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《Journal of Non》1970,3(1):115-126
The permeation of hydrogen into silver-doped glasses in the range 280–450°C is derived from spectrophotometric determinations of the rate of precipitation of colloidal silver. By measuring this rate as a function of hydrogen partial pressure the effect of the mobility of the silver ions may be allowed for and values obtained for the alkali ion-silver ion interdiffusion coefficient. The method is tested by adding various amounts of silver to the same base glass and comparing the values obtained for PH2 and DAg+. When Na+ is replaced by Ca++ in simple silicate glasses the hydrogen permeation rate is reduced in spite of the decrease in the number of network modifying ions. Substitution of Mg++ for Ca++ leads to an increase in the permeability while replacement of Ca++ by Sr++ or Ba++ causes a decrease.  相似文献   

The slow advance of a crack in soda-silicate glasses was studied at nanometer scale by in-situ and real-time atomic force microscopy (AFM) in a well-controlled atmosphere. An enhanced diffusion of sodium ions in the stress-gradient field at the sub-micrometric vicinity of the crack tip was revealed through several effects: growth of nodules in AFM height images, changes in the AFM tip-sample energy dissipation. The nodules patterns revealed a dewetting phenomenon evidenced by ‘breath figures’. Complementary chemical micro-analyses were done. These experimental results were explained by a two-step process: (i) a fast migration (typical time: few milliseconds) of sodium ions towards the fracture surfaces as proposed by Langford et al. [J. Mat. Res. 6 (1991) 1358], (ii) a slow backwards diffusion of the cations as evidenced in these AFM experiments (typical time: few minutes). Measurements of the diffusion coefficient of that relaxing process were done at room temperature. Our results strengthen the theoretical concept of a near-surface structural relaxation due to the stress-gradient at the vicinity of the crack tip. The inhomogeneous migration of sodium ions might be a direct experimental evidence of the presence of sodium-rich channels in the silicate structure [A. Meyer et al., Phys. Rev. Let. 93 (2004) 027801].  相似文献   

The tracer diffusion coefficients of 22Na and 137Cs, and the electrical conductivity have been measured in the (Na, Cs)2O:3SiO2 glasses as a function of temperature and Cs/Na ratio. Complex impedance analysis was used for the conductivity measurements. The Haven ratio at 396.5°C increases from 0.3–0.4 in single-alkali glasses to 0.8 for the mixed-alkali compositions. The results are explained in terms of a single-jump mechanism; interactions between alkali ions and non-bridging oxygen ions, and between different alkali ions, produce the observed correlation effects.  相似文献   

Lanthanum galliogermanate glasses were prepared. Raman spectra, molar volumes, glass transition temperatures and activation energies for glass transition and crystallization were obtained. For glasses having the same La2O3/GeO2 ratio, the molar volumes increase with the Ga2O3 content, and the glass transition temperatures, activation energies for glass transition and crystallization, increase initially then decrease as the ratio of Ga2O3/GeO2 increases. For glasses having the same Ga2O3/GeO2 ratio, the molar volumes increase with La2O3 content, and the glass transition temperatures increase as the ratio of La2O3/GeO2 increases. The change of glass structure and its properties with composition is correlated with the concentration of lanthanum ion.  相似文献   

The leaching of some binary and ternary lithium silicate glasses and their respective glass-ceramics by HCl is reported.The leaching rate of lithium silicate glasses gradually decreases with the decrease of the percentage of Li2O or by the introduction of small amounts of a third component, e.g. Al2O3, MgO, ZnO or B2O3. With a further increase in the proportions of B2O3 or ZnO the rate of leaching increases. The rate of leaching is also substantially modified by the conversion of glasses into glasses-ceramics.The results obtained are discussed in terms of the effects of the different ions on the rate of the interdifussion of the lithium and hydrogen ions in the glass and the leached layer, the phase separation developed in the glass, the type and concentration of crystalline phases developed in glass-ceramics and the composition of the residual glass phase.  相似文献   

Absorption and fluorescence spectra are presented for neodymium-doped alkali germanate and bismuth germanate glasses and crystals. Narrower spectral components and a shift in intensity distribution toward shorter wavelengths for the composite bands corresponding to the principal neodymium absorption and fluorescence transitions are observed as the radius of the glass modifier ion is increased (Li+Na+K+). These changes in component band width and intensity distribution become more pronounced as the concentration of large radius modifier ion is increased, and result in effectively narrower widths for the fluorescent bands involved in laser emission. Optical spectra for neodymium in a sodium germanate single crystal show broad bands characteristic of those of glasses. Electron microprobe scans reveal non-uniform distribution and clustering of neodymium in alkali germanate crystals. Narrow, temperature sensitive bands similar to those of neodymium in other crystals are found for single crystal and polycrystalline neodymium-doped bismuth germanate, while the glass exhibits broad bands. Substitutional replacement of Bi3+ with Nd3+ in the bismuth germanate crystal lattice is indicated from the optical spectra but the environment of neodymium in crystalline sodium germanate appears to have only short-range order. The difficulty encountered in introducing neodymium into substitutional positions in alkali germanate crystals may result from the charge difference between neodymium and the alkali cations as well as the oxygen: germanium ratio of these compounds, which favors glass network formation rather than crystallization.  相似文献   

Structural studies of the ternary xLi2S + (1 − x)[0.5B2S3 + 0.5GeS2] glasses using IR, Raman, and 11B NMR show that the Li2S is not shared proportionately between the GeS2 and B2S3 sub-networks of the glass. The IR spectra indicate that the B2S3 glass network is under-doped in comparison to the corresponding composition in the xLi2S + (1 − x)B2S3 binary system. Additionally, the Raman spectra show that the GeS2 glass network is over-modified. Surprisingly, however, the 11Boron static NMR gives evidence that ∼80% of the boron atoms are in tetrahedral coordinated. A super macro tetrahedron, B10S18−6 is proposed as one of the structures in these glasses in which can account for the apparent low fraction of Li2S present in the B2S3 sub-network while at the same time enabling the high fraction of tetrahedral borons in the glass.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》2006,352(50-51):5446-5451
In this study, ion-microprobe analyses of four samples of buried medieval stained-glasses are used to demonstrate that water penetrates into the matrix of pristine glasses at low temperatures, thereby showing that glass alteration is not only a surface process. The diffusion coefficients of water determined from concentration profiles of hydrogen are found to be correlated with the bulk polymerization state of the glass. This observation is discussed with respect to glass structure and implies that ionic exchange between hydrogen and network modifying metal cations is the major process responsible for glass hydration.  相似文献   

The structure of lithium borate and strontium borate glasses with high Li2O and SrO contents was examined using the experimental results of ESR and the optical absorption of Cu2+ ions, and the Mössbauer spectra of Fe3+ ions and Raman spectra of these glasses. The results indicate the existence of non-bridging oxygens belonging to orthoborate and pyroborate groups, structural groups of diborate and high pressure forms of metaborate above 30 mol% of the modifier contents in these glasses. Among these four structural groups, the diborate group rapidly decreased with an increase of the modifier contents, while the other three groups increased with an increase of the modifier contents.  相似文献   

Optical absorption and ESR spectra of chromium in soda silicate glasses were measured to characterize the electronic environment of the chromium ion in these glasses. Glasses produced in very strongly reducing conditions showed a broad optical absorption in the wavenumber range of 10 000–25 000 cm?1 without any ESR absorption, which suggested the formation of Cr2+ ions. Glasses produced in air or moderately reducing conditions showed ESR signals suggesting that there are three different states of Cr3+ ions, the strongly coupled Cr3+ ion pairs, the weakly coupled Cr3+ ion pairs and the isolated Cr3+ ions in elongated tetragonal sites or sites with lower symmetry. The presence of Cr5+ ions in glasses produced in air was also suggested. It was indicated that the critical partial oxygen pressure of the formation of Cr2+ ions is in the vicinity of PO2 = 10?8 atm and that Cr2+ ions do not coexist with Cr3+ ions homogeneously in soda silicate glasses.  相似文献   

The correlation factor in the Nernst-Einstei equation for low sodium Na2OGeO2 glass determined from dc conductivity and 22Na diffusion coefficient measurements was found to be near unity. Values of the correlation factor were also compiled from the literature for higher alkali content germanate glasses as well as for sodium borate and alkali silicate glasses. In all three systems the correlation factor was found to depend primarily on the alkali content in the glass. Specifically, uncorrelated ionic diffusion (? ? 1) occurs in low alkali glasses while correlated motion (? < 1) takes place at higher alkali concentrations. This observation is consistent with the theory that many “holes” exist in low alkali glasses through which the diffusing cation can randomly jump.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》2005,351(40-42):3361-3364
The potential energy landscapes of Li+ ions in Li2O–SiO2 glasses containing 3.3–15 mol% Li2O have been studied using molecular dynamics simulation. It is shown for the first time that the densities of states for Li+ ions follow a nearly universal logarithmic distribution irrespective of the Li concentration. Such a functional form of the ionic density of states is shown to provide an explanation for the experimentally observed logarithmic dependence of the activation energy of dc conductivity on the modifier ion concentration in a wide variety of glasses.  相似文献   

On the basis of precise X-ray diffraction study of lithium niobate single crystals of congruent composition and four zinc-doped (at 2.8, 5.2, 7.6, and 8.2 mol %) crystals, structural conditionality of the threshold concentrations of the dopant has been established. At these concentrations, the mechanism of zinc incorporation into crystal changes. As the zinc concentration increases, this element first substitutes excess niobium, localized in lithium positions, with a simultaneous decrease in the number of vacancies in these positions. Then zinc substitutes lithium with formation of new lithium vacancies. When a certain limit on the number of vacancies is reached, zinc begins to substitute niobium in its main positions. This process is naturally accompanied by a decrease in the number of vacancies to their complete disappearance and formation of a self-compensating crystal. The character of the dependence of the crystal physical properties on the dopant concentration changes specifically when the impurity concentration passes through the threshold values.  相似文献   

Diffusion non-linearity of a set of aluminum-boro-silicate glasses with a high content of alkaline ions and fast diffusion was analyzed using the developed approach for the comparison and selection of glasses for the formation of GRIN structures. The results of this study allowed simple governing of the diffusion non-linearity of glasses by varying their composition. The technique proposed was verified through synthesizing glasses with diffusion non-linearity falling into the range where low-aberration GRIN lenses could be formed in one-stage ion exchange processing.  相似文献   

The polar lattices dynamics of seven binary lead silicate glasses have been studied by infrared spectroscopy. The analysis of the reflectivity spectra with a dielectric function model, based on a modified Gaussian profile, allows a quantitative evaluation of the presence of lead cations within different structural sites. From the role of the lead cations versus the degree of polymerization of the silicate network and the comparison with literature results, we may to give a scenario for explaining the observed structural evolution of the glass matrix and more particularly the drastic change occurring around 45% of lead content. Below this threshold, lead cations act only as modifiers of the silicate network. Above, the glass structure is deeply modified; a lead network involving around 10% of the lead content appears in glasses whose composition is just above the threshold and progressively grows at the expense of the silicate network with the increase of lead content. For high lead content, lead cations can act as modifiers of the silicate network or as network formers. Results also show that the analysis of far infrared measurements combined with the knowledge of the UV edge optical response is very promising to characterize the local disorder around cations in glasses.  相似文献   

John Schroeder 《Journal of Non》1980,40(1-3):549-566
The Brillouin spectra of binary and ternary silicate glasses were investigated and absolute values for the Pockets coefficients p12 and p44 and (p11p12) were calculated from the measured spectra. The results were interpreted as to the density and refractive index dependence of the Pockels coefficients in terms of the theoretical treatments by Carleton, Mueller and Sipe. From the measured p12 and p44 values the quantity (∂ε/∂p), the change of the dielectric constant with respect to density, was calculated and compared with (∂ε/∂) evaluated from the Lorentz-Lorenz equation, Drude equation and the Carleton model. The Lorentz-Lorenz and Drude equations overestimated the magnitude of (∂ε/∂), while the Carleton model with its two limiting cases set upper and lowe bounds to (∂ε/∂). From the (∂ε/∂) results the strain polarizability constant (λ0) was determined and its physical significance discussed. In general, the alkali-oxide concentration dependence of the Pockels coefficients of various silicate glasses has been measured and qualitatively explained by several existing theoretical formulations.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied a set of Tb3+ (or Eu3+) doped silicate glasses in which some amounts of BaO were added to increase glass density. The irradiation-induced damage was investigated by absorbance measurements performed before and after each irradiation with doses ranging from 3 to 237 Gy. Analysed glasses underwent also light yield measurements investigated in terms of light production. The results showed that radiation damage and light yield depend on glass composition and are very low for the Eu3+ containing glass and for the Tb3+ activated glass which contains also lead. A possible explanation could be that lead and europium favour in the glass matrix the formation of a higher concentration of defects with respect to Tb3+ doping ions.  相似文献   

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