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Following a single-dose (15 mg/kg) administration of cyclophosphamide on day 12 of gestation to Wistar rats, fetuses were collected at various intervals of time and studied under the scanning electron microscope. Comparisons were made with age-matched controls. Disorganization of the neuro-epithelium (NE) was characterized by expansion of the intercellular space (ICS), appearance of abundant cellular debris, extravascular red blood cells and formation of haemorrhagic cysts in the subependymal zone. Proliferation of the choroid plexus and its surface modifications parallelled the changes in the NE. The ventricular system dilated progressively. Supra-ependymal elements appeared earlier and in greater abundance in the experimental than in the control embryos. The mesenchymal cells of the cyclophosphamide-treated embryos were scanty, poorly organized, had less numerous cytoplasmic processes than the corresponding controls and failed to develop into the primordium of the skull vault. Degenerative changes in the NE, ventricular dilatation and the absence of a supporting skull vault primordium appeared to underlie the reopening of the closed neural tube.  相似文献   

In the homozygous state, the splotch (Sp) gene causes spina bifida and exencephaly. Close to 25% of the embryos from Sp/ + X Sp/+ litters are affected. The frequency of these defects is significantly reduced by maternal treatment with 5 mg/kg retinoic acid on day 9 of gestation. There is no significant increase in the resorption frequency with this treatment, indicating that the fall in the frequency of neural tube defects is not due to differential mortality of the affected fetuses. The effects of retinoic acid are time specific, with treatment at different times on day 9 having the greatest influence on either the anterior or posterior neuropore. Treatment on day 8 with the same dose of retinoic acid causes an increase in both resorptions and neural tube defects, although only the increase in the former was significant.  相似文献   

About 17% of embryos and fetuses in the SELH/Bc mouse stock have the anterior neural tube defect, exencephaly. No other malformations are seen. The genetic liability to exencephaly was shown to be probably genetically fixed in the SELH/Bc stock. This means that SELH/Bc embryos with successful neural tube closure are genetically the same as exencephalics. Females were significantly more likely to be affected than males (66% females). The pattern of morphological developmental events during anterior neural tube closure on days 8 and 9 of gestation was compared among 322 ICR/Bc (normal), 304 SWV/Bc (normal), and 265 SELH/Bc embryos. Anterior neural tube closure was found to follow a strikingly different pattern in almost all SELH/Bc embryos than in either of the normal strains or in previous published studies. SELH/Bc embryos lack the initial contact between the anterior folds in the posterior prosencephalon/anterior mesencephalon region (Closure 2). In spite of this, all but 17% manage to close the anterior neural tube by extending caudally the later occurring normal anterior zone of contact and fusion at the most rostral aspect of the prosencephalon (Closure 3) through the region of Closure 2 to meet the zone of closure of the rhombencephalon, Closure 4. Anterior neural tube closure was completed late, and in some SELH/Bc embryos, elevation and fusion in the mesencephalon did not occur at all. In histological sections of six- and eight-somite embryos, elevated numbers of pyknotic cells in the neuroepithelium and mesenchyme, and elevated numbers of unstained inclusions in the neuroepithelium were found; but their relationship, if any, to the abnormal pattern of neural tube closure is not clear.  相似文献   

Exencephaly was induced after neural tube closure by administration of a single dose of 15 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (CPA) to pregnant Wistar rats. Embryos were collected at 6, 8, and 10 hr and then at 24-hr intervals until day 17 of gestation and processed for electronmicroscopy. Sections cut at the level of foramen of Monro and at the otic vesicle level were examined and compared with similarly processed and age-matched control embryonic tissues. The earliest changes in the CPA-treated embryonic mesenchyme (ME) included a relative reduction in polyribosomes and an accumulation of cellular debris in apparently normal cells and in the extracellular space (ECS). While dead cells were disintegrating in the ECS, numerous cells were engaged in phagocytosis and digestion of fragments of dead cells. Continued cell loss and inhibition of cell proliferation lead to a marked increase in ECS and loss of intercellular contacts. At 10 hr postinjection, these changes were accentuated. By day 13, the capillaries in the ME were found to have their endothelium attenuated; they also had no pericyte association. Unlike in controls, the CPA embryos never developed a proper primordium of the skull vault. Differentiation of the poorly organised ME cells was slow, and glycogen appeared in them late and persisted until day 17. The endoplasmic reticulum was dilated; lipid and lysosomes accumulated, and matrix secretion was inhibited. Macrophages were numerous. The capillaries proliferated and possessed intraluminal cytoplasmic flaps resembling capillaries in the controls at earlier stages of development. The ECS in the ME became edematous while blebs developed subcutaneously. The weak neuroepithelium had several cavities that communicated internally with the ventricle and externally with the blebs. Cell death, inhibition of cell proliferation, and failure of the appearance of skull vault primordium resulted in poor support to the NE. The mounting intraventricular pressure possibly lead to a breakdown of the unsupported NE, resulting in reopening of the neural tube.  相似文献   

The splotch gene (Sp) and all-trans retinoic acid (RA) interact to cause spina bifida in mouse embryos. To investigate the mechanisms of action of the two, the spinal regions of Sp homozygotes, RA-treated wild-type, and control wild-type embryos were examined histologically by light microscopy on day 9 of gestation. The mean numbers of cells per section in the neural tube, mesoderm, and notochord were determined, along with the percentages of mitotic and pyknotic nuclei and the numbers of migrating neural crest cells. As well, the effect of Sp and RA on the extracellular matrix was studied histochemically with Alcian blue staining for glycosaminoglycans. The main defect in Sp homozygotes was a marked reduction in the number of migrating neural crest cells and the amount of extracellular matrix around the neural tube. Retinoic acid, on the other hand, caused a number of disruptions in the embryo, including abnormalities in the position of the notochord and the shape of the neural tube. Sp and RA delay neural tube closure and thus cause neural tube defects, through different mechanisms. However, the combined effects of the gene and teratogen on the embryo lead to a greater inhibition of neural tube closure than when either is present separately.  相似文献   

This report shows by light microscopy the appearance of secondary neurulation separated from primary neurulation and its developmental fate in the spinal cord of mice exposed to retinoic acid in utero. The embryos and fetuses were derived from pregnant mice (ICR strain) given 60, 40, or 0 mg/kg of retinoic acid in olive oil on day 8 of gestation orally and killed 1, 2, or 10 days later. Separation of the primary neural fold from the secondary neural tube was seen in 9- and 10-day-old embryos: the caudal part of the neuroepithelium of the primary neural fold was disarranged with non-closed posterior neuropore, and underneath it the secondary neural tissue extended caudally with abnormal notochord. At term, fetuses showed spina bifida, including myeloschisis, myelocele, and diplomyelia (diastematomyelia) with abnormal distribution of ganglionic cells. These cord lesions were located between the third lumbar and second coccygeal levels. The former two cord anomalies were associated with diplomyelia and split the dorsal and ventral portions of the spinal cord with an overlapping zone between the third lumbar and third sacral levels. These findings suggest that the separation from primary neurulation is due to the lesions in both primary neural folds and notochord induced by retinoic acid and that the spinal cord caudal to the third lumbar level originates from both neuroectoderm and mesenchyme-like cells while that caudal to the third sacral level originates from mesenchyme-like cells only.  相似文献   



Nodals are secreted signaling proteins with many roles in vertebrate development. Here, we identify a new role for Nodal signaling in regulating closure of the rostral neural tube of zebrafish.  相似文献   

Exencephaly was induced in Wistar rat fetuses by the administration of a single dose of cyclophosphamide (15 mg/kg) in saline, after neural tube closure. The neuroepithelium (NE) and the choroid plexus were studied electron-microscopically in sections taken from a few hours after treatment to day 19 of gestation. The reduction in polyribosomes and condensation of the nucleus and cytoplasm were followed by cell death and fragmentation in the NE. Such cellular debris were phagocytosed and digested by the apparently normal neuroblasts. Cell proliferation was inhibited. The progressive loss of cells and lack of neuropil arborisation resulted in the expansion of the extracellular space and reduced intercellular contacts. The internal and external limiting membranes became weak. The vascular endothelium was attenuated. There were no obvious discontinuities of endothelium, but clusters of extravascular red blood cells, particularly in the vicinity of capillaries, in the cavitations in the NE and in the ventricular lumen were prominent by day 15. Subsequently, the cavities in the NE frankly communicated with the ventricle internally and subcutaneous blebs externally. The choroid plexus of exencephalic embryos was more extensive than that of the age-matched controls. Hydropic vacuoles, dense bodies, distended mitochondria, clusters of vesicles in basal cytoplasm and lakes of monoparticulate glycogen progressively increased in the plexus cells. Pericapillary oedema was obvious in the core of the plexus. These observations suggest that, in addition to cell death and reduced cell proliferation, haemorrhage, oedema and enhanced cerebrospinal fluid production contribute to reopening of the closed neural tube in this model.  相似文献   

In a new mouse mutant, circletail (Crc), failure of neural tube closure (embryonic day [E] 8-9) is associated with errors in retinal axon projection at the optic chiasm (E12-18), such that many axons normally projecting contralaterally instead grow to ipsilateral targets. Although the architecture of the chiasmatic region is altered, neurons and glia containing putative cues for axon guidance are present. The aberrant ipsilateral-projecting cells originate from a nonrandom expansion of the wild-type uncrossed retinal region. These axon pathway defects are found in two other mutants with cephalic neural tube defects (NTD), loop-tail (Lp) and Pax3 (splotch; Sp(2H)). Crc is phenotypically similar to Lp, exhibiting an open neural tube from midbrain to tail (craniorachischisis), while splotch has spina bifida with or without a cranial NTD. The retinal axon abnormalities occur only in the presence of NTD and not in homozygous mutants lacking cranial NTD. Thus, failure of neural tube closure is associated with failure of many retinal axons to cross the ventral midline. This study therefore reveals an unexpected connection between closure of the neural tube at the dorsal midline and development of ventral axon tracts. genesis 27:32-47, 2000.  相似文献   

The interaction between the splotch gene (Sp) and all-trans retinoic acid (RA) was investigated using cytogenetically marked Sp/+ and +/+ mouse embryos cultured in the presence of RA. Retinoic acid retarded the development of and had a teratogenic effect on mouse embryos in culture. In particular, RA had seemingly opposite effects on the posterior neural tube, inducing abnormally early fusion in some embryos and causing a dose-dependent delay in others. When the effects of RA on identified Sp/+ and +/+ embryos were compared, the only observed difference in their responses was in the degree of the delay in posterior neuropore (PNP) closure. At the end of the culture period, among the untreated control embryos, the Sp heterozygotes showed retardation of PNP closure compared to +/+ embryos. In addition, the RA treatment was found to have induced a greater delay in posterior neural tube closure in Sp/+ than in +/+ embryos. The basis for this difference in response to RA is presumed to be the retardation of PNP closure that is caused by the Sp gene in heterozygous form. The effects of the gene and the teratogen are additive and the gene carriers thus have greater mean PNP lengths at the end of culture. Since the length of the PNP is an indication of an embryo's likelihood of developing spina bifida, this provides an explanation for the observation that Sp/+ embryos are more sensitive to the spina bifida-causing effects of RA than are +/+ embryos.  相似文献   

Retinoid control of vertebrate development depends upon tissue-specific metabolism of retinol to retinoic acid (RA). The RA biosynthetic enzyme RALDH2 catalyzes much, but not all, RA production in mouse embryos, as revealed here with Raldh2 null mutants carrying an RA-responsive transgene. Targeted disruption of Raldh2 arrests development at midgestation and eliminates all RA synthesis except that associated with Raldh3 expression in the surface ectoderm of the eye field. Conditional rescue of Raldh2(-/-) embryos by limited maternal RA administration allows development to proceed and results in the establishment of additional sites of RA synthesis linked to Raldh1 expression in the dorsal retina and to Raldh3 expression in the ventral retina, olfactory pit and urinary tract. Unexpectedly, conditionally rescued Raldh2(-/-) embryos also possess novel sites of RA synthesis in the neural tube and heart that do not correspond to expression of Raldh1-3. RA synthesis in the mutant neural tube was localized in the spinal cord, posterior hindbrain and portions of the midbrain and forebrain, whereas activity in the mutant heart was localized in the conotruncus and sinus venosa. In the posterior hindbrain, this novel RA-generating activity was expressed during establishment of rhombomeric boundaries. In the spinal cord, the novel activity was localized in the floorplate plus in the intermediate region where retinoid-dependent interneurons develop. These novel RA-generating activities in the neural tube and heart fill gaps in our knowledge of how RA is generated spatiotemporally and may, along with Raldh1 and Raldh3, contribute to rescue of Raldh2(-/-) embryos by producing RA locally.  相似文献   

Pregnant LM/Bc female mice were given a 10-minute hyperthermic exposure in a 43 degrees C waterbath during the period of neural tube closure. On day 15.5 of gestation, the females were killed, and the fetuses were examined for exencephaly. Following a single treatment on day 8.0, 8.5, 8.75, or 9.0 of gestation 1.7, 13.6, 2.9, and 0.8% of the respective fetuses displayed exencephaly. With two treatments, one on each of gestational days 8.5 and 8.75, or three treatments, one on each of gestational days 8.5, 8.75, and 9.0, the percentage of exencephalic fetuses increased to 28.3 and 59.3%, respectively. The increased response to multiple treatments was not due to an increase in the number of susceptible embryos but rather was due to the increased number of treatments. The results of this study suggest that with increasing numbers of treatments, the embryo's ability to recover from the hyperthermic exposure is lessened, resulting in an increase in exencephaly.  相似文献   

Squalene synthase (SS) catalyzes the reductive head-to-head condensation of two molecules of farnesyl diphosphate to form squalene, the first specific intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. We used gene targeting to knock out the mouse SS gene. The mice heterozygous for the mutation (SS+/-) were apparently normal. SS+/- mice showed 60% reduction in the hepatic mRNA levels of SS compared with SS+/+ mice. Consistently, the SS enzymatic activities were reduced by 50% in the liver and testis. Nevertheless, the hepatic cholesterol synthesis was not different between SS+/- and SS+/+ mice, and plasma lipoprotein profiles were not different irrespective of the presence of the low density lipoprotein receptor, indicating that SS is not a rate-limiting enzyme in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. The mice homozygous for the disrupted SS gene (SS-/-) were embryonic lethal around midgestation. E9.5-10.5 SS-/- embryos exhibited severe growth retardation and defective neural tube closure. The lethal phenotype was not rescued by supplementing the dams either with dietary squalene or cholesterol. We speculate that cholesterol is required for the development, particularly of the nervous system, and that the chorioallantoic circulatory system is not mature enough to supply the rapidly growing embryos with maternal cholesterol at this developmental stage.  相似文献   

The closure of the neural tube in the golden hamster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Alterations in migrating neural crest cells induced by all-trans retinoic acid (RA) were studied morphologically and immunohistochemically in the cranial portion of 8-day-old mouse embryos which were derived from dams given 60, 40 or 0 mg kg of RA and killed 2 to 8 h later. Additionally, the embryos exposed to 4 mg/kg of actinomycin D (AD) on day 8 of gestation for 5 h were examined similarly. Light microscopy revealed that RA was cytotoxic and caused the appearance of pleomorphic nuclei, extra-large nucleoli and cytoplasmic budding which replaced lamellipodia and spike-like projections. Electron microscopy revealed pleomorphic nuclei containing nucleoli with major granular portions frequently surrounded with heterochromatin, monosomes, and phagosomes. A monosomal distribution pattern was different from that seen in the neural crest cells exposed to AD. The latter showed incomplete polyribosomal dispersion with fewer nucleolar components. Fewer neural crest cells with choline acetyltransferase-like immunoreactivity were detected in RA- and AD-exposed embryos than in the controls. These findings suggest that excess RA inhibits acetylcholine synthesis of the migrating neural crest cells, in a manner different from AD, and that it enhances phagocytosis. These phenomena modify the characteristics of neural crest cells resulting in craniofacial malformations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Very little is known about the identity of genetic factors involved in the complex etiology of nonsyndromic neural tube defects (NTD). Potential susceptibility genes have emerged from the vast number of mutant mouse strains displaying NTD. Reasonable candidates are the human homologues of mice exencephaly genes Tfap2alpha and Msx2, which are expressed in the developing neural tube. METHODS: A single-strand conformation analysis (SSCA) mutation screen of the coding sequences of TFAP2alpha and MSX2 was performed for 204 nonsyndromic NTD patients including cases of anencephaly (n = 10), encephalocele (n = 8), and spina bifida aperta, SBA (n = 183). A selected number of SBA patients was additionally tested for specific mutations in MTHFD, FRalpha, and PAX1 already shown to be related to NTD. RESULTS: Two TFAP2alpha point mutations in individual SBA patients were silent on the amino acid level (C308C, T396T). On nucleic acid level, these mutations change evolutionary conserved codons and thus may influence mRNA processing and translation efficiency. One SBA patient displayed an exonic 9-bp deletion in MSX2 leading to a shortened and possibly less functional protein. None of these mutations was found in 222 controls. Seven polymorphisms detected in TFAP2alpha and MSX2 were equally distributed in patients and controls. Patients with combined heterozygosity of an exonic MSX2 and an intronic TFAP2alpha polymorphism were at a slightly increased risk of NTD (OR 1.71; 95% CI 0.57-5.39). CONCLUSIONS: Although several new genetic variants were found in TFAP2 and MSX2, no statistically significant association was found between NTD cases and the new alleles or their combinations. Further studies are necessary to finally decide if these gene variants may have acted as susceptibility factors in our individual cases.  相似文献   

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