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叶卓佳 《气象学报》1982,40(2):166-174
本文不做风和温度廓线相似性假设,使用最小二乘法分析位于粗糙、不均匀地形上北京气象专用塔在稳定条件下的平均风速和温度测量资料。结果表明,在近地面层,从弱稳定到强逆温的较宽的稳定层结范围内,对数加线性规律都是适用的;廓线参数βu和βθ不是常数,它们的数值随大气稳定度而变化。文中给出的经验公式表明:廓线参数随Ri的增大而减少,随L的增大而增大。在临界理查逊数的两侧,廓线参数随Ri的变化遵循不同的规律。文中还表明,廓线相似性假设仅对大气层结稳定度较弱时才是真实的;当稳定度增大时,廓线变成不相似,P值随Ri的增大而增大。  相似文献   

北京大气边界层中风和温度廓线的观测研究   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29  
为了研究冬季北京城区大气边界层结构的特征,分别在城区和郊区4个观测点利用系留气艇在2001年1月5~13日和2月21~28日进行了大气廓线探测,并分析了温度和风廓线垂直变化的基本特征.初步结果显示城市热岛效应十分明显,热岛强度随高度增加而递减,近地层热岛强度在晴天最大可达到4℃左右.除了近地层郊区的风速大于城区外,城区和郊区风速的垂直分布特征有较大差异.在100~200m高度以下,城区和郊区风速和风向随高度分布都出现了明显的拐点,300 m以上高度风向和风速基本趋于一致,表明城区和郊区的风廓线均受到城市覆盖层的影响.随着北京市区的规模不断扩大,在今后探测中应考虑郊区测点的代表性.  相似文献   

Wind shear reflects that the wind field is not uniform, which is one of the primary factors which make the retrieval of the wind field difficult. Based on volume velocity process(VVP) wind field retrieval technique, the intensity of wind shear is identified in this paper. After analyzing the traditional techniques that rely on the difference of radial velocity to identify wind shear, a fixed difference among radial velocities that may cause false identification in a uniform wind field was found. Because of the non-uniformity in wind shear areas, the difference of retrieved results between surrounding analysis volumes can be used as a measurement to show how strong the wind shear is. According to the analysis of a severe convective weather process that occurred in Guangzhou, it can be found that the areas of wind shear appeared with the strength significantly larger than in other regions and the magnitude generally larger than4.5 m/(s·km). Besides, by comparing the variation of wind shear strength during the convection, it can be found that new cells will be more likely to generate when the strength is above 3.0 m/(s·km). Therefore, the analysis of strong wind shear's movement and development is helpful to forecasting severe convections.  相似文献   

With the advances of numerical weather simulation and reduced data assimilation updating cycle, surface observation data assimilation becomes more and more important in data assimilation systems. It is widely accepted that a better data assimilation system should contain the restriction of thermodynamic processes in the surface layer. Therefore, in this paper, a new surface wind observation operator is utilized in Global and Regional Assimilation PrEdiction System_3D-Variance (GRAPES_3D-Var), with the restriction of thermodynamic process in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). In order to research the ability of this new surface wind observation operator in assimilation and forecasting, a series of experiments are operated by using the GRAPES model. The main results indicate that this new method of surface wind observation operator has positive impact on the forecast with the GRAPES model.  相似文献   

The error distributions of the wind fields retrieved from single and dual-Doppler radar observations are given inthis paper.The results indicate that the error of dual-Doppler retrieval depends on the position in the scan region of thedual-Doppler radar.The error of single-Doppler retrieval by using velocity azimuth processing(VAP)technique de-pends on the angle between the directions of wind and the radar beam.Generally,the winds retrieved from single Doppl-er radar are close to those retrieved from dual-Doppler radar.But,the error distribution of the single-Doppler retrievalis different from the dual-Doppler retrieval.We simulate the retrievals of single Doppler observation by the use of theoutput wind data from a 3-D numerical model of severe convection.The comparison of the simulated single-anddual-Doppler retrievals shows that the VAP may be a suitable technique for the operational analysis of mesoscale windfields.It can also be used as a supplement to wind field retrieval in the field experiment.  相似文献   

本文利用广东省气象台站的风速自记资料,计算风能资源,并分析风能资源的分布特点及规律,得到的结果是沿海岛屿风能丰富,内地风能贫乏,冬半年风能条件比夏半年好。按全省风能蕴藏量可划为三大区:沿海岛屿为风能丰富区,沿岸为风能可利用区,大陆内地和海南岛五指山区为风能贫乏区。   相似文献   

The application of the single Doppler radar dataset analysis is usually confined to the assumption that the actualwind is linearly distributed or uniform locally.Following some dynamic features of convective weather,a conceptualmodel of moderate complexity is constructed,wherewith a horizontal wind perturbation field is retrieved directly fromthe single Doppler radar measurements.The numerical experiments are based on a 3-D cloud model-generatedconvective cell,whose radial velocity component is taken as the radar observations that are put into the closed equationsbased on the conceptual model to retrieve the horizontal wind perturbation field.After the initial field is properlytreated,the retrieval equation is solved in terms of the 2-D FFT technique and the sensitivity to noise is examined.Finally,contrast analysis is done of the retrieved and the cloud model output wind fields,indicating the usefulness of theapproach proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

辐散风作用下低频Rossby波的能量传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中研究了热力强迫所激发的辐散风对低频Rossby波能量传播的影响 ,推导出辐散风作用下的Rossby波的频散关系和群速度表达式。理论分析表明 :如果扰动流函数与速度势的位相差α∈ (0 ,π) ,那么辐散风将减小Ross by波的圆频率 ,增大群速度的纬向分量 ,加速Rossby波在纬向方向上的传播 ;辐散风对经向群速度的影响是比较复杂的。波射线的分析表明 ,在纬向基本气流为常数的情况下 ,辐散风作用下的低频Rossby波从初始位置到反射纬度的传播路径表现为一段光滑的大弧 ;对于周期为 30d、纬向波数k =3,4的Rossby波 ,当辐散风减弱时 ,波能量经向传播距离和纬向传播距离都增大。对于k =3的Rossby波 ,当辐散风减弱时 ,Rossby波的经向传播范围增大 ,但振幅强度减小。  相似文献   

本文分析了官厅水库近水面层的温、湿、风廓线规律,指出水面的波浪状况对廓线规律有影响。给出了中性层结时水面粗糙度、动力摩擦速度及阻力系数与风速和浪高的关系。得出了适用于水面的层结订正函数。还分析了不稳定层结条件下的温度廓线规律,并对温、湿、风廓线的相似性问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In this paper,under the assumption of neutral and barotropic atmosphere,by means of the analytic solutionof motion equation of PBL,the influences of nonstationary process on the internal parameters u_*/A(A isthe wind speed at the top of PBL)and ■(the angle between winds near the surface and at the top ofPBL)of PBL are investigated in which the wind direction at the top of PBL is a periodic function of timebut the wind speed at the top of PBL does not change.The u_*/A increases and ■ decreases when thewind direction at the top of PBL rotates anticlockwise and vice versa.Hence the parameterization of PBLin the large-scale models derived under the stationary condition should be corrected by accounting for thenonstationary process.The similar results are obtained in the numerical solution of the motion equation ofPBL.The influences of this nonstationary process on the profiles of the wind in PBL are also analyzed.  相似文献   

为评估用于超大城市综合气象观测试验的测风激光雷达,从最大有效探测高度和数据获取率两方面对测风激光雷达的探测能力进行分析,同时使用测风激光雷达与深圳气象梯度观测塔的测风资料从不同观测高度、不同观测值等方面进行对比分析,结果表明:测风激光雷达与深圳气象梯度观测塔的风速、风向一致性较好,相关系数分别为0.96、0.99,平均绝对误差分别为0.54 m/s、9.95°,且不同高度层的测风结果也较为一致,但雨天和雾天条件对测风激光雷达的最大有效探测高度和数据获取率影响较大,设备探测能力受到一定的限制。  相似文献   

寒露风灾害评估的空间分析模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在寒露风发生期间,通过建立逐日温度的空间计算模型,应用地理信息系统计算了江西省小网格逐日温度分布情况;再根据寒露风指标,进一步计算了不同地形下的寒露风灾害分布情况,并结合卫星遥感监测的晚稻种植地理分布数据,制作了全省寒露风灾害分布图,计算了各地寒露风受害面积,研究了一种新的基于3S技术的灾害分析评估方法.  相似文献   

In order to provide wind profiles for the microscale numerical simulation of wind farm with complex terrain,using the 100 m tower atmospheric turbulence observation experiment data in 2010 in Hebei Province offered by National Climate Center, the variation characteristics of wind profile under the different atmospheric stability conditions are analyzed, and the wind profile expression based on the local similarity theory is established. The results show that:(1) In spring, the occurrence probability of unstable stratification in the Hebei coastal area is as high as 28%, and the probability of stable stratification is more than 43% while, in summer, the probability of occurrence of unstable stratification is as high as 80% with a lower probability for stable stratification; and(2) for stable stratification, the characteristics of atmosphere change is dramatic in terms of the vertical direction, which need to be treated layer by layer.According to the atmospheric turbulence observation experiment data above, under stable stratification, the relationship between the dimensionless velocity gradient and the stability ζ can be expressed as 1 +βmζ, with βm changing with the height: βm takes 4.1-4.3 under 30 m, βm takes 4.6-4.7 between 30-50 m, and βm takes 6.3-6.7 over 50 m.  相似文献   

The Microwave Temperature Sounder-Ⅱ(MWTS-Ⅱ) and Microwave Humidity and Temperature Sounder(MWHTS) onboard the Fengyun-3 C(FY-3 C) satellite can be used to detect atmospheric temperature profiles. The MWTS-II has 13 temperature sounding channels around the 60 GHz oxygen absorption band and the MWHTS has 8 temperature sounding channels around the 118.75 GHz oxygen absorption line. The data quality of the observed brightness temperatures can be evaluated using atmospheric temperature retrievals from the MWTS-Ⅱ and MWHTS observations. Here, the bias characteristics and corrections of the observed brightness temperatures are described. The information contents of observations are calculated, and the retrieved atmospheric temperature profiles are compared using a neural network(NN) retrieval algorithm and a one-dimensional variational inversion(1 D-var) retrieval algorithm. The retrieval results from the NN algorithm show that the accuracy of the MWTS-Ⅱ retrieval is higher than that of the MWHTS retrieval, which is consistent with the results of the radiometric information analysis. The retrieval results from the 1 D-var algorithm show that the accuracy of MWTS-Ⅱ retrieval is similar to that of the MWHTS retrieval at the levels from 850-1,000 h Pa, is lower than that of the MWHTS retrieval at the levels from 650-850 h Pa and 125-300 h Pa, and is higher than that of MWHTS at the other levels. A comparison of the retrieved atmospheric temperature using these satellite observations provides a reference value for assessing the accuracy of atmospheric temperature detection at the 60 GHz oxygen band and 118.75 GHz oxygen line. In addition, based on the comparison of the retrieval results, an optimized combination method is proposed using a branch and bound algorithm for the NN retrieval algorithm, which combines the observations from both the MWTS-Ⅱand MWHTS instruments to retrieve the atmospheric temperature profiles. The results show that the optimal combination can further improve the accuracy of MWTS-Ⅱ retrieval and enhance the detection accuracy of atmospheric temperatures near the surface.  相似文献   

基于2020年中国近海31个浮标的逐小时数据,使用统计分析方法对中国气象局高分辨率陆面数据同化系统(HRCLDAS-V1.0)和欧洲中期天气预报中心第5代全球大气再分析数据(ERA5)海面风场进行了系统的检验,检验结果表明:两者在我国近海均具有较高的可信度,风速平均绝对误差(MAE)分别为1.16 m/s和1.09 m/s,风向MAE分别为23°和22°。随着风力增大两者的风速准确度均有所降低,当风力等级≥10级时,前者准确度优于后者;对于风向而言,随着风力增大,两者准确度均升高。此外,选取2020年典型的两次冷空气过程和2008号台风“巴威”过程,检验两者在不同天气过程影响下的准确度,两类融合产品均能较好地再现冷空气过程引起的风向变化,而对不同强度的冷空气过程下的风速反映存在差异;对于台风引起的大风,在风速较低时两者风速均具有不错的表现,但HRCLDAS-V1.0对峰值强度的表现优于ERA5。  相似文献   

The paper computed the spectra of velocity and temperature,and the cospectra of velocity and temperature by theobservational data of July,1990 in the suburbs of Tianjin.The results show that the characteristics of the atmosphericturbulence spectra over the suburbs are basically in accordance with some typical results over the flat terrain.But thescale,on which turbulence can satisfy the isotropic condition,over the suburbs is larger than over the flat terrain.Thespectrum peak frequency range is a bit narrower.The feature of the spectrum range in low frequency(LF)is out ofaccordance with that of the flat terrain either.  相似文献   

通过试验取得台站风速观测值和1.5m高度百叶箱内外风速值,求其相关。根据干湿表系数A值主要取决于湿球球部通风速度的关系,用台站风速观测值直接参数化干湿表系数A值,探讨将A值作为风速的函数通过计算机处理提高百叶箱干湿表测湿准确度的可能性  相似文献   

天津市郊大气边界层湍谱特征分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
王存忠  曹文俊 《气象学报》1994,52(4):484-492
用1990年7月在天津市郊的观测资料,计算了风速谱、温度谱及动量和热量通量的协谱。结果表明,市郊下垫面上的大气湍流谱特征与平坦地形上得到的典型结果基本一致,但满足各向同性的湍流尺度似乎比在平坦地形上的略大,谱的峰值频率区域略窄,谱的低频区(含能区)特征与平坦地形上的情况也不同。  相似文献   

赵鸣 《气象学报》1987,45(4):385-393
设大气中性、正压,用边界层运动方程的分析解,研究了当大气边界层顶风向随时间作周期变化而风速不变时,对大气边界层的内参数u*/A(A为边界层顶风速)和角φ(地面风与边界层顶的风的夹角)的影响。当风向逆时针转动时,u*/A增加,φ减少,反之亦然。方程的数值解亦得类似结果。因而在定常条件下,得出的大尺度模式中边界层参数化的结果应考虑非定常过程的订正。还分析了非定常过程对边界层风廓线的影响。  相似文献   

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