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在体验经济的时代环境下,探析客户端游戏产品设计中所运用的用户体验设计策 略,为今后的传统产品设计寻求新的设计视角。采用文献研究和案例分析法,以用户体验设计 发展为基础,以产品设计、用户体验设计、交互设计、设计心理学及感性工学中的方法理论为 依托,借助客户端游戏产品为研究对象,对其蕴含的用户体验设计策略进行研究。给出一种用 户体验的量化评价模型,并提出了能够提升客户端游戏产品用户体验的设计策略,在此基础上 为传统产品的创新设计提供新的启示和指导。  相似文献   

本文从用户的视觉体验、交互体验、情感体验3个方面分析九江学院和其他优秀高校门户网站的设计和使用现状,提出基于用户体验的高校门户网站界面未来设计建议。首先,要充分满足用户对信息优先的需求,并且内容分类要精准;其次,在信息优先的前提下提升使用沉浸感,优化用户的交互体验,满足用户感官及交互方面的需求;最后,不断迭代优化产品,满足新用户需求。  相似文献   

从"以人为本"的角度出发,在产品调研过程中对用户信息的采集成为反映用户意愿与需求的最佳途径,通过用户体验获取用户信息的方法很多,本文选取了三种具有代表性和实践意义的方法进行分析,试图为产品设计的创新提供更可靠的依据。  相似文献   

文章以产品的"满意度"为切入点,介绍用户体验的重要性,以及以用户体验为导向的产品"满意度"设计的内涵所带给用户的价值;旨在通过研究"满意度"的设计评价达到完善用户体验设计的目的,实现给使用者带来更好的生活方式。  相似文献   

目前,信息正以人们意想不到的速度飞快发展,互联网逐步影响并改变人类社会的诸多领域,对人类生活的各个方面产生不可预知的影响。作为人类与互联网产品沟通的桥梁,界面的设计是否令用户满意,从根本上影响着产品的使用感受,这也是目前国内外争相研究的热点。依据用户体验在互联网产品界面设计等相关领域的研究方法,针对其设计方式进行分析探究,讨论互联网产品界面设计范畴的相关知识。  相似文献   

蔡煜 《互联网周刊》2013,(13):68-68
互联网发展不再是技术主导而是用户体验主导,被市场和用户推动而不是主观推动。用户体验的创新,变为决定互联网产品是否受欢迎的关键因素。当明确用户体验创新即微创新,不是别人做什么就跟着做什么,而是真正理解用户需求,大处着眼,小处着手,不断尝试,我们便可从此着手追求  相似文献   

未来的卓越电子商务企业,需要深刻理解用户的需求,积极创新和倡导新的生活方式,并以近乎苛刻的方式关注用户体验,真正做到与用户共舞,与生活交融。  相似文献   

眩晕问题是影响虚拟现实体验的一个重要因素。以动感单车的虚拟骑行为例,从 侧倾体感反馈的角度,提出了降低用户眩晕感的设计方案,并对其进行了用户体验度量。首先, 设计了可能的3 种骑行姿态的反馈方式,分别是基于用户自身侧倾的体感反馈方式(IR 模式)、 基于用户转弯角度的体感反馈方式(PR 模式)和无反馈方式(NR 模式)。然后,对3 种反馈方式进 行了用户体验度量。研究表明,IR 模式不适用于虚拟骑行;PR 模式与NR 模式相比,除了能 降低用户在转弯过程中的眩晕感外,还提高了用户的临场感、系统的易学性及易用性。  相似文献   

随着科学的进步和自动驾驶技术的发展,汽车逐渐从单一的交通工具转化成可移动的空间,用车场景范围逐渐扩大。通过与外部资源的合作,开放式创新有助于企业实现由功能型产品到体验型产品的产品创新改革。在开放包容的汽车工业中,用户不仅能从中获得参与感,更能与企业建立情感链接。在设计研发过程中,用户参与式设计更有利于实现用户期望,满足市场预期。其中,设计游戏逐渐成为协同设计的工具之一,为用户提供实践工具可缩小用户与从业者的认知差距,有利于在设计研发的过程中引导用户和其他利益相关方共创。因此,文章在理论基础上进行用车体验设计中的参与式设计游戏工具包的研究,设计用车场景与情绪粒度结合的游戏工具包,并通过线下工作坊的方式对工具包的可用性进行验证。  相似文献   

为探究多模态交互方式在智能车载助手设计中应用的可能性及其流程与方法,提升用户驾驶过程中的情感体验,文章以当下互联网与物联网技术的智慧交通趋势和多模态交互方式为背景,通过对多模态交互方式的元素进行分析和调研,总结用户驾驶过程中的行为需求,构建用户体验旅程图。并进一步探究多模态交互方式在智能车载助手中的设计应用触点,建立智能车载助手的多模态交互设计框架。该框架基于用户在驾驶过程中的行为痛点,充分采用多模态交互方式,将面部识别、视觉呈现、语音交互、触控交互、手势交互等多元的表征方式进行了有效的组合,在保证多模态交互平衡的条件下充分调动用户视听触嗅等多感官属性协调作用,使智能车载助手在与人交互的过程中更加趋于真实自然,为智能车载助手未来的用户体验设计创新提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

In providing a better experience to users in terms of product usage, we focus on the important concept of a user-centred design (UCD), and explore a new approach to user experience (UX), with the effort to understand experience-driven innovation. Based on the conceptual framework of experiential network and the results of multiple case studies covering 643 successfully designed products or services providing an optimised UX, we categorise the UX context into the following four representative types: individualisation, combination, integration, and ecosystem. Furthermore, we identify the essential UCD concepts that reflect the core needs and expectations of users in each of the designed contexts, that is, specialty, usefulness, usability, and fluency. Finally, we discuss the dynamic concepts that help achieve a successful experience innovation. We expect these findings to play a crucial role in the development of novel design concepts or strategies, not only to better understand the needs of contemporary users, but also to better understand the dynamics of innovation.  相似文献   

The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adoption of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently highlighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. We propose a method called the “UX Curve” which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how and why their experience with a product has changed over time. The usefulness of the UX Curve method was assessed in a qualitative study with 20 mobile phone users. In particular, we investigated how users’ specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willingness to recommend the product to others. The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfaction and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. This highlights that sustaining perceived attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how these reasons relate to customer loyalty.  相似文献   

互联网产品设计的最终目的是为用户提供愉悦的使用体验。文章通过分析心流体验的特征及产生条件,总结出基于心流理论互联网产品的设计方法。该方法从为用户创造进入心流状态的条件出发,旨在为设计良好体验的互联网产品提供新的思路。  相似文献   

用户逐渐增长的体验需求和日渐强烈的参与欲望使产品设计理念的内涵不断拓展到"体验"上来。为了能让体验深刻独特,探索感官刺激和情感体验之间的关系日益得到人们的关注。本文首先分析了体验与情感和感官的联系。然后,针对产品设计中的视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉等感官因素,结合成功案例,运用现代设计理论分析了感官与情感体验的关联因素及其外在表现形式,希望能够对产品体验设计有所启迪。  相似文献   

用户体验、以用户为中心的设计方法是时下设计界讨论的热点话题,本文通过网站设计引出这一话题,并且对这一话题进行了深入分析,介绍了其重要性及基本研究方法。  相似文献   

创新设计成为当今企业在工业产品设计过程中的重要关注点和核心竞争力。针对在工业设计过程中,设计研究的人机工程学设计方法探讨,思考在以人为中心设计理念上,该方法的延伸与应用,及与企业创新设计的密切关系。它的深入研究,将成为产品创新设计的切入点。  相似文献   

本文以体验设计为出发点,从卫浴产品造型与用户体验论述了产品与生活形态的关联关系,指出在现代社会,设计师需要研究产品造型语言含义,创造人与卫浴产品之间一种更愉悦的使用体验。  相似文献   

Emotions always play an important role in users' experience and performance. However, not many studies have attempted to investigate the user emotional experience through fully considering the related sensory interactions. To address this gap, this study aims to provide a multi-sensory user experiment approach to evaluate user emotional experience on bicycle saddles. For this purpose, two semantic spaces, viz., sport emotion and product personality were utilized. Forty regular road cyclists were invited to evaluate two bicycle saddles by looking at, touching and riding it on a seven-point scale. The results showed that the perceived emotional intensity of Kansei words was affected by the types of user-product interaction and the riding postures. Moreover, the opposite effect of visual appearance and cycling performance was found in correlation with the cyclists’ level of involvement in the activity. Finally, more impressions of pleasure, comfortable, cute, warm, friendly and less traditional were recommended for further bicycle saddle design, particularly for female road cyclists.  相似文献   

Mobile phone is a necessary gadget for modern people nowadays. More and more users consume news and media content from smartphones via news applications or social media platform. It is important for news portals to understand young generation deeply to provide suitable service. This study introduces the method of taxonomy of experience (ToE) and its analytic approach of SEEing to understand college students’ user experience of Taiwanese news applications on smartphones. Users were encouraged to express their feelings, opinions, and operation processes during the testing via the approach of ‘think aloud’. The analytic approach of SEEing includes nine steps to categorise and analyse users’ verbal commentary. More importantly, user experience is analysed via clear missions of each steps. A total of 80 participants were invited to evaluate four news applications that were developed by media in Taiwan. Each news application was evaluated by 20 participants. The outcomes show that the users’ experience of news applications include the expectation of quick understanding, sharing, consistency, fun, importance, diversity, interests, and a wide range of topics. The outcome of this study provides an alternative way for news providers in Taiwan to re-evaluate what the users’ real desires of news applications are.  相似文献   

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