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建立双馈风电机组(DFIG)联合仿真精细化模型——GH Bladed-Matlab模型。在GH Bladed中搭建机组主要机械部件模型,在Matlab中搭建机组的主要电气部件。选取2.2 MW的双馈风电机组搭建模型,根据现场测试数据修正GH Bladed-Matlab模型,使仿真得到的机组闪变外特性、谐波外特性、功率控制外特性与其现场测试波形外特性基本保持一致,确保研究得到的联合仿真模型高精确性。所建立的模型在针对机组电能质量特性因素定性研究的基础上,结合数据进行定量分析,为同系列机组电能质量特性优化提供参考。  相似文献   

刘志武  肖泽亮 《风能》2014,(3):67-72
针对风电场的无功功率平衡和电压稳定问题,提出了一种以风电场与电网交换无功功值为目标的控制策略。综合运用风电场安装的SVG无功补偿装置及双馈机组的无功调节能力来达到这一目标值。文章结合工程实例,通过对不同发电量下风电场的无功损耗和电压波动情况进行计算,提出利用风力发电机的无功功率可基本实现风电场的无功平衡。  相似文献   

并网双馈风电机组低电压穿越能力研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
详细分析了双馈风电机组LVRT功能的实现原理,并在电力系统仿真分析软件PSASP中建立双馈风电机组的LVRT功能模型,采用地理接线图直观地表示风电场外部系统发生短路故障瞬间对风电机组端电压的影响.并以我国某地区电网为例来分析在风电场接入方式不同的情况下系统短路故障对风电机组的影响。根据仿真结果给出风电机组LVRT能力的最低电压限值要求。最后提出了利用串联制动电阻来提高风电机组的LVRT能力的新方法。分析结果表明,串联制动电阻能够可观地提高风电机组的低电压穿越能力。具有较高LVRT能力的风电机组。可以节省一定的投资费用,在一定程度上降低了风电的上网电价。  相似文献   

双馈变速风电机组低电压穿越控制   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
当系统中风电装机容量比例较大时,系统故障导致电压跌落后,风电场切除会严重影响系统运行的稳定性,这就要求风电机组具有低电压穿越(Low Voltage Ride Through,LVRT)能力,保证系统发生故障后风电机组不间断并网运行。分析了双馈风电机组LVRT原理和基于转子撬棒保护(crow-bar protection)的LVRT控制策略,在电力系统仿真分析软件DIgSILENT/Power Factory中建立了双馈风电机组模型及其LVRT控制模型,以某地区风电系统为例进行仿真计算,分析转子撬棒投入与切除策略及动作时间对实现机组LVRT的影响。  相似文献   

提出了不平衡电网电压下双馈发电机的控制策略,并建立了双馈发电机在正、反旋转坐标系下的数学模型。在此基础上推导和分析了电网电压不平衡条件下双馈发电机输出的瞬时有功、无功功率的组成。提出了4种可供选择的不平衡电压控制方案,并给出了不同控制目标下转子的正、负序电流目标值的计算原则。通过MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真验证了控制方案的有效性。  相似文献   

针对双馈型风电机组低电压穿越时的工况,在分析该工况对crowbar电路要求的基础上,概述了相关的技术背景,详述了crowbar电路的相关问题。  相似文献   

基于双馈风电机组的动态无功支持能力,在电网电压骤升时协调控制网侧变流器和发电机定子输出的无功功率,维持直流侧母线电压的安全稳定运行。根据DFIG直流侧电容的高电压穿越安全要求,定义了电网电压骤升时双馈风力发电机组接入电压的安全电压。然后基于安全电压给出了DFIG在电网电压骤升时能否实现高电压穿越的判断依据,并给出了其高电压穿越时的无功协调输出策略。仿真结果验证了所提的方法。  相似文献   

对于电压跌落,存在电压连续两次跌落的现象。指出了电压会发生两次跌落的现象,分析了双馈型风电机组在电压跌落过程中定子磁链衰减变化现象。结果表明在电压发生第二次跌落时,应考虑定子磁链初始值的问题。通过现场试验结果,验证了未考虑定子磁链初始值,两次电压跌落的间隔时间不同对风电机组的影响。  相似文献   

为高效利用风机旋转动能,提高风电机组的频率支撑能力,文章在传统下垂控制策略的基础上,提出一种基于改进下垂控制的双馈风电机组频率控制策略。该策略通过结合扰动后电网频率动态特性,提出了可随系统频率变化率(RoCoF)变化的自适应下垂控制系数,在不同扰动下,有效提高风电机组频率支撑能力,改善系统最大频率偏差和最大频率变化率。基于EMTP-RV仿真软件搭建了四机两区域系统模型进行仿真,结果表明,改进后的下垂控制可有效应对不同扰动工况,提高了风电机组频率响应能力,进一步地改善了系统频率稳定性。  相似文献   

通过对交流励磁变速恒频双馈风力发电机组(VSCF-DFIG)的空载并网矢量控制策略进行深入地分析和推导,首次正确地得到了双馈异步发电机参数扰动对并网过程中定子电压影响的量化表达式.仿真结果表明,双馈异步发电机转子绕组参数扰动会影响机组并网,降低并网成功率.探寻抗参数扰动的并网控制策略具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel direct torque and reactive power control (DTC) for grid-connected doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) in the wind power generation applications. The proposed DTC strategy employs a variable structure control (VSC) scheme to calculate the required rotor control voltage directly and to eliminate the instantaneous errors of active and reactive powers without involving any synchronous coordinate transformations, which essentially enhances the transient performance. Constant switching frequency is achieved as well by using space vector modulation (SVM), which eases the designs of power converter and ac harmonic filters. Simulated results on a 2 MW grid-connected DFIG system are presented and compared with those of the classic voltage-oriented vector control (VC) and traditional look-up-table (LUT) direct power control (DPC). The proposed VSC DTC maintains enhanced transient performance similar to the LUT DPC and keeps the steady-state harmonic spectra at the identical level as the VC strategy when the network is strictly balanced. Besides, the VSC DTC strategy is capable of fully eliminating the double-frequency pulsations in both the electromagnetic torque and the stator reactive power during network voltage unbalance.  相似文献   

The aim of the work is to derive a steady state PQ‐diagram for a variable speed wind turbine equipped with a Doubly Fed Induction Generator. Firstly, the dependency between optimal rotor speed and wind speed is presented. Secondly, the limitations in reactive power production, caused by the rotor current, the rotor voltage and the stator current are derived. Thirdly, the influence of switching from Δ to Y coupling of the stator is investigated. Finally, a complete PQ diagram for a wind turbine is plotted. It is concluded that the limiting factor regarding reactive power production will typically be the rotor current limit, and that the limit for reactive power absorption will be the stator current limit. Further, it is concluded that the rotor voltage will only have a limiting effect at high positive and negative slips, but near the limitation, the reactive power capability is very sensitive to small changes in the slip. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the ability of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) in a wind turbine to ride through a grid fault and the limitations to its performance. The fundamental difficulty for the DFIG in ride-through is the electromotive force (EMF) induced in the machine rotor during the fault, which depends on the dc and negative sequence components in the stator-flux linkage and the rotor speed. The investigation develops a control method to increase the probability of successful grid fault ride-through, given the current and voltage capabilities of the rotor-side converter. A time-domain computer simulation model is developed and laboratory experiments are conducted to verify the model and a control method is proposed. Case studies are then performed on a representatively sized system to define the feasibility regions of successful ride-through for different types of grid faults.  相似文献   

Frequency support from doubly fed induction generator wind turbines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An assessment on the capability of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine for frequency regulation is presented. Detailed aerodynamic, structural and electrical dynamic models were used in this study. A control loop acting on the frequency deviation was added to the inertia contributing loop in order to enhance the inertia support from the DFIG wind turbine. The possibility of de-loading a wind turbine to provide primary and secondary frequency response was discussed. A frequency droop controller was examined where the droop is operating on the electronic torque set point below its maximum speed and is operating on the pitch demand at maximum speed. It is also shown that by reducing the generator torque set point the DFIG wind turbine can provide high frequency response  相似文献   

The dynamics of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) with a closed-loop control is analysed. The analysis provides explanations of the impact of the closed-loop control on the DFIG dynamics and relevant modelling requirements for power system stability studies. The discussion considers generic PI controllers for the regulation of rotor speed, reactive power and pitch angle. It is shown that for the closed-loop-controlled DFIG, a simplified model, whereby both stator and rotor dynamics are neglected, is adequate. In such model, stator and rotor variables are algebraic, that is, they change instantaneously and the modelled dynamics are those of the controllers and mechanical parts. The observations and conclusions are obtained from eigenvalue, participation factor and time-domain analysis.  相似文献   

This paper deals with robust direct power control of a grid-connected brushless doubly-fed induction generator(BDFIG). Using a nonlinear feedback linearization strategy, an attempt is made to improve the desired performances by controlling the generated stator active and reactive power in a linear and decoupled manner. Therefore, to achieve this objective, the Lyapunov approach is used associated with a sliding mode control to guarantee the global asymptotical stability. Thus, an optimal operation of the BDFIG in sub-synchronous operation is obtained as well as the stator power flows with the possibility of keeping stator power factor at a unity. The proposed method is tested with the Matlab/Simulink software. Simulation results illustrate the performances and the feasibility of the designed control.  相似文献   

针对风力发电系统中的双馈电机提出一种转子感应电势定向矢量控制方法。通过调节双馈电机转子侧的瞬时有功电流和无功电流,实现对电机力矩和转子侧励磁电流的调节,进而实现双馈电机无功功率调节。在控制过程中只需检测交流侧电流电压,不需要位置传感器,所以可以应用无速度传感器。最终通过仿真试验证明该方法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

为了防止变速恒频双馈风力发电机短路电流对转子侧变换器造成损坏,常采用Crowbar保护电路。建立风力发电机短路电磁过渡过程的数学模型,通过对数学模型进行拉普拉斯变换及其反变换,求取短路电流的表达式,并求出最不利的情况下电流的最大值,在该值下对Crowbar电路的参数进行整定及保护。为了验证所整定的Crowbar电阻的精确性,分别以3 MW,2.75 MW,660 kW发电机为例进行分析,仿真结果表明,在该数学模型下,所整定的电阻提高了对Crowbar电路的旁路电阻整定的准确性,不仅能对转子侧变换器进行保护,同时也能对发电机和机械结构起到保护作用。  相似文献   

以分析双馈风力发电机交流励磁的电磁本质为目标,运用空间矢量理论建立了双馈风力发电机的空间矢量模型;在此基础上,建立了变速变桨双馈风力发电机组的整机模型,给出了不同运行状态下的仿真曲线。在转子绕组自行闭合与加入转子交流励磁2种情况下,对双馈电机中定转子磁动势空间矢量的相位变化进行对比,揭示了交流励磁对于改变转子磁动势空间矢量相位的作用。研究结果表明,当双馈电机运行在亚同步状态时,通过控制交流励磁电流可以使转子磁动势空间矢量的相位超前于定子磁动势空间矢量的相位,从而使双馈电机在转速低于同步转速时也能处于发电状态。  相似文献   

Increasing levels of wind generation have resulted in an urgent need for the assessment of their impact on frequency control of power systems. The displacement of conventional generation with wind generation will result in erosion of system frequency. The paper analyzed the dynamic participation of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) to system frequency responses of two-area interconnected power system having variety of conventional generating units. Frequency control support function responding proportionally to frequency deviation is proposed to take out the kinetic energy of turbine blades in order to improve the frequency response of the system. Impacts of different wind penetrations in the system and varying active power support from wind farm on frequency control have been investigated. Integral gains of AGC loop are optimized through craziness-based particle swarm optimization (CRPSO) in order to have optimal transient responses of area frequencies, tie-line power deviation and DFIG parameters.  相似文献   

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