可靠的分析方法.  相似文献   

西北太平洋浪流相互作用对有效波高的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西北太平洋强流区会对海浪的特征和分布产生显著的影响,尤其是研究台风过程中海流与海浪的相互作用具有重要的研究意义。本文以ROMS海洋模式和SWAN海浪模式为基础,构建了浪流耦合模式系统,对2013年10月6-17日间的台风“丹娜丝”、“百合”、“韦帕”过程中西北太平洋浪流相互作用中海流对有效波高的影响进行了研究。通过对比模式模拟有效波高与浮标观测资料,发现耦合后的有效波高比非耦合结果更接近观测值,耦合模式中海流的存在对有效波高的分布有明显的影响。研究表明,特别是在有效波高峰值处,海流引起的有效波高增大最大可达1 m。海浪浪向及流向的空间分布以及中国近海浮标处浪向与流向的时间序列表明,流向与浪向反向时,海流的影响造成有效波高增大;二者同向时,有效波高减小。海流对有效波高的调整会沿着海浪传播的方向传播相当一段距离。在西北太平洋的海浪场计算中,引入海流的耦合模式计算结果对改善强流区海浪预报具有重要意义,并且海流的模拟精度对于高精度的海浪预报非常重要。  相似文献   

Installation of offshore pipelines in the seabed can be efficiently achieved using pipeline ploughs. Increased efficiency may be achievable through incorporating a smaller forecutter in advance of the main plough share. Currently guidance is limited and conflicting as to the advantages or disadvantages of incorporating a forecutter. To investigate the effect of forecutter inclusion model tests were undertaken at 1/50th scale under laboratory conditions in sand beds prepared at different relative densities in both dry and saturated conditions. Dry sand tests were used to determine the effect of the forecutter on the static or passive components of plough tow force. The currently adopted passive pressure coefficient (Cs) did not appear to vary with relative density to the same degree as previously suggested and the forecutter increased the magnitude of the passive or static resistance to ploughing. Saturated tests were used to determine the effects of the forecutter on the rate dependant component of ploughing resistance and allow verification of a dimensionless form of rate effect representation. The forecutter acts to reduce the rate effect component of plough tow force in both fine sand (low permeability) and to a lesser extent in medium sand (higher permeability). In fine and silty sands, however, incorporating a forecutter would seem highly beneficial at all ploughing depths and soil densities but in medium sand (higher permeability) the benefits of incorporation are limited to an operating window at shallower trench depths and lower relative density.  相似文献   

A linearization method is proposed for the vectorial Morrison equation which enables the force spectrum on an inclined cylinder to be calculated in a relatively simple manner from the wave spectrum in the presence of a current. To test the method some random wave tests were carried out in a laboratory flume with forces measured on a cylinder over a range of inclinations, currents and angle of inclination to the current direction. Comparisons show the measured force spectra to be sufficiently close to the calculated ones for the method to be applicable to engineering practice.  相似文献   

本文利用1950-2015年间Hadley环流中心海冰和海温资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究了热带太平洋海温异常对北极海冰的可能影响,并从大气环流和净表面热通量两个角度探讨了可能的物理机制。结果表明,在ENSO事件发展年的夏、秋季节,EP型与CP型El Niño事件与北极海冰异常的联系无明显信号。而La Niña事件期间北极海冰出现显著异常,并且EP型与CP型La Niña之间存在明显差异。EP型La Niña发生时,北极地区巴伦支海、喀拉海关键区海冰异常减少,CP型La Niña事件则对应着东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海地区海冰异常增加。在EP型La Niña发展年的夏、秋季节,热带太平洋海温异常通过遥相关波列,使得巴伦支海、喀拉海海平面气压为负异常并与中纬度气压正异常共同构成类似AO正位相的结构,形成的风场异常有利于北大西洋暖水的输入,同时造成暖平流,偏高的水汽含量进一步加强了净表面热通量收入,使得巴伦支海、喀拉海海冰异常减少。而在CP型La Niña发展年的夏季,东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海关键区受其东侧气旋式环流的影响,以异常北风分量占主导,将海冰从极点附近由北向南输送到关键区,海冰异常增加,而净表面热通量的作用较小。  相似文献   

使用卫星测高、海表温度以及中国沿海台站水位等数据,分析研究了ENSO对中国近海海平面影响的区域特征。结果表明:(1)赤道东太平洋海表温度与我国近海海平面存在显著的遥相关关系。相关系数自北至南呈梯度递增,分为3个影响明显的区域,分别是渤、黄海、东海和南海海域。南海海平面异常与赤道东太平洋区域的海表温度异常相关性最强,大部分区域的相关系数超过了0.6;东海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数弱于南海,强于渤、黄海,大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.4;渤、黄海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数最弱,但是大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.3,通过了显著性检验。(2)中国沿海海平面的季节变化与ENSO有明显的相关关系,且影响范围具有明显的区域特征,以长江口和台湾海峡为分界线分为长江口以北、长江口到台湾海峡以及台湾海峡以南3个区域。海平面的年振幅在厄尔尼诺年均出现偏低的现象,并且年振幅的极小值均出现在厄尔尼诺年。另外,海平面的年振幅对厄尔尼诺事件的响应与其强弱有关,在强厄尔尼诺事件中,响应区域和幅度较大,弱事件中,响应区域和幅度偏小。(3)南海、东海和渤、黄海这3个区域沿海的海平面变化均存在4~7 a的显著振荡周期,说明这3个区域的海平面均受ENSO的影响。其中,南海7 a周期的振荡幅度最大,约为1.5 cm;东海7 a周期的振荡幅度次之,约为1.3 cm;渤、黄海6 a周期的振荡幅度最小,不到1 cm。  相似文献   

Regional erosion of the Rock Garden ridge top, a bathymetric high within New Zealand’s Hikurangi Subduction Margin, is likely associated with its gas hydrate system. Seismic data reveal gas pockets that appear partially trapped beneath the shallow base of gas hydrate stability. Steady-state fluid flow simulations, conducted on detailed two-dimensional geological models, reveal that anomalous fluid pressure can develop close to the sea floor in response to lower-permeability hydrate-bearing sediments and underlying gas pockets. Transient simulations indicate that large-scale cycling of fluid overpressure may occur on time scales of a few to tens of years. We predict intense regions of hydro-fracturing to preferentially develop beneath the ridge top rather than beneath the flanks, due to more pronounced overpressure generation and gas migration through hydrate-bearing sediments. Results suggest that sediment weakening and erosion of the ridge top by hydro-fracturing could be owed to fluid dynamics of the shallow gas hydrate system.  相似文献   

Gas hydrates affect the bulk physical properties of marine sediments, in particular, elastic parameters. Shear modulus is an important parameter for estimating the distribution of hydrates in the marine sediments. However, S-wave information is difficult to recover without proper datasets. Seafloor compliance, the transfer function between pressure induced by surface gravity waves and the associated seafloor deformation, is one of few techniques to study shear modulus in the marine sediments. The coherence between recorded time series of displacement and pressure provides a measure of the quality of the calculated transfer function, the seafloor compliance. Thus, it is important to understand how to collect high coherence datasets. Here we conducted a 10-month pilot experiment using broadband seismic sensors and differential pressure gauges. We found that data collected in shallow water depth and during rough seas gave high coherence. This study is the first time long-term data sets have been employed to investigate seafloor compliance data quality and its dependence on sea state. These results will help designing future large-scale compliance experiments to study anomalously high shear moduli associated with the presence of gas hydrate or cold vents, or alternatively anomalously low shear moduli, associated with partial melt and magma chamber.  相似文献   

Stokes漂流对海洋上混合层中的流场和温度场结构具有不可忽视的作用。本文基于WAVEWATCHⅢ海浪模式模拟的海浪要素计算得到Stokes漂流,将其引入SBPOM模式的动量方程中,从体积输运的角度研究Stokes漂流对全球海表面温度的影响。分析发现Stokes漂流与Stokes输运在全球呈现高纬度强于中低纬度的带状分布特征,且这种流动与输运对全球海表面温度具有降温作用,该降温作用的分布与全球Stokes输运强度相对应,高纬降温作用大于中低纬度,特别是南极绕极流海域平均降温明显大于其余海域,最大降温可达1.5℃,且全球月平均降温超过0.1℃。  相似文献   

Existing tripod suction bucket foundations, utilised for offshore wind turbines, are required to resist significant lateral loads and overturning moments generated by wind and currents. This paper presents an innovative type of tripod bucket foundation, ‘hybrid tripod bucket foundation’, for foundations of offshore wind turbines, which has the ability to provide a larger overturning capacity compared with conventional tripod buckets. The proposed foundation consists of a conventional tripod bucket combined with three large circular mats attached to each bucket. A series of experiments were conducted on small-scale models of the proposed foundation subjected to overturning moment under 1g conditions in loose sand. Different circular mat diameter sizes with various bucket spacings were considered and the results were compared with conventional tripod bucket foundation. Finite element models of the proposed foundation were developed and validated using experimental results and were used to conduct a parametric study to understand the behaviour of the hybrid tripod bucket foundation. The results showed that there is a significant increase in overturning capacity provided by the novel foundation. The results of this work can significantly improve lowering the costs associated with installation of foundations to support offshore wind turbines.  相似文献   

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