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Automated segmentation of blood vessels in retinal fundus images is essential for medical image analysis. The segmentation of retinal vessels is assumed to be essential to the progress of the decision support system for initial analysis and treatment of retinal disease. This article develops a new Grasshopper Optimization with Fuzzy Edge Detection based Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation and Classification (GOFED-RBVSC) model. The proposed GOFED-RBVSC model initially employs contrast enhancement process. Besides, GOAFED approach is employed to detect the edges in the retinal fundus images in which the use of GOA adjusts the membership functions. The ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) feature extractor is exploited to generate feature vectors. Finally, Improved Conditional Variational Auto Encoder (ICAVE) is utilized for retinal image classification, shows the novelty of the work. The performance validation of the GOFED-RBVSC model is tested using benchmark dataset, and the comparative study highlighted the betterment of the GOFED-RBVSC model over the recent approaches.  相似文献   

Malicious software (malware) is one of the main cyber threats that organizations and Internet users are currently facing. Malware is a software code developed by cybercriminals for damage purposes, such as corrupting the system and data as well as stealing sensitive data. The damage caused by malware is substantially increasing every day. There is a need to detect malware efficiently and automatically and remove threats quickly from the systems. Although there are various approaches to tackle malware problems, their prevalence and stealthiness necessitate an effective method for the detection and prevention of malware attacks. The deep learning-based approach is recently gaining attention as a suitable method that effectively detects malware. In this paper, a novel approach based on deep learning for detecting malware proposed. Furthermore, the proposed approach deploys novel feature selection, feature co-relation, and feature representations to significantly reduce the feature space. The proposed approach has been evaluated using a Microsoft prediction dataset with samples of 21,736 malware composed of 9 malware families. It achieved 96.01% accuracy and outperformed the existing techniques of malware detection.  相似文献   

极限学习机是一种针对单隐含层前馈神经网络的新算法,具有训练速度快,泛化性能高等优点。将其应用于软测量技术,避免了传统神经网络高计算复杂度的缺点,可以实现难以直接测量参数的快速获取,在计量测量技术领域有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a neuro-disorder where an individual has long-lasting effects on communication and interaction with others. Advanced information technology which employs artificial intelligence (AI) model has assisted in early identify ASD by using pattern detection. Recent advances of AI models assist in the automated identification and classification of ASD, which helps to reduce the severity of the disease. This study introduces an automated ASD classification using owl search algorithm with machine learning (ASDC-OSAML) model. The proposed ASDC-OSAML model majorly focuses on the identification and classification of ASD. To attain this, the presented ASDC-OSAML model follows min-max normalization approach as a pre-processing stage. Next, the owl search algorithm (OSA)-based feature selection (OSA-FS) model is used to derive feature subsets. Then, beetle swarm antenna search (BSAS) algorithm with Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) classification method was implied for ASD detection and classification. The design of BSAS algorithm helps to determine the parameter values of the ID3 classifier. The performance analysis of the ASDC-OSAML model is performed using benchmark dataset. An extensive comparison study highlighted the supremacy of the ASDC-OSAML model over recent state of art approaches.  相似文献   

In recent years, cybersecurity has attracted significant interest due to the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the widespread development of computer infrastructure and systems. It is thus becoming particularly necessary to identify cyber-attacks or irregularities in the system and develop an efficient intrusion detection framework that is integral to security. Researchers have worked on developing intrusion detection models that depend on machine learning (ML) methods to address these security problems. An intelligent intrusion detection device powered by data can exploit artificial intelligence (AI), and especially ML, techniques. Accordingly, we propose in this article an intrusion detection model based on a Real-Time Sequential Deep Extreme Learning Machine Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection System (RTS-DELM-CSIDS) security model. The proposed model initially determines the rating of security aspects contributing to their significance and then develops a comprehensive intrusion detection framework focused on the essential characteristics. Furthermore, we investigated the feasibility of our proposed RTS-DELM-CSIDS framework by performing dataset evaluations and calculating accuracy parameters to validate. The experimental findings demonstrate that the RTS-DELM-CSIDS framework outperforms conventional algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed approach has not only research significance but also practical significance.  相似文献   

针对极限学习机在处理高维数据时存在内存能耗大、分类准确率低、泛化性差等问题,提出了一种批量分层编码极限学习机算法。首先通过对数据集分批处理,以减小数据维度,降低输入复杂性;然后采用多层自动编码器结构对各批次数据进行无监督编码,以实现深层特征提取;最后利用流形正则化思想构建含有继承因子的流形分类器,以保持数据的完整性,提高算法的泛化性能。实验结果表明,该方法实现简单,在NORB,MNIST和USPS数据集上的分类准确率分别可以达到92.16%、99.35%和98.86%,与其它极限学习机算法对比,在降低计算复杂度和减少CPU内存消耗上具有较明显的优势。  相似文献   

Networks provide a significant function in everyday life, and cybersecurity therefore developed a critical field of study. The Intrusion detection system (IDS) becoming an essential information protection strategy that tracks the situation of the software and hardware operating on the network. Notwithstanding advancements of growth, current intrusion detection systems also experience dif- ficulties in enhancing detection precision, growing false alarm levels and identifying suspicious activities. In order to address above mentioned issues, several researchers concentrated on designing intrusion detection systems that rely on machine learning approaches. Machine learning models will accurately identify the underlying variations among regular information and irregular information with incredible efficiency. Artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning methods can be used to develop an intelligent intrusion detection framework. There in this article in order to achieve this objective, we propose an intrusion detection system focused on a Deep extreme learning machine (DELM) which first establishes the assessment of safety features that lead to their prominence and then constructs an adaptive intrusion detection system focusing on the important features. In the moment, we researched the viability of our suggested DELMbased intrusion detection system by conducting dataset assessments and evaluating the performance factors to validate the system reliability. The experimental results illustrate that the suggested framework outclasses traditional algorithms. In fact, the suggested framework is not only of interest to scientific research but also of functional importance.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence aids for healthcare have received a great deal of attention. Approximately one million patients with gastrointestinal diseases have been diagnosed via wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE). Early diagnosis facilitates appropriate treatment and saves lives. Deep learning-based techniques have been used to identify gastrointestinal ulcers, bleeding sites, and polyps. However, small lesions may be misclassified. We developed a deep learning-based best-feature method to classify various stomach diseases evident in WCE images. Initially, we use hybrid contrast enhancement to distinguish diseased from normal regions. Then, a pretrained model is fine-tuned, and further training is done via transfer learning. Deep features are extracted from the last two layers and fused using a vector length-based approach. We improve the genetic algorithm using a fitness function and kurtosis to select optimal features that are graded by a classifier. We evaluate a database containing 24,000 WCE images of ulcers, bleeding sites, polyps, and healthy tissue. The cubic support vector machine classifier was optimal; the average accuracy was 99%.  相似文献   

With the development of satellite technology, the satellite imagery of the earth’s surface and the whole surface makes it possible to survey surface resources and master the dynamic changes of the earth with high efficiency and low consumption. As an important tool for satellite remote sensing image processing, remote sensing image classification has become a hot topic. According to the natural texture characteristics of remote sensing images, this paper combines different texture features with the Extreme Learning Machine, and proposes a new remote sensing image classification algorithm. The experimental tests are carried out through the standard test dataset SAT-4 and SAT-6. Our results show that the proposed method is a simpler and more efficient remote sensing image classification algorithm. It also achieves 99.434% recognition accuracy on SAT-4, which is 1.5% higher than the 97.95% accuracy achieved by DeepSat. At the same time, the recognition accuracy of SAT-6 reaches 99.5728%, which is 5.6% higher than DeepSat’s 93.9%.  相似文献   

针对传统的多尺度核极端学习机对噪声敏感且计算量大的问题,提出一种适用于高斯噪声环境的多尺度核极端学习机.首先,利用最大相关熵准则代替多尺度核极端学习机中传统的最小均方差准则构造目标函数;其次,将1种按训练样本数随机生成尺度因子的多尺度化方法应用于高斯核函数;最后引入拉格朗日乘子法对目标函数进行求解,推导出基于最大相关熵...  相似文献   

Depression is a crippling affliction and affects millions of individuals around the world. In general, the physicians screen patients for mental health disorders on a regular basis and treat patients in collaboration with psychologists and other mental health experts, which results in lower costs and improved patient outcomes. However, this strategy can necessitate a lot of buy-in from a large number of people, as well as additional training and logistical considerations. Thus, utilizing the machine learning algorithms, patients with depression based on information generally present in a medical file were analyzed and predicted. The methodology of this proposed study is divided into six parts: Proposed Research Architecture (PRA), Data Pre-processing Approach (DPA), Research Hypothesis Testing (RHT), Concentrated Algorithm Pipeline (CAP), Loss Optimization Stratagem (LOS), and Model Deployment Architecture (MDA). The Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis are applied to test the RHT. In addition, Ensemble Learning Approach (ELA) and Frequent Model Retraining (FMR) have been utilized for optimizing the loss function. Besides, the Features Importance Interpretation is also delineated in this research. These forecasts could help individuals connect with expert mental health specialists more quickly and easily. According to the findings, 71% of people with depression and 80% of those who do not have depression can be appropriately diagnosed. This study obtained 91% and 92% accuracy through the Random Forest (RF) and Extra Tree Classifier. But after applying the Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, 79% accuracy was found on top of RF, 81% found on Extra Tree, and 82% recorded for the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm. Besides, several factors are identified in terms of predicting depression through statistical data analysis. Though the additional effort is needed to develop a more accurate model, this model can be adjustable in the healthcare sector for diagnosing depression.  相似文献   

Objective and quantitative assessment of skin conditions is essential for cosmeceutical studies and research on skin aging and skin regeneration. Various handcraft-based image processing methods have been proposed to evaluate skin conditions objectively, but they have unavoidable disadvantages when used to analyze skin features accurately. This study proposes a hybrid segmentation scheme consisting of Deeplab v3+ with an Inception-ResNet-v2 backbone, LightGBM, and morphological processing (MP) to overcome the shortcomings of handcraft-based approaches. First, we apply Deeplab v3+ with an Inception-ResNet-v2 backbone for pixel segmentation of skin wrinkles and cells. Then, LightGBM and MP are used to enhance the pixel segmentation quality. Finally, we determine several skin features based on the results of wrinkle and cell segmentation. Our proposed segmentation scheme achieved a mean accuracy of 0.854, mean of intersection over union of 0.749, and mean boundary F1 score of 0.852, which achieved 1.1%, 6.7%, and 14.8% improvement over the panoptic-based semantic segmentation method, respectively.  相似文献   

Information extraction plays a vital role in natural language processing, to extract named entities and events from unstructured data. Due to the exponential data growth in the agricultural sector, extracting significant information has become a challenging task. Though existing deep learning-based techniques have been applied in smart agriculture for crop cultivation, crop disease detection, weed removal, and yield production, still it is difficult to find the semantics between extracted information due to unswerving effects of weather, soil, pest, and fertilizer data. This paper consists of two parts. An initial phase, which proposes a data preprocessing technique for removal of ambiguity in input corpora, and the second phase proposes a novel deep learning-based long short-term memory with rectification in Adam optimizer and multilayer perceptron to find agricultural-based named entity recognition, events, and relations between them. The proposed algorithm has been trained and tested on four input corpora i.e., agriculture, weather, soil, and pest & fertilizers. The experimental results have been compared with existing techniques and it was observed that the proposed algorithm outperforms Weighted-SOM, LSTM+RAO, PLR-DBN, KNN, and Naïve Bayes on standard parameters like accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.  相似文献   

The unavailability of sufficient information for proper diagnosis, incomplete or miscommunication between patient and the clinician, or among the healthcare professionals, delay or incorrect diagnosis, the fatigue of clinician, or even the high diagnostic complexity in limited time can lead to diagnostic errors. Diagnostic errors have adverse effects on the treatment of a patient. Unnecessary treatments increase the medical bills and deteriorate the health of a patient. Such diagnostic errors that harm the patient in various ways could be minimized using machine learning. Machine learning algorithms could be used to diagnose various diseases with high accuracy. The use of machine learning could assist the doctors in making decisions on time, and could also be used as a second opinion or supporting tool. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of research articles published from the year 2015 to mid of the year 2020 that have used machine learning for diagnosis of various diseases. We present the various machine learning algorithms used over the years to diagnose various diseases. The results of this study show the distribution of machine learning methods by medical disciplines. Based on our review, we present future research directions that could be used to conduct further research.  相似文献   

As an indispensable task in crop protection, the detection of crop diseasesdirectly impacts the income of farmers. To address the problems of low crop-diseaseidentification precision and detection abilities, a new method of detection is proposed based on improved genetic algorithm and extreme learning machine. Taking five different typical diseases with common crops as the objects, this method first preprocesses the images of crops and selects the optimal features for fusion. Then, it builds a model of crop disease identification for extreme learning machine, introduces thehill-climbing algorithm to improve the traditional genetic algorithm, optimizes the initial weights and thresholds of the machine, and acquires the approximately optimal solution. And finally, a data set of crop diseases is used for verification, demonstrating that, compared with several other common machine learning methods, this method can effectively improve the crop-disease identification precision and detection abilities and provide a basis for the identification of other crop diseases.  相似文献   

Decision making in case of medical diagnosis is a complicated process. A large number of overlapping structures and cases, and distractions, tiredness, and limitations with the human visual system can lead to inappropriate diagnosis. Machine learning (ML) methods have been employed to assist clinicians in overcoming these limitations and in making informed and correct decisions in disease diagnosis. Many academic papers involving the use of machine learning for disease diagnosis have been increasingly getting published. Hence, to determine the use of ML to improve the diagnosis in varied medical disciplines, a systematic review is conducted in this study. To carry out the review, six different databases are selected. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are employed to limit the research. Further, the eligible articles are classified depending on publication year, authors, type of articles, research objective, inputs and outputs, problem and research gaps, and findings and results. Then the selected articles are analyzed to show the impact of ML methods in improving the disease diagnosis. The findings of this study show the most used ML methods and the most common diseases that are focused on by researchers. It also shows the increase in use of machine learning for disease diagnosis over the years. These results will help in focusing on those areas which are neglected and also to determine various ways in which ML methods could be employed to achieve desirable results.  相似文献   

Forecasting future outbreaks can help in minimizing their spread. Influenza is a disease primarily found in animals but transferred to humans through pigs. In 1918, influenza became a pandemic and spread rapidly all over the world becoming the cause behind killing one-third of the human population and killing one-fourth of the pig population. Afterwards, that influenza became a pandemic several times on a local and global levels. In 2009, influenza ‘A’ subtype H1N1 again took many human lives. The disease spread like in a pandemic quickly. This paper proposes a forecasting modeling system for the influenza pandemic using a feed-forward propagation neural network (MSDII-FFNN). This model helps us predict the outbreak, and determines which type of influenza becomes a pandemic, as well as which geographical area is infected. Data collection for the model is done by using IoT devices. This model is divided into 2 phases: The training phase and the validation phase, both being connected through the cloud. In the training phase, the model is trained using FFNN and is updated on the cloud. In the validation phase, whenever the input is submitted through the IoT devices, the system model is updated through the cloud and predicts the pandemic alert. In our dataset, the data is divided into an 85% training ratio and a 15% validation ratio. By applying the proposed model to our dataset, the predicted output precision is 90%.  相似文献   

Traffic sign recognition (TSR), as a critical task to automated driving and driver assistance systems, is challenging due to the color fading, motion blur, and occlusion. Traditional methods based on convolutional neural network (CNN) only use an end-layer feature as the input to TSR that requires massive data for network training. The computation-intensive network training process results in an inaccurate or delayed classification. Thereby, the current state-of-the-art methods have limited applications. This paper proposes a new TSR method integrating multi-layer feature and kernel extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier. The proposed method applies CNN to extract the multi-layer features of traffic signs, which can present sufficient details and semantically abstract information of multi-layer feature maps. The extraction of multi-scale features of traffic signs is effective against object scale variation by applying a new multi-scale pooling operation. Further, the extracted features are combined into a multi-scale multi-attribute vector, which can enhance the feature presentation ability for TSR. To efficiently handle nonlinear sampling problems in TSR, the kernel ELM classifier is adopted for efficient TSR. The kernel ELM has a more powerful function approximation capability, which can achieve an optimal and generalized solution for multiclass TSR. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the recognition accuracy, efficiency, and adaptivity to complex travel environments in TSR.  相似文献   

This study proposes an architecture for the prediction of extremist human behaviour from projected suicide bombings. By linking ‘dots’ of police data comprising scattered information of people, groups, logistics, locations, communication, and spatiotemporal characters on different social media groups, the proposed architecture will spawn beneficial information. This useful information will, in turn, help the police both in predicting potential terrorist events and in investigating previous events. Furthermore, this architecture will aid in the identification of criminals and their associates and handlers. Terrorism is psychological warfare, which, in the broadest sense, can be defined as the utilisation of deliberate violence for economic, political or religious purposes. In this study, a supervised learning-based approach was adopted to develop the proposed architecture. The dataset was prepared from the suicide bomb blast data of Pakistan obtained from the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP). As the proposed architecture was simulated, the supervised learning-based classifiers naïve Bayes and Hoeffding Tree reached 72.17% accuracy. One of the additional benefits this study offers is the ability to predict the target audience of potential suicide bomb blasts, which may be used to eliminate future threats or, at least, minimise the number of casualties and other property losses.  相似文献   

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