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Along with the progress in research on the Precambrian, Molar-tooth carbonates (simplified as MT, or microsparite carbonates or MT structure) which were formed in the Middle-Late Proterozoic have become a hot subject recently. The Proterozoic Molar-tooth (MT) carbonate rocks refer to those Meso- to Neoproterozoic (1600-650 Ma) carbonates with MT structure, i.e., a series of peculiar, ptygmatically folded and spar-filled cracks in fine-grained carbonates of Precambrian age, located in the environment of mid- to inner ramp and shallow platform. MTS, like a bridge connecting the inorganic world with the organic one, are closely related to the evolution of paleo-oceans, atmosphere and biosphere. Their development and/or recession are/is related to the origin of life and the abruption of sedimentary geochemistry events of marine carbonates. By using modern instruments and testing methods adequately, the contents of oxides in sandstones were measured and the REE distribution pattern curves were established; an accurate value of isotopic ratio of 87Sr/86Sr was obtained, that is, the age of MT formation is about 750-900 Ma; C and O isotopes of some fresh micrite limestone samples were analyzed; the energy spectrum analysis revealed that the MT consists mainly of microspar calcite, while as for its chemical composition, the matrix shows outstanding peaks of Ca, Mg, Al, Si, and K. The geochemical indicators proved that Neoproterozoic MT carbonates in the Jilin-Liaoning region were developed at the margin of a stable continent, in the torrid zone where the paleo-temperature was about 50℃, the seawater had normal salinity when MT was formed during the Wanlong period in southern Jilin and during the Yingchengzi and Xingmincun periods in eastern Liaoning. The sedimentary environment was located in the inner ramp. In summary, it is of great importance to understand the origin of MT, ascertain the paleo-climate and paleo-environment characteristics, constrain the age and the stratigraphic division and comparison of the Proterozoic so as to study the geochemical characteristics of MT carbonates and their formation environment.  相似文献   

A particular non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang (高于庄) Formation might demonstrate that a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma besides other three events of the Proterozoic,respectively,occurred at ca. 2 000 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 675 Ma. The forming duration of this non-stromatolitic carbonate succession can be generally correlative to that of a similar depositional succession in North America,i.e. a non-stromatolitic carbonate succession made up by the Helena Formation of the Belt Supergroup,which suggests that the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma may be a global event. This information endows the non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in the Yanshan (燕山) area with important significance for the further understanding of Precambrian sedimentology. The Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Yanshan area is a set of more than 1 000 m thick carbonate strata that can be divided into four members (or subformations). The first member (or the Guandi (官地) subformation) is marked by a set of stromatolitic dolomites overlying a set of transgressive sandstones; the second member (or the Sangshu'an (桑树鞍) subformation) is a set of manganese dolomites with a few stromatolites; the third member (or the Zhangjiayu (张家峪) subformation) is chiefly made up of leiolite and laminite limestones and is characterized by the development of molar-tooth structures in leiolite limestone; the fourth member (or the Huanxiusi (环秀寺) subformation) is composed of a set of dolomites of stromatolitic reefs or lithoherms. Sequence-stratigraphic divisions at two sections,i.e. the Jixian (蓟县) Section in Tianjin (天津) and the Qiangou (千沟) Section of Yanqing (延庆) County in Beijing (北京),demonstrate that a particularly non-stromatolitic succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation is developed in the Yanshan area of North China,in which lots of grotesque matground structures (wrinkle structures and palimpsest ripples) are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Qiangou Section and lots of molar-tooth structures are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Jixian Section. The time scale of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation is deduced as 200 Ma (from 1 600 Ma to 1 400 Ma). The duration of an obvious hiatus between the Gaoyuzhuang Formation and the underlying Dahongyu (大红峪) Formation is deduced as 50 Ma to 100 Ma,thus the forming duration of the GaoyuzhuangFormation is thought as 100 Ma (1 500 Ma to 1 400 Ma). Furthermore,the age of the subface of the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation that is just in the mid position of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation can be deduced as about 1 450 Ma,which is the basis to infer a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma. Importantly,several features of both the molar-tooth structure and the stromatolite,such as the particular forming environment,the important facies-indicative meaning,and the episodic distribution in the earth history,might express the evolutionary periodicity of the surface environment of the earth and can provide meaningful clues for the understanding of the Precambrian world,although their origin and forming mechanism is highly contentious. Therefore,like other three stromatolitic declines,respectively,occurring at ca. 675 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 2 000 Ma,the identification of the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma during the Golden Age of stromatolites (2 800 Ma to 1 000 Ma) has important meaning for the further understanding of the evolving carbonate world of the Precambrian.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of the Yutangba Se Deposit in Western Hubei, China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1IntroductionThecontentsofSeinthecrustareextremelylow ,onlyabout0 .0 5mg/kg .Innatureitishardtoformindependentminerals,insteaditisdispersedinothermineralsandmedia.Althoughitscon tentsarefarhigherthanthoseofTeinthecrust,seleniumisusuallydispersedinsulfidesinitsas cendingandformingprocesses (D’yachkovaandKhodakovskiy ,1 968) .Thisisthereasonwhyse leniummineralsarefarlessthantelluriummineralsandsulfidesinnature (Simonetal.,1 997) .Forthisreason ,thegeochemicalstudyofseleniumdidnotattractanyat…  相似文献   

The occurrence,mineralogy and geochemistry of eclogites in the Mt.Dabie area show that they were subjected to a high-pressure metamorphism together with the country rocks,but their petrochemistry and REE geochemistry show some difference from those of the country rocks.The geochemical characteristics of the eclogites are similar to those of bot continental tholeiitic basalt and oceanic tholeiitic basalt.The rocks probably subducted to the upper mantle with the Dabie metamorphic complex.When elevated to the surface,they were subjected to different staes of retrogressive metamorphism.  相似文献   

Nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC) and black carbon (BC) were measured upon treatments with the HCl/HF/trifluoroacetic acid method, and with the combustion method at 375 ℃, respectively in three contaminated soils from the urban area of Guangzhou and twenty-two bulk and size-fractionated sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Estuary, China. The isolated NHC and BC fractions were also characterized using elementary analysis, radiocarbon accelerated mass spectroscopy (AMS), solid state ^13C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning unclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (^13C-CP/MAS NMR), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman microspectrometry. The results showed that the NHC and BC accounted for 25.6%-84.7 % and 4.14%-17.3%, respectively, of the total organic carbon (OC) with averages of 51.9% and 11.2% in the soils and sediments. For the less contaminated, low OC fiver and estuary sediments (WR and C08), the OC and NHC concentrations increased with decreasing particle size.  相似文献   

Samples were collected f5rom the Selong-Xishan Permian/Triassic boundary strata,Nyalam County in southern Tibet and systematically analyzed for their rare-earth elements(REE) and trace elements such as U,Th,Sr,Ba,Sc,Ta,Hf,Rb,Cs,Co,Ni,Cr,As and others with emphasis put on the distribution patterns of rare-earth elements and the variation of trace element contents along the Permial/Triassic boundary section.On this basis a discussion will be made of the paleo-ocean depositional environment.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the rare-earth elements(REE)during the weathering of granites was studied in southern Guangxi,China.Based on the study of the weathering profiles,the soil,weathered and sub-weatereb zones are identified with different REE geochemical behaviours throug the weathering profiles of granite.The Ce anomalies of the weathering profiles cover a large range of values with most falling between 1.02 and 1.43in the soil zone and 0.16and 0.40in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.Light rare-earth elements(LREE) and heavy rare-earth elements(HREE)are enriched to varying degree in the weathering profiles as compared to host granites.In the soil zone,more HREEs are leached than LREEs,and HREEs are more enriched than LREE in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.It is considered that infiltration and adsorption on clays are two processes controlling the enrichment and formation of REE deposits in the weathering profiles of granite.  相似文献   

Thecharacteristicsofthetectonics,stratigraphy, paleontologyandvolcanicpetrologyoftheMesozoicin NorthHebeiandWestLiaoningaresimilarinmanyas pects,butthetworegionsalsohavesomeobvious differences.Thetworegionshavebeen“hotspots”inthegeologicalworldforafewy…  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of dissolved boron, in combination with the elemental concentrations of B, Cl and salinities in freshwater-seawater mixed samples taken from the estuary of the Changjiang River, the largest one in China, was investigated in detail in this study. Brackish water and seawater samples from the estuary of the Changjiang River were collected during low water season in November, 1998. Boron isotopic compositions were determined by the Cs2BO^+2-graphite technique with a analytical uncertainty of 0.2‰ for NIST SRM 951 and an average analytical uncertainty of 0.8‰ for the samples. The isotopic compositions of boron, expressed in δ^11B, and boron concentrations in the Changjiang River at Nanjing and seawater from the open marine East Sea, China, are characterized by δ^11B values of -5.4‰ and 40.0‰, as well as 0.0272 and 4.43 mg B/L, respectively. Well-defined correlations between δ^11B values, B concentrations and Cl concentrations are interpreted in terms of binary mixing between fiver input water and East Sea seawater by a process of straightforward dilution. The offsets of δ^11B values are not related to the contents of clastic sediment and to the addition of boron. These relationships favor a conservative behavior of boron at the estuarine of the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

臼齿(Molar Tooth)碳酸盐岩问题已经研究了100多年,许多学者都对它的成因提出了不同的假设,但始终未能取得共识。文中作者列举了现有各种臼齿碳酸盐岩的成因假说,指出了这些成因假说中存在的种种问题和矛盾,并提出了臼齿碳酸盐岩生物成因的可能性。从元古代生物演化的规律说明臼齿碳酸盐岩形成、繁盛及衰退的时期与地球上真核生物的出现和繁盛及后生动物出现的界线相一致;从臼齿碳酸盐岩形成的构造背景、气候条件和沉积环境、结构构造特征、化学组成(特别是黄铁矿的形态和SnO2的富集)、碳、氧同位素的分布规律以及生物标志物的多样性等方面提出了臼齿(微亮晶)碳酸盐岩生物成因可能性的证据;还特别指出元古代叠层石的生长和繁盛与臼齿碳酸盐的岩发育呈负相关关系。 同时也阐述了生物成因解释遇到的困难,并指出今后应大力开展臼齿碳酸盐岩形成的沉积环境与岩相,特别是早期成岩作用和相关地球化学特征研究。从元古代古海洋化学性质的变化着手研究将成为揭示臼齿碳酸盐岩成因的根本手段。  相似文献   

再论臼齿碳酸盐岩成因   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
臼齿(Molar Tooth,简称MT)碳酸盐岩是产于元古代、并具有特殊全球性意义的碳酸盐岩类型之一.MT特有的微亮晶结构、严格的时空分布范围以及百余年来众多的成因解释,一直吸引着国内外地质学家对其进行持续的研究和探讨.作者在前人研究基础上,基于作者近10余年成果积累及新近对MT微观组构的研究进展,提出了若干新认识.M...  相似文献   

Molar-tooth carbonate refers to a sort of rock that has ptygmatical folded structure comparable to the ivory. This kind of carbonate exists in a special time range (from Middle to Neoproterozoic). Its origin and the possibility to use it in stratigraphic correlation of the paleocontinent is the key task of the IGCP447, a project on Proterozoic molar tooth carbonates and the evolution of the earth (2001-2005). The importance lies in that the molar-tooth structure is the key to solving problems related to Precambrian biological and global geochemical events. The molar-tooth structure is associated with microorganisms. Development and recession of such carbonates have relations with the evolution process of early lives and abrupt changes in sea carbonate geochemistry. In recent years, based on researches on petrology, geochemistry and Sr isotope of molar-tooth carbonate in the Jilin-Liaoning and Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, the authors hold that it can be used as a marker for stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary  相似文献   

下扬子北部YF地区MT资料综合解释研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大地电磁测深(MT)为地球物理勘探方法之一,本文通过对YF地区MT资料的解释研究,系统总结了电性结构在垂向上的组合类型分为"三低两高"Ⅰ型、"两低一高"Ⅱ型及"三低一高"Ⅲ型;划分出三种类型在平面上的分布特征及对印支面之下地层的解释;预测中、上古生界的残存状况,为油气勘探选区选带等地质综合评价提供依据。  相似文献   

华北地区大地电磁测深及岩石圈厚度讨论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
近些年来,随着地球科学的进展,大陆岩石圈导电性结构的研究越来越引起人们的重视。这是因为固体地球物理学研究的结果告诉我们,有关大陆岩石圈导电性的研究有可能为当前地球科学各领域的进展提供重要的物理依据。大地电磁测深是从导电性的角度研究地壳和上地幔结构不可缺少的方法。长期以来,国内对此开展了大量工作:而当前,随着科学技术发展,无论是仪器、数据采集或数据处理和反演技术都有了长足的进步。中国的大地电磁测深已实现超宽频带、高精度测量技术;在数据处理和反演等方面也基本与国际先进技术接轨。因此,在2001年,沿着山西应县到山东商河,布置一条大地电磁测深剖面进行研究。采用现代先进的大地电磁数据处理技术和快速松弛二维反演方法获得该剖面二维电性结构模型,从而充分展示了华北地区岩石圈电性结构的特点。从电性特征上讲,华北岩石圈以太行山前断裂为界划分为东、西两区。东区为低阻区,上地壳电性结构基本与华北裂谷系的隆、坳构造格局相对应,岩石圈的电导最高达30000S,远远大于强烈活动的安第斯山岩浆弧区和西藏高原岩石圈的电导。西区为高阻区,太行山和恒山的岩石圈为高阻块体,表现出稳定大陆区岩石圈导电性结构的特点。但恒山高阻块体之下发现一组向西缓倾的高导层,其电导率为0,04~o,25S/m,顶面在20krn深处。底面深约40km。研究结果表明,华北裂谷盆地范围内地壳的电阻率很低,属于良导电性的地壳,这可能是由华北裂谷盆地的壳、幔热结构、热状态所决定的。根据对大陆电阻率模型的讨论。推测鄂尔多斯地块的上地幔也许不存在前人所界定的“软流圈”的性状:而华北裂谷盆地虽然是中新生代构造活动区,活动性较强,但与年轻的火山岛弧区或剧烈的构造活动区相比仍有一定差别,因而,上地幔“软流圈”的痕迹并不明显。这也许正是根据现今应县-商河剖面上大地电磁的探测结果看不出来存在通常所说的反映“软流圈”电性特征的“上地幔高导层”的原因。不过,根据这结果还是可以得出;在华北地区西部的地壳和岩石圈厚度大于东部。但更准确的结果还有待于更深入、更精细的地球物理探测。  相似文献   

大港油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩生物标志化合物地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在本项研究中,根据Pr/Ph比值,β-胡萝卜烷类化合物丰度,甾/藿比值,单甲基高位取代支链烷烃,OEP值,升藿烷C3122S/(22S+22S)比值等参数,对大港油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩的地球化学特征作了详细的研究,该为该套地层只于弱氧化-弱还原条件下及经历了强烈的细菌改造。  相似文献   

臼齿碳酸盐岩是指具有类似大象臼齿特征并具有肠状褶皱构造的元古宙微亮晶碳酸盐岩,其成因众说纷纭。首次对分布于中国吉辽地区新元古代震旦纪(0.65~0.81 Ga)的臼齿碳酸盐岩可溶有机抽提物进行了研究,从中发现了大量的分子生物化石--生物标志物,诸如正构烷烃、无环类异戊二烯烷烃、烷基环己烷、长侧链三环萜烷、藿烷、伽马蜡烷、甾烷等;同时对各类生物标志物的先体生物进行了详尽的生物门类归属,并对早期的原始生命的演化进行了深入的分析。其分子化石研究表明,MT灰岩中含有大量的原核生物细菌(蓝细菌)、古细菌(硫细菌、甲烷菌)、真核生物藻类(蓝藻、绿藻、褐藻、红藻)、真菌及原生动物。毫无疑问,臼齿构造的形成离不开生物活动的参与;同时也说明元古宙原始生物已演化到一个相当高级的程度,已蕴含埃迪卡拉纪的第一次生物大爆发。  相似文献   

通过研究平移、线性插值拟合及基于经验模态分解( EMD)等去噪方法的原理,编写相应的人机联作与EMD分解去噪程序来处理实测大地电磁测深数据。发现:传统远参考方法在去除强能量干扰时能力有限,单纯的应用人机联作去噪也存在一定的不足,而在人机联作去噪的基础上再进行EMD分解去噪可以有效地压制噪声,从而提高矿集区大地电磁数据的信噪比。对比去噪处理前后的实测剖面反演结果,经过去噪处理的反演结果局部虚假异常得到有效的去除,为地质解释提供了更为准确的地球物理依据。  相似文献   

以贵州纳雍地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色页岩为研究对象,分析其中的生物标志化合物。结果表明:奇偶优势(OEP)均值为1.08,接近平衡值1.00,无明显奇偶优势,姥鲛烷与植烷比(Pr/Ph)均值小于1,具明显的植烷优势;萜烷丰度顺序为五环三萜烷>三环萜烷>四环萜烷,规则甾烷以C27略占优势,ΣC27/ΣC29的均值为1.41,大于1,显示有机质来源以浅海相菌藻类等低等水生生物为主;C32αβ22S/(22S+22R)平均值为0.59, Ts/(Ts+Tm)值为0.43,βα-莫烷/αβ-藿烷平均值为0.124,C29甾烷的20S/(20S+20R)平均值为0.39,C29甾烷αββ/(αββ+ααα)平均值为0.41,均表明纳雍地区黑色岩系中的有机质均接近或达到成熟阶段。根据这些特征可以推断,该区域早寒武世牛蹄塘组黑色岩系形成于浅海还原环境,有机质热演化程度较高,其母质主要来源于细菌、藻类等低等水生物。  相似文献   

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