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Double-stranded RNA-mediated gene interference (RNAi) in Caenorhabditis elegans systemically inhibits gene expression throughout the organism. To investigate how gene-specific silencing information is transmitted between cells, we constructed a strain that permits visualization of systemic RNAi. We used this strain to identify systemic RNA interference-deficient (sid) loci required to spread gene-silencing information between tissues but not to initiate or maintain an RNAi response. One of these loci, sid-1, encodes a conserved protein with predicted transmembrane domains. SID-1 is expressed in cells sensitive to RNAi, is localized to the cell periphery, and is required cell-autonomously for systemic RNAi.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays cell cycle progression until microtubules attach each pair of sister chromosomes to opposite poles of the mitotic spindle. Following sister chromatid separation, however, the checkpoint ignores chromosomes whose kinetochores are attached to only one spindle pole, a state that activates the checkpoint prior to metaphase. We demonstrate that, in budding yeast, mutual inhibition between the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) and Mps1, an essential component of the checkpoint, leads to sustained inactivation of the spindle checkpoint. Mps1 protein abundance decreases in anaphase, and Mps1 is a target of the APC. Furthermore, expression of Mps1 in anaphase, or repression of the APC in anaphase, reactivates the spindle checkpoint. This APC-Mps1 feedback circuit allows cells to irreversibly inactivate the checkpoint during anaphase.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint guards the fidelity of chromosome segregation. It requires the close cooperation of cell cycle regulatory proteins and cytoskeletal elements to sense spindle integrity. The role of the centrosome, the organizing center of the microtubule cytoskeleton, in the spindle checkpoint is unclear. We found that the molecular requirements for a functional spindle checkpoint included components of the large gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC). However, their localization at the centrosome and centrosome integrity were not essential for this function. Thus, the spindle checkpoint can be activated at the level of microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

C. elegans as a model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We report the discovery of a checkpoint that monitors synapsis between homologous chromosomes to ensure accurate meiotic segregation. Oocytes containing unsynapsed chromosomes selectively undergo apoptosis even if a germline DNA damage checkpoint is inactivated. This culling mechanism is specifically activated by unsynapsed pairing centers, cis-acting chromosome sites that are also required to promote synapsis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Apoptosis due to synaptic failure also requires the C. elegans homolog of PCH2, a budding yeast pachytene checkpoint gene, which suggests that this surveillance mechanism is widely conserved.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint was characterized in meiosis of budding yeast. In the absence of the checkpoint, the frequency of meiosis I missegregation increased with increasing chromosome length, reaching 19% for the longest chromosome. Meiosis I nondisjunction in spindle checkpoint mutants could be prevented by delaying the onset of anaphase. In a recombination-defective mutant (spo11Delta), the checkpoint delays the biochemical events of anaphase I, suggesting that chromosomes that are attached to microtubules but are not under tension can activate the spindle checkpoint. Spindle checkpoint mutants reduce the accuracy of chromosome segregation in meiosis I much more than that in meiosis II, suggesting that checkpoint defects may contribute to Down syndrome.  相似文献   

Müller et al. (Reports, 27 October 2006, p. 654) proposed a role for microtubule nucleation in mitotic checkpoint signaling. However, their observations of spindle defects and mitotic delay after depletion of gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC) components are fully consistent with activation of the established pathway of checkpoint signaling in response to incomplete or unstable interactions between kinetochores of mitotic chromosomes and spindle microtubules.  相似文献   

To obtain a global view of functional interactions among genes in a metazoan genome, we computationally integrated interactome data, gene expression data, phenotype data, and functional annotation data from three model organisms-Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Drosophila melanogaster-and predicted genome-wide genetic interactions in C. elegans. The resulting genetic interaction network (consisting of 18,183 interactions) provides a framework for system-level understanding of gene functions. We experimentally tested the predicted interactions for two human disease-related genes and identified 14 new modifiers.  相似文献   

Asymmetric divisions are crucial for generating cell diversity; they rely on coupling between polarity cues and spindle positioning, but how this coupling is achieved is poorly understood. In one-cell stage Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, polarity cues set by the PAR proteins mediate asymmetric spindle positioning by governing an imbalance of net pulling forces acting on spindle poles. We found that the GoLoco-containing proteins GPR-1 and GPR-2, as well as the Galpha subunits GOA-1 and GPA-16, were essential for generation of proper pulling forces. GPR-1/2 interacted with guanosine diphosphate-bound GOA-1 and were enriched on the posterior cortex in a par-3- and par-2-dependent manner. Thus, the extent of net pulling forces may depend on cortical Galpha activity, which is regulated by anterior-posterior polarity cues through GPR-1/2.  相似文献   

Basement membranes can help determine pathways of migrating axons. Although members of the nidogen (entactin) protein family are structural components of basement membranes, we find that nidogen is not required for basement membrane assembly in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Nidogen is localized to body wall basement membranes and is required to direct longitudinal nerves dorsoventrally and to direct axons at the midlines. By examining migration of a single axon in vivo, we show that nidogen is required for the axon to switch from circumferential to longitudinal migration. Specialized basement membranes may thus regulate nerve position.  相似文献   

The eggs of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila bear little similarity to each other, yet both depend on the par genes for control of anterior-posterior polarity. Here we explore possible common roles for the par genes (pars) in converting transient asymmetries into stably polarized axes. Although clear mechanistic parallels remain to be established, par-dependent regulation of microtubule dynamics and protein stability emerge as common themes.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) of target genes is triggered by double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) processed by conserved nucleases and accessory factors. To identify the genetic components required for RNAi, we performed a genome-wide screen using an engineered RNAi sensor strain of Caenorhabditis elegans. The RNAi screen identified 90 genes. These included Piwi/PAZ proteins, DEAH helicases, RNA binding/processing factors, chromatin-associated factors, DNA recombination proteins, nuclear import/export factors, and 11 known components of the RNAi machinery. We demonstrate that some of these genes are also required for germline and somatic transgene silencing. Moreover, the physical interactions among these potential RNAi factors suggest links to other RNA-dependent gene regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, the introduction of double-stranded RNA triggers sequence-specific genetic interference (RNAi) that is transmitted to offspring. The inheritance properties associated with this phenomenon were examined. Transmission of the interference effect occurred through a dominant extragenic agent. The wild-type activities of the RNAi pathway genes rde-1 and rde-4 were required for the formation of this interfering agent but were not needed for interference thereafter. In contrast, the rde-2 and mut-7 genes were required downstream for interference. These findings provide evidence for germ line transmission of an extragenic sequence-specific silencing factor and implicate rde-1 and rde-4 in the formation of the inherited agent.  相似文献   

An insulinlike signaling pathway controls Caenorhabditis elegans aging, metabolism, and development. Mutations in the daf-2 insulin receptor-like gene or the downstream age-1 phosphoinositide 3-kinase gene extend adult life-span by two- to threefold. To identify tissues where this pathway regulates aging and metabolism, we restored daf-2 pathway signaling to only neurons, muscle, or intestine. Insulinlike signaling in neurons alone was sufficient to specify wild-type life-span, but muscle or intestinal signaling was not. However, restoring daf-2 pathway signaling to muscle rescued metabolic defects, thus decoupling regulation of life-span and metabolism. These findings point to the nervous system as a central regulator of animal longevity.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans the two sexes, hermaphrodites and males, are thought to be irreversibly determined at fertilization by the ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes: XX embryos develop as hermaphrodites and XO embryos as males. We show instead that both sex and genotype of C. elegans can be altered postembryonically and that this flexibility requires sexual reproduction. When grown in specific bacterial metabolites, some XX larvae generated by mating males and hermaphrodites develop as males and lose one X chromosome. However, XX larvae produced by hermaphrodite self-fertilization show no such changes. We propose that sexual reproduction increases developmental flexibility of progeny, allowing for better adaptation to changing environments.  相似文献   

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