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Today's telecommunications network is facing a continuing evolution, driven by the growing interest and demand for services requiring higher bandwidth and flexibility of transport. Replacing a narrowband switch fabric with a broadband switch fabric allows the operator to reuse existing narrowband hardware and software, while adding new capabilities such as SDH and ATM, making performance and capacity upgrades possible  相似文献   

抗背景光干扰的双波长激光脉冲相关检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对激光脉冲相关检测易受背景光干扰影响的问题,提出了一种抗背景光干扰的双波长激光脉冲相关检测电路设计方案。设计了四路视场相同的探测单元,分别在其前面加装中心波长不同的窄带滤光片。当其中一个工作波长的威胁激光出现时,对应波长的两路探测器的输出与威胁激光信号和背景光响应,而另外两路探测器的输出则仅作为背景光响应,将它们分别对应相减后再进行相关处理,从而抑制各单元间相关背景光的干扰,同时实现对双波长激光脉冲的相关检测。实验结果表明:电路在实现对背景光干扰有效抑制的同时还能实现对双波长激光脉冲的相关检测,证明了设计方案的可实施性与有效性。  相似文献   

基于图像背景噪声特性的篡改检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢燕飞  鞠娅莉  于跃 《信号处理》2012,28(9):1299-1307
数字图像都包含有一部分来自成像过程或者数字压缩的背景噪声,如果两幅不同背景噪声的图像被拼接在一起,则图像篡改区域和其他区域的噪声特性会有差异。本文基于一种估计信道信噪比的高阶统计量法提出了一种新的图像背景噪声的盲估计算法。通过对图像进行分块计算每块的噪声方差,从而检测图像篡改部分。此算法通过二次加噪的方法解决了高阶统计量法中必须已知原始信号的问题,实现了待检测图像噪声的盲估计。实验结果显示该算法能有效估计图像的噪声方差从而达到检测局部篡改的目的。并且图像的缩放和压缩对检测结果影响很小,算法具有较好的鲁棒性。   相似文献   

激光锁定成像获取强背景光下的目标图像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏柯  余学才  朱良销  王世阳  陈涛 《激光与红外》2010,40(12):1293-1297
提出了一种从强背景光下获取目标图像的激光锁定成像技术。锁定激光成像采用调制激光照明所感兴趣的目标区域,CCD图像传感器同步获取图像,在CCD图像传感器前用光学滤波器和衰减器降低进入CCD的强背景光以避免图像传感器饱和,运用图像鉴相技术对图像进行处理。实验表明,激光锁定成像技术能够从强背景下获取目标图像。  相似文献   

基于数据链的应用背景,在直接序列扩频系统下,研究了不同变换域窄带干扰检测算法的基本原理,包括基于一、二阶矩的门限算法、K谱线法、条件中值滤波法及连续均值剔除算法。通过仿真对比了不同算法的干扰检测抑制性能。仿真结果表明,在几种干扰检测算法中,连续均值剔除算法对于典型窄带干扰的检测能力最优,能够实现干扰的快速实时检测处理。  相似文献   

对流层水汽引起的大气相位延迟是制约重复轨道InSAR 高精度测量的重要因素之一。为有效解决InSAR 中大气相位延迟的问题,对InSAR 中大气延迟误差进行了分析,研究了利用MODIS 水汽数据对ASAR 干涉图大气改正的方法及其关键技术,并以太原地区的ASAR 干涉图为例,对其进行大气改正。实验结果表明,MODIS/ASAR 大气改正方法可以显著地提高干涉图的质量,同时形变反演的精度也得到了明显的改善,验证了MODIS 与ASAR 数据融合获取地表形变信息的必要性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of methane is very important for measuring the concentration of methane.We theoretically analyzed the general expression of methane absorption coefficient for a given condition,at room temperature of 296K,and we simulated the relationship between the absorption and the wavelength of the light source.The experimental results we obtained are consistent with the simulation.The discrepancy between the experimental results and the simulation results is also discussed.  相似文献   

A polarization diversity detection system for location of polarization mode coupling has been studied both theoretically and experimentally for use with high birefringence fibers. Two complementary detectors are found to be sufficient for reliable operation of a pump-probe method based on the optical Kerr effect. Such a system is capable of locating any mode coupling point with arbitrary pump and probe polarization states when pump and probe polarization switching techniques are used to avoid signal fading. Experimental results are in good agreement with theory  相似文献   

Real-time moving object detection is challenging for moving cameras due to the moving background. Many studies use homography matrix to compensate for global motion by warping the background model to the current frame. Then, the pixel difference between the current frame and the background model is used for background subtraction. Moving pixels are extracted by applying adaptive threshold and some post-processing techniques. On the other hand, deep learning-based dense optical flow can be efficient enough to extract the moving pixels, but it increases computational cost. This study proposes a method to enhance a classical background modeling method with deep learning-based dense optical flow. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a fusing algorithm for dense optical flow and background modeling approach. The background modeling methods are error-prone, especially with continuous camera movement, while the optical flow method alone may not always be efficient. Our hybrid method fuses both techniques to improve the detection accuracy. We propose a software architecture to run background modeling and dense optical flow methods in parallel processes. The proposed implementation approach significantly increases the method’s working speed, while the proposed fusion and combining strategy improve detection results. The experimental results show that the proposed method can run at high speed and has satisfying performance against the methods in the literature.  相似文献   

在窄带物联网(NB-IoT)系统中,为了正确解调窄带物理广播信道(NPBCH)以获取系统信息,提出了两种NPBCH的盲检测算法,包括常规检测算法和功率检测算法。常规检测算法采用遍历1/2两种发射天线数和8种不同扰码序列的方法进行盲检测,而功率检测算法是在常规检测算法的基础上改进天线端口数的获取方式,主要采用两种天线端口下窄带参考信号(NRS)的功率比值进行判断天线端口数的方法,以降低常规检测算法的计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,当信噪比小于-17 dB时,常规检测算法相比于功率检测算法解调有3~4 dB的增益,检测可靠性能较好;当信噪比大于-17 dB时,两种算法的检测正确率均超过0.98,但功率检测算法较常规检测算法降低了近50%的时间复杂度,更加有利于工程的实践。  相似文献   

With a narrowband multiuser detector (MUD), multiple users can simultaneously share the same channel without using a bandwidth-expanding signature code when sufficient power differences at the receiver are maintained. In this paper, we assess the capacity gain that can be achieved in a hypothetical cellular system with centralized power control, using a narrowband MUD based on successive cancellation. The power-control algorithm is adapted to multiple users per channel in a cell. Simulation results are presented for two heuristic carrier-to-interference ratio-based channel-assignment schemes. The MUD allows for a substantial capacity gain due to a tighter packing of users in a channel. The observed gain compared with a conventional single user-per-channel system, ranges from 1.4 to 5 for cluster sizes C = 1 and 7, respectively.  相似文献   

把光纤环形器使用在掺铒光纤光源的结构中,得到C L波段的宽带光源.采用这种结构,通过调节三个激光二极管的控制电流到合适的数值,可以让输出光的功率提高到168.67mW(22.27dBm),带宽达到80.701nm(1525.112~1605.813nm).同时通过实验发现,研制的光源不仅有较高的功率,而且输出光平坦.  相似文献   

为利用微波传输法对大脑活动进行探测,提出了一款应用于大脑活动探测的宽带天线.该天线单元为微带单极子天线,由开槽矩形宽缝、三角形贴片极子和反射板构成,采用微带线馈电,直接与人体头组织介质匹配,经过仿真优化,该天线-10 dB回波损耗带宽覆盖了工作频率范围2.3~8 GHz.并仿真分析了大脑内的电磁能量传输特性及电场分布,结果显示介质匹配天线相比普通天线在头颅内具有更好的穿透能力,在大脑皮层和深部脑区仍存在较强的电场强度.最后对此宽带天线进行了加工测试,实测数据与仿真结果基本吻合.该天线单元尺寸小、结构简单、易加工,能够很好地满足微波传输法探测大脑活动技术中头部共形天线阵列的设计要求.  相似文献   

设计了一款基于阿基米德螺旋天线的宽频带高稳定相位中心导航天线.采用阿基米德螺旋天线结构实现了宽带驻波带宽和轴比带宽,结合三维扼流环结构改善了天线相位稳定度和多径抑制能力.通过有限元电磁仿真软件建立了仿真模型和完成了参数优化设计,所设计的宽带高稳定相位中心导航天线的指标达到:在GPS、北斗、GLONASS和Galileo卫星导航系统的所有工作频点上,输入端口驻波比均小于1.45;在俯仰角-60°~60°主波束范围内轴比小于3 dB,相位稳定度在-2.5°~2.5°,方向图增益均在5 dB以上.相比于未加载扼流环,所设计天线的增益前后比改善2~6 dB(仰角60°和仰角120°对应增益差值).该研究表明,结合了三维扼流环结构的阿基米德螺旋天线综合性能优异,适于设计宽频带高稳定相位中心天线.  相似文献   

针对窄带物联网物理随机接入信道检测和到达时间估计算法处理数据量大、计算耗时的问题,通过分析接收端检测算法的可并行性和数据相关性,基于可重构阵列处理器提出了一种并行化硬件实现方案。该算法在高层配置参数产生的前导符号和通过前期信道处理后的接收符号具有最大相关性时,将此时的到达时间和残留子载波偏移作为估计指标,通过流水线的方式使用多个轻核处理元(Processor Element,PE)实现并行计算以提高运算效率。实验结果表明,使用6个PE同时调度实现算法的映射,运行了35 985个周期,其性能比单个PE提升36. 18%。用可重构多核阵列处理器实现该算法的运行时间相较于用Matlab实现降低了173. 09倍,有效提高了接收端检测算法的运算效率。  相似文献   

We describe a frequency domain detection scheme of coherence multiplexed sensor signals by using an optical loop with a frequency shifter. The optical path differences of the sensors are adjusted to integer-multiple of the loop length of the optical loop, and then the the sensor signals are multiplexed in the frequency domain, appearing at the integer-multiple of the working frequency of the frequency shifter. In the experiment, four Michelson-type sensors are successfully multiplexed with the sensitivities of about 2 mrad/√Hz. The sensitivities are also theoretically calculated which are in good agreement with the experimental results. The optimum design of the optical loop is also discussed  相似文献   

Proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS) MR thermometry (MRT) is the generally preferred method for monitoring thermal ablation, typically implemented with gradient-echo (GRE) sequences. Standard PRFS MRT is based on the subtraction of a temporal reference phase map and is, therefore, intrinsically sensitive to tissue motion (including deformation) and to external perturbation of the magnetic field. Reference-free (or reference-less) PRFS MRT has been previously described by Rieke and was based on a 2-D polynomial fit performed on phase data from outside the heated region, to estimate the background phase inside the region of interest. While their approach was undeniably a fundamental progress in terms of robustness against tissue motion and magnetic perturbations, the underlying mathematical formalism requires a thick unheated border and may be subject to numerical instabilities with high order polynomials. A novel method of reference-free PRFS MRT is described here, using a physically consistent formalism, which exploits mathematical properties of the magnetic field in a homogeneous or near-homogeneous medium. The present implementation requires as input the MR GRE phase values along a thin, nearly-closed and unheated border. This is a 2-D restriction of a classic Dirichlet problem, working on a slice per slice basis. The method has been validated experimentally by comparison with the “ground truth” data, considered to be the standard PRFS method for static ex vivo tissue. “Zero measurement” of the gradient-echo phase baseline was performed in healthy volunteer liver with rapid acquisition (300 ms/image). In vivo data acquired in sheep liver during MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MRgHIFU) sonication were post-processed as proof of applicability in a therapeutic scenario. Bland and Altman mean absolute difference between the novel method and the “ground truth” thermometry in ex vivo static tissue ranged between 0.069 °C and 0.968 °C, compared to the inherent “white” noise SD of 0.23 °C. The accuracy and precision of the novel method in volunteer liver were found to be on average 0.13 °C and respectively 0.65 °C while the inherent “white” noise SD was on average 0.51 °C. The method was successfully applied to large ROIs, up to 6.2 cm inner diameter, and the computing time per slice was systematically less than 100 ms using C++. The current limitations of reference-free PRFS thermometry originate mainly from the need to provide a nearly-closed border, where the MR phase is artifact-free and the tissue is unheated, plus the potential need to reposition that border during breathing to track the motion of the anatomic zone being monitored.A reference-free PRFS thermometry method based on the theoretical framework of harmonic functions is described and evaluated here. The computing time is compatible with online monitoring during local thermotherapy. The current reference-free MRT approach expands the workflow flexibility, eliminates the need for respiratory triggers, enables higher temporal resolution, and is insensitive to unique-event motion of tissue.  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的单光栅增量式角度检测方法。该方法采用狭缝光电池阵列按照一定的逻辑相位组合取代光栅副中的定光栅,通过码盘与狭缝光电池阵列相互配合完成计数操作。这样既回避了狭缝与码盘的间隙问题,又降低了增量式光电编码器对抖动的敏感程度和其相关零件的精度要求,进而提高了莫尔条纹对比度,增强了细分精度,最终增强了其计量精度和计量的稳定性。采用狭缝光电池阵列可以实现在工业级大间隙的高对比度、高计量精度的角度检测,并且可从整体上较大地提高光电编码器的系统鲁棒性。  相似文献   

童荥贇  姬五胜  张志悦  戴薇  崔俊海 《电讯技术》2019,59(10):1222-1226
在枝节加载谐振器(Stub-loaded Resonator,SLR)的理论基础上设计了一种陷波宽带滤波器,应用于3.0~6.7 GHz频段。该滤波器由一个倒T形短路枝节加载谐振器(Short SLR,SSLR)和一个基于半波长SIR基本结构的阶跃阻抗枝节加载谐振器(Stepped Impedance SLR,SISLR)构成。与传统陷波滤波器相比,该滤波器没有采用传统的缺陷地结构或缺陷微带结构,其陷波特性由SISLR与SSLR耦合所致,能够实现更好的设计灵活性。对电路进行了仿真和实物制作,仿真结果表明,插入损耗和回波损耗分别优于0.3 dB和12.2 dB,陷波的中心频率位于5.8 GHz,其分数带宽为6.8%。测试结果与仿真结果基本一致,体现了良好的电路性能。  相似文献   

宋芳  苏显渝 《激光杂志》2006,27(3):32-34
本文分析了二维相位展开算法的特点,探讨了基于干涉图质量参数的相位展开方法。按干涉图质量优劣排序,对InSAR干涉图进行相位展开,可以有效减小截断相位中无效点对相位展开结果的影响。文中给出了算法的详细描述,以及按干涉图质量参数排序进行相位展开的实验结果。  相似文献   

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