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Stimulated Raman scattering in a double cladding optical fiber is studied with a continuous wave laser used as a pump source. Under various launch conditions, pump modes are differently excited. Considering the mode coupling effect among the pump modes, the evolution of the power in the Stokes modes is studied. The results show that the scattered waves (the Stokes waves) in the fiber core with 9%tm diameter and 0.14 NA could propagate predominantly in the fundamental mode of the fiber by carefully adjusting the pump light launching conditions.  相似文献   

利用平均反转率迭代算法计算掺镱双包层光纤放大器分布泵浦方式下的稳态速率方程组,并采用遗传算法对分布泵浦功率的大小和每段光纤长度同时进行优化。评估函数中引入了每段光纤中最高温度的标准方差,以确保每段光纤中的最高工作温度是相同的。通过优化,7段泵浦的最高温度和标准方差分别为126.34 ℃和1.95 ℃ ,8段泵浦条件下的最高温度和标准方差分别为119.76 ℃和2.12 ℃。而未经优化的7段泵浦的最高温度和标准方差分别为147.12 ℃和21.37 ℃,8段泵浦条件下的最高温度和标准方差分别为139.95 ℃和20.83 ℃。计算结果表明:泵浦方式的优化降低了最高温度和标准方差,实现了光纤中温度分布的均匀性,并且通过增加泵浦段数可以进一步降低最高温度和平坦温度分布。  相似文献   

掺镱光纤放大器的啁啾脉冲失谐放大特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了掺镱光纤放大器对中心频率为1 053nm的啁啾脉冲放大特性,发现针对高斯或超高斯脉冲,采用合适的带宽及入射光强能够使增益饱和和失谐放大相互消弱,从而得到一个良好的放大脉冲形状。计算了掺镱光纤放大器失谐放大带来的相位调制,发现对压缩质量影响较小。  相似文献   

128 W单频线偏振光纤放大器特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高功率单频激光在激光雷达、光谱学、精密测量等领域具有广阔的应用前景.采用中心波长为1064 nm、光谱线宽为20 kHz、偏振消光比(PER)高于20 dB的单频线偏振分布式反馈光纤激光器做种子源(尾纤输出功率约为10 mW),利用种子注入主振荡功率光纤放大技术,通过两级级联放大实现了128 W高功率单频、线偏振、近衍射极限单模连续激光输出.主放大器光-光效率达到83%,PER高于12 dB.采用分段温控技术有效地提高了光纤中的受激布里渊散射(SBS)阈值,实验中未观察到明显的放大自发辐射和SBS现象,进 关键词: 掺Yb光纤放大器 主振荡功率光纤放大 单频 线偏振  相似文献   

运用掺镱双包层光纤放大器的理论模型,分析了连续和脉冲光放大时放大自发辐射(ASE)的计算方法。采用Runge-Kutta方法求解了考虑ASE稳态时掺镱双包层光纤放大器的放大特性,采用有限差分法求解了矩形、高斯和超高斯脉冲的放大特性。结果表明:用3 m长的双包层光纤、10 W的泵浦功率可以将脉宽3 ns、峰值功率为1 W的脉冲信号光峰值功率放大到15 kW左右;在饱和增益情况下,脉冲的波形变尖,宽度变窄;采用短的大模场双包层光纤和后向泵浦方式可以有效地降低ASE,并避免有害非线性效应。  相似文献   

研究了掺镱光纤放大器对中心频率为1 053nm的啁啾脉冲放大特性,发现针对高斯或超高斯脉冲,采用合适的带宽及入射光强能够使增益饱和和失谐放大相互消弱,从而得到一个良好的放大脉冲形状。计算了掺镱光纤放大器失谐放大带来的相位调制,发现对压缩质量影响较小。  相似文献   

A Tm-doped double-clad fiber MOPA system is built. Amplification characteristics of a Tm-doped double-clad narrow linewidth fiber master oscillator (MO) are investigated both experimentally and numerically. Linewidth of the fiber MO is only 112 pm at 3 W output. The output and efficiency of the MOPA system increase with the injected seed power. When the seed power is increased to 2 W, a maximum output of 10.5 W is obtained with a slope efficiency of 41.5%. Spectral center of the output lies at 1996.7 nm with the linewidth no bigger than 120 pm throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of noise in a high-power cascaded fiber amplifier is presented. Unlike the noise theory in low power communication, the noise of a high power system is redefined as the leaked output energy between pulses with coherent beat noise uncounted. This definition is more appropriate for high power usage in which the pulse energy receives more attention than the pulse shape integrity. Then the low power pre-amplifying stages are considered as linear amplification and analyzed by linear theory. In the high-power amplification stages, the inversion is assumed to recover linearly in the time interval between pulses. The time shape of the output pulse is different from that of the input signal because of different gains at the front and back ends of the pulse. Then, a criterion is provided to distinguish the nonlinear and linear amplifications based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) analysis. Then, an experiment that shows that the output SNR actually drops off in nonlinear amplification is performed. The change in the noise factor can be well evaluated by pulse shape distortion.  相似文献   

姜曼  肖虎  周朴  王小林  刘泽金 《物理学报》2013,62(4):44210-044210
开展了基于同带抽运的高功率、低量子亏损的掺镱光纤放大器实验研究. 搭建了一台输出功率为21 W的1018 nm短波 长掺镱光纤激光器, 并利用其对双包层掺镱光纤进行同带抽运, 获得18.6 W的1080 nm波段激光输出, 光-光转换效率高达90.86%. 关键词: 光纤放大器 同带抽运 双包层光纤 转换效率  相似文献   

利用数值算法计算了掺镱双包层光纤放大器分段泵浦方式下的稳态速率方程组,分析比较了双端泵浦和多段泵浦方式下的最佳光纤长度,最高温度和效率,并采用遗传算法对分布泵浦功率的大小和每段光纤长度同时进行了优化。结果表明,通过优化,大功率分段泵浦光纤放大器获得了较为平坦的温度分布,与双端泵浦相比,大大降低了最高工作温度,斜率效率略有下降。  相似文献   

高功率双包层光纤激光器热效应及功率极限   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 基于稳态热传导方程,对高功率双包层光纤激光器的热效应进行了研究,分析了光纤尺寸、冷却条件、泵浦功率等因素对光纤温度场的影响。对给定参数的光纤,给出了理论功率极限。指出对于目前常用双包层光纤激光器,最大输出功率主要受各外包层材料的熔点和非线性效应限制,从而可以确定功率限制的瓶颈所在,提出有效的改进方案,如减弱或消除线性效应、提高外包层的耐热能及改进制冷方案。  相似文献   

基于稳态热传导方程,对高功率双包层光纤激光器的热效应进行了研究,分析了光纤尺寸、冷却条件、泵浦功率等因素对光纤温度场的影响。对给定参数的光纤,给出了理论功率极限。指出对于目前常用双包层光纤激光器,最大输出功率主要受各外包层材料的熔点和非线性效应限制,从而可以确定功率限制的瓶颈所在,提出有效的改进方案,如减弱或消除线性效应、提高外包层的耐热能及改进制冷方案。  相似文献   

A pulse master-oscillator fiber power amplifier system with china-made large-mode-area fiber and a (6+1)×1 multimode combiner is demonstrated. The system generates up to 4.8 W of amplified radiation (100 kHz) at a wavelength of 1064 nm with a near-diffraction-limited beam quality (M2=1.2), and the overall slope efficiency with respect to the launched pump power is 50%. Some basic characteristics of this system, including the pulse-amplification characteristics, the gain characteristics, as well as the emission spectrum characteristics are investigated in detail.  相似文献   

在考虑受激布里渊散射和受激喇曼散射效应的基础上,数值求解了双包层掺镱光纤放大器的速率-传输方程,分析了后向泵浦高功率掺镱光纤放大器在不同信号光线宽、光纤长度和纤芯直径下的输出特性,研究了受激布里渊散射和受激喇曼散射的抑制条件。计算结果表明:在后向泵浦方式下,若掺镱光纤长度小于0.68 m,纤芯直径大于26 μm,信号光线宽大于0.04 nm,则放大过程中的受激布里渊散射和受激喇曼散射能同时得到有效抑制。  相似文献   

高功率光子晶体光纤放大器实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵振宇  段开椋  王建明  赵卫  王屹山 《物理学报》2008,57(10):6335-6339
利用掺Yb3+的光子晶体光纤作为光纤放大器的增益介质,采用反向抽运方式,分别从理论和实验方面研究了不同信号的增益特性,在信号光功率为6W,抽运光功率为160W时,获得了104W的输出功率.实验发现,当抽运功率大于一定值时,放大器输出会有一定的不稳定性,并影响输出功率的进一步提高. 关键词: 光子晶体光纤 光纤放大器 反向抽运 高功率  相似文献   

 从光纤端面研抛工艺的技术特点出发,计算了端面倾角和反射率的关系,估算了斜面研抛后端面反射率的大小。在掺Yb3+双包层光纤放大器理论模型的基础上,数值模拟了常规研抛角度误差造成的端面反射率对放大器输出特性的影响。计算结果表明:端面反射导致系统内出现严重放大的自发辐射和自激现象,减小光纤两个端面的反射率是最有效的抑制方法,同时,增大入射信号激光功率也可以抑制自激,提高输出信号光功率和信噪比。  相似文献   

掺钕保偏光纤放大器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
任广军  魏臻  张强  姚建铨 《物理学报》2009,58(6):3897-3902
对掺钕双包层光纤放大器中抽运光和信号光沿光纤传播的功率分布进行了数值模拟,以808nm半导体激光器为抽运源,掺钕双包层保偏光纤为增益介质,对种子注入主振荡光纤放大器进行了理论分析和实验研究.利用实验室自制的皮秒锁模激光器为种子源,注入1064nm皮秒锁模脉冲,获得了稳定的放大脉冲.小信号时的放大倍数为300(增益为25dB),获得了平均功率5W的皮秒脉冲.同时利用TDS5104型示波器探测信号光放大前后的波形,并用光谱分析仪得到输出脉冲激光的光谱图. 关键词: 光纤放大器 掺钕保偏光纤 种子注入 反向抽运  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the thermal conduction equations and the steady-state rate equations, a theoretical and numerical analysis of thermal effects is investigated for a single end pumped Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser (YDDC). The distributions of signal power and temperature for different pump powers and fiber parameters are compared. According to the results, the parameters of the optical-cavity have been optimized and an effective method has been adopted to reduce the thermal effects in an experimental investigation. As a result, an output power of 621 W has been obtained with a slope efficiency of 78%.  相似文献   

抽运功率密度对布里渊放大的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
吕志伟  丁迎春  何伟明 《物理学报》2002,51(6):1286-1290
利用瞬态包含抽运抽空的SBS理论模型对布里渊放大器进行了数值模拟,给出了能量提取效率、Stokes种子光放大率、Stokes种子光脉宽压缩率和抽运光脉宽压缩率随抽运功率密度的变化规律.并用实验进行了验证,理论与实验符合得较好. 关键词: 布里渊放大器 能量提取效率 抽运功率密度  相似文献   

A theoretical study for ultraviolet upconversion fiber master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) based on the transition from the 4f5d state to the 3H4 ground state in Pr3+:ZBLAN fiber is performed by using steady population rate equations and propagation equations. The variation of the output power with the fiber length of master oscillator and MOPA and the launched pump powers, the dependence of the slope efficiency on the fiber length of master oscillator and MOPA, and the optimum fiber length of MOPA as a function of the launched pump powers, are calculated. Both the output power and the slope efficiency of MOPA are 2-3 times those of the simplex oscillator. It is found that the UV upconversion fiber MOPA system can effectively improve the output power and the slope efficiency of laser.  相似文献   

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