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We compute the energy spectrum of high-energy (0.1–10 GeV) neutrinos produced by the annihilation of supersymmetric (SUSY) cold dark matter trapped in the sun. We compare this spectrum to the spectrum of atmospheric neutrinos and find that in the direction of the sun the solar flux of neutrinos can exceed the atmospheric background for neutrino energies Eν 1 GeV, and are as much as a factor 30 above background for energies Eν few GeV. We discuss these signatures for standard SUSY relics as well as for superstring relics.  相似文献   

We show that the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model includes a region where the down-type fermion masses are generated by the loop-induced couplings to the up-type Higgs doublet. In this region the down-type Higgs doublet does not acquire a vacuum expectation value at tree level, and has sizable couplings in the superpotential to the tau leptons and bottom quarks. Besides a light standard-like Higgs boson, the Higgs spectrum includes the nearly degenerate states of a heavy spin-0 doublet which can be produced through their couplings to the b quark and decay predominantly into τ + τ ? or τν.  相似文献   

The minimal supersymmetric standard model with soft breaking has a large landscape of supersymmetric particle mass hierarchies. This number is reduced significantly in well-motivated scenarios such as minimal supergravity and alternatives. We carry out an analysis of the landscape for the first four lightest particles and identify at least 16 mass patterns, and provide benchmarks for each. We study the signature space for the patterns at the CERN Large Hadron Collider by analyzing the lepton+ (jet> or =2) + missing P{T} signals with 0, 1, 2, and 3 leptons. Correlations in missing P{T} are also analyzed. It is found that even with 10 fb{-1} of data a significant discrimination among patterns emerges.  相似文献   

We discuss the motivations for reconsidering cosmological inflation in supersymmetric theories as contrasted with conventional GUTs. Radiative corrections to the effective potential can be made arbitrarily small in supersymmetric GUTs, removing some of the obstacles to inflation. We analyze general renormalizable potentials at the tree level and show that the required fine-tuning of parameters becomes less acute if inflation takes place before the grand unified phase transition, a hypothesis we term primordial inflation. We show how the grand unified monopole problem can be solved in supersymmetric GUTs embodying primordial inflation.  相似文献   

The possibility of a heavy supersymmetric spectrum at the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is considered and the decoupling from the low energy electroweak scale is analyzed in detail. The formal proof of decoupling of supersymmetric particles from low energy physics is stated in terms of the effective action for the particles of the Standard Model that results by integrating out all the sparticles in the limit where their masses are larger than the electroweak scale. The computation of the effective action for the standard electroweak gauge bosons , Z and is performed by integrating out all the squarks, sleptons, charginos and neutralinos to one-loop. The Higgs sector is not considered in this paper. The large sparticle masses limit is also analyzed in detail. Explicit analytical formulae for the two-point functions of the electroweak gauge bosons to be valid in that limit are presented. Finally, the decoupling of sparticles in the S, T and U parameters is studied analitically. A discussion on how the decoupling takes place in terms of both the physical sparticle masses and the non-physical mass parameters as the -parameter and the soft-breaking parameters is included. Received: 27 March 1998 / Published online: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

We introduce novel extensions of the Standard Model featuring a supersymmetric technicolor sector. First we consider N=4\mathcal{N}=4 Super Yang–Mills which breaks to N=1\mathcal{N}=1 via the electroweak (EW) interactions and coupling to the MSSM. This is a well defined, economical and calculable extension of the SM involving the smallest number of fields. It constitutes an explicit example of a natural supersymmetric conformal extension of the Standard Model featuring a well defined connection to string theory. It allows us to interpolate, depending on how we break the underlying supersymmetry, between unparticle physics and Minimal Walking Technicolor. As a second alternative we consider other N = 1\mathcal{N} =1 extensions of the Minimal Walking Technicolor model. The new models allow all the standard model matter fields to acquire a mass.  相似文献   

We propose a supersymmetric model of particle physics in which supersymmetry is broken by strong gauge forces. Unlike previous realistic supersymmetric technicolor theories, the model contains only one extra strong gauge group, and it lends itself readily to grand unification. The model also has no light axions which can burn out stars. A variety of new particles, many weighing less than 100 GeV, are predicted. A no-go theorem due to Witten is discussed.  相似文献   

《Nuclear Physics B》1996,461(3):597-623
We reconsider the problems of cosmological inflation in effective supergravity theories. A singlet field in a hidden sector is demonstrated to yield an acceptable inflationary potential, without fine tuning. In the simplest such model, the requirement of generating the microwave background anisotropy measured by COBE fixes the inflationary scale to be about 1014 GeV, implying a reheat temperature of order 105 GeV. This is low enough to solve gravitino problem but high enough to allow baryogenesis after inflation. Such consistency requires that the generation of gravitational waves be negligible and that the spectrum of scalar density perturbations depart significantly from scale invariance, thus improving the fit to large-scale structure in an universe dominated by cold dark matter. We also consider the problems associated with gravitino production through inflaton decay and with other weakly coupled fields such as the moduli encountered in (compactified) string theories.  相似文献   

We propose a grand unified supersymmetric theory based on SU(5) with spontaneously broken supersymmetry. The theory (really a class of theories) is completely realistic. In particular, supersymmetry partners of ordinary fermions and bosons are heavy. The model requires one fine-tuning in order to render the color triplet partners of the Higgs fields (which mediate proton decay) superheavy. This fine-tuning is stable against radiative corrections. At the tree level, the model contains two scales, the unification scale, of order 1016 GeV, and the supersymmetry breaking scale, of order 1010 GeV. The breaking of SU(2) × U(1) invariance arises as a radiative effect. The lightest of the new particles implied by supersymmetry are expected to have masses of order tens of GeV.  相似文献   

We construct locally supersymmetric GUTs in which radiative corrections determine all the mass scales which are hierarchically smaller than the Planck mass: m32 = O(mW) = exp (?O(1)αt)mp, etc. Such no-scale GUTs are based on a hidden sector with a flat potential guaranteed by SU(1, 1) conformal invariance. This is extended to include observable chiral fields in an SU(n, 1)/SU(n) × U(1) structure reminiscent of N ? 5 extended supergravity theories. Tree-level supersymmetry breaking is present only for the gravitino, and for the light gaugino masses through non-minimal kinetic terms reminiscent of N?4 extended supergravity theories. Radiative corrections generate squark and slepton masses which are phenomenologically acceptable, and the right value of mW is obtained if mt ≈ 50 GeV in the simplest such model.  相似文献   

We construct and discuss the Fock-space representation and the number operator for a deformed supersymmetric oscillator with “peculiar” statistics. We suggest a possible generalization to multimode deformed oscillators.  相似文献   

The contraction method in different limits to obtain 22 different realizations of kinematical algebras is applied to study the supersymmetric extension of Ad S algebra and its contractions. It is shown that p2 h-, p, c2 and g algebras, in addition to d-, p, n-, g and c algebras, have supersymmetric extension, while n-2, g2 and g 2algebras have no supersymmetric extension. The connections among the superalgebras are established.  相似文献   

A discussion is given of a new method to isolate supersymmetric signals. As the presence of missing mass in the supersymmetric reactions is one of the biggest problems, the principal advantage of the new method proposed is its ability to offer an estimate of the mass of the produced superpartners. The technique has been successfully applied to the HERA environment, where errors of 10% on the mass values have been obtained, even starting from very few detected events.  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》1999,258(1):1-5
Using the semiunitary formulation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics quantum behavior of supersymmetric Paul trap is investigated, and correspondences of all observables in a complete set and their eigenvalues, wave functions and Schrödinger equations between the system and its superpartner are clarified.  相似文献   

A new N=1N=1 supersymmetric Harry Dym equation is constructed by applying supersymmetric reciprocal transformation to a trivial supersymmetric Harry Dym equation, and its recursion operator and Lax formulation are also obtained. Within the framework of symmetry approach, a class of 3rd order supersymmetric equations of Harry Dym type are considered. In addition to five known integrable equations, a new supersymmetric equation, admitting 5th order generalized symmetry, is shown to be linearizable through supersymmetric reciprocal transformation. Furthermore, its Lax representation and recursion operator are given so that the integrability of this new equation is confirmed.  相似文献   

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