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 目的: 本研究对2个不同马凡综合征(Marfan syndrome)的小家系进行致病基因FBN1的编码区和剪切位点突变检测,以寻找致病的突变,并初步探索马凡综合征基因型-表型的关联。方法: 通过临床检查、实验室检查及心脏超声检查确诊2个无血缘关系的家庭中原疑似为马凡综合征的3例患者。运用新一代测序对家系1的疑似患者行FBN1基因的全外显子组测序,并对检出的致病性遗传变异进行Sanger验证及在所有家系成员中验证;对于家系2的存活成员,本研究直接进行PCR扩增FBN1基因的所有编码区及剪切位点,对产物进行直接Sanger测序。另外在50个正常对照中对新发现的突变位点进行基于PCR产物的测序分析,以排除多态性;并对实验结果行生物信息学分析。结果: 所有存活的疑似患者均确诊为马凡综合征。在家系1中,我们检测到了一个FBN1基因数据库中尚未报道的新突变c.4685G>A(p.Cys1562Tyr),并且患者父母和同胞姐姐均未检测到此变异,故此突变为一个新生突变。该错义突变使第1562位上极性中性的含硫的半胱氨酸被极性中性的含羟苯基的酪氨酸所替代,影响了fibrillin-1蛋白一个TGF-β结合结构域,导致蛋白质的二级结构发生改变。家系2含父母及一对同卵双胎患者,其中一患者已去世。我们在存活患者检测到1个FBN1基因的已报道致病突变c.3706T>C(p.Cys1236Arg),该突变在患者父母中不存在,故也为新生突变。结论: 本文报道了一例FBN1基因的新突变及另一例由FBN1基因已知突变引起的马凡综合征,二者皆为新生突变,并在家系中进行了基因型-表型的比较,表明家系1的新突变可能与经典马凡综合征的表型相关,而家系2的已知突变确和新生儿重症马凡综合征表型相关。  相似文献   

We screened 11 unrelated French patients with congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) Ia for PMM2 mutations. Twenty one missense mutations on the 22 chromosomes (95%) including four novel mutations were identified: C9Y (G26A) in exon 1, L32R (TA95GC) in exon 2, and T226S (C677G) and C241S (G722C) in exon 8. We studied the PMM activity of these four novel mutant proteins and of the R141H mutant protein in an E coli expression system. The T226S, C9Y, L32R, and C241S mutant proteins have decreased specific activity (23 to 41% of normal), are all more or less thermolabile, and R141H has no detectable activity. Our results indicate that the new mutations identified here are less severe than the inactive R141H mutant protein, conferring residual PMM activity compatible with life.

Keywords: CDG; phosphomannomutase; PMM2 mutations  相似文献   

Thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia (TRMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder with a triad of symptoms: megaloblastic anemia, deafness, and non-type 1 diabetes mellitus. Occasionally, cardiac abnormalities and abnormalities of the optic nerve and retina occur as well. Patients with TRMA often respond to treatment with pharmacological doses of thiamine. Recently, mutations were found in patients with TRMA in a thiamine transporter gene (SLC19A2). We here describe the mutations found in eight additional families. We found four novel mutations and three that were previously described. Of the novel ones, one is a nonsense mutation in exon 1 (E65X), two are missense mutations in exon 2 (S142F, D93H), and another is a mutation in the splicing donor site at the 5' end of intron 4 (C1223+1G>A). We also summarize the state of knowledge on all mutations found to date in TRMA patients. SLC19A2 is the first thiamine transporter gene to be described in humans. Reviewing the location and effect of the disease causing mutations can shed light on the way the protein functions and suggest ways to continue its investigation.  相似文献   

目的 对重庆地区一个常染色体显性遗传的遗传性少毛症家系进行基因诊断,并探讨其临床特点.方法 对先证者进行病史和家族史询问以及详细的临床检查.提取所有家系成员的基因组DNA,扩增HR基因及其上游开放阅读框基因的所有编码序列直接进行序列测定,与数据库中的参考序列进行比对分析.结果 包括先证者在内的所有患者自幼头发眉毛稀少,随年龄增长头发生长缓慢、易断,自青春期开始出现头发脱落.查体见弥漫性头发稀疏,发干粗糙质硬,呈现不规则扭曲样外观,睫毛、腋毛以及阴毛稀少.对先证者U2 HR基因测序发现编码区第103位碱基由T变为C(c.103T>C),导致第35位终止密码子TAG丢失而编码谷氨酰胺(p.X35Q),家系内的正常成员以及家系外同地区的50名健康对照均未发现该突变位点.结论 该家系的临床表现和遗传方式符合1型MUHH的诊断,基因诊断发现的U2HR突变位点103T>C为中国汉族遗传性少毛症患者人群中首次报道.  相似文献   

Noonan syndrome (NS) and neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) belong to a group of clinically related disorders that share a common pathogenesis, dysregulation of the RAS‐MAPK pathway. NS is characterized by short stature, heart defect, pectus deformity and facial dysmorphism, whereas skin manifestations, skeletal defects, Lisch nodules and neurofibromas are characteristic of NF1. Both disorders display considerable clinical variability. Features of NS have been observed in individuals with NF1 –a condition known as neurofibromatosis–Noonan syndrome (NFNS). The major gene causing NFNS is NF1. Rarely, a mutation in PTPN11 in addition to an NF1 mutation is present. We present the clinical and molecular characterization of a family displaying features of both NS and NF1, with complete absence of neurofibromas. To investigate the etiology of the phenotype, mutational analysis of NF1 was conducted, revealing a novel missense mutation in exon 24, p.L1390F, affecting the GAP‐domain. Additional RAS‐MAPK pathway genes were examined, but no additional mutations were identified. We confirm that NF1 mutations are involved in the etiology of NFNS. Furthermore, based on our results and previous studies we suggest that evaluation of the GAP‐domain of NF1 should be prioritized in NFNS.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping in a three-generation family with a distal arthrogryposis (DA) phenotype intermediate between DA2A and DA1 indicated linkage to 11p15.5 but not 9p13. Follow up DNA sequencing of the TNNI2 gene detected a three base pair deletion that would be predicted to result in the deletion of a glutamic acid at codon position 167 (DeltaE167). This mutation, like the two previously described TNNI2 mutations, is located in the carboxy-terminal domain and thus supports the existence of a TNNI2 critical region sensitive to alteration that will give rise to DA. Physical examination of family members confirms the high degree of variability in expression amongst mutation carriers.  相似文献   

The 2001 International Classification of Constitutional Disorders of Bone has included in the group of multicentric hands and feet osteolysis syndromes three autosomal recessive inherited disorders: Winchester, Torg and nodulosis-arthropathy-osteolysis (NAO) syndromes. Nosographic delineations of these rare syndromes are difficult to define, and there is no consensus. In 2001, two mutations in the matrix metalloproteinase 2 gene (MMP2) have been identified in two families with a NAO phenotype. In a recent study, a homozygous MMP2 mutation has also been identified in a patient presenting with Winchester syndrome. We report the clinical evolution of two sisters with a Winchester phenotype. Clinical review over 23 years provides information on the general evolution of osteolysis and points to an intrafamilial variation with clinical and radiological changes during the patients' life. In both sisters, we identified a new homozygous mutation in the catalytic domain of the MMP2 gene. Our study results are consistent with the involvement of MMP2 in Winchester syndrome and with the hypothesis that Winchester and NAO syndromes are allelic disorders that form a continuous clinical spectrum. At last, our observation emphasizes the interest of molecular analysis in genetic counselling of this consanguineous family.  相似文献   

The gamma-actin gene (ACTG1) encodes a major cytoskeletal protein of the sensory hair cells of the cochlea. Recently, mutations in ACTG1 were found to cause autosomal dominant, progressive, sensorineural hearing impairment linked to the DFNA20/26 locus on chromosome 17q25.3 in four American families and in one Dutch family. We report here the linkage of autosomal dominant, progressive, sensorineural hearing impairment in a large Norwegian family to the DFNA20/26 locus. Sequencing of ACTG1 identified a novel missense mutation (c.1109T>C; p.V370A) segregating with the hearing loss. Functional analysis in yeast showed that the p.V370A mutation restricts cell growth at elevated temperature or under hyperosmolar stress. Molecular modelling suggested that the p.V370A mutation modestly alters a site for protein-protein interaction in gamma-actin and thereby modestly alters gamma-actin-based cytoskeletal structures. Nineteen Norwegian and Danish families with autosomal, dominant hearing impairment were analyzed for mutations in ACTG1 by sequencing, but no disease-associated mutations were identified. Finally, a long-term follow-up of the hearing loss progression associated with the p.V370A mutation in ACTG1 is provided. The present study expands our understanding of the genotype-phenotype relationship of this deafness gene and provides a sensitive and simple functional assay for missense mutations in this gene, which may assist future molecular diagnosis of autosomal-dominant hearing impairment. Finally, the present results do not indicate that mutations in ACTG1 are a frequent cause of autosomal-dominant postlingual sensorineural hearing impairment in Norway nor Denmark.  相似文献   

《Human mutation》2018,39(5):593-620
The prevalence and spectrum of germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been reported in single populations, with the majority of reports focused on White in Europe and North America. The Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA) has assembled data on 18,435 families with BRCA1 mutations and 11,351 families with BRCA2 mutations ascertained from 69 centers in 49 countries on six continents. This study comprehensively describes the characteristics of the 1,650 unique BRCA1 and 1,731 unique BRCA2 deleterious (disease‐associated) mutations identified in the CIMBA database. We observed substantial variation in mutation type and frequency by geographical region and race/ethnicity. In addition to known founder mutations, mutations of relatively high frequency were identified in specific racial/ethnic or geographic groups that may reflect founder mutations and which could be used in targeted (panel) first pass genotyping for specific populations. Knowledge of the population‐specific mutational spectrum in BRCA1 and BRCA2 could inform efficient strategies for genetic testing and may justify a more broad‐based oncogenetic testing in some populations.  相似文献   

Hereditary lymphedema type I (HL-I), also known as Milroy disease, is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by typical phenotype of infantile onset lower-limb lymphedema accompanied by variable expression of recurrent episodes of cellulites, toenail changes, and papillomatosis. Mutations in the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3), also known as FLT4 gene, which encodes a lymphatic endothelial-specific tyrosine kinase receptor, have been identified as a genetic cause of HL-I. We report a large Muslim Arab family residing in northern Israel with 14 individuals presenting clinical features of HL-I. Genetic analysis revealed novel missense mutation E1106K in the tyrosine kinase domain II of VEGFR3 that cosegregates with the disorder in the family. Most affected individuals presented with bilateral congenital lower-limb lymphedema. Wide intrafamilial phenotypic variability included two asymptomatic individuals, a case of prenatal hydrothorax evolving to hydrops fetalis, and a late-onset complication, yet unreported, of chronic degenerative joint disease of the knees. This report broadens the known “classic” phenotype of HL-I.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type II (USH2) is an autosomal recessive disorder, characterised by moderate to severe high-frequency hearing impairment, normal balance function and progressive visual impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa. Usher syndrome type IIa, the most common subtype, is defined by mutations in the USH2A gene encoding a short and a recently discovered long usherin isoform comprising 21 and 73 exons, respectively. More than 120 different disease-causing mutations have been reported, however, most of the previous reports concern mutations restricted to exons 1-21 of the USH2A gene. To explore the spectrum of USH2A disease-causing mutations among Scandinavian USH2 cases, patients from 118 unrelated families of which 27 previously had been found to carry mutations in exons 1-21 were subjected to extensive DNA sequence analysis of the full size USH2A gene. Altogether, 122 USH2A DNA sequence alterations were identified of which 57 were predicted to be disease-causing, 7 were considered to be of uncertain pathogenicity and 58 were predicted to be benign variants. Of 36 novel pathogenic USH2A mutations 31 were located in exons 22-73, specific to the long isoform. USH2A mutations were identified in 89/118 (75.4%) families. In 79/89 (88.8%) of these families two pathogenic mutations were identified whereas in 10/89 (11.2%) families the second mutation remained unidentified. In 5/118 (4.2%) families the USH phenotype could be explained by mutations in the USH3A gene. The results presented here provide a comprehensive picture of the genetic aetiology of Usher syndrome type IIA in Scandinavia as it is known to date.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is one of the most common hereditary cancer-susceptibility syndromes. Germline mutations in mismatch repair genes are associated with the clinical phenotype of HNPCC. We report ten novel germline mutations, three in MSH2 and seven in MLH1. All but one mutation have been found in families fulfilling criteria of the Bethesda guidelines; four of them additionally fulfilled the Amsterdam criteria I or II. Eight mutations were considered pathogenic and predictive diagnostics in healthy family members at risk shall be undertaken; these include five frameshift mutations leading to premature stop codons, in MSH2: c.1672delT (p.S558Xfs) and c.2466_2467delTG (p.C822X) and in MLH1: c.1023delG (p.R341Xfs), c.1127_1128dupAT (p.K377Xfs) and c.1310delC (p.P437Xfs); three mutations leading to splice aberrations, in MSH2: c.1661G>C (r.1511_1661del) and in MLH1: c.677+3A>C (r.589_677del) and c.1990-2A>G predicted to result in a splice site defect. The remaining two mutations are unclassified variants with assumed pathogenicity: one missense mutation in the highly conserved ATPase domain of MLH1 (c.122A>G [p.D41G]) and one in-frame insertion of twelve nucleotides in MLH1 (c.2155_2156insATGTGTTCCACA [p.I719delinsNVFHI]). These two mutations were not found in 102 alleles of healthy control individuals. The corresponding tumors from all patients showed a high level of microsatellite instability (MSI-H). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) revealed complete loss of expression of the affected protein in the tumor cells from all but three patients. The tumors from the patients with the mutations c.1127_1128dupAT and c.1990-2A>G showed a reduction of expression of the MLH1-protein, rather than complete loss. In the tumor from the patient with the missense mutation c.122A>G [p.D41G] a normal expression of the proteins coded by MLH1 and MSH2 was noticed.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2017,19(8):945-954
PurposeThe aim of this study was to investigate the genetic basis and pathogenic mechanism of variable maculopathies, ranging from mild photoreceptor degeneration to central areolar choroidal dystrophy, in a five-generation family.MethodsClinical characterizations, whole-exome sequencing, and genome-wide linkage analysis were carried out on the family. Zebrafish models were used to investigate the pathogenesis of GUCA1A mutations.ResultsA novel mutation, GUCA1A p.R120L, was identified in the family and predicted to alter the tertiary structure of guanylyl cyclase-activating protein 1, a photoreceptor-expressed protein encoded by the GUCA1A gene. The mutation was shown in zebrafish to cause significant disruptions in photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium, together with atrophies of retinal vessels and choriocapillaris. Those phenotypes could not be fully rescued by exogenous wild-type GUCA1A, suggesting a likely gain-of-function mechanism for p.R120L. GUCA1A p.D100E, another mutation previously implicated in cone dystrophy, also impaired the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors in zebrafish, but probably via a dominant negative effect.ConclusionWe conclude that GUCA1A mutations could cause significant variability in maculopathies, including central areolar choroidal dystrophy, which represents a severe pattern of maculopathy. The diverse pathogenic modes of GUCA1A mutations may explain the phenotypic diversities.Genet Med advance online publication 26 January 2017  相似文献   

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