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Nitrogen deficiency is an effective strategy for enhancing lipid production in microalgae. Close relationships exist among lipid production, microalgal species, and nitrogen sources. We report growth, lipid accumulation, and fatty acid composition in four microalgae (Chloroeoccum ellipsoideum UTEX972, Chlorococcum nivale LB2225, Chlorococcum tatrense UTEX2227, and Scenedesmus deserticola JNU19) under nitrate- and urea-nitrogen deficiencies. We found three patterns of response to nitrogen deficiency: Type-A (decrease in biomass and increase in lipid content), Type-B (reduction in both biomass and lipid content), and Type-C (enhancement of both biomass and lipid content). Type-C microalgae are potential candidates for large-scale oil production. Chlorococcum ellipsoideum, for example, exhibited a neutral lipid production of up to 239.6 mg/(L'd) under urea-nitrogen deficiency. In addition, nitrogen deficiency showed only a slight influence on lipid fractions and fatty acid composition. Our study provides useful information for further screening hyper-lipid microalgal strains for biofuel production.  相似文献   

Accumulation, transport and toxicity of Cu in the food chain consisting ofPlatymonas subcordiformis, Brachionus plicatilis andPenaeus monodon were studied. Effects of Cu on the growth of organisms in the food chain were investigated and the inhibiting effect concentration (EC50) of Cu was then determined according to the dynamics of the relative number of cells or total individuals of organisms, expressed in percentages with reference to the controlled system, under different culture conditions. On the basis of the variations in accumulation and percentages of accumulation of Cu in the biological phase, the relationship between the accumulation of Cu in organisms and its toxicity was analyzed and the main approach for determining the transport of Cu in the food chain was then discussed. Project 3880644 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   

Ozone depletion in the stratosphere has enhanced solar UV-B radiation reaching the Earth surface and has brought about significant effects to marine ecosystems. The effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on marine microalgae, heterotrophic bacteria and the interaction between them are discussed. The effects on marine microalgae have been proved to occur at molecular, cellular and population levels. Enhanced UV-B radiation increases microalgal flavonoid content but decreases their chlorophyll content and pho-tosynthesis rate; this rachation induces genetic change and results in DNA damage and change of protein content. There have been fewer studies on the effects of UV-B radiation on marine heterotrophic bacteria. Establishment of a nucroalgal ecological dynamic model at population and community levels under UV-B radiation has gradually become a hotspot. The effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on microalgae communities, heterotrophic bacterial populations and interaction between them will become a focus in the near future. This paper will make an overview on the studies concerning the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on marine microal-gae and heterotrophic bacteria and the interaction between them.  相似文献   

The standing stock and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats were measured seasonally at 3 transects (Puqing, Dahengchuang and Puqi) in Yueqing Bay during 2002 2003. The results showed that the integral chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in tidal flat mud exhibited a seasonal variation with the order of magnitude: winter (14.0 4.2 mg m-2) > spring (13.0 6.3 mg m-2) > autumn (7.7 5.9 mg m-2) > summer (4.6 3.2 mg m-2). The primary production showed an order of magnitude: spring (270.5 224.9 mgC m-2 d-1)>winter (238.7 225.5 mgC m-2 d-1)>autumn (214.1 56.2 mgC m-2 d-1)>summer (71.6 44.6 mgC m-2 d-1). Both chlorophyll a and primary production showed maximum values in the surface layer of sediment, and decreased rapidly with increasing depth due to sun light limitation. The results of variance analysis indicated that seasonal variation and tidal flat condition affected Chl a greatly, but had no significant effect on primary production. The annual primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats in Yueqing Bay was estimated at 16143 tons carbon, which is sufficient to support 1.02×105 tons shellfish production. The environmental factors affecting chlorophyll and primary production on the tidal flats in Yueqing Bay were discussed. By comparing with other bays on China’s coast, it was observed that Yueqing Bay is a region with high benthic microalgae standing crop and primary production, which may be related to the type of its sediment.  相似文献   

Inorganic carbon utilization in the non-calcifying marine microalgae,Nannochloropsis oculata, Phaeodactylum tricornutum andPorphyridium purpureum was compared with high- and low-calcifying strains ofEmiliania huxleyi grown in artificial seawater medium aerated with either air (0.03% V/V CO2) or CO2-free air. For high-calcifying strain ofE. oculata andP. tricornutem, similar growth patterns were observed in air-and CO2-free air-grown cultures.P. purpureum showed a less final cell density in CO2-free air than in air-grown culture. However, low-calcifying strain ofE. huxleyi was able to grow only in air-grown culture, but not in CO2-free air-grown culture. Measurements of alkalinity, pH, concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and free CO2 showed different patterns of DIC utilization. WithN. oculata, P. tricornutum andP. purpureum the pattern of DIC utilization was characterized by an increase of pH and a decrease of DIC but a constant alkalinity in the cultures aerated with air or CO2-free air, suggesting that bicarbonate utilization was concomitant with an efflux of OH. Both alkalinity and pH were maintained rather constant in air-grown culture of low-calcifying strain ofE. huxleyi, suggesting that diffusive entry of CO2 could meet the requirement of DIC for its photosynthesis and growth. High-calcifying strain ofE. huxleyi, however, showed a pattern of decrease of alkalinity and DIC but an almost constant pH, indicating that bicarbonate was the major form of inorganic carbon utilised by this organism and bicarbonate uptake is unlikely to be accompanied by an efflux of OH. The final pH values reached byN. oculata, P. tricornutum andP. purpureum in a closed system were 10.75, 10.60 and 9.85 respectively, showing that bicarbonate utilisation is concomitant with an efflux of OH. While the final pH of 8.4 in high-calcifyingE. huxleyi suggests that bicarbonate utilization was not accompanied by an efflux of OH. Contribution No. 3557 from the Institue of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work was supported by NERC grant GRE3/7853 U. K. and partly supported by Bio-Engineering Center, SSTC 96-C01-05-01.  相似文献   

In vivo fluorescence has a wide application in analyzing microalgae, including assessing phytoplankton biomass, rates of primary production and physiological status. This study describes a preliminary investigation on the joint application of the three kinds of fluorescence analysis in the physiological study of microalgae. Flow cytometry and fluorescence spectrometry were used to obtain the in vivo static fluorescence information of pigments, and a Pulsed-Amplitude-Modulation chlorophyll fluorometer was used to detect the dynamic fluorescence of chlorophyll. The validity of the joint application was proved by analyzing two labora- tory cultured Arctic microalgae, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima (Bacillariophyceae) and Thalassiosira sp. The higher value of minimum fluorescence yield in dark-adapted state (Fo), actual photochemical efficiency of PSll (ФPSII), and electron transport rate (ETR) exhibited positive results in a higher cell abundance and chlorophyll a content of P. delicatissima; whereas higher fl-carotene content of Thalassiosira sp. played an important role in the protection of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

不同pH和盐度下氨氮对方斑东风螺的毒性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不同海水盐度和pH的条件下进行了氨氮对日龄30 d的方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)的急性毒性试验。结果表明:海水盐度和pH对氨氮的毒性有较大的影响,水温为29~30℃条件下,当盐度为18、23、28时,氨氮对方斑东风螺的安全浓度分别为9.39、10.401、1.97 mg/L,盐度越低氨氮毒性越强;当pH为6.5、7.5、8.5时,氨氮对方斑东风螺的安全浓度分别为18.500、14.080、10.200 mg/L,pH值越高氨氮毒性越强。  相似文献   

The effects of four microalgae,Chlorella vulgaris,Platymonas helgolandicavar,Isochrysis galbana,and Nitzschia closterium on the grazing and filtering rates of the marine rotifer,Brachionus plicatilis,were evaluated under laboratory conditions.The grazing rates in separate cultures of the four microalga were as follows:C.vulgaris > P.helgolandicavar > I.galbana > N.closterium.However,the filtering rates occurred in the following order:P.helgolandicavar > N.closterium > C.vulgaris > I.galbana.A mixed diets ex...  相似文献   

发光细菌在渔业水域污染物急性毒性快速检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以明亮发光杆菌为指示生物,对渔业水域中污染物的急性毒性进行了检测,同时研究了PH值、温度对试验结果的影响。研究表明,发光细菌毒性试验是一种快速、简便的毒性测试方法,在温度20~30℃,pH6.0~9.0条件下所进行的测试,其结果与鱼类毒性试验可以互相替代。  相似文献   

Biogenic silicate accumulation in sediments, Jiaozhou Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Silicate, or silicic acid (H4SiO4), is a very im- portant nutrient in the ocean. Unlike other major nu- trients such as phosphate and nitrate or ammonium, which are needed by almost all marine plankton, silicate is an essential chemical req…  相似文献   

The oil-gas migration and accumulation in the Songliao Basin were analyzed in the view of fluid dynamics by the authors. The key point of fluid dynamics is hydrodynamics. Oil-gas migration and accumulation are related closely with formation and evolution of hydrodynamic field. Based on abundant data, initial formation pressure and other parameters, such as water head were studied. They can be used to understand the present distribution of hydrodynamic field and its hydrochemical features. Generally, the hydrodynamic field in the basin is obviously asymmetrical. In its north and east part, there are the areas of centripetal flow caused by topographic relief when meteoric water permeate downwards. Its south part is an evaporation-concentration area. The central depression is an area of centrifugal flow driven by sediment compaction and its cross-formational flow area. Only at the basin margin and in the local uplifted and denudated area are the meteoric water permeating downwards areas. The centrifugal flow driven by sediment compaction is the main dynamic factor that induces oil-gas migration and accumulation and its formation period corresponding to the main stage of oil-gas migration and accumulation. Moreover, the evolution of hydrodynamic field has the cyclic property, which results in phased oil-gas migration by stages, and further dominates the terraced annular oil and gas distribution, concentric with their corresponding sags.  相似文献   

Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed.ImODUcr0NMarinealgaearethemosttwortantprimaryproducersandplayanimPortantroleindetenniningthefateofpersistenthydrophobicorganicchdricaIs(HOCs)inthernarineeresySteIn.TheirhydrophobicnatureresultsinanenhanedassociationwithH0Csintheanwatercolurnn(Swackhameretal.,l993).HOCfateisdowhnatalbytwoproanes,verti-caltransporttobottomsedimentSbydeadCellsandtIansportintothefood-webbyrooplanktongraring.TherelativetoortanceofthetwoproassesdependsonprharyproduCtion…  相似文献   

According to well logs, core, seismic and other geological data, the authors studied the tectonic evolution stages, trap formation stages, fault and fracture development in the Bashituo area, and furthermore, analyzed the time of hydrocarbon accumulation, hydrocarbon migration pathways and related controversial issues in the study area. It is believed that the tectonic evolution in the study area can be divided into three stages, namely Late Hercynian, the Early Himalayan and the Late Himalayan. In the Late Hercynian, tectonic movement led to folding and faulting, resulting in the embryonic form of anticlinal traps. In the Early Himalayan, affected by both tectonic movement and transformation, deep faults reactivated and cut through the Lower Tertiary strata. After the Early Himalayan tectonic movement, faulting stopped and no vertical migration pathway was available. Then hydrocarbon migrated laterally along the sand bodies in the Bachu Formation and accumulated in the Carboniferous reservoirs. However, the Carboniferous accumulation was formed late, and the tectonic movement was weak at the Late Himalayan, and faults were underdeveloped, so the reservoirs in the deep Bachu Formation were not disturbed.  相似文献   

断裂在贝尔凹陷油运聚成藏中作用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为研究断裂在贝尔凹陷油运聚成藏中的作用,通过油藏解剖分析油藏与断裂之间空间匹配关系.结果表明:贝尔凹陷油藏从基岩至大磨拐河组皆有分布,主要为断层油藏和受断层控制的基岩潜山油藏,平面上主要分布在与断裂活动有关的凹间隆、洼中隆、斜坡断阶带上.贝尔凹陷主要发育早期伸展、中期走滑和晚期反转(或长期发育)3种类型断裂,断裂对贝尔凹陷油运聚成藏主要起3方面控制作用:(1)长期发育断裂为南一段源岩生成油向大磨拐河组运移提供输导通道,早期伸展断裂错断使源储侧接,南一段源岩生成的油向基岩、铜钵庙组和南屯组储层侧向运移;(2)早期伸展断裂为基岩、铜钵庙组和南屯组油聚集提供遮挡条件;(3)断裂活动为不同层位油聚集提供构造背景.在贝尔凹陷断裂控藏有早期伸展断裂遮挡油聚集成藏和长期发育断裂输导油聚集成藏2种模式.  相似文献   

Integrated geophysical interpretation is a method of combinating different geophysics prospecting methods based on different physical properties of accumulation. As different geophysical methods own different interpretations and varying detection accuracies, the key issue becomes how to integrate the results of several geophysical methods to corrently carry out a comprehensive explanation. Based on different geophysical results, the authors proposed an integrated geophysical explanation method and successfully applied it in practical engineering problems.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium(Cd)on metal accumulation,microelements contents,and antioxidant responses in Hexagram-mos otakii were studied.The fish were exposed to 0.2,2.5,or 10μg L?1 Cd for 12 or 24 days.Then,the concentration of Cd and mi-croelements(Ca,Fe,Zn,and Se)were determined in the liver and kidney.Moreover,the activities of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),and glutathione-S-transferase(GST),and the content of malondialdehyde(MDA)in the liver and kidney were also measured.A continuous accumulation of Cd was observed throughout the experimental period.Cd accumulation was higher in liver than that in the kidney,while Ca and Fe contents were lower in liver than those in the kidney.Cd exposure resulted in a decrease of Ca and Fe concentrations in the kidney,while there was no effect on the liver.Zn and Se remained unaffected with exposure to Cd.Cd exposure induced severe oxidative stress in H.otakii,as indicated by significant induction of the activities of SOD,CAT,and GST,and a simultaneous increase of MDA content.These data show that antioxidant enzymes and mi-croelements contents can be used as potential biomarkers to monitor environmental health in fish.  相似文献   

The southern sea area of the Huludao City, Liaoning Province might be polluted by heavy metals because it is close to the Jinzhou Bay, one of the heaviest sea area polluted by heavy metals in China. The undisturbed modern sediment core can be used to analyze the accumulation and source of the pollutants using 137 Cs and 210 Pb ex . Thirty-five samples of surface sediment and two core sediments were collected from the southern sea area of Huludao City. The concentrations of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), chrome (Cr), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) in the surface sediments as well as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, 137 Cs and 210 Pb ex in the core sediments were determined to research the spatial distribution and accumulation characteristics, and to analyze the sources and the potential risks of heavy metals. The results show that the pollution levels of Zn and Hg are serious, and 26 stations are at moderate or heavy ecological risks. The concentrations of the heavy metals increase from east to west, as well as from open sea to offshore marine area. The concentrations of heavy metals are not high in the sediments adjacent to the Jinzhou Bay, and the influence caused by the seawater exchange with the Jinzhou Bay is little. The concentrations of the heavy metals in the core sediments show low-high-low characteristic, and it coincides with the pollution history of Huludao City. The atmospheric deposition of heavy metals from the Huludao Zinc Plant is likely to be the main source of pollution without direct discharge of wastewater. The high concentrations of heavy metals appear on the upper sediment of 20 cm. The shallow sediment with high heavy metal contents might be exposed to surface when it was disturbed by the ocean engineering and big storm surge, then cause risk to the safety of aquaculture and human healthy.  相似文献   

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