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Abstract. Serum antibody specificity to oral micro-organisms was used to delineate the pathogens associated with early-onset periodontal diseases in a Turkish population. Additionally, comparison of the findings to those derived from a clinically similar US patient population described differences in bacterial specific antibody between these 2 geographic regions. Serum from 89 (LJP), 86 (RPP) and 94 (normal) subjects was analyzed (ELISA) to determine IgG antibody to 14 oral micro-organisms. All LJP patients from Turkey exhibited elevated antibody levels to A. actinomycetemcomitans (serotypes c and a significantly increased), while antibody levels to A. actinomycetemcomitans Y4 and JP2 (serotype b) were significantly higher in US LJP patients. 50% of the Turkish RPP patients also showed elevated anti- A. actinomycetemeomitans antibody, although the US RPP patients exhibited significantly higher antibody levels and frequency of elevated antibody to the A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes. Healthy subjects and LJP and RPP patients from the US exhibited higher antibody levels to all 3 P. gingivalis serogroups compared to those from Turkey, although, the frequency of elevated antibody to the P. gingivalis serogroups was significantly higher in LJP and RPP patients from Turkey than from the US. Interestingly, 87% and 77% of the LJP patients in the Turkish population had elevated antibody responses to P. gingivalis and E. corrodens , respectively, which was not observed in the US LJP patients. These data suggested that considerable variation exists in the systemic antibody levels to periodontopathogens between these 2 countries. This supports potential differences in subgingival colonization or antigenic composition of these pathogens between patient populations from different geographical regions.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a study of the efficacy of modified Widman flap surgery and scaling and root planing accompanied by 1 of 4 systemic adjunctive agents, Augmentin, tetracycline, ibuprofen or placebo, it was observed that subjects differed in their response to therapy. The difference was only partially accounted for by the adjunctive agent employed. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine clinical and microbiological features in subjects who showed different levels of attachment change post-therapy. 40 subjects were subset into 3 groups based on mean attachment level change post-therapy. 10 poor response subjects showed mean attachment loss; 19 moderate response subjects showed mean attachment gain between 0.02-0.5 mm and 11 good response subjects showed a mean gain of attachment >0.5 mm. Clinical parameters were measured at 6 sites per tooth both pre- and post-therapy. Microbiological samples were taken from the mesial aspect of each tooth and evaluated individually for their content of 14 subgingival taxa using a colony lift method and DNA probes. % of sites colonized by each species was computed for each subject both pre- and post-therapy. Significant differences were observed among treatment response groups for mean probing pocket depth, attachment level and % of sites with plaque pre-therapy. The poor response subjects had the lowest mean probing pocket depth and attachment level, but the highest plaque levels. Post-therapy, the poor response group exhibited the greatest degree of gingival inflammation as assessed by gingival redness and bleeding on probing. Subjects in the good response group showed decreases in the % of sites colonized for 9 of 14 test species, while subjects in the poor response group showed an increase in % of sites colonized for 12 species. The differences in change in % of sites colonized among groups were significant for B. forsythus and P. gingivalis. The majority of attachment loss in poor response subjects occurred at sites with pre-therapy probing pocket depths 4 mm. Subjects with moderate or good treatment responses had fewer shallow or moderate sites showing attachment loss and a large proportion of sites in all probing pocket depth categories showing attachment gain. Sites that lost attachment ≥2 mm post-therapy showed a significant increase in counts of P. intermedia, B. forsythus and A, actinomycetemcomitans b, while sites that gained attachment showed a decrease in these species. The data indicated that subjects who showed a good treatment response exhibited a decrease in the level of gingival inflammation and a marked reduction in the % of sites colonized by suspected periodontal pathogens. In subjects showing a poor treatment response, the level of gingival inflammation was not decreased and levels of periodontal pathogens increased.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effect of smoking on the prevalence of periodontal pathogens after periodontal treatment is still not clear. Some studies found no effect of the smoking status on the prevalence of periodontal pathogens after therapy, whereas others did. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the influence of smoking on the treatment of periodontitis and the composition of the subgingival microflora. METHOD: The study included 59 periodontitis patients (mean age 41.5 years): 30 smokers and 29 nonsmokers. The treatment consisted of initial periodontal therapy and, if necessary, surgery and/or antibiotics. Clinical and microbiological data were obtained before and after treatment at the deepest site in each quadrant. A pooled sample was analysed for the presence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevotalla intermedia (Pi), Bacteroides forsythus (Bf), Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) and Peptostreptococcus micros (Pm). RESULTS: For smokers and nonsmokers a significant improvement of the clinical condition was found after treatment. A decrease could be assessed for bleeding on probing (smokers: 0.46; nonsmokers: 0.52) and probing pocket depth (PPD) (smokers: 1.64 mm; nonsmokers: 2.09 mm). Furthermore, both groups showed gain of attachment (smokers: 0.68 mm; nonsmokers: 1.46 mm). No significant difference in bleeding on probing and PPD reduction was found between smokers and nonsmokers. In contrast, nonsmokers showed significantly more gain of attachment than smokers. The microbiological results revealed no differences in the prevalence of the various bacteria between smokers and nonsmokers before treatment. After treatment in nonsmokers, a significant decrease was found in the prevalence of Aa (11-3), Pg (17-7), Pi (27-11), Bf (27-11), Fn (28-20) and Pm (27-17). In smokers, a significant decrease could be shown only for the prevalence of Pg (15-5). CONCLUSIONS: Nonsmokers showed more gain of attachment and a greater decrease in the prevalence of periodontal bacteria as compared to smokers. The phenomenon that among smokers, more patients remain culture positive for periodontal pathogens after therapy, may contribute to the often observed unfavourable treatment results in smoker periodontitis patients.  相似文献   

Aims: We investigated the effect of comprehensive periodontal therapy on the levels of multiple systemic inflammatory biomarkers.
Material and Methods: Thirty patients with severe periodontitis received comprehensive periodontal therapy within a 6-week period. Blood samples were obtained at: 1-week pre-therapy (T1), therapy initiation (T2), treatment completion (T3), and 4 weeks thereafter (T4). We assessed the plasma concentrations of 19 biomarkers using multiplex assays, and serum IgG antibodies to periodontal bacteria using checkerboard immunoblotting. At T2 and T4, dental plaque samples were analysed using checkerboard hybridizations.
Results: At T3, PAI-1, sE-selectin, sVCAM-1, MMP-9, myeloperoxidase, and a composite summary inflammatory score (SIS) were significantly reduced. However, only sE-selectin, sICAM, and serum amyloid P sustained a reduction at T4. Responses were highly variable: analyses of SIS slopes between baseline and T4 showed that approximately 1/3 and 1/4 of the patients experienced a marked reduction and a pronounced increase in systemic inflammation, respectively, while the remainder were seemingly unchanged. Changes in inflammatory markers correlated poorly with clinical, microbiological and serological markers of periodontitis.
Conclusions: Periodontal therapy resulted in an overall reduction of systemic inflammation, but the responses were inconsistent across subjects and largely not sustainable. The determinants of this substantial heterogeneity need to be explored further.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate, on a short-term basis, the clinical and microbiological effects of a single course of scaling and root planing as compared with those obtained by flap surgery in patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis. 11 patients participated in the study. Using a split-mouth design, one quadrant of the mouth was treated with reverse bevel flap surgery, whereas the contralateral one was subjected to a single course of scaling and root planing. 2 approximal sites on single-rooted teeth with a pocket depth greater than or equal to 5 mm were monitored clinically and microbiologically for 16 weeks after active treatment. Both techniques resulted in a gain of probable attachment levels, a reduction in bleeding on probing and a reduced mean pocket depth, although 31.2% of the sites in the scaling and root planing group still had 6-7 mm deep pockets at 8 and 16 weeks after treatment. Both techniques reduced median relative proportions and frequencies of detection of black-pigmented Bacteroides species. A highly statistically significant increase (p less than 0.01) in median proportions of oral streptococci was recorded only for surgery within the 1st month post-operatively. No correlation was found between residual pocket depth and any of the microbiological parameters considered in the study, suggesting that residual pocket depth does not exert a significant influence on bacterial subgingival recolonization after therapy. The results from this study suggest that surgery can be as effective as scaling and root planing in favoring the establishment of micro-organisms compatible with periodontal health, although this effect is limited to the 1st month after therapy.  相似文献   

牙周病非手术治疗是牙周病治疗的基础,包括龈下刮治和根面平整术(SRP)和松牙固定术,适合于每一位牙周病患者,是牙周病治疗的第一步。药物治疗是牙周病治疗的辅助手段,针对致病原因分为抗生素类药物和免疫调节类药物治疗,抗生素类药物根据给药途径又可分为全身用药或局部用药。传统的SRP存在着一定的局限性,辅以牙周内镜、激光和光动力等新技术辅助治疗牙周病,其效果明显优于传统的SRP。本文就近年来牙周病非手术治疗的内容和研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Abstract Little is known about the relationship of aging to periodontal disease. The immune response undergoes aging-related changes resulting in loss of functional capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between levels of serum IgG antibodies against suspected periodontal pathogenic microorganisms to the presence or absence of periodontal disease in an elderly (65-75 yrs) population. From this study, we obtained information concerning: (1) the ability to differentiate elderly individuals without disease from those with disease by their levels of antibodies against periodontal pathogens and (2) which periodontal pathogen(s) triggered those responses. IgG anti- Porphyromonas gingivalis (strains W83 and 381) levels in the serum of elderly patients with severe periodontal disease were the only antibody responses measured which were elevated compared to the elderly control group of subjects with no periodontal disease. Anti- Prevoiella intermedia IgG levels in both elderly patient groups were depressed compared to anti- P. intermedia levels in the young normal control subjects. Serum IgG antibody levels to six other plaque microorganisms did not differentiate between diseased and normal, elderly or young subjects. This data suggested that P. gingtvalis was associated with periodontal disease in this elderly group of individuals and that those elderly individuals were able to respond with a normal IgG immune response.  相似文献   

The influence of periodontal therapy on serum antibody titers to selected periodontal disease-associated microorganisms was assessed in 23 patients having chronic inflammatory periodontal disease (CIPD). The immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers were determined by the microELISA technique in serum samples obtained prior to treatment; following a hygienic phase which included scaling, root planing, and oral hygiene instruction; following surgical treatment; and one year and two years following hygienic phase (maintenance phase). Considerable individual variability existed in the magnitude of immune response to specific bacterial preparations. Significant reductions in the mean antibody titers were seen to A. viscosus, S. sanguis, F. nucleatum, S. sputigena, B. gingivalis, B. intermedius, B. melaninogenicus, T. vincentii, and T. denticola by the end of the second year of maintenance. There was no consistent response to Capnocytophaga. When individual patient responses were examined, 6 of the 23 were found to have elevated titers to at least one of the microorganisms in the interval between pretreatment and the end of the hygienic phase; however, in all but one case, the titers at the end of the second year of maintenance were below pretreatment levels. Antibody levels to bacteria such as S. sanguis were modified during therapy. This would indicate that immune responses to microbes not generally considered to be "periodontal pathogens" may be modified by adjuvant activity associated with subgingival plaque or changes in the environment of the sulcus and that subsequent changes in titer do not necessarily reflect a role of that microorganism in the disease process.  相似文献   

牙周病是由菌斑微生物所引起的牙周支持组织慢性感染性疾病。菌斑微生物的控制是牙周病重要的治疗手段。由于口腔环境及牙周组织结构的特殊性,牙周系统治疗无法一劳永逸,是一个长期的过程。因此,牙周维护治疗应贯穿整个治疗过程,是牙周系统治疗中必不可少的组成部分,也是牙周疗效得以长期保持的重要手段。文章就牙周系统治疗中牙周维护治疗的重要性做一综述。  相似文献   

Abstract. Serum IgG antibody titers to 7 periodontopathic bacteria in periodontitis patients were measured at the Is1 visit and after various periodontal treatments with clinically successful improvement, in order to evaluate what kind of factors are associated with changes of serum antibody titers. 20 patients (10 male and 10 female from 23 to 61 years old) with adult, rapidly progressive periodontitis were enrolled in this study. All patients received initial preparation and most of them also underwent surgical procedure. After the treatments, the mean probing pocket depths decreased from 3.72 mm to 1.56 mm. Serum samples were collected from patients at the initial and final examinations. Serum IgG antibody titers against sonicated antigens of Porphyromonas gingivalis FDC 381, Prevotella intermedia ATCC 25611. Prevotella loescheii ATCC 15930. Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies nucleatum ATCC 25586. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans FDC Y4. Eikenella corrodens FDC 1073 and Capnocylophaga ochracea #M 12 were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The mean antibody titers to P. gingivalis and P. intermedia decreased significantly after the treatment as compared to their pretreatment levels. The antibody titer to P. gingivalis, especially, decreased in all of the patients examined. A significant relationship was found between the decreased antibody titer to P. gingivalis and the number of teeth which received periodontal surgery, as well as treatment length, and the relationship between the decreased antibody titer to P. intermedia and the number of extracted teeth was also significant. These results suggest that the changes of serum IgG titers against P. gingivalis and P. intermedia are related to the suppression of such pathogens in subgingival plaque.  相似文献   

目的:探讨结合菌斑显示进行口腔卫生宣教对牙周支持治疗依从性的影响。方法:将20~60岁以"刷牙出血"为主诉的轻中度慢性牙周炎病人进行口腔卫生宣教、洁治和刮治。刮治后第1次复诊主诉刷牙出血消失[所有牙的龈沟出血指数(sulcus bleeding index,SBI)≤1,探诊深度(probing depth,PD)≤4]的97例男性病人和93例女性病人确定为研究对象。按就诊顺序随机分为实验组(96例,男49例,女47例)和对照组(94例,男48例,女46例)。实验组在菌斑显示后行口腔卫生宣教,对照组直接行口腔卫生宣教;制定复诊时间,记录1个月、3个月及6个月后复诊情况。用SPSS11.5软件进行数据处理,卡方检验分析每阶段两组复诊率的差异。结果:实验组在1个月、3个月及6个月的复诊率分别为42.7%、34.4%和46.9%;对照组分别为27.7%、14.9%和31.9%。实验组和对照组在各时间点的复诊率的差异均具有显著统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:结合菌斑显示进行口腔卫生宣教可提高病人牙周支持治疗的依从性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tobacco smoking is an established risk factor for periodontitis, and is associated with periodontal attachment and tooth loss. Clinical studies have indicated that smoking may adversely affect and impede healing following periodontal therapy. Adjunctive antimicrobials, on the other hand, have been shown to enhance the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a triclosan/copolymer/fluoride dentifrice on healing following non-surgical periodontal therapy in smokers. METHODS: Sixty smokers (aged 35-59 years; 23 females) with chronic periodontal disease volunteered to participate in a double-blind, randomized, controlled, clinical trial. The subjects were randomly assigned to use a triclosan/copolymer/fluoride (30 subjects) or a standard fluoride (30 subjects) dentifrice and received detailed information on proper techniques for self-performed plaque control. The participants then received non-surgical periodontal therapy followed by periodontal maintenance care every 6 months over 24 months. Clinical recordings included evaluation of oral hygiene standards, gingival health, and periodontal status. RESULTS: Subjects using the triclosan/copolymer/fluoride dentifrice exhibited significantly improved oral hygiene conditions, gingival health, and periodontal status compared with those using the standard fluoride dentifrice over the 24-month maintenance interval. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that an oral hygiene regimen including a triclosan/copolymer/fluoride dentifrice may sustain the short-term effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy in smokers.  相似文献   

The influence of cigarette smoking on the outcome of surgical therapy was investigated in 54 patients, 24 of whom were smokers. The patients had moderate to severe periodontitis with persisting diseased pockets after non-surgical therapy. The surgical modality used was the modified Widman flap operation and the pockets under scrutiny were those with an initial probing depth of 4-6 mm. Re-examination was made 12 months following the completion of surgery. The probing depth reduction at the 12-month follow-up was 0.76 +/- 0.36 mm (mean +/- SD) in smokers as compared to 1.27 +/- 0.43 mm in non-smokers. The difference was statistically significant (P less than 0.001) and persisted after accounting for plaque. The results suggest that smoking may impair the outcome of surgical therapy.  相似文献   

Thirty-four patients with periodontal disease each had subgingival plaque samples collected from four sites (one from each quadrant) in their mouths. The relative proportions of spirochaetes, motile rods and cocci were determined using dark field microscopy and the proportion of anaerobic to aerobic microorganisms was calculated after culture. In addition, clinical recordings were made at these sampled sites. The patients then underwent a course of periodontal treatment and were placed on a maintenance programme. The clinical recordings were repeated and the results examined to ascertain if the original microbiological or clinical measurements could have been used to predict the response to therapy.
Of the baseline recordings, the initial probing depth, the initial attachment level and the presence of suppuration all showed a positive correlation with the degree of pocket reduction or attachment gain produced by treatment. The percentage of cocci in the subgingival plaque correlated negatively with the treatment response. Suppuration seemed to be associated primarily with the original pocket depth while the percentage of cocci in subgingival plaque showed a true relationship with the amount of attachment gained after periodontal therapy. The significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

费晓露 《口腔医学》2014,34(9):692-694
目的 观察牙周支持治疗对维持基础治疗长期效果的作用。方法 对在口腔医院接受过牙周治疗的患者进行回顾性研究,其中接受支持治疗16例,未接受支持治疗14例(对照组)。牙周临床检查包括牙周袋探诊深度(PD)、探诊出血(BOP)阳性位点(+),比较初诊,6周复诊以及最后一次复诊时的上诉各项临床检查指标。结果 6周复查时两组的PD和BOP(+)位点百分比明显降低,差异无统计学意义。最后一次复诊时支持治疗组的PD为2.83 mm,BOP(+)位点百分比为15.49%,与初诊比较差异有统计学意义;而对照组的PD为3.51 mm,BOP(+)位点百分比为60.42%,与初诊比较差别无统计学意义,与支持治疗组比较差别有统计学意义。结论 牙周基础治疗可以有效控制牙周炎症,但是其炎症控制的长期效果需要通过支持治疗来维持。  相似文献   

The effect of periodontal therapy in diabetics   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Abstract The present investigation was performed to study the frequency of recurrence of periodontitis in diabetic subjects, who, prior to the initiation of a 5-year period of monitoring, were treated for moderate to advanced periodontal disease. 20 patients with diabetes, type 1 (LDDM) or type 2 (N1DDM) and 20, sex and age matched, controls with similar amounts of periodontal tissue destruction, were selected for the study. Following a screening examination, all patients were subjected to non-surgical periodontal therapy (oral hygiene instruction, supra-and subgingival scaling). 3 months later, the baseline examination for the study was performed. This included assessments of several parameters such as: number of teeth, plaque, gingivitis, probing pocket depth and probing attachment level. 6 months after the baseline examination, all 40 subjects were recalled for a 2nd examination. Sites which at this 6-month examination exhibited bleeding on probing, and had probing depth >5 mm, were scheduled for additional surgical therapy (modified Widman flap). Following this selective additional therapy, the main period of monitoring was initiated. During this period, a plaque control program was repeated every 3 months. Re-examinations regarding plaque, gingivitis, probing depth and probing attachment level were performed 12, 24 and 60 months after the baseline examination. The findings from the examinations disclosed that diabetics and non-diabetics alike, treated for moderately to advanced forms of adult periodontitis, during a subsequent 5-year period, were able to maintain healthy periodontal conditions. Thus, the frequency of sites which exibited signs of recurrent disease was similar in the 2 study groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The value of seroepidemiology in the study of periodontal infections has not been adequately explored. This study examined serum immunoglobulin (IgG) responses to periodontal bacteria in patients with periodontitis and periodontitis-free individuals over a 30-month period. METHODS: Eighty-nine patients with chronic periodontitis and 42 control subjects with no deep periodontal pockets and no or minimal attachment loss (30-72 years old, 43% men) were included. Patients were examined at baseline, after completed periodontal therapy 4 months post-baseline, and at 30 months, and controls, at baseline and 30 months. IgG antibodies to 19 periodontal species were determined by checkerboard immunoblotting. RESULTS: On average, patients displayed at baseline up to 800-fold higher titers than controls to all but three species. Over the 30-month period, titers remained stable at low levels in controls. In patients, periodontal conditions improved from a baseline mean probing depth of 3.6 mm, bleeding on probing of 62% and an average of 21.5 pockets of=6 mm/person, to 2.5 mm mean pocket depth, 30% bleeding on probing, and 1.2 deep pockets, at 30 months. Over time, antibody titers showed a modest decline in patients, but remained significantly elevated at 30 months in comparison with controls. Antibody-level changes over time were not significantly different between subjects that did and did not receive adjunctive systemic antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Conspicuous differences in IgG titers to periodontal bacteria exist between periodontitis patients and periodontally healthy controls. Despite successful periodontal therapy, titers remained elevated over a 30-month period, suggesting that serology may mark the history of past periodontal infection.  相似文献   

Abstract. Root planing is an effective method of treating both moderate and severe periodontitis. Predictable and significant improvements in bleeding scores, probing pocket depths and probing attachment levels have been demonstrated by a number of different research groups. Significant positive changes in the subgingival microflora are induced. These improvements can be sustained for longer periods of time if adequate supragingival plaque control is achieved.
It is important to realize that the research to date excludes the effects of therapy on furcation pockets. Results of conservative therapy in this critical area remain to be studied.  相似文献   

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